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Scotland must be given new independence vote - Sturgeon


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56 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

They did.  Although not Scots, I was there and voted to stay in the UK.  But that was before the Brexit shambles, which has fundamentally changed the outlook hugely.  A considerable portion of those who voted to remain would, had they known the choice, have voted to remain in the EU rather than the UK.  I think I may well have been among them.


I was (and am) greatly of the opinion that we are in a much better position working together with frinds and neighbours rather than fighting against them.


If the thoughts of a number of pro-Brexit posters here are in any way representative of England as a whole, I would vote to break up the UK and leave England to sail off on its own.  I would not be onboard.



What has brexit got to do with the 'once in a generation' Scottish independance vote that happened a few years ago? We all know it is just an excuse for the supporters of independance to carry on crying about the result. 

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3 hours ago, NiceGuyEddy said:

Didn't the Scots have their 'once in a generation' independance vote a few years ago? Surely the losers in that vote aren't still crying about it?

Show me anything where the Scottish government and the UK government agreed it was a once in a generation.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

I had a once in a lifetime holiday to Florida a few years ago - does that mean I can never return?

That's a poor analogy. Anyway, I'm done here, I have work to do. I'll check back in a few years. Nothing will have changed, Scotland will still be part of the mighty United Kingdom and you will still be crying about it.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Democracy is not a single moment in time. More Scots than not want their government to be based in their country. It is really as simple as that. 

probably a wee bit like pommies wanting to rule UK from Westminster rather than Bruxelles


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3 hours ago, NiceGuyEddy said:
4 hours ago, 7by7 said:

In 2014 the Scots voted to remain in the UK.

Fixed that for you. I voted to stay in the EU too, but we lost the referendum. That's democracy for you brother.

Fixed by editing my post to change it's meaning.


A reminder of what I actually said:-


In 2014 the Scots voted to remain in a UK which was a member of the EU.


In 2016 the Scots voted to remain in the EU.


That is what Brexit has to do with it.

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13 hours ago, NiceGuyEddy said:

What has brexit got to do with the 'once in a generation' Scottish independance vote that happened a few years ago? We all know it is just an excuse for the supporters of independance to carry on crying about the result. 

brexit has everything to do with the scots decision making,

it changes everything.


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1 hour ago, scammed said:

brexit has everything to do with the scots decision making,

it changes everything.


Brexit has nothing to do with any Scots decision making, the SNP wanted to separate from the English before the EU referendum, they still do so no change there. The SNP are a one trick pony that doesn't care about the division they have caused in Scotland just as long as the nationalists get their own way. Scotland is doomed as the EU won't want them, they will end up as Oor Wullie no mates.????

Edited by vogie
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21 minutes ago, vogie said:

Brexit has nothing to do with any Scots decision making, the SNP wanted to separate from the English before the EU referendum, they still do so no change there. The SNP are a one trick pony that doesn't care about the division they have caused in Scotland just as long as the nationalists get their own way. Scotland is doomed as the EU won't want them, they will end up as Oor Wullie no mates.????

The SNP is a political party not a country. Although they are the largest political party in Scotland.

The difference is now the polls show a majority in favour of independence. They also show that 57% intend to vote SNP at the next Hollyrood elections. Nicola Sturgeon is on an approval rating of +50. Johnson is on an approval rating of -54.


The union is essentially over with. The only thing keeping it together is Westminsters refusal to give a referendum. That shows what kind of a union it is eh?

Imagine if the EU had said the UK cant have a referendum on leaving while polling showed a majority in favour of it. You Brexiteers like to go on about democracy. How is it fair to refuse what the majority want right?


Why would the EU not want an independent Scotland? Oil. Massive fishing rights. A stable country which already adheres to the EU's standards. A country which will be a net contributor. 

SPAIN !!!!

Aye right.


Thats from the Herald. A unionist rag but even they admit the Spanish veto is a busted flush.  




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41 minutes ago, vogie said:

Brexit has nothing to do with any Scots decision making, the SNP wanted to separate from the English before the EU referendum, they still do so no change there. The SNP are a one trick pony that doesn't care about the division they have caused in Scotland just as long as the nationalists get their own way. Scotland is doomed as the EU won't want them, they will end up as Oor Wullie no mates.????

