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Exclusive: Less than half of all Americans want Trump ousted post-impeachment - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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44 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Oprah is almost 66, and with her yo-yo dieting and fad health obsessions, I'll bet she is not in the best condition either.

How about Robin Wright? She’s not black, but she’s in her mid-fifties, healthy, rich, attractive and experienced. 

She would be perfect.

On 12/20/2019 at 6:18 AM, Kelsall said:

Interesting to watch the Democrat party destroy itself.


Go Nancy go!

Which the way I see it, is that more than half of Americans want him to remain as President. Who has the majority vote now?

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, RideJocky said:

How about Robin Wright? She’s not black, but she’s in her mid-fifties, healthy, rich, attractive and experienced. 

She would be perfect.

Please, "no more pain."

4 hours ago, mogandave said:

The only diversity the left will present will be race and gender. 

Well generally yeah, I’d say you are right. But, not with Bernie Sanders. As the title of the article asserts there is nearly a 50% divide at the moment regarding Trump. Sanders is addressing multiple issues ranging from this division regarding a president that ‘lies’ to worker unions at the local level.

Although for face value your comment is fine, I’d say if considering/acknowledge what Bernie Sanders has to offer then that would be inaccurate.

4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


If you vote for me I will pay for your loans for a $200,000 liberal arts degree in Japanese culture although you live in Omaha, Nebraska. I will also give you $1,000 a month while I tax the companies I am proposing to destroy. Deal?


If you look closely everything the dems espouse is carefully hidden right now they have no message or if they do it is less than nothing. 


*Looks at both the username and the post..(sigh)*


On one hand you are concerned and addressing 'free money.' Is that correct? And next I would like to go on to ask-so, you support the Republican Party right? Is that correct?


I think most of the DEM's establishment is terrible also so I'm kinda with you in that regards. But, there's a guy named Bernie Sanders along with other upcoming 'progressives' that are seem promising.

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Your post is so poorly conceived it doesn't warrant a comment. The dem debate was so uneventful it isn't even fit for public consumption. 

Wait, he was talking about actual issues. I don't get it..

  • Confused 1
12 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

Well generally yeah, I’d say you are right. But, not with Bernie Sanders. As the title of the article asserts there is nearly a 50% divide at the moment regarding Trump. Sanders is addressing multiple issues ranging from this division regarding a president that ‘lies’ to worker unions at the local level.


Although for face value your comment is fine, I’d say if considering/acknowledge what Bernie Sanders has to offer then that would be inaccurate.


What does Trump have to do with the candidates policy positions? 

Once they’re in office, he’ll be out. 

I’m hoping he gets re-elected, then resigns ten minutes after he’s inaugurated and we get 11.99 years of Pence. 

21 hours ago, thaicurious said:


With only three weeks until polling day in the United States, we here at Oddschecker can’t see Trump clawing his way back.

Not saying they don't get it wrong. That is why it is called gambling after all. Just say I trust them more than polls. People tend to be more honest when real money is on the line.


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15 hours ago, alex8912 said:

There really are no good potentials at all. Warren , Biden , Bernie and The real Mayor ( of NYC) are all too old and will be insanely too old if they ever went 2 terms. The others nobody knows about and never will by March which is THE big month. Trump is too old too and seems to have some baggage ????.  Where is Oprah?  Why can’t the Dems have a great option by now? Three years in the making? 

@alex8912  Are you serious? Re-read what you posted. What's up with a total lack of acknowledging the politician that has over a 20 year record of supporting working class and middle class policies...

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Your post is so poorly conceived it doesn't warrant a comment. The dem debate was so uneventful it isn't even fit for public consumption. 

And yet you commented and also requested a thread be opened for something so uneventful its not fit for public consumption.


Trump logic.

  • Like 1
28 minutes ago, Solinvictus said:

@alex8912  Are you serious? Re-read what you posted. What's up with a total lack of acknowledging the politician that has over a 20 year record of supporting working class and middle class policies...

