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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

An interesting article here from Tax Research UK:


Scotland won’t need to repay the UK’s national debt if it’s independent unless the UK does as well – and there’s almost no chance of that


...Scotland does not have any obligation to compensate  England any part of the  so-called UK national debt as agent for the rest of the UK because no part of that debt can at present be attributed to Scotland.

...if Scotland did have a notional liability owing to the rest of the UK  the capital balance on the loan would not need repayment because there is no indication that the remaining UK will be repaying any of its debt.


We will come out of the union with the same level of debt Scotland went in with.


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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

OK let me put it to you this way.

Lets imagine there was consistent polling showing support for Brexit but Westminster refused to give a referendum on the matter.

How would you feel?

Let's stick to reality, we all know that Team Nico could win a Pulitzer Prize but the electorate have shown a massive support for Brexit, there are some places you are better not going.

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Just now, vogie said:

Let's stick to reality, we all know that Team Nico could win a Pulitzer Prize but the electorate have shown a massive support for Brexit, there are some places you are better not going.

But not Scotland eh?

This does not answer my question anyway.

If polls showed a majority in favour of Brexit but Westminster refused to give a referendum on it how would you feel?

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

But not Scotland eh?

This does not answer my question anyway.

If polls showed a majority in favour of Brexit but Westminster refused to give a referendum on it how would you feel?

Please stop ordering me about, I have no interest in your hypothetical nonsense, end of.

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14 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

It is question. Nothing more nothing less.

So just to recap.

You have no answers on why Scotland should remain in the UK.

You have no answers on Scotland being denied another referendum despite a majority of support for it.


Aye ok. Case dismissed indeed.

If you yourself don't know these answers after 6 years since the Scottish referendum I suggest that you have not been paying any attention what so ever of what you have been told, either that or you don't want to face up to reality, best you indulge yourself in your fantasy world of "what if"

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14 minutes ago, vogie said:

If you yourself don't know these answers after 6 years since the Scottish referendum I suggest that you have not been paying any attention what so ever of what you have been told, either that or you don't want to face up to reality, best you indulge yourself in your fantasy world of "what if"

You seem to know the answer to a question I asked earlier. Why should Scotland stay in the UK?

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18 minutes ago, vogie said:

If you yourself don't know these answers after 6 years since the Scottish referendum I suggest that you have not been paying any attention what so ever of what you have been told, either that or you don't want to face up to reality, best you indulge yourself in your fantasy world of "what if"

Keep avoiding the issue.

Its worked so well in the past.

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4 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Simply amazing to me. I lived in the North of Scotland from 1981-1983, and the SNP was quite a small party at that time. My how times do change.

Even going back only 15 years ago, they only had a handful of MPs and MSPs. Their rise has been phenomenal. 

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15 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Those arguing against a second Scottish independence referendum are the same lot who are arguing against a referendum on the final Brexit deal.


They don't want either for the same reason: fear.


Fear that they will lose.


If they are so sure that they are right, then they would have nothing to fear from either vote.



More laughs.....????

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11 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

Simply amazing to me. I lived in the North of Scotland from 1981-1983, and the SNP was quite a small party at that time. My how times do change.

Yes, reminds me of 1930's Germany, ooooooooooop's....????

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45 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Welcome to the UKSSR, where member states can’t decide their own fate but it’s up to the politburo in Westminster when and how often a referendum may he held. 

So you think there should be a referendum every 6 years until they get a Yes vote. After that of course the matter is settled for ever. Sounds like the EUSSR.

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3 minutes ago, Henryford said:

So you think there should be a referendum every 6 years until they get a Yes vote. After that of course the matter is settled for ever. Sounds like the EUSSR.

There should be a referendum when the status quo does not reflect the will of the people.

That might be 6 years or 60. Who knows.

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

There should be a referendum when the status quo does not reflect the will of the people.

That might be 6 years or 60. Who knows.

Indeed, and as the people of Scotland are sovereign, it's for them to decide. 

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22 minutes ago, Henryford said:

So you think there should be a referendum every 6 years until they get a Yes vote.

As I said already: It should be up to the Scots to decide. Not me. Not you. Not Westminster. 

22 minutes ago, Henryford said:

After that of course the matter is settled for ever. Sounds like the EUSSR.

Unlike the UK, the EU does not have a say in a member state’s decision whether to leave or not, and whether, when, and how often a member state wants to hold a referendum. Compare that to the UKSSR, where it’s the politburo in Westminster dictating. 

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3 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

As I said already: It should be up to the Scots to decide. Not me. Not you. Not Westminster. 

Unlike the UK, the EU does not have a say in a member state’s decision whether to leave or not, and whether, when, and how often a member state wants to hold a referendum. Compare that to the UKSSR, where it’s the politburo in Westminster dictating. 

Eeeeeeeer, I thought Scots, who may live just across the border in England,  could not vote in the Independence thing, but short stay Africans could....

Could you clarify ...?

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

Eeeeeeeer, I thought Scots, who may live just across the border in England,  could not vote in the Independence thing, but short stay Africans could....

Could you clarify ...?

Along with manipulated teenies.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

That same member kept repeating as his main reason for brexit he didn't want the UK to be ruled by Germany, but apparently loves Scotland being ruled by England. Even though governmental freedom in EU is much bigger than in UK 

And there's me thinking Scotland had its own Parliament.....

Has it closed down, well I heard their control of education and other stuff was cr_p, and their cash figures are laughed at by the EU powers that be, so what happened to Sturgeon, not the same as Salmond, surely..????

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