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Which countries in SEA don't blame westerners for everything?


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2 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

It’s not just Thailand that blames things on foreigners. Lots of other countries do the same, for example UK and USA. Scapegoating is very popular.

I never read in any US mass shooting report that it was blamed on a foreigner, and I can't remember anywhere the UK has scapegoated foreigners for the rise in knive crime or drug selling....yet stastics show its a large percentage of foreigners doing this...

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46 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Very stupid thread question.


Thai people not care/think about/ interest/talk about “westerners” much.

Thai intersted/care about there family, friends, neighbors, pets more than “westerners”


Sorry, you not important like you imagine yourself. 

In your home country, people talk about Thai people every day? Or not?


Q “Which countries in SEA dont blame westerners for everything”

A  Every SEA country. 

Welcome back Yinn, agreed seem's a strange question in view of this horrific robbery! 

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With the world shrinking (travel wise) in the last 50 years and more and more people moving/relocating to other countries, is it not fair to say that in places like Europe and USA (and others)that society as such is much more multi-racial/multi-cultural and therefore almost impossible to label anyone a "foreigner" these days.

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On 1/10/2020 at 11:04 PM, sirineou said:

Another Thai bashing thread under the thinly veiled guise of wanting to know "Which countries in SEA don't blame westerners for everything?

When something as horrible as this people like to think that it could not be them and that some others must have done it, 

Farangs blame Thais for all their bad choices, Thais blame foreigners , trump blames Mexicans, Brits blame Romanians etc. 

Not an Asian, not a Western, simply a human reaction.  But don't let me rain on your parade. Have fun.  

Why do some <snip> have to bring Trump (capital T) into a conversation where there is no ethereal connection? Have a good day!

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48 minutes ago, Enoon said:


But not most of the lists in Asia.


Not those of the 2.75 billion Indians/Chinese combined (in a total of 4.46 billion Asians).


Definitely not on the Thai list.......do you think they know/care about Judaism?


Even including "dissatisfied" Islamics (Islamic antipathy due to Israels establishment and its behaviour, not Jews per se) and S.America, the demographic for "those most likely to think harshly of Jews" is the minority.


ie. USA/Euro pop combined is only 1.7billion.


The future is Cappuccino coloured (and not especially anti-Jewish).




"USA/Euro pop combined is only 1.7billion." a lot less than that, under a billion

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On 1/10/2020 at 11:04 PM, sirineou said:

Another Thai bashing thread under the thinly veiled guise of wanting to know "Which countries in SEA don't blame westerners for everything?

When something as horrible as this people like to think that it could not be them and that some others must have done it, 

Farangs blame Thais for all their bad choices, Thais blame foreigners , trump blames Mexicans, Brits blame Romanians etc. 

Not an Asian, not a Western, simply a human reaction.  But don't let me rain on your parade. Have fun.  

If you read Bangkok Post or The Nation, online news or watch thai TV news channels, how many crimes are committed by westerners compared to thai people and people from neighbouring countries? The number is so low that it's laughable. Westerners in thai jail got caught at airports and other border crossings smuggling drugs. 

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A friend of mine in Pattaya spoke enough Thai to understand what any bar girls within earshot were saying about us. Like the OP he also wished he'd never taken the time to learn the lingo.


When he let on to them that he knew what they were saying they hid their faces in embarrassment, not because of what they'd said but because a falang had heard and understood it. Bird $h!t (Kee Nuk) was a favourite term they used when discussing us.


So rather than be praised and congratulated for having learned their language he was actually despised for having done so.

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On 1/11/2020 at 3:22 AM, sirineou said:
On 1/11/2020 at 3:07 AM, mauGR1 said:

I blame the women, but my mother was ok ????

As someone who grew up with three sisters, have a daughter, an ex wife, a present wife . I can safely say that you are not wrong to blame women .

 Everything was going fine for me. I played varsity baseball, run track, had my video games, and in spite  of all my mother warnings I was not going blind.

  Until I got laid, and said "Wow this is good, I need to get more of that:tongue:

...considering you spend your first 9 months trying to get out; and the rest of your life trying to get back in again...


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42 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Welcome back Yinn, agreed seem's a strange question in view of this horrific robbery! 



There some report that MAYBE the guy was not thai. 

he have mask etc. Difficult to know.


