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Comedian Rosie Jones shocks viewers with ‘disgusting’ and ‘totally inappropriate’ Greta Thunberg joke


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On 1/3/2020 at 3:11 AM, CNXexpat said:

Is she an American comedian where it´s not allowed to sell alcohol at people below 21? 


Would she tell this to her daughter too? 


Why does she know that the girl doesn´t become fingered and drink alcohol?

It was comedy. Why do some become so exercised about it? No sense of humour?

Strange world some live in, when they apparently think 16 year old girls haven't been fingered. Even 40 years ago the claim was that it would be hard to find a 14 year old virgin.

NB I have no statistics on 14 year old virgins, but it was a common saying among men.

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4 hours ago, allen303 said:

Both are great, if you are easily offended don’t go there. Just listen to Chappelle’s skit on David Smollett. It is so good I had to listen to it twice. If you are offender by the N word or gay jokes don’t go there. Half the audience was black and they were rolling on the floor  to.


Do you mean Jussie Smollett?

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On 1/2/2020 at 8:50 PM, spiekerjozef said:

I think she's right.

One more year and she will be more interested in boys instead of climate change.

Her parents and political handlers will first have to stop having her take the puberty blocking drugs. 

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On 1/3/2020 at 1:03 AM, Lacessit said:

I'm just wondering how many guys are lining up to court your daughter, because she sounds like the kind of woman I would run a mile from - fast. Perhaps that's why I have a preference for Thai women, who still know how to be feminine.

Unfortunately, the folks way of life you endorse is a path to a different form of destruction - check out the latest news from Australia.

Trump used his "wealth" and celebrity status to cudgel his way to the presidency, then trashed every initiative dealing with environmental matters. Appointing an oil industry executive to the environment portfolio is about a clear a message as anyone can make. He has far more power than Greta, or is that what worries you?

Ah, the freedom shtick beloved of Americans. Is that why you are second only to China in incarceration rates?

I'm confused - what form do you consider the upcoming apocalypse to be, if it's not the environment?


What about the news from Australia? 

And what’s this about an “apocalypse”?  You perhaps watch too many Hollywood disaster flicks. 

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10 minutes ago, Catoni said:

What about the news from Australia? 

And what’s this about an “apocalypse”?  You perhaps watch too many Hollywood disaster flicks. 

The term "apocalypse" was used by another poster. Do try to keep up.

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On 1/4/2020 at 8:16 AM, DannyCarlton said:



"Greta Thunberg obviously scares some men silly. The bullying of the teenager by conservative middle-aged men has taken on a grim, almost hysterical edge. And some of them are reaching deep into the misogynist’s playbook to divert focus from her message."


If the cap fits, wear it.

If you had the ability to see past your preconceptions you would see that the pushback against Greta is nothing to do with her being female, for starters, so you're misogynist angle is nonsense. The reality is that Greta put a face to a movement of useful idiots, who have taken the propaganda hook line and sinker, and now are parading about with some religious zeal, because they believe something evil is afoot. 

Clearly she is good at memorizing the message. She is also clearly not listening to any reasonable counterpoints. She is a propaganda savant, a very tragic and ultimately useless focus for her abilities. I assume there will be a lot of therapy in her future. 

Edited by canuckamuck
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1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

If you had the ability to see past your preconceptions you would see that the pushback against Greta is nothing to do with her being female, for starters, so you misogynist angle is nonsense. The reality is that Greta put a face to a movement of useful idiots, who have taken the propaganda hook line and sinker, and now are parading about with some imagined superiority because they believe something evil is afoot. 

Clearly she is good at memorizing the message. She is also clearly not listening to any reasonable counterpoints. She is a propaganda savant, a very tragic and ultimately useless focus for her abilities. I assume there will be a lot of therapy in her future. 

Your opinion, not the opinion of most people on the planet. Maybe it's because you are a middle aged conservative who's never had much luck with women?


BTW. It's trump that's peddaling false propoganda about climate change, probably because he's in hock to the oil companies. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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On 1/2/2020 at 9:37 PM, jastheace said:

and if she's from anywhere near Rotherham, she should know how bad taste the joke was. if someone made a joke about people with here condition(cerebral palsy i note has been mentioned) she would be up in arms i'm sure. eejit

But its equal rights?  You are saying she should have special treatment because she has cerebral palsy?  Anyway, the joke had nothing to do with disabilities or cerebral palsy did it?  

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20 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

If you had the ability to see past your preconceptions you would see that the pushback against Greta is nothing to do with her being female, for starters, so you're misogynist angle is nonsense. The reality is that Greta put a face to a movement of useful idiots, who have taken the propaganda hook line and sinker, and now are parading about with some religious zeal, because they believe something evil is afoot. 

