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The cheap pills that you buy from pharmacies here when sick

Khon Kaen Jeff

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I've got what I can only describe as a 'flu bug' fever not that bad and no vomiting or diarreaoh(sP) but just feel bloody awful, been 4 days now and it's just getting worse. I've been to the pharmacy told them of my symptoms and have been bombarded with all sorts of pills that are ridiculously cheap and are not working. Is the only way out to go to a hospital hang around for an hour or 2 and get some proper antibiotics? CHEERS

Edited by Khon Kaen Jeff
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7 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Is the only way out to go to a hospital hang around for an hour or 2 and get some proper antibiotics?

Don't know where you are, but in many cities it's not hard to find a "clinic" where you will see a doctor who will prescribe you the correct medication.

No need to go to an hospital for such small things.

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4 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Tell me the symptoms and I will tell you what meds to buy (I am qualified to do so). If you go to the hospital they will do everything to lighten the wallet when as wgdanson says, quite rightly, a few days with plenty of fluids and simple foods will sort 99% of illnesses.

Thanks Steve. No good for cancer or haemorroids though !    LOL

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5 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Sounds like a viral infection. Antibiotics will do nothing except cost you money and possibly give you diarrhoea. Seeing a Thai doctor will cost you money with no effect. Paracetamol 500mg tablets, two four times a day, and ibuprofen 400mg one tablet three times a day. Rehydration sachets once or twice a day with at least 1500ml water per day and simple food. You'll be fine in 48hours, don't get jipped by the Thai "healthcare" system.


Some exercise with your lady friend will also work wonders.

Draining the spine always works wonders ! 

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Just now, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Mild sore throat

Mild headache

Pretty bad cough

General weakness/dizziness


Just been through something very similar.

Mildly runny nose, very sore throat and chesty cough.


Local village clinic lady gave me some pills etc, 3 days no better.

In to the city to Private Doc (for convenience and speed) physical checks course of 3 injections over 3 days and course of pills.


Go seek professional qualified advice from a local clinic/Doctor.

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9 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Yes, looks like I will have to go to a hospital tomorrow, was hoping to avoid doing that though.

I  have  just recovered  from an episode  that sounds  similar. Felt bad for several  days, aches and pains  but  no fever  until the 5th day. Viral, some  variant of   influenza  I  guess. Worst symptom was a dry  cough that was  hard to remedy. Wife insisted I  go see a Doc  who suggested  paracetamol  and rest was  about all except  for a  fairly potent cough  medicine he sold  me. It worked while it lasted  but was  not enough to last as long as the cough. I tried  to find more  but  I think may  have  been restricted  to prescription.

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17 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Mild sore throat

Mild headache

Pretty bad cough

General weakness/dizziness

Ive had exactly the same for 10 days now. Went to my local branch of Fascino today and talked to the pharmacist.


After a few questions he started piling the pills up on the counter. Decongestants, pain killers etc. I told him that I didn't want any of it, was taking paracetamol already and had Strepsils when I needed them.


He then said "Well, if you've had it for 10 days maybe you need an antibiotic." I told him thats what I'd come for. He then gave me 10 Amoxycillin to be taken 2 times daily - 1000mg each. I told him that was far too strong and wanted 500mg tablets. An argument ensued and I finally agreed to 850 mg tablets. Also purchased a bottle of the "Brown cough medicine", actually quite good for a tickly cough.


The main reason they push all the unnessesary <deleted> on you is to make a sale but also they are usually clueless. Always know exactly what you want before you enter the pharmacy.


Edit. The previous post shows the "Brown cough medicine". Good stuff.



Edited by DannyCarlton
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15 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Sounds like a viral infection. Antibiotics will do nothing except cost you money and possibly give you diarrhoea. Seeing a Thai doctor will cost you money with no effect. Paracetamol 500mg tablets, two four times a day, and ibuprofen 400mg one tablet three times a day. Rehydration sachets once or twice a day with at least 1500ml water per day and simple food. You'll be fine in 48hours, don't get jipped by the Thai "healthcare" system.


Some exercise with your lady friend will also work wonders.

Cheers Steve. I was actually thinking about taking paracetamols and ibuprofen was one of the pills they gave me.

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22 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Tell me the symptoms and I will tell you what meds to buy (I am qualified to do so). If you go to the hospital they will do everything to lighten the wallet when as wgdanson says, quite rightly, a few days with plenty of fluids and simple foods will sort 99% of illnesses.

I've had it for 10 days now.

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25 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

A condom isn't much use when a girl is sat on your face.

Please let's use the Queen's English............................SITTING on your face!   LOL



Edited by wgdanson
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44 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Ive had exactly the same for 10 days now. Went to my local branch of Fascino today and talked to the pharmacist.


After a few questions he started piling the pills up on the counter. Decongestants, pain killers etc. I told him that I didn't want any of it, was taking paracetamol already and had Strepsils when I needed them.


He then said "Well, if you've had it for 10 days maybe you need an antibiotic." I told him thats what I'd come for. He then gave me 10 Amoxycillin to be taken 2 times daily - 1000mg each. I told him that was far too strong and wanted 500mg tablets. An argument ensued and I finally agreed to 850 mg tablets. Also purchased a bottle of the "Brown cough medicine", actually quite good for a tickly cough.


The main reason they push all the unnessesary <deleted> on you is to make a sale but also they are usually clueless. Always know exactly what you want before you enter the pharmacy.


Edit. The previous post shows the "Brown cough medicine". Good stuff.



If you went to the Fascino in Pattaya Klang the guy there is usually right

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14 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

I do not doubt that you are qualified to give meds to people, Steve. However, you do in this case sound like a Thai doctor who just look at a person and know what to give, and you not even see this man? How can anyone be qualified to tell what meds are needed through a chat board or forum without previous knowledge of the patient?

Online consultations are becoming normal practice in the West. GPs in the UK have been doing it for several years now.

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