Police must ask witness what happened. In SOME witness opinion they said MAYBE he not look Thai. 

someone say he have “white skin”. (Hand). NOT say “farang”. MAYBE Pakistani, Chinese etc.

Not know, just report the guy have white skin on his hand more than average Thai person.


If think that the witness SHOULD mention it to police right? Also the physical shape and walk make SOME witness think MAYBE not a thai person IN THERE OPINION.


i not care if fOreigner or thai. This guy should have death penalty. Scum.


IMO think he will be thai, but maybe not. Nobody know. Police must check every witness/clue.


This thread question stupid IMO.

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1 hour ago, CGW said:

Well spotted! the majority here still seem to be under the illusion they have relevance here!

Are you not going back in time a few years. We now have to worry about being refused entry and made to feel treated like a common criminal. We have to be prepared to show hotel bookings, 20K TB in cash and a return ticket.


We're fully aware we have no 'relevance' here. Most of us come on holiday for a good time not to seek nor expect relevance.


Some of us are beginning to feel irrelevant in the LOS to the point where we no longer feel welcome especially after the experiences some have encountered with sour faced immigration officers.


And I'm referring not to ex pats but to holiday makers who come to the LOS regularly and have done so for years.

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Derogatory remark/Troll generalisation post removed.


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

Very stupid thread question.


Thai people not care/think about/ interest/talk about “westerners” much.

Thai intersted/care about there family, friends, neighbors, pets more than “westerners”


Sorry, you not important like you imagine yourself. 

In your home country, people talk about Thai people every day? Or not?


Q “Which countries in SEA dont blame westerners for everything”

A  Every SEA country. 

Great post, Yinn. 

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21 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

In the UK we certainly know who to blame when it comes to knife crime, grooming gangs and terrorist attacks and it's rarely our own people.


You're not wrong!


And we know exactly which ethnic group they come from and with a bit of luck, Boris Johnson will address it, because he knows too.

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1 minute ago, Yinn said:

You worry the opinion of bar girls/sex worker?


And type of foreigner that sex worker know about? Bad attitude drunk ugly pervert that must pay for sex/girlfriend right. 


He must speak Issan also right? And slang? Hmmmm 

you believe him? 


Sex worker calling sex tourist kee nok. 



In a sex bar. If he a sex customer, you think he should have high respect right?



i think in normal society he will be praised. In normal life. Normal people will think “wow, that is good.”


What important for him?

Whether you like it or not most falangs come to Thailand because of the bar girls or it's what brought them here in the first place especially where Pattaya is concerned.


The Pattaya forum receives by far the most posts related to Thailand's holiday destinations on Thai Visa.  As punters we don't expect respect just a bit of common courtesy. The majority of us treat the girls with courtesy and respect. Some of us actually fall in love and marry them and undertake to support their children and even whole families.


And I do believe him, why should I not? For example he said they refer to us as kee nok and you've just confirmed it. If he hangs around in bars as many of us do he's bound to pick up some of their expressions.


By the same token I'm no longer surprised when a Thai girl uses the 'F' word in normal conversation. I know a girl who speaks English with a London accent yet she's never been to the UK let alone London She picked it up from a long time boyfriend she had who came from London.


You have learned to speak English, do you therefore not think it possible that some falangs can learn to speak Thai? Some can even read and write it.

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8 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


You're not wrong!


And we know exactly which ethnic group they come from and with a bit of luck, Boris Johnson will address it, because he knows too.

Some hope of that. I read somewhere that he's already said he's not going to put a cap on immigration. His grandfather was a Turk.

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38 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

I'm referring not to ex pats but to holiday makers who come to the LOS regularly and have done so for years.

Sorry, I was referring to "expats" which I believe the majority of members on TVF are. If i was a tourist doubt I would be visiting Thailand, too many other options are now available where indeed you would be relevant and welcomed.

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3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Some hope of that. I read somewhere that he's already said he's not going to put a cap on immigration. His grandfather was a Turk.


Well I got a different story.


He favors the Australian points system of immigration thereby getting the best people for the work vacancies we have. He is also going to give preference and make certain exceptions on visas to those who are in the healthcare profession.


Sounds good to me, we have enough takeaways and taxi drivers as it is.

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