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DId you pay sinsord and how much?


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4 minutes ago, RobbyXNorway said:

This is part of the reason I'm going to the Philippines to find a young lady for a serious relationship. And then bring her here to Thailand to live with me.


Thai focus on money and monetary wealth is disgusting.

The ammaht here eat far more than their fair share of what is a wealthy country making ordinary people fight that much harder for their share of the crumbs that fall from the table. So money doesn't just talk here IT SHOUTS !

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15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm producing one of those as well, but in Chiang Mai.


Just one year to go, speaks perfect English, slim, attractive, weighs 50Kg, no previous boyfriends, a bit dusky. 

I'm asking 5MBht if anyone's interested. No warranty, no refunds.

If I win Tattslotto, i may PM you. Although permit me to doubt she would have any interest in a septuagenerian, no matter how dutiful she might be.

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21 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm producing one of those as well, but in Chiang Mai.


Just one year to go, speaks perfect English, slim, attractive, weighs 50Kg, no previous boyfriends, a bit dusky. 

I'm asking 5MBht if anyone's interested. No warranty, no refunds.

I wanted a CM university because that is home base. But I lost out on that argument. The Bkk university offered the curriculum that she wanted. That's okay. Just keep showing us the high grades.

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27 minutes ago, neeray said:

I won't produce one baht of sinsod.

The little family is forever grateful that I am putting daughter through a Bkk university complete with all the extras required for that education.

And I've already got my payback with grades in the high nineties.

This smart, sensible, well-grounded Thai girl will have a bright future.

No need to prove anything with sinsod.

Just do for show. Tell mum is just for show. Must return it same day. 

Good feeling for her family/village/friend and for the wedding day. Sanook.


If return = no cost for you. Part of the fun of thai wedding.


The small money you pay to “negotiate” with family/friend to “allow” enter her family house on wedding morning (after parade with your family and friend walk to her family house) that you not get back. 1-5,000 enough. 



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53 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

I pointed out to my wife's family that a farang wasn't marrying their daughter, she was marrying a farang and as such the tradition in my country was for the bride's family to pay a dowry. Lots of glum faces all round and sinsod wasn't mentioned again.



yeah, good for you to explain the western tradition of the bride's family to pay the groom's family to take the burdensome girl off their hands

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1st Thai wife , about 100,000 - 27, no kids, not married. (I divorced her after 2 years)

2nd Thai wife , Zero. - 2 kids prior to me (live with gran), but not married . (happy for 5 years now with new daughter).


Rule of thumb you pay for what you get - I guess. If she's married before, kids before then zero. 20 year old virgin (555) and you can probably forget the condo 


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35 minutes ago, neeray said:

No need to prove anything with sinsod.


Absolutely ;
It is in use, 
"O time suspend your flight" ( Lamartine ) ...
that the new Thai family is aware of the quality of their new son-in-law;
not to this custom of another age ...

I got married in the village 15 years ago, I paid for the wedding but did not give a baht of sinsot.
My wife was divorced with three children who were all still in school, primary and secondary.
I paid all of the fees for the Elderly Girl's University who is now a doctor at That Phanom Public Hospital.
(she loves me but I am already married to her mother) :giggle:;
it's okay, she lives with a captain of the royal river police.
I also paid the first two years of college for the last girl who had to stop because of her autoimmune disease.
The son who is now 32 did not want to go to secondary school, he is like me, in fact, a manual worker , a very good one ; I lend him my pickup from time to time; he drives well, has never had the slightest hitch and especially he does not drink alcohol.
he took over the family farm for a while then went to work for three years in Taiwan as a welder on aluminum;
A few weeks ago he passed his exam to be able to drive all the heavy vehicles; trucks and coaches 
it was easy, we are in Thailand, nothing to do with the same thing in the west; we also understand much better why so many bus and truck accidents in Thailand.
But that's another subject .....

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an ex married a foreigner, he paid 2.4 million baht, she is openly derogatory about this often saying he was stupid to pay that amount, according to her 200k would have been symbolically ok as her family has money, but they were trying it on and he fell for it. apparently, because of this, they dont respect him and when he's around mock him in thai. of course he has no idea.


this all shows why she is an ex, i caught her lying to me and dumped her.

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