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Dutchman jailed in Thailand for money laundering in NL is released


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1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

It would be nice to hear that he will sue the Dutch government for everything he lost, plus time in prison, and damages amounting to the rest of his earnings in future, seeing as how they instigated the letters which appear to be illegal.

He hasn't finished his time in prison, it will continue in Holland.  Reading the link would tell you that.

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Let's focus on what's important here and what can be learned. This moron sent the equivalent of US$7M to his Thai wife's bank account. Of course there were red flags. Of course they thought he was money laundering. If you don't want to end up like the Dutch man then never send such a crazy large amount of money anywhere.

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11 minutes ago, Roy Baht said:

Let's focus on what's important here and what can be learned. This moron sent the equivalent of US$7M to his Thai wife's bank account. Of course there were red flags. Of course they thought he was money laundering. If you don't want to end up like the Dutch man then never send such a crazy large amount of money anywhere.

Which red flags, He was never on the Thai police radar until the Dutch police tipped of the Thai police about him.

As long you can explain the money there is no problem sending over big amounts of money.

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Not released (as back in the public) but transferred.


Upon arriving in The Netherlands he is taken into custody and sent to prison immediately.

Here he have to finish his sentence.

But it will be not the same as in Thailand, better and shorter.

It could be possible that he will be released around the same time as his wife, who was jailed for 11 years (still 6 to go).

Hope that he will be reunited with his wife who then has to come over to Netherland, as he will probably be banned from Thailand as registered criminal.


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1 hour ago, advancebooking said:

not such a good idea to be with a gf who you think will kill you for such a small amount of money. avoid the bar girls perhaps. there are normal thai girls who come from good families...

You say that, but if I were to list the people in my life that either wanted to harm me, or tried to take money/assets/pensions from me, it was always women I had been sleeping with (married or unmarried).

And nearly all my male friends and relatives the same.


If you're over 50 years old.

Who took most from you?

A random robber, or a woman you had sex with?

Edited by BritManToo
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56 minutes ago, merijn said:

Which red flags, He was never on the Thai police radar until the Dutch police tipped of the Thai police about him.

As long you can explain the money there is no problem sending over big amounts of money.

BULLS**T! Try it!

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

He hasn't finished his time in prison, it will continue in Holland.  Reading the link would tell you that.

Thanks, I did not have time to read the full article this morning. It mentions money laundering amongst others. However, I still think he may be able to appeal against being jailed in Thailand, bearing in mind how much nicer Dutch prisons are.

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Everything he was ever accused of happened outside Thailand

Indeed, not Thai Jurisdiction, even if accusations were true what it is not. 
He diligently paid his taxes in the Netherlands.

Moreover, for Thai people it is policy that what happened abroad is not of Thai concern as voiced by Powers that be.
How come that in this case the Authorities arrested someone on unfounded charges flouted by a career hungry prosecutor and distributed by Embassy staff, apparently without heeding the four eyes principle. Hope in the end the Dutch Minister of Justice will have to resign, if he didn't yet do so.
And also hope that misappropriated cash and assets will be returned, and that the guy and his wife gets a compensation for unjustified imprisonment.

and moreover would be nice if for one time a pig will fly.

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14 minutes ago, Roy Baht said:

BULLS**T! Try it!

What is <deleted> ?

Transferring big amount of money to Thailand? This is no problem as long you can justify it.

I transferred in past money to Thailand (not that big i admit) for building my house and after answering the questions from the bank in Bangkok it was transferred into my account without any issue.

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4 hours ago, Expat Tom said:

This extends throughout the entire society. See how long your loving Thai wife or girlfriend will stay with you if someone with a few baht more comes knocking? Thailand was never colonized because there was no need. Thai were and are willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder. They is no reason to take over a country that is for sale on every level....from the mother who has the beautiful daughter in Isan to the highest government official in Bangkok....it is all for sale!!!


I now live in Vietnam, 

.... in Vietnam, where it is - with nuances - the same, unfortunately.

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4 hours ago, dallen52 said:


Add to the list several 7/11 stores that knowingly put items in your basket and then pull you up for non payment. 

With offers to settle in the back room.. 


Its endemic..

Anyone who has not experienced this is lucky. 


thanks for sharing, did not hear about this before, truly disgusting practice,
apparently some people want to find out how low one can go..

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

The investigation will focus on tax fraud, membership of a criminal organisation and laundering €20m,’ a public prosecution department official said".

Yes, so what, merely an investigation at this stage.


If they find any valid evidence of wrongdoing then they will surely file some charges with the courts and perhaps apply for extradition from wherever he is. This is what they should have done.


That's how it's done in the real world.

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Silly Dutch  goverment   at fault  and they asked Thailand to intervene  ,

so this is what happens  


drugs here of course carry  jail time 

but just spending money here all have a profit  Thai i mean ,


hope this guy gets some good treatment now 


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3 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

The Dutch governement should be DEEPLY ASHAMED for framing a Dutch citizen and make the Thais arrest him. He was an entrepeneur running businesess in a grey area and doing the best to do it within the law. VERY DISTURBING that a governement stabs its own citizens in the back in another country. 


I think a case in court will follow soon....how can the Thai arrest him for money laundering and keep him in jail for 5 years? Why didn't they extradite him?

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10 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Thai authorities think that they can do what they want with us. 

Well they can! This story proves they can! Why did the Dutch not try to get him out of jail and back to Holland? They did nothing at all. This story has just begun i guess..

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54 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

20 million Euros.

They suspect him of washing 20 million euro...being a member of a criminal organisation...tax evasion....and this all happened during the time that he owned the grass company..


Van Laarhoven wordt door de Nederlandse aanklager verdacht van belastingfraude, lidmaatschap van een criminele organisatie en het witwassen van twintig miljoen euro, in de tijd dat hij eigenaar was van coffeeshopketen The Grass Company in Noord-Brabant #laarhoven

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Knoops verwijst verder naar het rapport van de ombudsman van vorig jaar maart. ,,Een vernietigend oordeel over het optreden van de Nederlandse staat. Aan de Thaise autoriteiten is expliciet gevraagd alle procedures tegen cliënt te starten, de basis van de vervolging" #laarhoven


His lawyer is blaming the Dutch state, they have explicit asked the Thai authorities to start the trial against him.....

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His lawyer now claims that the Dutch state should release him now so he can go to hospital, he needs surgery and medical treatment..if they comply with that the claim which will follow sure might be lower.....


Knoops betoogt dat de schade voor de Staat beperkt zou worden als Van Laarhoven nu vrijkomt voor zijn medische behandeling. In een later proces zou de schadevergoeding dan ook lager uitvallen #laarhoven



Here you guys can follow the case in court live...read the tweets.....



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