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Hello to all! I am totallly and completely confused by what happened to me today with the chiang mai airport immigration. I thought I had researched this up and down and understood the new visa rules for visa exempt entries.

Here are my dates.

I arrived in bangkok on Oct. 4th 2006

I departed for Luang Prabang by air on Oct. 27th (24 days in thailand) and stayed in Laos until Nov. 2

arrived chiang mai Nov. 2nd departed to U.S on Nov. 19th ( 18 days in thailand)

I was out of thailand more than 90 days running my retail store in America.

I arrived back in Bangkok this time on Feb 28th and was given 30 days. I departed for Luang Prabang on March 28th ( 30 days in thailand) I stayed in Luang Prabang for two days and arrived today at the chiang mai airport to find out they would only stamp my passport for 4 days. My stamp says admitted until April 3rd 2007.

I said I had only been in the country a total of 72 days in a 6 month period and had left for three months in the middle. she kept talking some nonsense about it falling all in 6 months and that I would have to go to mae sai,

cross the border, spend one night and come back in on the 4th at which time my 6 months would start fresh.

Can anyone make any sense out of this for me. I have a lot of business to conduct here in chiang mai and don't have time for yet another border run. I have learned my lesson and will definately apply for the 60 day tourist visa next time but I am never here longer than 60 days and usually fly to laos to buy silk so figured I didn't need to go that route.

Help!!!!!!!!! Should I go to the immigration away from the airport in chiang mai? I'm traveling alone and know nothing about spending one night in Mynamar (can't even spell it yet :o if I wasn't so freaked out right now I could probably figure it out. Am also running a fever right now and just got back from the clinic on loi kroh where the doctor told me to go straight to bed. Oh what fun!!!! Any help from all of you wonderful people out there at thai visa would be greatly appreciated.

I'll check back in the morning or later tonight.


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Your first entry on visa exempt was Oct 4 so your personal six month period will end on April 3 and entry until that date is what you were provided.

It is right? I have no idea. And I would be very careful that the "Burma" border officer is reading from the same playbook and will consider that on the 4th you are starting a new six month period and thus eligible for a new 30 day entry.

I would check with immigration if there is any alternative they could suggest. Have the dates written out on a piece of paper to support your idea that you were expecting to receive an 18 day entry. I have not seen anyone else report such an occurrence here but the next few weeks are likely to be interesting.


I think Lopburi's advice pretty much covers it. The best idea is to go down to the immigration office and explain your situation. As Lopburi suggested, write your entry and exit dates on a piece of paper to show immigration that you've only stayed in Thailand for 72 days in the last 6 months. Under the rules you are entitled to 18 more days.

I definitely wouldn't count on the immigration officer in Mae Sai allowing you back in on April 4. There is a lot of confusion regarding the 180 day/6 month period and I highly doubt the officer on duty will just reset the period on April 4. Just because one officer at the airport interprets the rules that way doesn't mean the people at the border will.


As far as we foreigners are concerned with visa exemption is that we are permitted stay of 90 days per 180 days block. So, Jaiyen17, if your calculations of your stay in thailand is accurate, I feel you should seek a second opinion from another imm.

I cannot fully understand why the imm is confusing all this with different ruling and calculations of days. Are they really anti-foreigner, from what I have read in other posts? Or the imms are plainly brainless.

I thought I had researched this up and down and understood the new visa rules for visa exempt entries.

Yes, Jaiyen17, you understand the rules the way most logical people would, but the Immigration officer dealing with you at Chiangmai airport obviously understands it in a different way. The fact is that the text of the rule, Police Order 608/2549, is ambiguous – at least the English translation is – and can be interpreted in different ways, as the lengthy discussions on this subject in many topics in this forum have shown.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Or the imms are plainly brainless.

We have a winner! Yes, they just don't know how to read their own rule book.

Actually, it "seems" the OP should get a full 30 day stamp.

1) He's got more than enough spare days to get back to his anniversary date, April 4, without breaking 90.

2) Once he's reached it, he'll be shedding past days in-country at the same time he's adding new ones.

So at no time would he ever go over 90 days out of 6 months, if he stayed through April 27 (March 28 +30 days).

Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the regulations are written in a way that would make this easy to explain.

they just don't know how to read their own rule book.

I believe you are doing this particular Immigration officer an injustice.

This is from the rule she read (respectively from its English translation): “...visa exemption...with a total period of stay not exceeding ninety days within 6 months from the date of the first entry into the Kingdom.”

Following the discussions on this subject in this forum you will have seen that different posters have advanced different theories of how this rule can and should be interpreted. Offhand, I remember three main theories:

1. Rolling 6-month period.

2. Fixed 6-month periods starting October 1, 2006

3. Fixed 6-month periods starting with the first entry after October 1, 2006

From what I’ve read in the original post in this topic, the officer dealing with Jaiyen17’s passport applied above theory No. 3 and made the following checks:

1. What is his 6-month period? Answer: 4 OCT 2006 to 3 APR 2007.

2. Has he already reached the maximum of 90 visa-exempt days for his 6-month period? Answer: no.

3. How many days are left until the end of his 6-month period? Answer: 4 days.

4: If I give him 4 days, will this bring him over the maximum of 90 days within his 6-month period? Answer: no.

5. Decision: give him 4 days.

I have to admit that I am in the camp of the advocators of the rolling 6-month period, according to which Jaiyen17 should have been given 19 days when he entered on March 30. But now consider this: if all the learned people in this forum cannot agree on a single interpretation, can we fault the hundreds of Immigration officers of individually coming up with different interpretations? Ideally, the application of this rule should have been spelt out in detail to all officers, the officers should have been given a written test to make sure they understand the methodology, and frequent follow-up checks should be made to ensure that whatever uniform interpretation has been decided upon is indeed being uniformly implemented. I doubt very much that this is being done.

I can only say that this is a sorry state of affairs. It makes it impossible to plan holiday trips to Thailand reliably on the basis of visa-exempt entries. Just imagine a tourist who arrived in Thailand on October 5 for a four-week vacation. Now he enters again on March 31, planning to spend again four weeks in the country, and he is admitted for only four days. What saddens me particularly is the thought that it will probably take many months, perhaps even years, until the powers-that-be do something about it.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Pin it?

No way. First of all, there’s so much stuff pinned already, all useful, it takes a few clicks on the PageDown key already now to get to the new posts. Second, things are changing so fast that what one pins today about Immigration policy may be outdated next week.

While I sounded pessimistic about a way out of the current uncertainty for visa-exempt travellers I do, in fact, hope that the lower ranks in Immigration speak up about the problem to their superiors, and up through the ranks until it reaches the Immigration Commissioner. This is the best chance of remedial action being taken without too much delay.

What the ThaiVisa community can do and is in fact doing and has always been doing, is post individual experiences at immigration check-points. This will let us recognise if and when a shift in implementation occurs.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



That's a new/addl way of interpretation the 90/180day rule.

IMO he should have been given 19days,the balance of the 90days.

Two option , go to the nearest Immigration office and ask to adjust the "mistake".

If no adjustment is possible you can still extent the current visa exempt stamp by 7 days at the Immigration .

Suggest not go to Mynmar ,who knows what will happen there.

Whatever is your choice a new 180day period starts on 4th of April.

Pin it?

While I sounded pessimistic about a way out of the current uncertainty for visa-exempt travellers I do, in fact, hope that the lower ranks in Immigration speak up about the problem to their superiors, and up through the ranks until it reaches the Immigration Commissioner. This is the best chance of remedial action being taken without too much delay.




I've been thinking a lot about how Thai hierarchies work and why Thai administration and government tend to drive farangs crazy! I actually think that the above post really points to the problem. Because of the exaggerated respect given to the older Puyais here, no-one ever wants to tell them when they've made a bad decision or given underlings an impossible task. I really doubt if the lower ranks in immigration are saying anything to the upper ranks except for 'kapom!' :o

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the higher up types who made this rule have no idea of the potential chaos and disruption in peoples lives that they may cause.


[quote name='otherstuff1957' date='2007-03-31 09:51:32'

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the higher up types who made this rule have no idea of the potential chaos and disruption in peoples lives that they may cause.

