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Pattaya: Pitiful old man at the police station will be "repatriated to Britain"


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21 hours ago, robblok said:

Ah the legal hard drug that people on this forum love so much. Cannabis is so much milder then this. 

Brother you are 100% correct,never in my life did I ever hear of someone overdose on the plant of peace.Today on Tv it states Kratom has been removed from the narcotics list,never ever tried it so cannot comment,but just hope the plant that even to look at,looks at peace with itself, quickly follows suit.

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3 hours ago, No1 said:

Every physician and most of us normal persons would accept that alcoholism is an illness. What makes it so difficult for you?

People who smoke weed every day don't get stoned anymore as their body gets used to it.  I have seen guys smoking weed all day long just like other people cigarettes and they kept up working in a very normal office job without any of their colleagues taking note of it.

I've seen people who smoke weed who dunno what day of the week it is half of the time let alone hold down a job!

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:

Lambeth & Southwark for a start.


Have a little bet with me if you doubt my word. Make it a thousand quid. I assume you're a white native Briton, we'll over look the WWC bit.


Go to London, tell the authorities you have nowhere to live and apply for council accommodation and see what happens. I'll loan you a voice recorder. Bring the money with you, I'll get mine from the bank the day before.

Single men will get no help at all .

People with children will get emergency accommodation , even females with numerous children will not get council accommodation without waiting in emergency accommodation for a few years 

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4 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Lambeth & Southwark for a start.


Have a little bet with me if you doubt my word. Make it a thousand quid. I assume you're a white native Briton, we'll over look the WWC bit.


Go to London, tell the authorities you have nowhere to live and apply for council accommodation and see what happens. I'll loan you a voice recorder. Bring the money with you, I'll get mine from the bank the day before.

I will take that bet up with you . 

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Your first paragraph, It must have been his pension credits or some other benefits the money was taken for. Besides that 2000 Pounds they took from him would take a lot more than eight years to pay back, as they can only take a little from him every month unless he had a very good private pension. They cannot take payments from the state pension alone, it says so on the DSS website.

I don't believe I mentioned any private pension he may have had.

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Why would they ever think you are dead? Do pensioners not living in the UK not have to prove they are still alive every so often?

It's a proof of life letter.


If they get no reply it's their excuse to stop paying you and then the ball is in your court.


Once they are satisfied you're still alive you get fully reimbursed and the payment continues.

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1 hour ago, luckyluke said:

I reside since 2000 in Thailand.

I am not particularly fond of most of the English men I met in Pattaya, due to the discourteous language. 

When I am in Thonglor, they are somewhat different, till the 3-4 pint. 

However I refuse to believe that every Englishman in the U.K. is a violent person. 

You're not the only one Luke and I'm English myself.


Most of us are often ashamed to be English ourselves due to the behaviour of a few of our countrymen.

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1 hour ago, luckyluke said:

I reside since 2000 in Thailand.

I am not particularly fond of most of the English men I met in Pattaya, due to the discourteous language. 

When I am in Thonglor, they are somewhat different, till the 3-4 pint. 

However I refuse to believe that every Englishman in the U.K. is a violent person. 

Pattaya attracts that kind of person .

Its where people who have been kicked out the "last chance saloon" go to 

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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I will take that bet up with you . 

Are you sure about that you've just said in post 198 that


"Single men will get no help at all ."


So how are you gonna get one. Do you know something I don't or do you work on the council or do you know someone you can slip a few quid to.


Because that's the only way an Englishman will get council accommodation in London unless he can hang around for a few years.







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12 hours ago, dallen52 said:

"Earlier in the week it was claimed online that the man had been at Pattaya police station for 3 to 4 days.

The police had given him a blue towel to protect his modesty".


I'm not going to invoke the RTP wrath, but yes I was there, and the above is pure <deleted>.


He was clothed. 

shirt, shorts, sand shoes.

walking stick. 

looked disheveled. 

my guess is he actually  appeared day 18.


I may have said before 19th.


I got him a bottle of water and was chatting with him some time before the police assistance. 


Possible that at some point he changed out of his clothes...maybe he had soiled himself, maybe he had to shower. And was temporarily covered with a towel.


If he was there 24 hours or more there would have to have been a shower or clothes change in there somewhere.


good to hear the police were responsive. And did nto haul him off to detention.


And while one might criticize those that dropped him off they could have done worse. They brought him with his passport and other documents to a place that could help him get home.  People have certainly done worse to elderly who became a burden.



