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Sanders climbs, now tied with Biden among registered voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll

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10 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


That ship has sailed now that Warren has committed political harakiri on live TV. Bernie's spike up is due to the fact Warren is basically finished. Warren played the desperation card and it blew up in her face. The circular firing squad has its first suicide bomber in its ranks now. That moment will be played over and over looking back at the campaign. It is the height of what Warren offers. Given her record of lying and bending the truth over and over I believe Bernie. Wrong time to play the man hater card for her.


Apparently Bernie raised more than $4 million immediately after this debacle. The moment Steyer pops up and says hi to Bernie is the best part. Yeah good. Okay. haha 



A trump suppporter concerned that a candidate bends the truth. Priceless.

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2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

A trump suppporter concerned that a candidate bends the truth. Priceless.

Give him a little break. That was probably his first good post since joining. 

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2 hours ago, phkauf said:

Sorry, but you are repeating the same nonsense Bernie has been spouting for years. NONE of these countries are socialist (although Sweden has insanely high tax rates to pay for generous social benefits). Sweden turned to Socialism in the 1960's which stagnated their economy and led to an exodus of talent and wealth. They gave it up around 1996 and now are free market with high taxes. Norway has great social benefits funded by their oil wealth. Both Denmark and Finland are free market countries. 

There is a really neat thing called the internet, try to use it some time to get your facts straight.

Before you call a country Socialist, or Capitalist, you have to understand what the words mean to normal educated people, not for example, the dismissive derogatory way the word is used by many in the US, particularly uneducated members of the rabid right. (No need to take that personally)


1) Almost all countries in the world are basically Capitalist, in the economist's definition.

2) It is possible to have a largely free-market Capitalist economy, working side by side with a Socialist government, that ensures that rampant - devil takes the hindmost- style Capitalism does not destroy the fabric of society. Such a government will ensure that there is adequate social provision, and protection from exploitation for ordinary members of society. This is the case to different degrees in all European countries. For us you don't have to nationalise everything that moves to be a Socialist, that is a right wing US fantasy.

3) Bernie is quite right to call these northern European countries Socialist. In European terms he is very moderate in his views, and these countries are examples of the good and caring governance that he aspires to for the US. That is a world away from the hard left in the UK, Italy, Spain, or France.

4) Venezuela started out in a promising way, but the US believes that all the oil in the world belongs to them, and it was an awful accident that a lot of it is actually located in other countries. Venezuela struggled for many years as the US tried all means to overthrow the left wing government. Combine that with a progressively dictatorial thug of a leader, and you get the current mess. Not an advertisement for Socialism (Which it certainly isn't), the CIA or anything at all really. 

5) One would have to be totally daft to imagine that the US would have shown any interest in Venezuela at all if it had nothing they wanted to exploit.

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4 hours ago, phkauf said:

Sorry, but you are repeating the same nonsense Bernie has been spouting for years. NONE of these countries are socialist (although Sweden has insanely high tax rates to pay for generous social benefits). Sweden turned to Socialism in the 1960's which stagnated their economy and led to an exodus of talent and wealth. They gave it up around 1996 and now are free market with high taxes. Norway has great social benefits funded by their oil wealth. Both Denmark and Finland are free market countries. 

There is a really neat thing called the internet, try to use it some time to get your facts straight.

By that metric neither is Venezuela which is why we are having this "socialist" conversation, when You said

"Go ask the people of Venezuela how socialism is working for them? I hear the Venezuelan diet is quite effective - lose 20 lbs. due to starvation. Socialism turned what was once the most prosperous country in South America into one of the poorest. 

You all pick the worst example rather than the best . , But I did not want to go there because this is not a thread about Socialism or Venezuela, something that you don't seem to have a problem with. 

So Start a thread about Venezuela and or Socialism and we can talk who is more socialist , the European countries I mentioned or, Venezuela, or we can talk about the reasons Why Venezuela is the way it is, and the involvement of the US government in the problems of Venezuela. 

  Now back to Bernie Sanders.   


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On 1/17/2020 at 11:11 AM, Saint Nick said:

Second: he is on line with the majority of US voters on many important issues: universal health care, gun control, taxing the super- rich, free education...you name it!

lol - you are out of touch with the majority of US voters.

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The guy wants to give away the store! Say goodbye to entrepreneurs ,the back bone to America. First, big business,then them! 

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5 hours ago, MisterTee said:

America and Europe are on a slide right now.

The highest immigration rates in the world are to places like Sweden, Canada, Germany, and California.  It's the freebies they go for.

After going too far down the Socialist path, these states begin to run like ponzi-schemes where the only thing propping them up is a rapid expansion of population.  They need the population increases so badly that they will accept almost anyone and will also offer lavish incentives to encourage third worlders  to make the journey [free healthcare, free education, free housing, etc.]. 

We are witnessing the death-throes of these societies, the last ditch effort to keep the party going a few more years.

It will fail, and it will fail spectacularly, as Socialism always does.  If America as a whole goes down that path, by electing any one of the current crop of goo-goo Liberals, it will be a rapid acceleration of the fall.


I don’t know we’re you are from but I’m a native Californian Cali has the 5th largest economy on the planet everything is uber expensive you run as fast as you can just to survive I from 70 years experience haven’t seen the rampant giveaways as you say exist so to put it real simple I say bs 

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4 hours ago, Kelsall said:

Bernie will get screwed out of the nomination like he did last time.  Pelosi's timing of the impeachment mess ensures Bernie will be holed up in the Senate during key campaign times. 

Ridiculous conspiracy theory about Pelosi. Straight from alt-right talking point fictions. Not even Bernie fans buy that!

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On 1/17/2020 at 5:12 PM, earlinclaifornia said:

I too like Yang for VP. Typically a swing state candidate is chosen.

I like Klobuchar as VP to Yang. Yang can beat Trump handily and is the only candidate on either side with any vision. Klobuchar is a swing state female, with an excellent legislative background. I'm still fond of Bernie, but he's not going to get M4A passed, even if he gets a Democrat controlled Senate, which is doubtful at this time. Plus, I'm not voting for any septugenarians from any party. I tend to agree with the poster who thinks the Democrats are tanking this election.













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Biden screwed himself with the Ukraine thing... Hunter is about to testify. Bernie just got spanked again by Elizabeth Warren, he's weak with the women in his life... remember Debbie Washerman Schultz who rigged the DNC against Bernie? Nope... the Democrates will trot out OLD Hillary again... and she will lose against Trump AGAIN. It's Trump for another four years. 

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9 hours ago, MisterTee said:

We are witnessing the death-throes of these societies, the last ditch effort to keep the party going a few more years.

Agreed. My prediction is Trump gets it for another four years... then the whole country is going to fall apart after his final four years. They won't be able to prop up the economy any further... and when it crashes again like in 2008, it's going to gouge deep.

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