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After Brexit, the UK has no choice but to become an American vassal state?

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12 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Blue passports is the ONLY tangible "benefit" that Brexit will actually deliver for most people.

The rich however are set to line their nests thanks very much.

Some of us are old enough to remember verse 6 of the National Anthem.


Lord grant that Marshal Wade

May by thy mighty aid

Victory bring.

May he sedition hush,

And like a torrent rush,

Rebellious Scots to crush.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_WadeGod save the King!



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6 hours ago, intheheartoftheheart said:

I think Britain is getting a jump-start on the whole thing.


I'd be shocked if the EU, in its current form, existed in 10 years. 




10 might be pushing it, but it is certainly coming. And when it does collapse, it will be fast and final. Just like the breakup of the Soviet Union.


And lest you think the EU is the only territory where this will happen, the exact same forces are eventually going to break apart the USA. At least people in the EU accept this is a possible outcome. You should see the horror on the faces of people in the US when presented with this possibility.


As the saying goes..."Collapse early. Avoid the rush."


Edited by Monomial
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17 hours ago, Monomial said:


10 might be pushing it, but it is certainly coming. And when it does collapse, it will be fast and final. Just like the breakup of the Soviet Union.


And lest you think the EU is the only territory where this will happen, the exact same forces are eventually going to break apart the USA. At least people in the EU accept this is a possible outcome. You should see the horror on the faces of people in the US when presented with this possibility.


As the saying goes..."Collapse early. Avoid the rush."


Totally agree. Fragmentation and dissolution will be the name of the game. China will dissolve as well, or die trying. Guangdong likely to peel off from the North. 

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On 12/17/2019 at 5:45 PM, intheheartoftheheart said:

I think Britain is getting a jump-start on the whole thing.


I'd be shocked if the EU, in its current form, existed in 10 years.

It has started already....


https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1139249-poland could-exit-eu-over-judicial-reform-clash-top-polish-court/


I wonder how many other EU member countries have been watching to see how Brexit goes before making their decision to leave?

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18 hours ago, intheheartoftheheart said:

Totally agree. Fragmentation and dissolution will be the name of the game. China will dissolve as well, or die trying. Guangdong likely to peel off from the North. 

And your basis for this is what and what time frame?

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On 12/18/2019 at 10:38 PM, pixelaoffy said:

Pathetic bunch losers who have no faith in UK .. and if they are British it highlights how spineless they are with their fawning europhile bleating.

What an offensive remark, suggesting that anyone who is doubtful that the country can recover from the collapse in the economy over the last three and a half years is somehow spineless. I was horrified when the referendum was called way back in 2016 because I knew the effect that it would have. I supported remaining because I believed that the best way to nurture the fragile recovery of the pound following the Global Financial Crisis was to remain in the EU. No other reason. I had seen some EU silliness during my working life (having to advertise contracts in the European Journal when one knew that they were best served by local contractors and some aspects of the working time directive) but, as a retiree, the overriding factor was the pound. It's not being spineless to wish to have more spending power. I can remember the days before 2008 when the pound bought 2 dollars. We didn't feel spineless then, did we? Felt rather good to shop in the States when everything was in effect half price. If you believe that those days are just around the corner again that's up to you but I see no signs of it yet! Not spineless or unpatriotic, just more in touch with reality than some others on this forum.        

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Now that the Brexit door is closing those who did not want to leave will have to look around for other areas to keep sounding off their immense disappointment of leaving the European Onion and this looks like a good road to go down, after all if the UK had stayed in the EU that is what the UK would have ended up as a vassal state of the EU.

For as long as I can remember there has been talk of the UK becoming the 51st State rather than a vassal state, the UK is still not the 51st State and I don't see a newly free UK becoming anything but a FREE country and as far as the USA is concerned, we have always been and always will be very close allies, long may that continue, we always had more in common with our cousins over the pond than we did with our much closer friends just over the channel.

Edited by nong38
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/17/2019 at 6:28 PM, CG1 Blue said:

No human being can make accurate 10 year economic predictions with so many permutations and unknowns.

