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British schoolgirl, 10, has same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking

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British schoolgirl, 10, has same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking

By Bradley Jolly



Freya Mangotra achieved the highest possible score in a Mensa IQ test for her age (Image: Birmingham Mail/BPM MEDIA)


A 10-year-old girl is believed to have the same IQ as the late Stephen Hawking after achieving the highest possible score in a Mensa IQ test.


Freya Mangotra aced the Cattell III B test with a result of 162 when she turned 10 and a half - the youngest age at which you can sit Mensa.


The Cattell III B test examines verbal reasoning and the score means Freya is officially recognised as 'a genius' by officials.


Kuldeep Kumar, her proud dad, told Birmingham Live : "They said it's the highest you can get under the age of 18.


Full Story: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-10-named-mensa-mastermind-21117101

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I have always  been  curious  about  how I.Q is  established  by  people who are usually  measured at a lesser I.Q ?

Is  I.Q  a measure of free thinking or a measure of forced acquired  learning in a  10 year old?

In an attempt at explanation of my  comments I need to say I remember  reading one of the situations  described in one of a Dr. Sach's  books where he had the experience of meeting  with and attempting to communicate with  twin boys in an institution. They had a singular  gift apart from  being more or  less incapable of any  normal  functional capacity in the outside world. That gift was an ability to calculate primary numbers seemingly  endlessly. And at a speed faster than a computer had ever achieved at that time.

Dr. Sachs found that the only way to get any  interaction with  him was  to suggest a number he already had been informed could have a primary  number affiliated. Within seconds or minutes these  boys  would  confer and announce  a number that a computer  could eventually confirm was a primary  number. Mathematical "genius".

The sad  outcome in this  was that for  reasons explained as  being"for the better good" of these twins  that they be separated so as to force a  greater interaction with  the "real" world. Sad  because it transpired  that the separation  sent them into deep depression and they died at a young age  as a result.

I admit  I have  zero  comprehension of the importance  of  primary  numbers  but I presume they are  to some aspect of  science/mathematicians.

But the claimed objectives  of  "normalizing" two boys destroyed them.

BY  contrast  we have the  not so uncommon "discoveries" of children  that in the longer term we  never seem to  hear of again. Nor do  we hear much about the  supreme achievements  of  genius from  members of  MENSA. IMO Genius Intelligence is that which is  demonstrated  rather than "tested" against a   prescribed formula.





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20 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

What are you Brits waiting for? Bring her over to solve the problems in LOS that you so much want fixed.

They obviously brought her over to Britain to solve some Brexit issues....

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Not to take anything away from Dr Hawking  and all his achievement, but I also think that his disability and communications form created a media persona that others of equal or greater ability did not have.

  Case and point, that the robotic voice device technology that he was using had advanced ro where he could have had any voice he desired, and probably free of cost. but he retained the outdated robotic voice because that's how he was identified.

Totally bizzare.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, sirineou said:

Not to take anything away from Dr Hawking  and all his achievement, but I also think that his disability and communications form created a media persona that others of equal or greater ability did not have.

  Case and point, that the robotic voice device technology that he was using had advanced ro where he could have had any voice he desired, and probably free of cost. but he retained the outdated robotic voice because that's how he was identified.


I wasnt a fan at all tbh. The Grand design, A Brief History of Time, The theory of everything...  pure new age propaganda imo. Never believed it was him doing most of his work in the last few decades either, all by twitching an eyelid ? give me a breakonce hes dead its all ( quietly mind you ) admitted to be totally flawed.How convenient. 

  • Sad 1
5 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

"But just supposing she & I got together in 4 or 5 years time"...… She's TEN YEARS OLD!! My God man I honestly do believe your IQ might just be less than 20.

i reckon he said exactly what he meant, however wasn't actually smart enough to question the legal aspect of his desires.

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

should we have told the thousands of Indians who fought with us in both Wars that too? 


I mean, it is not like we screwed their country over is it ???? 


Some of the posters here are obviously having  conniptions after they discovered that she was a British girl of Indian extraction.

Those Indians..

VC winner.


Lala, 41st Dogras

  • On 21 January 1916, at El Orah, Mesopotamia, finding a British officer lying close to the enemy, Lance-Naik Lala dragged him into a temporary shelter. After bandaging his wounds, the lance-naik heard calls from his own adjutant who was lying wounded in the open. The enemy was only 100 yards (91 m) away. Lala insisted on going to help. He stripped off his own clothing to keep the wounded officer warm and stayed with him until just before dark when he returned to the shelter. After dark he carried the first wounded officer to safety and then, returning with a stretcher, carried back his adjutant.[74]


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1 hour ago, englishoak said:


I wasnt a fan at all tbh. The Grand design, A Brief History of Time, The theory of everything...  pure new age propaganda imo. Never believed it was him doing most of his work in the last few decades either, all by twitching an eyelid ? give me a breakonce hes dead its all ( quietly mind you ) admitted to be totally flawed.How convenient. 

