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Iran wants to handle black box data after plane crash blamed on missile


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14 hours ago, rabas said:
16 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

No idiot is going to allow Boeing, who will be desperate to avoid blame after their recent calamities take it to a country that could very easily be implicated surely!

You don't really believe Boeing's 737 missile defence systems failed do you?


you're killing me.


stop before i get an abdominal hernia

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3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

As usual, the cover-up is more damaging to the reputation than the event.

The simple, and proper, thing for Iran to have done was to admit that the plane was downed in error. Apologise, fire those involved in the error, and pay compensation to the families and to the airline.

Instead they will obfuscate, deny, and delay in the hope that it will all be old news someday, same as the Epstein death.


they may be concerned paying compensation will deplete the trump assassination fund

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49 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

They've admitted the obvious, but I still fail to understand how they mistakenly shot down a commercial jet that had just taken off from their main international airport.

It wasn't coming in at 30,000 feet and could be claimed to be confused with a bomber.

No mistake was it

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1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

They've admitted the obvious, but I still fail to understand how they mistakenly shot down a commercial jet that had just taken off from their main international airport.

It wasn't coming in at 30,000 feet and could be claimed to be confused with a bomber.

You don’t see how a jet flying low and slow could be confused with a bomber? 

Keep in mind, it was a few hours after they had completed a missile strike on a US base knowing the President had promised retaliation and had already deployed assets to the region. 



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15 hours ago, Scot123 said:

Only someone bitter and twisted would try and defect the evidence already seen. Video of the missiles, heat signatures of missiles and the airplane then a big explosion. Then ignore at the same time the Iranians were firing missiles at an airport in Iraq. The saddest thing is the murdered dead will never see justice as Iran gets away with it again. So many people gullible, cowerds or simply filled with so much twisted hate for Trump or America.

"The saddest thing is the murdered dead will never see justice as Iran gets away with it again."


Just like the 290 murdered dead never saw justice when their flight Iran Air Flight 655 was shot down by a missile in 1988.


And like the 298 victims of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 who died when their plane was shot down over the Ukraine in 2014. They never saw justice. Until then Thai Airways followed that same same flight path on their LHR - BKK service.


And the 270 victims in the Lockerbie Pan Am 103 atrocity in 1988 was another example.


Until these animals are brought to book and severely dealt with we'll never know if we could be on the next plane that gets blown out of the sky.


It can never happen to you. At least not until it does.


All of those responsible for murdering helpless innocent civilians should get the death penalty, no excuses and no exceptions.



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4 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Until these animals are brought to book and severely dealt with we'll never know if we could be on the next plane that gets blown out of the sky.


Well that's part of the problem......"these animals" were Americans (downing the Iran Air flight 655); Russians downing the Malaysia Airlines flight, and Libyans the Lockerbie bombing, not to mention North Korean agents for another bombing on a South Korean airline flight.


So where to start.........? 

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The black box will only show that there's an impact of a rocket. It must have hit at least one engine and the plane must have lost a lot of speed. 



Being in "take-off mode," the pilots must have been aware that a rocket was heading towards the plane, and they had no time, or chance doing anything to avoid it, or send a distress emergency call. 


 The voice recorder might be very interesting. Perhaps, similar to:
" Captain, XXX, look there's a FY%&Y^T%H$ and then noises when the plane went down. 


A horror scenario that's usually only to find in fake plane crash movies. 


I feel so sorry for the poor people on board, most of them must have died at the impact of the plane, some even could have been burnt to death. 


 But I still don't understand how something similar could happen accidentally. 


Did some military guys believe that it was Air Force One? 


My sincere condolences are all I can give to the families who've lost their loved ones. 


 Any information on the passenger's list? Some Americans on board would make it much easier to understand as an act of revenge?


  Rest in Peace. 

Edited by Isaanbiker
An eye for an eye. Put the killers on a 737/ Max 8
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10 hours ago, Old Croc said:

They've admitted the obvious, but I still fail to understand how they mistakenly shot down a commercial jet that had just taken off from their main international airport.

It wasn't coming in at 30,000 feet and could be claimed to be confused with a bomber.

I am beginning to think that perhaps they were targeting a commercial jet only this was the wrong one. That was the mistake.

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On 1/10/2020 at 7:16 PM, sweatalot said:

"Iran wants to handle black box data after plane crash"

If they were  sure it was not their missile that hit the plane they would happily let another country check the black box (except the US of course)

Now - even if they are innocent - nobody will believe when they claim their missile was not the cause 


(sorry cannot make the letters smaller)


Iran admitted they shoot down the airplane and that they are not innocent.


This is the price of elevated fear of war. Mistakes and miscalculations do happen. 


The more fearsome reality of these stupid wargames is that when nuclear weapon powers are becoming more and more fearsome towards each others, they also can will make miscalculations and mistakes. 


In those events casualties are not just a planefull of people, but all of us.


But hey, why not. It's time to reset and start over. Marine life should survive. 

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so does that Minister or whatever he was that announced un-categorically that a missile was not involved get to eat any crow?

Pretty crude missile system if you can't differentiate between a small cruise missile and a 737 jet airplane.  But, being in the defense industry, I am aware that some systems are crude, or display limited information to some operators, especially night shift or second shift operators.  And this assumes any proper training and practice is done, which is unlikely in a dictatorial system where free and open criticism, feedback, etc.  is rarely allowed

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