Or could care less, I suggest.

That's a new/addl way of interpretation the 90/180day rule.

IMO he should have been given 19days,the balance of the 90days.

Two option , go to the nearest Immigration office and ask to adjust the "mistake".

If no adjustment is possible you can still extent the current visa exempt stamp by 7 days at the Immigration .

Suggest not go to Mynmar ,who knows what will happen there.

Whatever is your choice a new 180day period starts on 4th of April.

Good Morning and thank you to all who answered my post overnight. I plan to go straight to the immigration office here in chiang mai on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. To try to have what I hope is a "mistake" adjusted. If it cannot be adjusted I will also heed the advice of not heading to mae sai to try and solve the problem on the 3rd as that makes me very nervous as well.

When I arrived at the chiang mai airport immigration I did have all of my dates clearly spelled out on paper after reading that reccomendation on this forum. It didn't seem to help at all. The officer took my passport to two senior officers who kept it for about 15 minutes and then came to try to explain to me that I was only given 4 days until the end of my 6 month period. I argued my case but to no avail. I am a female traveling alone and was trying to recover from some kind of laos flu and the officer seemed very concerned that I had somewhere to stay in chiang mai and did I have friends etc. etc. She kept trying to give me her phone #. All I wanted was my 30 stamp and to get the hel_l out of there. It was all very surreal and the experience lasted an hour.

So if I am able to get a 7 day extension what then? I'm into my new 6 month period...

Even if they had given me my 18 days wouldn't that have put me into my new 6 months when I'm eligible for 30 anyway. I'm still confused.

If they don't adjust my stamp here in chiang mai should I fly back to Luang Prabang and then come into Bangkok on the 5th?

I'm dissapointed in thailand that they are making things so difficult. I'm trying to stay in the Kingdom until April 17th to attend the Bangkok International Gift Show through the and the OTOP show through the 22nd. which I also attented in Oct. I spend millions of baht a year here, my retail shop in Lake Tahoe sells only thai & Laos products handicrafts, silver, textiles, furniture.

My reccomendation to anyone reading this would be not to trust the visa exempt entries any longer and to come in on tourist visas only!!!!

I will continue to check back today for any further advice. Does anyone reccommend me taking my passport and questions over to sunbelt asia here in chiang mai for some additional help in figuring this mess out.

Would taking a lawyer or more knowledgeable person with me to immigration help at all?



From what you've posted additionally, jaiyen17, the staff at that office (who have the reputation of usually being fair and thorough) will remember you, including the senior officials. Taking a lawyer with you sounds like a good idea to me. I couldn't believe they calculated your days like that, until Maestro explained how it might make sense.

What I kindly recommend you do not resort to, is to lecture them on the stupidity of the rules or their interpretation of it, raising your voice, etc. They control immigration; we don't. Good luck.

And how right you are: it's best to come in on a tourist visa, rather than a stamp on arrival!



Immigration have a 24hour hotline. Just dial 1111. 3baht/min from landline phone. Never used it so don't know if it's any good. Maybe worth a try but probably not even if they support you, unless they give you a name and contact number that Chiang Mai immigration can ring.

I am sorry that you find yourself in this situation. I wish you well. Unfortunately it was inevitable that this was going to happen and this forum has been eagerly awaiting a post such as yours.

As for taking a lawyer? I doubt if they are better informed than you are on this particular issue. It could put Imm.backs up. Who knows.

Good luck. Just keep calm.

My instinct is you will be succesful.

Hello to all! I am totallly and completely confused by what happened to me today with the chiang mai airport immigration. ...

I was out of thailand more than 90 days running my retail store in America.


Can anyone make any sense out of this for me. I have a lot of business to conduct here in chiang mai and don't have time for yet another border run. I have learned my lesson and will definately apply for the 60 day tourist visa next time but I am never here longer than 60 days and usually fly to laos to buy silk so figured I didn't need to go that route.


Do you think you may convince the Immigration officer of not running a business in Thailand?


Dialled 111 on one occasion - all very polite but not all that helpful - you need to be face-to-face when dealing with these problems as there is always a language barrier on the telephone.

