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Seven year old foreign boy attacked by dogs on Krabi beach - only then is there some action


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3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Great comment without thinking! You just won the pulitzer price! It goes unsaid that they catch them and do the shooting in another designated place for such activity.

Lol... yes, it should go without saying, but that is not what was said 


apprehend (tranquilizer / net), remove, euthanize (export to Vietnam?) ... 

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7 hours ago, CharlieH said:

This kind of pack of 16 should never have been allowed to form, especially in a tourist area.


About time they started using a "dog catcher" no collar and it's collected and held in a compound for period to be claimed/adopted if not then disposed of.


Introduce a dog licence fee to pay for it.

Correct, when they pack up like that they become a problem, near me there were a couple of dogs which wasn't a problem, but they bred a succession of puppies which have grown up and stayed forming a pack... now the terrorise the area chasing anything that moves even chasing occasional cars.

On a public beach this should have been reported and stopped, unfortunately it always takes an accident to gt something done!

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I really hope the little lad will make some kind full recovery  from his Traumatic experience.

DAD ! if you are reading this, try to get full and complete compensation from the Local Authority.

Not for the Money, but for the Justice, and to teach these people a big lesson.

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2 minutes ago, Hank Gunn said:

I totally agree with you, but I believe the concept of a dog license (with fee) was suggested a few months ago, and the Thai populace reacted with a collective squeal of, "We're poor people, cannot afford. It's too much." etc.


This is what you get when people refuse to take responsibility, much like parents letting their 8 and 10 year olds ride their motorbikes because they're too lazy to say "No".

yet  not so  poor  they cant feed  the  things

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4 hours ago, kekalot said:

I got bit by soi dogs at least 3 times in 6 years, probably came close to getting bitten another 25+ (because I walk a lot)

first time i near a corner, stepped up "quickly" on a 60cm high ledge to skip going around the whole corner, dog runs and bites me.. the "owner" - a homeless man laughs at me. second time, about 2am.. walking to 7eleven, apparently woke up some dog that was sleeping on the way, he runs and bites my calf. (saw that same dog with a muzzle the next day) third time, walking right in front of a police station white dog runs out of owners house full speed to me and bites me, two police there had a laugh.

it was great.


just last week, I went to 7eleven and wanted to put something in the bin (across the street) and some car was coming soonish so

i half ran for like 5 steps before 6 dogs decided that they were startled by this and that it was time for them to try to take me down.

Dogs can sense evil. ????

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20 minutes ago, jonnit said:

Some pellet guns are powerful enough to put a dog away and with a scope would present little danger on the beach.

I would love a pellet gun. There's a pack of 20+ that roam our streets. I was almost attacked by 6-8 of them one night. I made sure not to show any emotions as they can sense fear... chills went up my spine but I stayed calm. Nothing seems to be done about them... they bark like hell in the middle of the night. I wish the city could contract a couple of dog catchers a couple times a year to reduce the numbers. 

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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Sort the dog problem out, sort the road deaths problem out, sort the scams & the cheating out...   come on Thailand, you have a beautiful country with beautiful people, but come on.... start giving a $h!t, for your own good. 

Agreed....well stated....And fix the immigration....this place could be so much better. 

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Things have sadly changed at Pine bungalow, I stayed there many times from '94 until they concreted the place and the dogs were always great, well except Diamond bless him. I stayed a number of times for three months or more and became alpha dog, the only people they ever chased were in Muslim garb no doubt brought on by the prawn farmer who often attacked them and even poisened some. So sad to see one of my past favourite haunts in the news for such a thing. RIP Thailand.

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It's the same down under..... nothing is done until someone gets hurt.

Even then, requests to change the laws regarding this kind of thing falls on deaf ears.


As far as I can make out, most is down to the fact that what used to be accepted as "common sense" has largely been dispensed with given the government workplace health and safety department no longer recognise anything as "common sense" ....no such thing according to them.

So perhaps the same thinking is slowly migrating to Thailand.

Sad thing as "common sense" was how I used to get around and survive in Thailand.

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Get rid of them! The army and the police should form a task force and eliminate majority of street dogs across the country. I feel so sorry for the kid. I’m sick of these garbage looking dog enthusiasts who waste their time and money feeding these ugly beings. Sorry for the harsh comment but as an expat I know how irritating street dogs can be. Hope the kid gets back to normal life.  

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On 1/20/2020 at 5:21 AM, Just Weird said:

Thanks but, very clearly, I don't need you to tell me whether my comment involved thinking or not!  Nothing goes unsaid when Thaivisa comments are made.

Apparently somebody needs to tell you the simple facts you missed on your way in life. I guess, when you say nothing goes unsaid regarding Thai Visa comment. You must talk about your own, that you probably have to read quiet for your self 3 times before posting just to understand them. ????????

On 1/20/2020 at 5:21 AM, Just Weird said:


"pulitzer price".?

How much is that, then?


OOh! Prize it should be. Sorry teacher. 

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On 1/20/2020 at 8:52 AM, CharlieH said:

This kind of pack of 16 should never have been allowed to form, especially in a tourist area.


About time they started using a "dog catcher" no collar and it's collected and held in a compound for period to be claimed/adopted if not then disposed of.


Introduce a dog licence fee to pay for it.

Totally agree ! Licenced, registered, collar. No collar= impounded and  eventually .... if no claimant or adoption.

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22 hours ago, Chazar said:

yet  not so  poor  they cant feed  the  things

I think the majority do  feed  their kids !

Oh ! The dogs ! Nah !

let them  go and get under the feet of  customers in noodle shops, restaurants etc to scrounge scarps while they unload as many fleas and ticks as they can. Good  Dog !


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