Another socialist? The whole crowd is boring , many not known , and the country isn’t full of middle class that actually go out and vote. Three years and this is what is left?  LMAO! 

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  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, seajae said:

this really shows how close minded dems are, watching the dems put him on trial was the biggest piece of one sided garbage I have ever witnessed in any government show down, the dems supplied no direct evidence at all  plus would not allow the republicans to ask questions or even have their own witnesses and then the dems 3 rusted on law professors were so biased it wasnt funny even the vagina wearing one, strange that the 4th democrat voting/supporting law professor was blatantly honest and told them they were wrong(and was then threatened by dem voters for being honest) but they didnt listen. This was one huge farce and the public know it apart from the rusted on dems, the so called charges are not even lawful and now nancy is holding them back because she knows they are not good enough to get him impeached, a real magistrate would have thrown them out as they were pre conceived in 2016 and promised by the dems since 2017 plus they are totally partisan but even elected dems voted against them because they realized they are false. Peoples political parties make mistakes and the dems have done it here, I think the real question is how stupid and brain dead are those that keep electing the democrat morons instead of trying to get good politicians, I cannot see how they keep voting for blatant liars and thieves or in some cases ones that are dumb as dog poo, really makes the voters out to be even more stupid than the ones they elect, time to grow a brain and elect someone that is going to be there for the country not themselves

Republicans, Clinton, Payback is a Bitch. "Whats goes around, comes around". 

13 minutes ago, choff56 said:

Republicans, Clinton, Payback is a Bitch. "Whats goes around, comes around". 

Yes, the left will NEVER forgive Trump for giving Clinton the beat-down she deserved. 

Pay back’s a ****** ******, and a ****** ****** gets paid back!!!!




  • Like 2
6 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


That Trump loses and stages a coup and the entire US military backs it keeping him. in power? I like that bet so much we could play loser dies. 


Allow me to clarify if Trump loses or is impeached doesn't leave of his own volition and isn't forced out you win. If that doesn't occur I win. Whoever loses leaves TV forever.

He has already been impeached!

  • Thanks 1
On 12/20/2019 at 3:31 PM, RideJocky said:

Who is they? 

What is it they are trying to change? 

So you would support a flat tax? 

That the rich pay no or little taxes is a lie. Look at what percentage of all income taxes are paid by by the to 10% of taxpayers. 

The bottom 40-50% pay no income tax.


What large corporations don’t pay corporate income taxes? Again, this is just a lie. A strong argument can br made that corporate income taxes should be zero, as ultimately it’s the consumer that pays them making them regressive. 

People and companies that cheat on their taxes should be prosecuted, but you seem to want to persecute people that are taking advantage of legal incentives, why? Don’t like the rules, change them, but don’t punish people that follow them. 

I’m all for streamlining the tax code and getting rid of subsidies and deductions, but that’s probably not going to come from the right, and absolutely not going to come from the left. They lose to many votes. People who don’t pay taxes never support cutting taxes, and people that do never support raising them. 

I think everyone should pay the same rate, what do you think?






  • Like 1
18 hours ago, RideJocky said:

Sorry, I didn’t realize you were attempting to “...heighten the dramatic force of the narrative...”, I thought maybe you (or anyone reading) did not know he was dead.


Again, my apologies. 

Seems an odd way to clarify, being obscure in a two word erroneous mockery of grammar instead of two simple words: "he's dead". Thus my suspicion of concurrent darker intent. So I'm not certain as to what you are apologizing for. That you got caught? I can accept that.


Saying you hadn't realized I was supposedly "attempting to '...heighten the dramatic force of the narrative...' ", hardly makes your apology seem backhanded at all, not that I've never been accused before of being a drama queen. A less demeaning observation, more accurate definition might have been b) foregrounding in foreshadowing what might mean this crack in Evangelical support.


We don't know that yet. But we do know it didn't play well for Nixon. Thus my having evoked, brought into the present, dead Billy.