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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:

Are you sure about that you've just said in post 198 that


"Single men will get no help at all ."


So how are you gonna get one. Do you know something I don't or do you work on the council or do you know someone you can slip a few quid to.

Tell me the terms of the 1000 Pound bet .

I am in London now and I can proceed with the bet tomorrow. 

Let me know the terms of our bet . 

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3 hours ago, Bugsy777 said:

There's a lot of foreign old men living in Thailand. As they get sicker and older, what is to become of them? In a western country we have homes for the elderly. Thailand is not equipped in that way so I guess we'll be hearing much more about abandoned old men in the future.


Precisely the scenario the govt is trying to avert with its various new regulations for retirees.


The "solutions"  are not well thought out or well designed (understatement) but I think this is the reason for their concern and it is not unfounded.

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8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

As many have pointed out this is the tip of the iceberg and there are likely more like this to come.


In the Chiang Mai area foreigners have come together to form an association that helps expats in need, in coordination with relevant embassies etc:




TV member NancyL is active in it and could probably advise others interested in starting something similar in the Pattaya/Jomtien area.


So instead of arguing about social services in the UK, the helpfulness (or not) of the British Embassy, arguing about whether the police did right by him, and finding ways to blame Thais etc, how about some of you channel your energies into something constructive like this?


I do not live in Pattaya (about 3 hour drive away) and am in and out of Thailand this year bit to the extent my time permits I would be willing to help on medical issues if those of you in Patts get your act together and start a group to aid people like this.


He is nto the first and will be far, far from the last.





There is an expats club in Pattaya but most of us on this forum would sooner argue and bicker among ourselves.


But that was a fine gesture you made and sensible suggestion you put forward. You can bet this topic has put the heebie jeebies up a lot of ex pats in Thailand.

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I don't want to discuss this specific case other than to say it's been suggested he has an alcohol problem. 


I guess a message for all of us who came here to party like we were teenagers, is that there comes a time when age catches up and adjustments to lifestyle are necessary.  To be a rotten falling down, <deleted>ting your trousers, drunk as an octogenarian or above is not a good look anywhere. If all you have to your name is a petty pension that mostly goes on the booze, it leaves you very vulnerable. 

To expect a local to look after you without significant financial incentive is asking too much of any individual, and there is no government support available here. If you fit the description and don't do something about it you deserve to get dumped on the street.

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17 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

I guess a message for all of us who came here to party like we were teenagers, is that there comes a time when age catches up and adjustments to lifestyle are necessary.  To be a rotten falling down, <deleted>ting your trousers, drunk as an octogenarian or above is not a good look anywhere. If all you have to your name is a petty pension that mostly goes on the booze, it leaves you very vulnerable. 

I've had many alcoholic pals in Thailand, most of them died between ages 40 and 50.

If I were an alcoholic, I'd be hoping to die much sooner than 80.

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29 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

I don't want to discuss this specific case other than to say it's been suggested he has an alcohol problem. 


I guess a message for all of us who came here to party like we were teenagers, is that there comes a time when age catches up and adjustments to lifestyle are necessary.  To be a rotten falling down, <deleted>ting your trousers, drunk as an octogenarian or above is not a good look anywhere. If all you have to your name is a petty pension that mostly goes on the booze, it leaves you very vulnerable. 

To expect a local to look after you without significant financial incentive is asking too much of any individual, and there is no government support available here. If you fit the description and don't do something about it you deserve to get dumped on the street.

From reading the whole topic it would seem that his having a drink problem is only hearsay. He does not seem drunk in the video or the photo.


He's an old bloke who's rather frail and may be suffering from dementia. The one individual who met him and has commented on his condition did not mention anything about him having a drink problem.


You don't have to be drunk to foul your trousers in Thailand. It's the last place on earth where you can trust a f@rt.


It's always handy to be able to blame drink. It covers a lot of human failings.






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30 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

I don't want to discuss this specific case other than to say it's been suggested he has an alcohol problem. 


I guess a message for all of us who came here to party like we were teenagers, is that there comes a time when age catches up and adjustments to lifestyle are necessary.  To be a rotten falling down, <deleted>ting your trousers, drunk as an octogenarian or above is not a good look anywhere. If all you have to your name is a petty pension that mostly goes on the booze, it leaves you very vulnerable. 

To expect a local to look after you without significant financial incentive is asking too much of any individual, and there is no government support available here. If you fit the description and don't do something about it you deserve to get dumped on the street.

Too true OC. 


I did not imply that your post was sad but the subject matter most definitely is.

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