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PM not happy with proposed freeze of VOA for Chinese tourists


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1 hour ago, Lacrimas said:

Just give them the damn citizenship if you love the chinese so much. I have worked and lived here for 10 years, paid taxes but I'm still treated like scum by the immigration. The chinese come here disrespecting the rules of the country and bringing viruses and they are more welcome than me. This is driving me nuts, really!

Wow. You should see a doctor about your anger management issues. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 8:37 PM, ParkerN said:


Because Thais always know best. After all, God looks after Thailand. And Israel. And Americky.

fake news. God loves the Irish...gave them first choice 'which do you want lots of oil, or water?.

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I hope that some Thai nationals are reading this forum.

Your Primate minister has just totally destroyed the image of your once wonderful country by not following the examples of educated 1st world countries, by trying to keep the virus out of the country instead of welcoming it in.....I very much doubt there is one western nation out there that will want to come and visit here for a long time.

Your western tourist industry has just been destroyed overnight.....the idiots stupidity reaches new heights.

For a country that relies so heavily on tourism, to lose a large portion of the global travelers is a catastrophe for many business's here.

For those of you making a living in the tourist sector, I hope you have savings, as a lot of your income has now gone for a long long time......better for you to start looking for a new income source.

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As I write 304 dead in China, up from 260 hours ago.


This may end up being self enforcing. Possible Chinese can't get out. Once out can't return. BKK post has article that Chinese were forced to return on chartered aircraft to Hubei.


More countries have restricted and banned Chinese nationals. Additional airlines have cut service. Airplanes are incubators of airborne disease, the only time I ever catch a bit of cold is after traveling on a plane.

Edited by Number 6
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On 1/31/2020 at 7:35 PM, snoop1130 said:

The proposal is not intended to discourage tourists,

he doesn't have to worry about discouraging tourists, they have been discouraged for quite sometime, read the article from the link and you will see the forecast for the economy of Thailand, since 2014 it has been down hill


Thailand's Economy Was Already Sickening

Clara Ferreira Marques
BloombergFebruary 1, 2020, 8:00 AM GMT+7



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The US and Australia are banning entry of foreigners who have recently visited China.


How long before they add foreigners that have visited Thailand? Possibly due to inaction from this Thai govt.


More countries will follow, guaranteed.


Returning Australian citizens coming from China are to be quarantined for 14 days.


No one in their right mind is going to go to Thailand on holiday now or in the future.


The Thai tourism industry is done for the forseeable, appeasing the Chinese won't save it. 

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5 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

I'm not. his stupidity has no bounds.

His antics make Yingluck look like a competent genius in comparison.


It is interesting that many of the beta males on here that took glee in mocking her every action seem deafeningly quiet when this buffoon makes an bottle of things.


I suppose his uniform looks nice though. 

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20 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I thought this was in jest, but it appears that you might be serious. I thought you were trying to mimic what a stark raving mad conspiracy theorist would say, but maybe you actually believe what you wrote. 


Vaccines have saved the lives of billions of people. Deaths are a tiny number, and none that I have heard of, have been caused by the vaccine itself, rather it has been given to someone with depressed immunity by oversight. 

haha well, allow your mind to be manipulated in the Main Stream Media propaganda and you will always have a distorted view of the way, and why things are!! VAXX kill and maim thousands annually, Big Pharma produces poisons in all forms, Doctors would be struck off for just expressing their truthful views, VAXX companies are now legally immuned from prosecution against law suits regarding adverse effects on humans. Hence trials and testing is not on their agenda....they make billions so  long as they can shift their poison...they pay billions to media and have the influence to spread fear to the public...

oh, and please dont cite polio "cure" as the true figures will prove otherwise. 

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"The economic ministers will draw up a package on how to salvage the tourist industry to be presented to the full Cabinet next week.  Revenue from tourism accounts for as much as 20 per cent of Thailand’s GDP."



Get ready for another round of accelerated intellectual ineptitude.

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21 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Yes, now he really show that he do not care about the people in the country at all. Actually this should scare the rich as well as the poor, and everybody should understand that he is a person in the wrong position. I am sure he is a very good general, but he know nothing about ruling a country.

I'm not sure about being a General, Thailand doesn't have much of a military history to talk about apart from the amount of Generals in the country.....800 plus !  When a country claims a victory for holding out 33 hours against an enemy i think militaristic posturing is obscenely stupid and pathetic, i just hope they don't take on the girl guides........... I come from a country where you can count all the Generals on one hand with a military history spanning over the last thousand years....... Sorry but i'm sick of Tin pot Generals and daft uniforms.......Took mine off years ago.........

