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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

While there will definitely be robust discussions about whether to rejoin the EU, for most indy supporters, I believe it is a question for a later day. The permutations of voter wishes are many, but the uniting desire is to see Scotland an independent country.


As Nigel suggested, you are overstating the influence that Sillars has in Scotland. He was last an MP in 1992, the same year he also stepped down from the SNP leadership. At the time they had 3 MPs in total. While he has drifted towards obscurity, the party has grown on a platform of internationalism. 

....and ????.............................????

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16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

While there will definitely be robust discussions about whether to rejoin the EU, for most indy supporters, I believe it is a question for a later day. The permutations of voter wishes are many, but the uniting desire is to see Scotland an independent country.


As Nigel suggested, you are overstating the influence that Sillars has in Scotland. He was last an MP in 1992, the same year he also stepped down from the SNP leadership. At the time they had 3 MPs in total. While he has drifted towards obscurity, the party has grown on a platform of internationalism. 

I am not overstating anything, I just quoted what he had said. All I'm am suggesting that there will be Scots refusing to vote because they would rather remain in the Union than rejoin the EU, not all Scots want to rejoin the EU, do you disagree with this?

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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

But I agree that not all Scots want to rejoin the EU, but they are very much in the minority

Rather than just being a minority, it is at this moment an unknown quantity, is it not?


But do you agree that it is not cut and dried that Scotland will be allowed to rejoin the EU.

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13 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

What was known in 2016 was that 62% favoured Remain. Since then there been, to the best of my knowledge, no poll which showed that support wane. So all things being equal, the number against joining is probably 38% or less. 


I cannot see where the sticking points would be, were Scotland to choose to apply for membership.


Independent Scotland would get 'enthusiastic' welcome from EU, says Donald Tusk




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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

If you click on the Youtube icon on the bottom right, it opens up the video in the Youtube page so you can see all the comments posted to the channel in all their joyous, civic BritNat glory.


Reading through them I initially I thought that it was nice to see how much our southern neighbours appreciate us and wish us well. It does sit at great odds with the suggestion that it is the Scots who are anti-English, judging by the bile and venom that these people are posting.


BUT - click on the Real Politics UK link immediately below the video and you can see the type of videos they post, and all the nastiness makes sense. They are posting sh!t to attract the most repellent of flies.  And the flies do not, I am certain, represent the majority. 

Yet an article bashing the ???????????????????????????? in a ???????????????????????????? newspaper a few days ago on these boards confirmed the exact opposite when I read the accompanying comments.

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4 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

if Scotland becomes independent UK will have another problem with it's fishing rights/quotas 555

No, it is all clear - the UK will cease to exist and the area London has under its jurisdiction will move from the red to the white. Although that odd little dog's leg north east of Berwick will likely be ironed out through international arbitration - the result of a rather inexplicable Labour assault on Scottish territory immediately prior to the opening of the Scottish Parliament. 





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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I posted about the Shetlands Independence Movement a few months back - it was very exciting at the time because they had a real live political prisoner on hunger strike, protesting that Edinburgh had no legal right to the Shetlands. 


Isles’ independence campaigner on ‘hunger strike’ in prison

A man seeking independence for Shetland and Orkney has claimed to have gone on hunger strike in jail – saying he is a “political prisoner”.


It looks like this gentleman, Stuart Hill, is the principle advocate of independence for the Shetland islands. Interestingly, Mr Hill is a carrot cruncher (is that what you call people from Suffolk) so why he has decided to take up the cause of Shetlands independence when, it seems, not to interest any of the locals, is unclear, but the man is plainly a crank and Shetland is going nowhere. 



Well the people of Scotland voted to remain in the UK union, so what does that make you look like...?

No use bringing Brexit into it, Scotland liked the union....

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Seems to me if Scotland attain independence they will have to re negotiate entrance to the EU, apparently the EU members are not in favour of subsidising the current EU rebates Scotland benefits from being part of the UK set up

Given that an independent Scotland will then possibly not benefit from any of the savings the remainder of the UK makes on EU exit

Well as they say in Thailand - up to you


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7 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Seems to me if Scotland attain independence they will have to re negotiate entrance to the EU, apparently the EU members are not in favour of subsidising the current EU rebates Scotland benefits from being part of the UK set up

Given that an independent Scotland will then possibly not benefit from any of the savings the remainder of the UK makes on EU exit

Well as they say in Thailand - up to you



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19 hours ago, Mavideol said:

if Scotland becomes independent UK will have another problem with it's fishing rights/quotas 555

Not really, an Independent Scotland will have control of it's own fishing waters, all they will have to do is to explain to their fishing communities why they intend to hand control over to the EU, (as they will be welcomed into the fold with open arms, within a year we are told)!

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