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'I will repay your trust', UK PM Johnson tells ex-Labour voters on trip to north


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'I will repay your trust', UK PM Johnson tells ex-Labour voters on trip to north



Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson gestures as he speaks to supporters on a visit to meet newly elected Conservative party MP for Sedgefield, Paul Howell, at Sedgefield Cricket Club in County Durham, north east England on December 14, 2019, following his Conservative party's general election victory. Lindsey Parnaby/Pool via REUTERS


LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited former strongholds of his Labour opponents in northern England on Saturday and pledged to repay their trust for helping to deliver a stunning victory for his Conservative Party in Britain's national election.


Johnson led the Conservatives on Thursday to their biggest election win since Margaret Thatcher's landslide victory of 1987, trouncing his socialist Labour Party foe Jeremy Corbyn by capturing 365 parliamentary seats and securing an overall majority of 80. Labour won 203 seats.


The election saw the crumbling of Labour's "Red Wall" of formerly safe seats in working-class areas across northern and central England where most people voted in a 2016 referendum to leave the European Union.


Johnson, the face of the "Leave" campaign in that referendum, fought the election on the slogan "Get Brexit done".


"I know that people may have been breaking the voting habits of generations to vote for us," Johnson told supporters in Sedgefield, a symbolically important seat as it was once held by former prime minister Tony Blair, Labour's most successful leader.


"I want the people of the northeast to know that we in the Conservative Party, and I, will repay your trust."


Brexit was widely seen as the decisive factor in the election, with Johnson's promise to take Britain out of the EU by Jan. 31, 2020, winning over many former Labour voters.


"What an incredible thing you have done, you have changed the political landscape, you’ve changed the Conservative Party for the better and you've changed the future of our country for the better," said Johnson.


"First of all, what are we going to do to repay that trust? We are going to get Brexit done."


Johnson, who called the snap election to break years of deadlock in parliament over Brexit, has also promised to spend more money on health, education and the police.


Addressing newly elected Conservative lawmakers, Johnson evoked Blair's own words on taking office.


"When we get down to Westminster and we begin our work, remember we are not the masters, we are the servants now...and our job is to serve the people of this country and to deliver on our priorities. And our priorities and their priorities are the same," he said.


(Reporting by James Davey; Editing by Gareth Jones/Mark Heinrich)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-12-15
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17 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

"When we get down to Westminster and we begin our work, remember we are not the masters, we are the servants now...and our job is to serve the people of this country and to deliver on our priorities. And our priorities and their priorities are the same," he said.

Going to engineer an even softer Brexit than May, I bet. 

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I hail from the north, in the area where there was a massive shift from labour, most of people are fair minded and have clearly put politics aside to vote for the will of the majority, as per the referendum.

Next time they will probably revert, but for now they have put the wishes of the country first, credit due to them.


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"I will repay your trust - or I will die in a ditch." Something like that?

But then, the majority of the UK voters voted for that serial liar. Now nobody should be surprised if they discover that he not only was a serial liar but probably continues to be a serial liar.

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2 hours ago, rhyddid said:

Failed to keep promises since the beginning, guess if he will keep now, i mean the one to his voters.

He will keep promise to US NHS and much more free to them for their support in having him got elected.

Conservatives shall prepare now for UKexit from Scotts, Welsh, Irish who does not want such "wigged gentleman" as a leader.

"Conservatives shall prepare now for UKexit from Scotts, Welsh, Irish who does not want such "wigged gentleman" as a leader."


What makes you think that the Welsh will be going anywhere, the people of Wales have spoken and they said Tory.



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1 hour ago, englishoak said:

Did you expect him to really go die in a ditch ? Are you 12 or something ? name one, just one political leader that isnt or hasnt been a serial lair... grow up lad, politics is what it is but there are lies and there are WMD lets go to war and kill millions lies. 

Tell me what do you expect now from Boris?

Which of his promises do you accept are only empty promises and which of his promises do you expect he will honor?


What if he agrees now that the trade agreement with the EU won't be ready by the end of 2020? Is that ok for you? Do you think he should have been honest up front and tell the people: Nobody will be able to finish that within a year.


And how about all those new hospitals, nurses, police, etc.? Should he honor his promise? Or should be maybe just say: You know I made these promises so that you vote for me. Did you really expect that I do that? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?