Clearly she is good at memorizing the message. She is also clearly not listening to any reasonable counterpoints. She is a propaganda savant, a very tragic and ultimately useless focus for her abilities. I assume there will be a lot of therapy in her future. 

I am wondering how many reasonable counterpoints there are to 95% of the world's scientists understanding the chemistry and physics involved, plus the empirical evidence of melting icefields, record temperatures and trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Of course, as a layman, you know better.

Seems to me there are a few useless idiots around.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am wondering how many reasonable counterpoints there are to 95% of the world's scientists understanding the chemistry and physics involved, plus the empirical evidence of melting icefields, record temperatures and trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Of course, as a layman, you know better.

Seems to me there are a few useless idiots around.

This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change, several of those on the forum. It's about a, so called, comedian making a bad and tasteless joke about a 16 year old girl. Irrelevant who that girl is.

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9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am wondering how many reasonable counterpoints there are to 95% of the world's scientists understanding the chemistry and physics involved, plus the empirical evidence of melting icefields, record temperatures and trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Of course, as a layman, you know better.

Seems to me there are a few useless idiots around.

She knows the exact time that the world will pass the point of no return. She has worked out to days and hours. Do you think she worked that out scientifically, or is she just parroting what someone told her?

Now if someone told her that her claims are unreasonably specific, do you think she would agree. 

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2 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

She knows the exact time that the world will pass the point of no return. She has worked out to days and hours. Do you think she worked that out scientifically, or is she just parroting what someone told her?

Now if someone told her that her claims are unreasonably specific, do you think she would agree. 

See post #132. Strange that you take every oportunity to bash a 16 year old girl.

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13 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

See post #132. Strange that you take every opportunity to bash a 16 year old girl.

Do I? My 16 year old daughter left the house this morning without bruises. So you must be mistaken.

You climate apocolysts are just trying to make her into a human shield so you can make our objections into abuse of a vulnerable victim. That is just left-wing tactics - no more useful than the sticks and stones defense.

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

Your opinion, not the opinion of most people on the planet. Maybe it's because you are a middle aged conservative who's never had much luck with women?


BTW. It's trump that's peddaling false propoganda about climate change, probably because he's in hock to the oil companies. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    She's a mentally ill (Asperger's Syndrome.. on the Autism scale), high school dropout. She claims her youth has been stolen from her. What a pathetic statement for her to make, because she lives a millionaire lifestyle... obviously has no clue of millions of girls living in Africa and Cambodia and other poverty stricken areas who REALLY have had no good youth years. 

   Her and her mother claim she can actually SEE CO2 with her eyes.  How she can see past about one foot from her face with a cloud of 40,000 ppm CO2 in her exhaled breath is beyond me.

    That you people bow down to her as some kind of Climate Expert and Saint of the Climate Alarmism cult is amazing..    

   Wake up and smell the coffee:


   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti admits the Green New Deal Is not about Climate Change
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted recently that the true motivation behind introducing the Green New Deal is to overhaul the “entire economy.”

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Chakrabarti said to Inslee’s climate director, Sam Ricketts, according to a Washington Post reporter who attended the meeting for a profile published Wednesday.
“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” he added.


  The idea is to bring down the capitalist free competitive enterprise Western world and build Socialism in its place.  Fighting a "Global Warming/Climate Emergency" is just the thing to do it. It allows great transfer of wealth and allows governments to increase taxes drastically and legislate more controls over people's lives. 


"It's all about money in the end. Keeping the Gravy Train running." 



"This Is What Climate Propaganda Looks Like" 



"Shameless Sea Level Lies At The L.A. Times" 



"Denier Land:  How Deniers Look At Global Warming



"Ten Key Graphs Behind the Climate Change Scam" 



"Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers" 


"Climate Change Scientists Caught Tampering With Data to Show Rising Sea 
Levels " 


"NOAA And NASA Corrected Historical Temperature Data And Fabricated 
Temperature Data" 


"NASA Made Efforts To Discredit Their Own Satellite Data" 


"NASA Refused To Give Data And Information Requested By The US 
House Of Representatives Science, Space And Technology Committee" 


"NASA And NOAA Caught In Climate Data Manipulation" 


"NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000"


"Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA" 


"NASA/NOAA Mislead, Deceive and Lie About 'Hottest Year' Claim  -  Concede 
2014 NOT "Hottest Year" 


"Climate Fraud: NASA's Recent Global Warming "Corrections" Equal a +95.0°C 
Per Century Trend" 




UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The 
World's Economy 

"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change 
U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare 
Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare 
United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is 
to Destroy Capitalism 

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2 minutes ago, Catoni said:

She's a mentally ill (Asperger's Syndrome.. on the Autism scale), high school dropout. She claims her youth has been stolen from her. What a pathetic statement for her to make, because she lives a millionaire lifestyle... obviously has no clue of millions of girls living in Africa and Cambodia and other poverty stricken areas who REALLY have had no good youth years. 