Let's follow the logic of this..

British girl of Indian extraction is deemed to have an IQ similar to Stephen Hawking.

We can't have the Indians being that smart-so let's downgrade Dr Hawking!


Strangely enough Dr Hawking is regarded as the 25th "Greatest Briton" and is buried with the scientific greats in Westminster Abbey whilst sundry posters here would probably not even cut it at 60 millionth-so not even a social media Valhalla for them.



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1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

Let's follow the logic of this..

British girl of Indian extraction is deemed to have an IQ similar to Stephen Hawking.

We can't have the Indians being that smart-so let's downgrade Dr Hawking!


Strangely enough Dr Hawking is regarded as the 20th most influential Briton of all time and is buried with the scientific greats in Westminster Abbey whilst sundry posters here would probably not even cut it at 60 millionth.




What are you yammering about ? Only you seem to have an issue with the girls background not me. Your making assumptions and false connections somehow in your head, thats not using logic thats projecting your own issues and perceptions onto me. I was referring to IQ not even a measure of being smart. Regardless of background. 


Yes and Diana was no 2 and William Shakespeare ( never proven to be a person )  no 3 and John Lennon no 8. even King Arthur is on it and hes pure fantasy ... might as well add in Frodo Baggins. Only the media makes up these stupid lists and its just publicity and fame that makes them influential.  Yes of course he was influential while peddled to be a ground breaker but it turns out he wasnt and just wrong about everything.. Having a high IQ does not necessarily mean that the person is intelligent or very ‘smart’. The problem with IQ tests is that although they’re pretty good at assessing our deliberative skills (which involve how we use our working memory and reason), but they are not able to assess our inclination to use them when the situation demands. This is a very important difference. Eg Einstein used his very well with consideration and wisdom whereas Nikola Tesla didnt and countless others with high IQ no one has ever heard of or aware a test even exists. Theres plenty out there.


Highest IQ ever top 3 and not even on any influential list...


  1. Ainan Celeste Cawley (IQ score: 263) He composes music and can recite Pi to 518 decimal places.
  2. William James Sidis (IQ score: 250-300)He died of a stroke at the age of 46 as a reclusive, penniless clerk.
  3. Terence Tao (IQ score: 225-230)Tao resides in Los Angeles with his wife and kids and focuses on theories regarding partial differential equations etc.


Then theres the many autists and savants who often have very high scores.. the odds a high IQ will mean to something extra special in achievements is still very unlikely. Im sure Hawking would have rather been proven correct than famous for his condition.. which is how hes now and will be forever remembered. 


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William Shakespeare has been most definitely proven as a "person"-unless you are calling Ben Jonson,Henry Condell and Richard Burbage-amongst other cntemporaries-confabulationists.


Some of Stephen Hawkings hypothesies have been disproved and he laughingly paid his "bets" when they were.That is what a theoretical scientist does!


I would never "project" anything on to you.It is not worth the time or effort.

11 hours ago, Momofarang said:

They obviously brought her over to Britain to solve some Brexit issues....

The only issues we have over Brexit are the left and the <deleted>. Boris is about to sort out both and the EU to boot. The people have spoken.

9 hours ago, eisfeld said:

Oh boy... you didn't lie! You really are bad at math ????


She'd still be underage.

And the average of 162 and 20 is not 90.5 either.

And IQ doesn't work this way as well or how would a child ever have a higher IQ than their parents like... well like in this very story?

Your'e as bad at mathS as me. 162 + 20 = 181 /2 = 90.5

2 hours ago, car720 said:

Agreed.  Perhaps a survey here as to the difference between education and intelligence would be in order.


You can be intelligent without much formal education; or receive much formal education without being or becoming intelligent!


Education provides access to information which action turns into knowledge and wisdom enables good use of.







  • Like 2
16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

British schoolgirl, 10, has same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking

I believe this title to be wrong. 

The girl does not have the same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking she has an IQ score  as high as them. 


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15 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

What are you Brits waiting for? Bring her over to solve the problems in LOS that you so much want fixed.

there's plenty in the UK to fix first

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3 hours ago, jesimps said:

The only issues we have over Brexit are the left and the <deleted>. Boris is about to sort out both and the EU to boot. The people have spoken.

Are you for real?

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