I'm dissapointed in thailand that they are making things so difficult. I'm trying to stay in the Kingdom until April 17th to attend the Bangkok International Gift Show through the and the OTOP show through the 22nd. which I also attented in Oct. I spend millions of baht a year here, my retail shop in Lake Tahoe sells only thai & Laos products handicrafts, silver, textiles, furniture.

I can offer no new advice re.your present situation. But for you may be interested that RTE London now issue a 3-year multi entry B visa. Unrestricted entries up to 90 days. (Cannot obtain work permit with this visa). I see you are Canadian and I can see nothing on the Ottowa website but I imagine it is available. I note you reside in USA and doubt USA will issue one to a Canadian as London specify they will only issue to UK/Irish citizens.

Theoretically when here buying goods for your shop you should hold a B visa.

Just a thought


Hello again, looks I should downplay the "business" side of things at the immigration office here on Monday morning and just stick to the clear question at hand which is why I was only given until April 3rd when I've only been here 72 days since the 4th of Oct. with 3 months out in between. Thanks for the advice on the different B visas that may be available to me. I will be an american citizen ( dual canada/america) by the time I come back to thailand so I will research the best way to come in with my U.S passport. I will never be in this position again!

Just got off the phone with the 1111 agent. They answered quickly and her english was fair to medium. I gave her the dates and told my story and she put me on hold for awhile. Came back and said I had already been here ninety days. I explained again my two trips to laos and my departure to the U.S for three months. She asked a strange question about whether I was "admitted" back into thailand after laos in Oct. I said no it was Nov. 2nd and yes I have a stamp from Suvanaphom airport. It seems to me like these people are counting the 30 day stamps on the passport but not the number of days actually used on those stamps. Anyway after being put on hold again she came back and said I needed to go to an immigration office with my passport on Monday. (Jing La!) I asked her if she thought it was a mistake and she just turned silent and then repeated that I needed to go in chiang mai and to bring my passport. I said it's because I only have 72 days and I should have been given more time chai mai? Still silence and told to bring my passport on Monday.

Well that wasn't exactely a big help but it does ease my mind a bit that this could all be a big mistake. I reserved a ticket back to Luang Prabang on Tuesday just in case. Feel safer flying into Bangkok with this issue on the 5th instead of dealing with Mynamar

that seems like a recipe for disaster.

If this doesn't get fixed can anyone reccommend any better 2 day visa "holidays" There is a lot of ash falling from the sky in luang prabang right now and the air quality is downright unhealthy for someone who was just diagnosed yesterday with bronchitis. I have a ticket already to fly from Bangkok to ko Samui on the 6th of april to travel onto kho tao. I'm hoping I'll make it now~

I'll keep the forum posted on the progress of my current immigration nightmare and again thank you all for your time and advice.


Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Don't count me amongst your definition of we.

So a tourist on a package tour arrived on 5 October and is granted 30 days. He thinks Thailand is great and arrives again on 29 March and is only given 7 days to take him up to 4 April.

Stuff and nonsense. Either they were pulling your leg or you are pulling ours.


If interpreted that way then issueing visa's to the end of the 6 month period makes no sense at all.. They clearly havent done this practice with my mate who works offshore oil..

Spend 2 days in Thailand in Oct and then only get a shortened entry stamp almost 6 months later simply to take it to the '6 months'.. No way !!

Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Hi Visarunner,

Can you help me a bit and elaborate on your meeting with the bang na staff and explain why they said the officer interpreted the ruling correctly when I only had 72 days out of 90 in 180 when I arrived in chiang mai. The 1111 immigration officer today seemed to elude to the fact that it was incorrect and I should go to the other chiang mai office (away from the airport) on Monday. Do you think if i leave for laos on the 3rd that I'm going to get back into bangkok on the 5th. It's a new 6 month period right? this is scary~ my ticket home to SF isn't until the 25th of April.....


All that would be required is for you to visit a Royal Thai Consulate in Vientiane, Savannakhet, Penang, Kl, Singapore or a few other countries and obtain a tourist visa if all else fails. These are normally issued the next day and you could immediately return to Thailand.

Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Don't count me amongst your definition of we.

