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PM not happy with proposed freeze of VOA for Chinese tourists


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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The prime minister made the remark at the meeting of the council, citing its impact on Thai tourism.

Stop thinking only about money, it's time to look for a real solution to this problem that you are expanding disproportionately!
Now you have time to solve your real problems and try to bring back the tourists of yesteryear!
My teacher at commercial schools taught me that it is better to have a hundred small customers than a large one!
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13 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

Scores on here cheerled him into office.




I would be grateful for you to justify that remark and specify who, exactly, that would be.

Or are you just trolling for 2 minutes of media fame?

Because it sounds like nonsense!

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Tell me I'm dreaming, some countries suspend all flights with China and here they want more chinese tourists by stressing that their health system is up to par, it's beyond comprehension  even for a very small brain. For them to change their minds, someone in the government would have to catch this virus, that would make me laugh!

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According to this article, it would seem to me that the sport minister makes more sense that the rest of them but sadly he’s being contradicted by the money first mentality by putting the entire population at risk without thinking of the consequences, do they ever ?! ????????‍♂️

I must assume that the words prevention and containment are not in Thailand interest, sadly..

Clearly, they’re not 100% in control of this fast spreading pandemic as it was previously mentioned by the man in charge.

While other countries are declaring state of emergency hence banning Chinese flight from landing on their soil at the same time implementing measures in order to control and hopefully prevent the spreading of this virus..Thailand chooses to go the opposite relaxed way by continuing to welcome Chinese and the like on their land putting  everyone else at risk ?!!! They really can’t think that far ahead can they ?! Sad to say the least ☹️


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2 minutes ago, Howiehotspur said:

Within 20 years Thailand will be part of China anyway .. just like Cambodia will be in 10 

A couple of years ago a 200 year old Chinese boat was dug out of the mud in a creek about 15km from where I live suggesting the Thais have a long relationship with China in fact the entire Thai population is said to have emigrated from China and so have always been a part of China so you statement is true that in 20 years Thailand will still be a part of China!

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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

There's also no reason to think that this virus will disappear for years, it's got a foothold now, it's here to stay.


Due to the peculiar Chinese markets we now have a new flu in the mix and it's festering all over Asia. It's been reported that half of the initial cases in the first weeks were people who worked in the market and they did nothing in response to this at first.

 Some Chines doctors warned about it,  but in the beginning the authorities have created the worst trouble for them for spreading fake news, so they did something.????

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Well, looks like 'safety' goes to the rear once again. If the number of cases is still increasing the warning is for extra measures not less. When there are no further cases of infection then it's time to think again. That time hasn't yet arrived...but of course the PM has it under control 100%.

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For those of you who may have seen the comments by the World Health Organization who sent expert Dr's to review and see what China was doing to contain the virus, WHO was very impressed and commended the Chinese for their efforts ... then a stupid PM says; "Arh don't worry about it, let them in !" .... all for the sake of loss of face and loss of money, he's never thought that the Chinese may in fact say; "Hey thanks a lot Prayut for helping us to contain the situation !" .... it's a loss of Chinese money of their own people do travel, better to keep them at home for a while, keep their funds and the virus where both can be controlled .... where's the problem ?

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“The prime minister emphasised that the committee should consider this matter carefully because China had prohibited its nationals from traveling abroad which has already affected the Thai tourism sector ,” she said.

So at least we now know where his concern lays!!!

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12 minutes ago, madmitch said:

Er, the Minister of Tourism and Sport said this:


“In the meeting, the minister of Tourism and Sports also disagreed with the proposal, because it might hurt the feeling of Chinese tourists and the country’s tourism in the long term”.


You think that's sensible?


How would the "hurt the feelings" of a nation that has alreadt suspended package tours out of the country? The Chinese presently seem to be more sensible than the idiots in charge here.

Oh Dear oh dear ???? I’m sorry I misread it, I thought somebody in there had some sense !!! They all think alike obviously, money first then wiry about the wide spread contamination after when it’s too late ????????‍♂️

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He said, as he was sitting in his save enviroment , maybe he should fly to china and escort every flight into thailand by himself without wearing any facemask or whatever protection there is . Would get rid of him in an easy way as he is in the risk category BEING OLD .

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Brilliant strategy by Prayut and the government leaders. I guess they missed the class on epidemiology. 

So in a week or two when Thailand has the highest number of infections outside China and tourism completely collapses, they have nobody to blame but themselves (I am sure they are trying to find a way to pin it on the FFP and Taksin's people). Most Western tourists prefer not to get a life threatening disease on holiday. I think the coveted Indian market has a similar mindset.


At least their complete ineptitude has some positive effect, the baht is down quite a bit lately. So high fives all around!!!

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15 minutes ago, johnarth said:

so what happens if a Thai dies from this virus? the prim minister has laid his stones on the table

Thailand will be locked down and nobody will be able to come or go because so many are scared sh!tless.

258 deaths attributed to 2019 coronavirus compared to 33,000 deaths from regular flu in one month and don't forget that any of the other flu viruses can mutate at any time and cause a mass extinction of the human race.

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Don't upset the big man in China considering they run Hong Kong Taiwan and Australia isn't far off being a Chinese state? Thailand is on Mr Jinpings list too. 

As for the rooster what a clown. Tourism to line his hiso friends pockets over the Thai citizens  I baled last month from Bkk after living there for 12 yrs  as for health care its OK if you go to BNH not a public hospital you have no chance   I got the message loud and clear  we white man not wanted no more in the land of smiles   good luck Thailand with  your chinese brothers in arms. 

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1 hour ago, 30la said:
Stop thinking only about money, it's time to look for a real solution to this problem that you are expanding disproportionately!
Now you have time to solve your real problems and try to bring back the tourists of yesteryear!
My teacher at commercial schools taught me that it is better to have a hundred small customers than a large one!

So you mean, like 100 low quality Chinese/Indian tourists are better than 1 high quality western tourist? 

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