This theread is not about Greta Thunberg or climate change, it's about a British comedian.

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13 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Verbally bash, as you well know.


What part of "This isn't a thread about Greta Thunberg or climate change" don't you understand?

   Really?   Have you read the Thread Title?  I was sure I saw the name "Greta Thunberg" in the title.  Once that name of the Climate Alarmist Saint pops up anywhere... all bets are off.

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4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

This theread is not about Greta Thunberg or climate change, it's about a British comedian.

I'm sorry... but I was sure I saw the name "Greta Thunberg" in the title.  And these days.. once the name of the Climate Alarmist Saint pops up anywhere... all bets are off.

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1 minute ago, Catoni said:

I'm sorry... but I was sure I saw the name "Greta Thunberg" in the title.  And these days.. once the name of the Climate Alarmist Saint pops up anywhere... all bets are off.



"Greta Thunberg obviously scares some men silly. The bullying of the teenager by conservative middle-aged men has taken on a grim, almost hysterical edge. And some of them are reaching deep into the misogynist’s playbook to divert focus from her message."

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11 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

   Yeah... that's the trick...  pick a high school drop out millionaire girl in her mid teens suffering from a "super power" (her description) called Asperger's Syndrome (a type of Autism)... who claims to also have the amazing power to actually see the odorless colorless gas CO2 (claim made by her and her mother)   Only person on the planet with that amazing power... 

   And have her get up in front of the U.N. and other groups and lecture us.   And if anyone says boo at her...  claim they are attacking a "child" .   Great tactic favored by the Nazis and Communists in the past.  


   Leftists/socialist Warming Alarmists call it an "attack" on her.   It's criticism... perfectly legitimate to criticize anyone putting themselves on the world stage to lecture others.  Whether you like it or not. 

              She makes herself a legitimate target for criticism.  If she can't take the criticism like an adult, (she's 17 now) then she should stop pretending to be one.  She should return to school where she belongs. ... 

    If you can't stand the heat..... get out of the kitchen.

        Whatever age or sex you are. 

Edited by Catoni
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On 1/2/2020 at 9:37 PM, jastheace said:

and if she's from anywhere near Rotherham, she should know how bad taste the joke was. if someone made a joke about people with here condition(cerebral palsy i note has been mentioned) she would be up in arms i'm sure. eejit

Maybe not. May find difficulty in raising them, but she could shake them round a bit. 

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The joke wasn’t about Greta Thunberg, it was a joke about what kids get up to on the road to adulthood ... a joke, not a social or political statement. British humour ... nuanced and dark at times, and not always understood by foreigners.




Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells

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18 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:



"Greta Thunberg obviously scares some men silly. The bullying of the teenager by conservative middle-aged men has taken on a grim, almost hysterical edge. And some of them are reaching deep into the misogynist’s playbook to divert focus from her message."

  "Comrade".... it's not bullying to criticize a person with little education who gets up on the world stage and lectures us about scientific topics she knows nothing about and runs when questioned..

    Perfectly okay to criticize such people who have uneducated messages of meaningless "Alarmism" intended as a cover to aid the politico-economic agenda of Socialism/Marxism building. 

       Why do you have a problem with that?

   You let such people do your thinking for you ?      Lack the ability to think for yourself?    Your Saint should have the courage to face questioning and criticism instead of dodging and avoiding questions...(see the videos of Greta dodging and avoiding on Youtube) . or return to school and maybe someday get her high school diploma.  Hopefully she will be cured of her leftist/socialist indoctrination.   

Edited by Catoni
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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Do I? My 16 year old daughter left the house this morning without bruises. So you must be mistaken.

You climate apocolysts are just trying to make her into a human shield so you can make our objections into abuse of a vulnerable victim. That is just left-wing tactics - no more useful than the sticks and stones defense.

So there are no right-wing tactics around? What a novel idea.

I guess if i made the same joke about your daughter, you would not be impressed. The celebrity excuse is an example of the double standards applied by some posters.

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9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I guess if i made the same joke about your daughter, you would not be impressed.

I would. My daughter has morals she inherited from me. Have at it. 

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5 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I would. My daughter has morals she inherited from me. Have at it. 

You'd be impressed by my temerity, or my powers of invention? The original "joke" was about as tasteful as a turd on Khao Soi.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The original "joke" was about as tasteful as a turd on Khao Soi.

Bad taste is great. I laughed and gagged for 10 minutes over Divine and the Dog Turd. Look it up. That was in the worst taste ever.

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