So a tourist on a package tour arrived on 5 October and is granted 30 days. He thinks Thailand is great and arrives again on 29 March and is only given 7 days to take him up to 4 April.

Stuff and nonsense. Either they were pulling your leg or you are pulling ours.

Nothing personal, but my info is correct.

Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Hi Visarunner,

Can you help me a bit and elaborate on your meeting with the bang na staff and explain why they said the officer interpreted the ruling correctly when I only had 72 days out of 90 in 180 when I arrived in chiang mai. The 1111 immigration officer today seemed to elude to the fact that it was incorrect and I should go to the other chiang mai office (away from the airport) on Monday. Do you think if i leave for laos on the 3rd that I'm going to get back into bangkok on the 5th. It's a new 6 month period right? this is scary~ my ticket home to SF isn't until the 25th of April.....

The new office is called Suvanabumi Immigration Checkpoint and is located opposite of Central Bang Na in the tall white Building on the 17th Floor , open for business only since January 07 hence not busy .

Upon entry I explained to the receptionist that I would like to talk about the new visarule , and she guided me to 2 english speaking male officers , surely no clerical staff.

We went through a couple of examples mainly abouts persons with 3x30days ,extension and TV extension , we talked about timing possibilities to stay,etc.

Than they explained that , visa free entry will be given within a fixed six-month period.

If you enter 5.10.06 yr period ends on 4.4.07 , hence Immigration will not give you more than to the 4th of April ,even you consumed only 10,45 or 72 days.

I personaly always thought if you are not over 90days you should have no problem , but Immigration said it's maximum 90days in any fixed six-month period.

At all times they had the complete set of latest Immigration rules ready.

If you leave Thailand on the 3rd , you can re-enter Thailand on the 4th which would be the begin of a new six-month period.

That's a new/addl way of interpretation the 90/180day rule.

IMO he should have been given 19days,the balance of the 90days.

Two option , go to the nearest Immigration office and ask to adjust the "mistake".

If no adjustment is possible you can still extent the current visa exempt stamp by 7 days at the Immigration .

Suggest not go to Mynmar ,who knows what will happen there.

Whatever is your choice a new 180day period starts on 4th of April.

Good Morning and thank you to all who answered my post overnight. I plan to go straight to the immigration office here in chiang mai on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. To try to have what I hope is a "mistake" adjusted. If it cannot be adjusted I will also heed the advice of not heading to mae sai to try and solve the problem on the 3rd as that makes me very nervous as well.

When I arrived at the chiang mai airport immigration I did have all of my dates clearly spelled out on paper after reading that reccomendation on this forum. It didn't seem to help at all. The officer took my passport to two senior officers who kept it for about 15 minutes and then came to try to explain to me that I was only given 4 days until the end of my 6 month period. I argued my case but to no avail. I am a female traveling alone and was trying to recover from some kind of laos flu and the officer seemed very concerned that I had somewhere to stay in chiang mai and did I have friends etc. etc. She kept trying to give me her phone #. All I wanted was my 30 stamp and to get the hel_l out of there. It was all very surreal and the experience lasted an hour.

So if I am able to get a 7 day extension what then? I'm into my new 6 month period...

Even if they had given me my 18 days wouldn't that have put me into my new 6 months when I'm eligible for 30 anyway. I'm still confused.

If they don't adjust my stamp here in chiang mai should I fly back to Luang Prabang and then come into Bangkok on the 5th?

I'm dissapointed in thailand that they are making things so difficult. I'm trying to stay in the Kingdom until April 17th to attend the Bangkok International Gift Show through the and the OTOP show through the 22nd. which I also attented in Oct. I spend millions of baht a year here, my retail shop in Lake Tahoe sells only thai & Laos products handicrafts, silver, textiles, furniture.

My reccomendation to anyone reading this would be not to trust the visa exempt entries any longer and to come in on tourist visas only!!!!

I will continue to check back today for any further advice. Does anyone reccommend me taking my passport and questions over to sunbelt asia here in chiang mai for some additional help in figuring this mess out.

Would taking a lawyer or more knowledgeable person with me to immigration help at all?


I wouldn't mention the business you intend to do in Thailand while being bereft of of a business visa. You might finish up in a worse position altogether.