I feel that the Simpsons meme is appropriate here, with Vogie writing repeatedly on the blackboard 'Scotland is not divided'.

You keep repeating this lie, I keep explaining to you that it is a lie, you keep repeating it anyway. I appreciate that positive cases for the continuation of the UK are extremely thin on the ground, but please stop sitting in your own country trying to tell me what is happening in mines, especially since you clearly have no idea. 


Also this EU doesn't want them nonsense - you really should lift your horizons above the bitter, racist rhetoric of the Daily Express. 

Edited by RuamRudy
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12 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

You are getting ahead of yourself there, transam - the millions will be asked in the New Year. For now, a thousand or so is enough to show which way the wind is blowing. 

Yeh, we all know about election polls etc too, the last general election is a good pointer..????

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37 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I feel that the Simpsons meme is appropriate here, with Vogie writing repeatedly on the blackboard 'Scotland is not divided'.

You keep repeating this lie, I keep explaining to you that it is a lie, you keep repeating it anyway. I appreciate that positive cases for the continuation of the UK are extremely thin on the ground, but please stop sitting in your own country trying to tell me what is happening in mines, especially since you clearly have no idea. 


Also this EU doesn't want them nonsense - you really should lift your horizons above the bitter, racist rhetoric of the Daily Express. 

"Scotland is not divided" we have Scots nationalists on here calling unionists "traitors" and you brush it off with "Scotland is not divided." Of course Scotland is divided and I guess you know it, but it would not fit in with the SNPs agenda to admit it and just because you say it's a lie does not make it a lie.

"And clearly you have no idea" nationalism doesn't bring out the best in some posters.

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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

The union is essentially over with. The only thing keeping it together is Westminsters refusal to give a referendum. That shows what kind of a union it is eh?

Imagine if the EU had said the UK cant have a referendum on leaving while polling showed a majority in favour of it. You Brexiteers like to go on about democracy. How is it fair to refuse what the majority want right?


Short memory?



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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

"Scotland is not divided" we have Scots nationalists on here calling unionists "traitors" and you brush it off with "Scotland is not divided." Of course Scotland is divided and I guess you know it, but it would not fit in with the SNPs agenda to admit it and just because you say it's a lie does not make it a lie.

"And clearly you have no idea" nationalism doesn't bring out the best in some posters.

How does one random individual on an internet forum become the representative for a country of over 5 million people? Please, use some common sense before you post such drivel. 


As I said, clearly you have no idea. What you do appear to have, however, is an agenda - sadly, the only way you can project it seems to be through inventing fictional explanations for that which you have no idea. And THAT is what makes it a lie. You want to see division? Here is the division - and it is entirely down to you.




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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

How does one random individual on an internet forum become the representative for a country of over 5 million people? Please, use some common sense before you post such drivel. 


As I said, clearly you have no idea. What you do appear to have, however, is an agenda - sadly, the only way you can project it seems to be through inventing fictional explanations for that which you have no idea. And THAT is what makes it a lie. You want to see division? Here is the division - and it is entirely down to you.




As I said, it is so difficult to get through to nationalists, incidentally do you think that these people are traitors. 




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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Why would I? I don't think I have ever used the term to describe someone who holds a different view to me simply because of that view.


Have you used it to describe remainers? On that point, I have genuinely no idea, but the way it is banded around so readily by Brexiteers, it seems rather ironic that you might be accusing others of doing what your own side (and maybe yourself) are only too quick to do.  

Ah, make something up about me, if you have proof of me calling remainers traitors I would dearly like to see it, if not are you are being very disingenuous. Not only that this is not a Brexit thread.

I have given you evidence of what a Scots independence group think, should you wish to dismiss it that is entirely up to you.

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21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:
1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Have you used it to describe remainers? On that point, I have genuinely no idea,


But why would you ask that question, are you genuinely curious or just being a tad sarcastic, you know I havn't but still nice to have a dig eh.

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