Is that all ok? What do you expect from Boris? Or maybe the other way around: What does Boris have to do or not do until you get angry and say that is not what you expected from him?

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Funny how things have turned out from the party that brought you brexit, zero hours,bedroom tax, record homelessness, universal credit, allowing your spouse unhindered access raising the pension age (started by labour ) raising the qualifying NI years, freezing's pensions for expats, denial of NHS services for expats and of course foodbanks, (that's not Coutes) .


Lets see how this pans out over the next 5 years but i confidently predict the rich will still be rich and the poor will still be paying a disproportionate amount to keep it that way????

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49 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Time for grown ups to accept that the Tories, led by Boris, have been given  an 80 seat majority by the British electorate, the largest for many years. Meanwhile Labour have their lowest number of seats since 1935.


Personally I think Boris will be no worse than many former PMs, and a lot better than most.


no worse than many former, yes for sure

a lot better than most, remains to be seen


I would guess that during next year you will see a more pallatable and closer to mainstream BJ.

If he plays his cards reasonably well he can look forward to 5 years of fairly smooth sailing in HoC.


He can afford to clown down and focus on showing some statemanship, which he probably is capable of.


He spearheaded a very successful election for the Cons, keeping that majority requires clever handling

and moving closer to centre and mainstream.





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20 hours ago, rooster59 said:

I will repay your trust', UK PM Johnson tells ex-Labour voters on trip to north

Boris has a lot of promises to make good...


Lifted from Facebook.


“So congratulations if you wanted Boris Johnson as pm.

Please don’t celebrate too much though as you have work to do. You see us <deleted> have spent three and a half years now telling you brexit was wrong but we’ve finally and completely lost. There’s pretty much nothing we can do now to stop it.

So, it’s over to you leavers. You need to get yourselves into gear to make it work. We need to see some of these benefits you’ve been able to see yet unable to properly articulate since 2016.

I hope you don’t mind but I’ve taken the liberty of writing a “to do” list for you.

1. Get brexit done please. When we say done we mean as promised so we’ll be looking for trade deals with the EU, Japan, Australia and Canada etc. In fact there’s about 40 deals covering 70 countries that need to be done please. Also with the US that doesn’t involve the nhs or chlorine. We want what you promised us. That was that we’d be no worse off than when we were an EU member. You need to crack on as this was promised by the end of Jan. You have seven weeks.

2. The NHS. We want the cash that was promised please. £350 million per week is about 72000 nurses so please get recruiting. This is important.

3. Scotland. Ok so these guys were promised they would remain in the EU if they remained in the UK. They’re pretty <deleted>. In fact they’ve voted almost exclusively for the SNP so they might want to leave. Equally you said the UK wouldn’t split so you’ll need to both grant Scotland its independence and keep it as part of the United Kingdom. Good luck squaring this circle. NB This is urgent.

4. Northern Ireland. Oooookay then. You’ve really buggered this one up. There’s a chance they could look to reunify with the republic now because they didn’t want to brexit. Regardless you’ve caused instability there where we and they can least afford it. NB This is also urgent.

5. The economy. Johnson keeps talking about unleashing the potential of the country. We need to see this soon if possible. We don’t want to see the downturn that “project fear” predicted. We don’t want to be poorer. We don’t want to lose out.

6. You’ll also need to “bring the country back together”. This might be tricky as a lot of people seem to be really really angry with each other.

That’s as far as I’ve got. Should keep you busy. So go and get all british about things. Roll up your sleeves, pull your socks up, dig deep and deliver what you promised.

And remember if you fail to deliver any of this it’s on you, brexit and Tory voters. You wanted this so badly and now you have it. We honestly hope we’re wrong and that you can make a success of this but if you can’t then we will forever tell you that we told you so.”


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12 hours ago, englishoak said:

you pretend to have concerns about this problem or that in mine ? ... you dont, you dont really care a jot about anyone in the UK or what happens there, thats all false rhetoric.

You think you know me better than I know myself. And you don't even know me in person. 

You must be supersmart or maybe just delusional. 

And the fact that you can't understand that people also care about other people, even if they don't know them, is also concerning.

I like exchanging arguments but I don't like to "talk" with delusional people. I will block you on TV to make sure I don't have to read your drivel again.

Take care, maybe see a doctor. 

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