With the amount of business you are doing, and the fact you have had a fever, and the amount of worry you are putting into this issue, IMHO it'd be cheapest for you to just overstay, do your business, pay the fine, and leave.

The new office is called Suvanabumi Immigration Checkpoint and is located opposite of Central Bang Na in the tall white Building on the 17th Floor , open for business only since January 07 hence not busy .

Upon entry I explained to the receptionist that I would like to talk about the new visarule , and she guided me to 2 english speaking male officers , surely no clerical staff.

We went through a couple of examples mainly abouts persons with 3x30days ,extension and TV extension , we talked about timing possibilities to stay,etc.

Than they explained that , visa free entry will be given within a fixed six-month period.

If you enter 5.10.06 yr period ends on 4.4.07 , hence Immigration will not give you more than to the 4th of April ,even you consumed only 10,45 or 72 days.

I personaly always thought if you are not over 90days you should have no problem , but Immigration said it's maximum 90days in any fixed six-month period.

At all times they had the complete set of latest Immigration rules ready.

If you leave Thailand on the 3rd , you can re-enter Thailand on the 4th which would be the begin of a new six-month period.


Usually your posts are very informative and well-thought out. But I find what you're saying here to be quite ridiculous. Even if immigration is using a "fixed six-month period" that starts from your first date of entry, it makes absolutely no sense to stamp someone in only up until the new period starts again.

A good example was given above:

Someone visits Thailand on October 5 and stays for 2 days. They then return to Thailand on March 31, and are only given 3 days in the country? What would be the purpose of that?

Are you sure there wasn't some misunderstanding? Or maybe these officers are just in a world of their own... Applying the rules in such a way would be pointless and definitely would impact genuine, ordinary travellers.

Dear all ,

I went to the new Immigration Office in Bang Na today and discussed various cases with the senior staff there.

We had plenty of time and 2 senior staff cfmd that the Officer in charge did interpret the ruling correctly.

We have been all wrong in our assumptions.

Hi Visarunner,

Can you help me a bit and elaborate on your meeting with the bang na staff and explain why they said the officer interpreted the ruling correctly when I only had 72 days out of 90 in 180 when I arrived in chiang mai. The 1111 immigration officer today seemed to elude to the fact that it was incorrect and I should go to the other chiang mai office (away from the airport) on Monday. Do you think if i leave for laos on the 3rd that I'm going to get back into bangkok on the 5th. It's a new 6 month period right? this is scary~ my ticket home to SF isn't until the 25th of April.....

The new office is called Suvanabumi Immigration Checkpoint and is located opposite of Central Bang Na in the tall white Building on the 17th Floor , open for business only since January 07 hence not busy .

Upon entry I explained to the receptionist that I would like to talk about the new visarule , and she guided me to 2 english speaking male officers , surely no clerical staff.

We went through a couple of examples mainly abouts persons with 3x30days ,extension and TV extension , we talked about timing possibilities to stay,etc.

Than they explained that , visa free entry will be given within a fixed six-month period.

If you enter 5.10.06 yr period ends on 4.4.07 , hence Immigration will not give you more than to the 4th of April ,even you consumed only 10,45 or 72 days.

I personaly always thought if you are not over 90days you should have no problem , but Immigration said it's maximum 90days in any fixed six-month period.

At all times they had the complete set of latest Immigration rules ready.

If you leave Thailand on the 3rd , you can re-enter Thailand on the 4th which would be the begin of a new six-month period.

I understand your position on this now and still fail to believe this is what will be processed..

I know for a fact that this has not been done on either my brother or my offshore working buddy.. Both have been in Thailand in Oct (starting a 6 month period).. In and out multiple times.. Back in Thailand in March and given full 30 day stamps that extend PAST the end of a fxed 6 month period.

The idea that someone could spend 1 day inside Thailand (starting a 6 month) and then be given only a 1 day stamp (if he timed it to arrive precisely 6 months minus 1 day later) is completely idiotic and even too dumb for Thai immigration.

This is not how its being done as yet for anyone I have spoken to (who it would have applied to) and I feel this way will not be implemented.

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