11 hours ago, Monomial said:

Not saying they don't get it wrong. That is why it is called gambling after all. Just say I trust them more than polls. People tend to be more honest when real money is on the line.


Given tulips, the housing crisis, etc., I'm not certain more money makes people think more honestly, rationalizing less a propensity to think they might benefit from cheating or having sway over reality. I'd have to read more studies. But, yes, it is gambling after all so good luck with that.

4 hours ago, thaicurious said:

Seems an odd way to clarify, being obscure in a two word erroneous mockery of grammar instead of two simple words: "he's dead". Thus my suspicion of concurrent darker intent. So I'm not certain as to what you are apologizing for. That you got caught? I can accept that.


Saying you hadn't realized I was supposedly "attempting to '...heighten the dramatic force of the narrative...' ", hardly makes your apology seem backhanded at all, not that I've never been accused before of being a drama queen. A less demeaning observation, more accurate definition might have been b) foregrounding in foreshadowing what might mean this crack in Evangelical support.


We don't know that yet. But we do know it didn't play well for Nixon. Thus my having evoked, brought into the present, dead Billy.


Given tulips, the housing crisis, etc., I'm not certain more money makes people think more honestly, rationalizing less a propensity to think they might benefit from cheating or having sway over reality. I'd have to read more studies. But, yes, it is gambling after all so good luck with that.

I really was just pointing out he was dead, the rest of it was just what I thought of as friendly banter, sorry.


In any event his son is still alive and has (apparently) claimed he left the magazine long ago and that it (like virtually ever other publication) has been taken over by leftists and that his father would never have supported their position. 


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On 12/20/2019 at 8:58 PM, Thaidream said:

He wouled be arrested and 'escorted' off the premises.


In fact, I would  guess Trump, oned he leaves the Presidency, will  be indicted and convicted of a variety of offenses on both the Federal and State level, mostly involving tax evasion, money laundering and fraud.


Trump will not be convicted in the Senate and removed from  President simply becuase  the Repubs control the Senate.  That does not mean the investigation into his  actions will stop.


There are 3 huge cases on the docket for the Supreme Court to review all involving release of his taxes and potential criminal liability.  If he loses these cases and  he has to show the records- he can expect  to be indicted.


IMO- once he realizes his goose is cooked- he will cut a deal to resign; Pence becomes President and pardons Trump.  As part of the deal-  the New York State Governor then pardons Trump on the State charges.


Ever wonder why Trump has fought so hard to hide his tax returns? Plenty of illegal activity will be evident  once  the records are rleased.



Good theory there, IMO.

Perhaps Putin has a flying saucer ready to use a tractor beam to rescue him from the cops and take him to Russia where he will live like a Tzar, in the event that he is prosecuted after leaving the W H.

They didn't get to put Nixon in jail after he resigned, so don't expect any different for Trump, if by some chance he actually had done any of the things that Trump haters accuse him of. Even Kissinger didn't get to see the jail cell he so richly deserved ( IMO ).

In the world of US politics, even a senator that left his girlfriend to drown and didn't tell anyone gets away free.

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17 hours ago, choff56 said:

He has already been impeached!

Not, apparently, till the articles have been presented to the Senate.

In any event it's apparent that he meant "convicted", as just impeachment is meaningless as to being removed from office. He has to be convicted by the senate to have to leave the W H.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, RideJocky said:

I really was just pointing out he was dead, the rest of it was just what I thought of as friendly banter, sorry.


In any event his son is still alive and has (apparently) claimed he left the magazine long ago and that it (like virtually ever other publication) has been taken over by leftists and that his father would never have supported their position.

While no one can speak for the dead, you know how things can skip a generation. Billy's Evangelical granddaughter came out in favor of the editorial which she calls courageous.



"My grandfather always said that courage is contagious...The moral balance starts to weigh heavier on the side of it being more dangerous to not say something..."


