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U.S. strike kills Iran Quds Force commander Soleimani - Pentagon

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9 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


Wy are you terrified? You are safe in Thailand. You aren't going over there to fight either. As far as the armed forces go the overwhelming majority of them are patriots that love Trump.

That would not include senior serving officers..


Patriots to be sure but no love for Trump.


This is well documented..

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


There wouldn't be a real war. The USA would simply sink the Iranian navy in less then an afternoon. After that the oil pipelines would be destroyed. The nuclear bunker is perhaps too far underground but 24 hour surveillance would mean nobody goes in or out. Unless they want a missile down their throat.


We don't need to occupy Iran.

It will not be only about Iran. The whole region, China, Russia NK, Turkey when they see it is a future in going in for a bigger take. How long do you think the world going to accept US dictate the world? 

4 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Look forward to interest rate cuts and  a lower dollar if this plays out badly. However the good side is if you are invested this should more than offset it. For Americans like me living at home we like a weak dollar.

Really? Unless you are currently working for Caterpillar et all, a weak dollar is not so good for the average American. Everything imported to the States will increase in price.

4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

My heart goes out to you. I did not realize you were living within the US. I hope one day you are able to escape the despair, the despondency, the disappointment, and the bitterness that has beset that declining nation. I say this as an American, who is hugely grateful every day of my life, that I was able to escape. 

I lived in Laos fore a decade and lived the "good' life in many locations in Thailand. Thailand is diseased politically, environmentally and socially. I hope you still enjoy it. 

18 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

... Just looking for another oil war.

I'm down with that. I have about 5 years before I retire from the oil patch but still need a roof on my shed.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I'm down with that. I have about 5 years before I retire from the oil patch but still need a roof on my shed.


Have you ever considered working in America? There are so many jobs here now.

15 hours ago, bristolboy said:

REally? Since the expulsion of Isis how many Americans have been killed in Iraq? 

Not sure what history they teach in Bristol schools but Soleimani predates Isil, Isis, داعش‎ or whatever the last iteration of non-peaceful, terrorist Islam was labeled.


Islam is the religion of peace. Islamic fundamentalists aren't. Soleimani and the Quds force he commanded were Islamic fundamentalists. Trained terrorists in nice uniforms.


Join your own dots.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Have you ever considered working in America? There are so many jobs here now.

Sorry dick, been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Paid taxes too.


USA's current oil producing hegemony is just about to fall flat on its face as the yields from fracking are unsustainable and already beyond its peak. Once the Wall Street money men realize this teat is drying up and pull their funds, it will be a bloodbath... and America will return to being a net oil importer.


'twas ever thus.

  • Like 1
43 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Look forward to interest rate cuts and  a lower dollar if this plays out badly. However the good side is if you are invested this should more than offset it. For Americans like me living at home we like a weak dollar.

If you like a weak dollar, you're going to love it when Trump's monetary policies destroy its standing as the reserve currency.

14 hours ago, jany123 said:

Do you think Iran, with its oil reserves under sanction, can effect the price of oil?

If trading in a free market, only marginally. If they blockade or mine the Strait of Hormuz, most definitely.

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, allencraig said:

They do if there's an Arab person in it. As they've been brainwashed to hate us, most trump supporters have been brainwashed to hate them. 

This terrorist scum Soleimani, if you are referring to him is not an arab, he's a persian, albeit a very dead one! Good work Trump, give it to them good and teach em all a lesson. These camel jockeys will cower now just like they did when reagan spanked them.

  • Sad 1
4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

If you like a weak dollar, you're going to love it when Trump's monetary policies destroy its standing as the reserve currency.


Sounds like more good trades to me, I welcome the chance.

39 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

I lived in Laos fore a decade and lived the "good' life in many locations in Thailand. Thailand is diseased politically, environmentally and socially. I hope you still enjoy it. 

Says a guy living in Trumpland and specifically right in the middle of the region devastated by opioids. 

2 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Sounds like more good trades to me, I welcome the chance.

Great trades? You'll need them to buy that $39.99 loaf of bread.

6 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Says a guy living in Trumpland and specifically right in the middle of the region devastated by opioids. 


I sit in front of a computer and trade for a living. I should exercise more however I enjoy watching my net worth climb the ladder. I do not assume I am alone when I say that. 

  • Like 2
13 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Link to credible source presenting clear evidence for this claim please. 

