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Coronavirus in Thailand: Should you be worried and do you need to wear a mask?


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Thought I would share this:


Prevention method is to keep your throat moist, do not let your throat dry up. Thus do not hold your thirst because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins.*
*Drink 50-80cc warm water, 30-50cc for kids, according to age.* *Everytime u feel your throat is dry, do not wait, keep water in hand.* *Do not drink plenty at one time as it doesn’t help, instead continue to keep throat moist.*


So masks and boiled sweets for the future

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Should you be worried?


No.  You're more likely to die after drinking all night and riding a motorcycle at 2am.


Or from lung cancer (if you smoke cigarettes).


Or from liver failure (if you're an alcoholic).


And do you need to wear a mask?


If you have a cold and want to protect others from your sneezing.  Otherwise, no.



There's been a run of surgical masks in the US because of the coronavirus scare. You don't need them, physicians say

"Right now, there's no evidence that [wearing face masks] is going to help prevent that infection,"


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3 minutes ago, Sinistralian said:

because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins.*

Staying hydrated is *always* good, but this is pure balderdash.



Edited by SiSePuede419
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13 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:
16 minutes ago, Sinistralian said:

because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins.*

Staying hydrated is *always* good, but this is pure balderdash.



physical barriers that help stop infection if compromised can also function in a compromised way. the mucous membranes depend on adequate water content /hydration.


i don't know where the 10 minutes virus invasion information comes from though.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

those of you in Thailand should be more concerned with being involved in a fatal road traffic accident when you go out tonight than being infected with 2019-nCoV,


16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Each year seasonal flu kills around 400,000 people globally, meaning it has a mortality rate of approximately 1 percent. 

Deja vu, I stated these facts 28 hours ago in a post here on TV.

???? Live long and prosper.


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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

By comparison, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that killed nearly 800 people between 2002 and 2003 had a mortality rate of 10 percent.

WHO state that the overall mortality rate for SARS is 14 - 15% and up to 50% in high risk groups.  So far, the new coronavirus is much lower than that and is expected to peak a little in the short term before settling back to around 2%

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This is a very important fact to be aware of:  Few people are aware that the use of soap to wash hands in China is almost none existent.  Resources state that even most hospitals do not have soap available.  A "Five Star Hotel" is the usual exception.  How then do people not spread germs?  You can wear all the layers of masks in the world and still the hand-to-mouth, and hand-to-eyes will be the apparent loophole which will continue to spread the latest epidemic.  No one seems to ever bring this up anywhere.  Imagine all of the 'surfaces' that are touched by potentially infected individuals?

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1 hour ago, Rod the Sod said:

400,000 die each year from flu. That is 1,096 a day. So far just over 100 have died over the last couple of weeks from WuFlu. Keep it all in proportion folks!!

Well the thing is no one really knows the real numbers inside China. There’s unconfirmed reports that there could possibly be 90,000 people infected. But no one really knows for sure. They already know the Chinese government has already quarantined at least one entire city and they are rapidly springing up emergency hospitals in the area where the military is apparently not letting people leave the city. No one ever likes the way China does things and rightfully so but China they will take care of business. Even if it’s something really bad that the world doesn’t get to see unfortunately. But hopefully they will allow it to be an international effort if they can’t handle it if God forbid it does get out of control because apparently they are nowhere near a vaccine yet. This one is probably a potential nightmare scenario for the WHO and CDC in the states.


And I can’t imagine how the poor Corona CEO must feel, sad situation. 

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17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I know, it's Leo mostly.

It was until beginning 2010;

and then a little imbecile belonging to the billionaire family who makes the leo had the intelligence to treat the inhabitants of Isaan as "kwai";
Since then it's been much more Chang ...:giggle:

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From what I've read, doctors think the size of the coronavirus is about the same as the SARS virus. 


The SARS virus was about 0.1 microns. One micron is 1/1000 of a millimeter. So the coronavirus is suspected to be about 1/10,000 mm long. Think about it. Those silly little paper masks people wear are 100% useless. 

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16 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

Psychologically wearing a mask is feeling more protected, even if we know that it doesn't protect much but it's always better than nothing.


Can you explain to me how we wash our hands in the thousands of places in Thailand where there is a market and street meals .....
Never seen a tap connected to the city water system in these places; no soap or anything to wipe his hands ...
no more than in the hundreds of thousands of road embroidery boui-boui where we eat a pad thai or another dish at 40 baht ...

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12 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:


Can you explain to me how we wash our hands in the thousands of places in Thailand where there is a market and street meals .....
Never seen a tap connected to the city water system in these places; no soap or anything to wipe his hands ...
no more than in the hundreds of thousands of road embroidery boui-boui where we eat a pad thai or another dish at 40 baht ...

Yes living is very dangerous.


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48 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:


Can you explain to me how we wash our hands in the thousands of places in Thailand where there is a market and street meals .....
Never seen a tap connected to the city water system in these places; no soap or anything to wipe his hands ...
no more than in the hundreds of thousands of road embroidery boui-boui where we eat a pad thai or another dish at 40 baht ...

Ok ... "Hand Sanitizer" ... You're welcome.

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