When confronted with her uncle's stance against the editorial, she says: "...in saying how my grandfather would act or feel...say or do...look at his ministry."


And to look at his ministry, Graham called for the impeachment of Nixon, his friend since the 1940s, placing not just patriotism over party but how Billy interpreted morality over loyalty to friendship, a difficult & courageous decision for anyone regardless of your sense of morality. By that, more likely, the granddaughter's being more honest about their ancestor than is her uncle.


As to an Evangelical magazine supposedly taken over by leftists, you really should say these things out loud to yourself before committing them to internet. Besides that Graham's legacy flagship fashions itself center right (what it calls centrist), even left of center Evangelicals aren't exactly leftists. That's still the right wing of the political spectrum. They may allow for some more modern interpretations but still take religion as final authority, just like the rest of the right wingers.


As to some craziness that "virtually ever other publication) has been taken over by leftists" um, well, wow, lucky us lol. Could it be that by putting thought to writing, instead of relying on white nationalist rally rants, might leads to the critical thinking of peer review? That's not leftist by takeover. That's nothing more than the evolution of thought.



liberals think more analytically...than moderates and conservatives.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Problem with US presidential elections is that it is so expensive that only someone with one or other of the party's behind them can win. If campaigns were capped and paid for by the state, independents might have a chance. Any politician that gets in is so beholden to the doners that they might as well play golf all day and let the lobbyists run the country, IMO.

So the State is going to fund anyone that wants to run?


Or will they only fund “approved” confidantes? 

We’re in this mess because campaign finance reform. 

17 minutes ago, thaicurious said:

While no one can speak for the dead, you know how things can skip a generation. Billy's Evangelical granddaughter came out in favor of the editorial which she calls courageous.



"My grandfather always said that courage is contagious...The moral balance starts to weigh heavier on the side of it being more dangerous to not say something..."


When confronted with her uncle's stance against the editorial, she says: "...in saying how my grandfather would act or feel...say or do...look at his ministry."


And to look at his ministry, Graham called for the impeachment of Nixon, his friend since the 1940s, placing not just patriotism over party but how Billy interpreted morality over loyalty to friendship, a difficult & courageous decision for anyone regardless of your sense of morality. By that, more likely, the granddaughter's being more honest about their ancestor than is her uncle.


As to an Evangelical magazine supposedly taken over by leftists, you really should say these things out loud to yourself before committing them to internet. Besides that Graham's legacy flagship fashions itself center right (what it calls centrist), even left of center Evangelicals aren't exactly leftists. That's still the right wing of the political spectrum. They may allow for some more modern interpretations but still take religion as final authority, just like the rest of the right wingers.


As to some craziness that "virtually ever other publication) has been taken over by leftists" um, well, wow, lucky us lol. Could it be that by putting thought to writing, instead of relying on white nationalist rally rants, might leads to the critical thinking of peer review? That's not leftist by takeover. That's nothing more than the evolution of thought.



liberals think more analytically...than moderates and conservatives.

I didn’t say how there were taken over, just that were, thanks. 

On 12/21/2019 at 1:53 PM, alex8912 said:

Another socialist? The whole crowd is boring , many not known , and the country isn’t full of middle class that actually go out and vote. Three years and this is what is left?  LMAO! 

Could you have a bit more substance to your views and responses? I'm talking about a politician that has over a 20 year history for promoting working class/middle class concerns. You don't support Bernie because 'socialist'? 


Oh, but you are okay with social security, medicare, and other services we pay into? News flash, they are 'socialist' like. Not to mention corporate 'bailouts,' haha, get out of here with that..


As far more candidates needed, yeah I agree, needs to me more. However, if you look at what they have to offer in detail like you know actually looking at what policies and agenda they have. You can clearly see Bernie Sanders is what is needed to address the issues The Nation is facing.


I'm still in shock at your total dismissal of Bernie Sanders. I mean do you even pay attention to what politicians do in office? Other than from what that TV box says? No offense of course.

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