The leader of Iran's Quds mercenaries, aka Bad Guy #1 flies into Baghdad and meets with the Iraqi leader of a pro-Iranian militia, aka Bad Guy #2 that just had its ass handed to them by a US Air Force and have subsequently tried to storm and destroy the US embassy in Baghdad, aka Bad Guys #3 to around #300.


Hold on... you mean they really were all just going to toast marshmallows at the US embassy BBQ?



12 hours ago, rabas said:

Irani often talk about which officials carry razors and which don't since beards are symbolic regime support. They say when the regime falls many will step in the men's room and shave. Maybe that day is neigh.

Possible killing with Gillette and BIC in the futures market noted. Thanks!

  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, Srikcir said:

... PMF is an Iraq state-sponsored umbrella organization established in 2014 by former Iraqi PM al-Maliki to assist in the defense of Iraq, ie., against ISIS. ...

PMF is an Iranian Trojan horse.


They don't carry umbrellas AFAIK.

12 hours ago, Srikcir said:

On July 1, 2019 the Iraqi PM who legally commands the PMF issued a decree that made PMF "an indivisible" part of the Iraqi Armed Forces.

In effect Trump's authorized attack against Soleimari was also an attack against Iraq's sovereignty!

No. It was a pointed rebuke to a weak, vacillating, Iranian puppet, Iraqi PM to pull his bloody head in and get back with the program.

12 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:
13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

How unfamiliar are you with basic geography? Guess with what nation Iraq shares its longest border? A border that's 1458 kilometers. Guess what branch of Islam Isis particularly hates?  Guess in what nation the caliphate had most of its territory at its peak? No, not Syria.  And you think Iran's biggest concern about Isis has to do with Syria?

I said Iran were supporting Assad's government.  They were and have been for some time, and for multiple reasons. 

And there's no need to rant like an angry geography teacher 

Ah...geography teacher. Explains his earlier faux pas with history.

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You know..S.L.A.M Marshall once wrote a book titled "Men Against Fire" where he noted that the further away from the firing line you got-the more likely you were to kill thru long range activities such as artillery and bombers..


The US Predator pilots are a long way from the firing line,their operators are untouchable and they possess/or are granted the ultimate sanction..



11 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump has already weakened our influence in the Middle East at the same time as he has increased troop levels and made it clear to allies that he will abandon them whenever the whim takes him. 

No he hasn't. He's already moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an unfulfilled Presidential pledge from at least eight of his forebears.


The greater, Muslim middle east will eventually have to wake up to the inevitable fact that Israel is and will forever be the middle east's leading commercial, financial and technological nation and the rest will just have to make do with being their parking lot.

1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump has made Iran more of an enemy with his foolhardy abandonment of the nuclear treaty, and the onerous sanctions. Now this? Get ready America. Get ready to feel a lot of pain and suffering. 

This "enemy" committed nothing short of an act of war by orchestrating an attack of the US embassy in Iraq. Of course this response and perhaps much more are expected and quite likely the oilfields in Iran will be next unless this terrorist state smartens up. You'll see soon how US lites up Iran once and for all teaching them a hard lesson.

  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, i84teen said:

This "enemy" committed nothing short of an act of war by orchestrating an attack of the US embassy in Iraq. Of course this response and perhaps much more are expected and quite likely the oilfields in Iran will be next unless this terrorist state smartens up. You'll see soon how US lites up Iran once and for all teaching them a hard lesson.

Iran will be much harder to deal with than Iraq. Your hubris is laughable. 45's dumping the nuclear deal was a massive mistake and just based on that alone he does not deserve reelection.

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


There wouldn't be a real war. The USA would simply sink the Iranian navy in less then an afternoon. After that the oil pipelines would be destroyed. The nuclear bunker is perhaps too far underground but 24 hour surveillance would mean nobody goes in or out. Unless they want a missile down their throat.


We don't need to occupy Iran.

Isn't arthroscopic surgery just great?!

1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


Look forward to interest rate cuts and  a lower dollar if this plays out badly. However the good side is if you are invested this should more than offset it. For Americans like me living at home we like a weak dollar.

Nice troll of the US expats here living the dream. Your armchair warrior set at full defcom 3 alert. Lock and load we have another war siree....

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34 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


I sit in front of a computer and trade for a living. I should exercise more however I enjoy watching my net worth climb the ladder. I do not assume I am alone when I say that. 

at least you assume your patriotism is based on short time financial gains - like Trump - oil and stocks, that's all folks  

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