Actually, this is exactly how predictions are made.


In mathematics, permutation is the act of arranging the members of a set into a sequence or order, or, if the set is already ordered, rearranging (reordering) its elements—a process called permuting. Permutations differ from combinations, which are selections of some members of a set regardless of order.

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On 12/17/2019 at 11:55 PM, Monomial said:

And lest you think the EU is the only territory where this will happen, the exact same forces are eventually going to break apart the USA. At least people in the EU accept this is a possible outcome. You should see the horror on the faces of people in the US when presented with this possibility.

President Trump won't let this happen. As a businessman he knows that sometimes you have to sell off the weakest parts of a company to keep the rest strong. Manhattan will go back to the indians and a long predicted plate shift through central CA. (with a little assist from experimenting CIA scientists) will break off from just north of San Diego, east to Bakersfield running north to Sacramento and back west to the coast. The survivors on the newly formed island will be offered the chance to become a new US territory while the remaining, mostly republican part of the state will restore balance. :wai:

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More on topic: I'm always amazed and amused at the reactions of people as things come full circle. "The Empire" ruled it's world with an iron fist and treated it's colonies as breeding grounds for servants or dumping grounds for criminals. I don't recall all of British history but the 3 main defeats in its history of rule were France circa 1648 and 1860 and America circa 1776. Later losing control throughout Asia.

During WWII it was the whole of Europe crying foul as Germany rolled over it crushing and enslaving entire countries throughout Europe. With the Help of America at the behest of the UK and others that was quashed. All were free of tyranny and strife and their futures returned. Fast forward and what do we find? The E.U. ran largely by Germany crushing and enslaving the very same countries we fought so hard to set free. Only this time doing it with words and false promises of hope instead of conventional weapons of war.  And on 1 January, 1973 the UK joined and submitted to being ruled.

For over 500 years you ruled as an empire and in just 47 years you've become the proverbial "Lion in the cage", captured in the wild and tamed in the zoo.

With the way the world actually works today and as stated by many posters it takes the EU years and years of blustering and arguing to make a simple trade deal. President Trump told May 2 years ago to just leave with no deal and let them sue in the World Court. He promised her then to move the UK to the front of the line for trade deals. Now the people have finally had enough of the political BS and through your last elections put the people in place who would do exactly that.

Think about WWII and who were the least trusted and reliable people then; Italy, Greece, Germany, Russia, France and the most trusted and reliable; America, Australia, Spain, Norway, Poland, Canada. (maybe missed a few on both lists but you get the idea) These are the very same people who are condemning and supportive now. Stiff upper lip as I've heard some brits say before. Trust them now and take control of your lives again.

A poster asked earlier why 6% are making the decision for 100%; because the 100% elected them to do just that. I don't recall seeing in the news the people of the UK voting to move their capital to Brussels and elect Markel their leader. Guess that was back in 1973 also.

All of this is not meant to enflame or belittle or cause an argument. It's the perspective of an outsider looking in and asking "Why?".

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8 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:
On 12/17/2019 at 11:28 AM, CG1 Blue said:

No human being can make accurate 10 year economic predictions with so many permutations and unknowns.

Actually, this is exactly how predictions are made.


In mathematics, permutation is the act of arranging the members of a set into a sequence or order, or, if the set is already ordered, rearranging (reordering) its elements—a process called permuting. Permutations differ from combinations, which are selections of some members of a set regardless of order.

Interesting, but that doesn't make any difference to what I said. 

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On 12/17/2019 at 8:49 AM, Rookiescot said:

Soviet Russia is still a thing? I thought that ended in the early 90's.

Oh come now! You obviously have not Putin much effort in following just what has happened in Russia since the iron curtain  came down had you done so you would know that the only thing that has changed is that now the populace can travel between cities and outside the country, and that is just appeasing the masses whilst retaining complete control in the time honoured communist way.


Maybe you should Putin a little time on reading the history since the collapse and how much the Kremlin still holds sway over the politics and everyday life.

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