Thai surrender..jpg

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9 hours ago, Boombum said:

haha well, allow your mind to be manipulated in the Main Stream Media propaganda and you will always have a distorted view of the way, and why things are!! VAXX kill and maim thousands annually, Big Pharma produces poisons in all forms, Doctors would be struck off for just expressing their truthful views, VAXX companies are now legally immuned from prosecution against law suits regarding adverse effects on humans. Hence trials and testing is not on their agenda....they make billions so  long as they can shift their poison...they pay billions to media and have the influence to spread fear to the public...

oh, and please dont cite polio "cure" as the true figures will prove otherwise. 

The mental gymnastics people go through to come up with these conspiracy theories are astounding.

Edited by Slosheroni
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On 1/31/2020 at 7:59 PM, TheAppletons said:

In the meeting, the minister of Tourism and Sports also disagreed with the proposal, because it might hurt the feeling of Chinese tourists and the country’s tourism in the long term”.


"Best quote ever", said The Grim Reaper.


I hear some taxi drivers are expressing reluctance to host those they believe are from where the virus is particularly prevalent. Did they compel loads of taxi drivers to get themselves checked out recently? I wonder how facemask manufacturer's stock prices are doing?

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On 2/1/2020 at 8:00 AM, IamNoone88 said:

He has no clue. Singapore just suspended all China arrivals including anyone not just Chinese who transits Singapore and visited China within the last 2 weeks. Airlines are stopping flights. WHO has just upgraded to an Emergency level. Has he not heard of prevention is better than cure?

I wonder what this might do to flight prices and... well... flights... in general... something? nothing?

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1 hour ago, Slosheroni said:

The mental gymnastics people go through to come up with these conspiracy theories are astounding.

I find the overt hysteria being whipped up about what is simply another variation of the existing coronavirus - that's been around for quite a long time, btw... since at least the 1960s - a bit silly. Basic normal hygiene habit that you should do anyway are all that's needed. Wash your hands, eat properly, keep your house and yourself clean, and don't get drunk every day.

Newspapers love an apocalypse story for sales, but has anyone looked at the demographics of the dead? Not average members of any population, but vulnerable elderly with poor immune-systems, in populous country with dubious hygiene habits, like constant hacking and grollying indoors and out, infrequent handwashing at toilets, leaving used bog roll in the bin, chucking waste (food) out anywhere into the street, major pollution, and sharing of food plates .

Spreading any variation of a disease (which seems a slightly grandiose term for this), usually results in increased resilience to it, or the development of treatments for it, and sometimes even, some improvements in hygiene and screening procedures. I see plenty of Chinese outside (not all from China, some from Hong Kong and Taiwan), and maybe half the people out and about with knickers on their faces, which they mostly had because of the pollution from cars, which seems like a bigger health problem than this. It's a snowflake on a rail line.

Edited by codebunny
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Uhhh... the PM just care... not to hurts the feelings of the walking death chinese zombies?!! If you consider how dependent this incompetent nation is. Fixed only on tourism. It testifies to the inability of these people to be creative and use the brain.  Unable to independently create something that benefits others.  Just sucking out other peoples with tourism.  They can't think of anything else.  All this in a framework of corruption and lying laughter, mixed with arrogance and a catastrophic attitude to responsibility.  It is miserable.

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21 minutes ago, codebunny said:

I find the overt hysteria being whipped up about what is simply another variation of the existing coronavirus - that's been around for quite a long time, btw... since at least the 1960s - a bit silly. Basic normal hygiene habit that you should do anyway are all that's needed. Wash your hands, eat properly, keep your house and yourself clean, and don't get drunk every day.

Newspapers love an apocalypse story for sales, but has anyone looked at the demographics of the dead? Not average members of any population, but vulnerable elderly with poor immune-systems, in populous country with dubious hygiene habits, like constant hacking and grollying indoors and out, infrequent handwashing at toilets, leaving used bog roll in the bin, chucking waste (food) out anywhere into the street, major pollution, and sharing of food plates .

Spreading any variation of a disease (which seems a slightly grandiose term for this), usually results in increased resilience to it, or the development of treatments for it, and sometimes even, some improvements in hygiene and screening procedures. I see plenty of Chinese outside (not all from China, some from Hong Kong and Taiwan), and maybe half the people out and about with knickers on their faces, which they mostly had because of the pollution from cars, which seems like a bigger health problem than this. It's a snowflake on a rail line.

What's this have to do with the conspiracy theory that big pharma started all of this to make a buck?

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On 1/31/2020 at 8:25 PM, holy cow cm said:

Stupidity seems to run in ill controlled feelings of absurdity. 

 I'm proud of such a stable man who knows all and everything.


It couldn't be better. More and more young people commit suicide, more and more people have not enough money to live a good life and more and more students hate their schools because they have to do things that have nothing to do with education.


The military seems to be filthy rich now, but the country suffers. That includes my family and me.


Sadness is everywhere. Thank you very much for your kind consideration and help for all poor farmers.


  My wife's brother had just tried to commit suicide. When will people wake up and realize that all is so wrong?


And all he says is that he's not happy with the visa situation for Chinese tourists?



 Most educated people know what's going on behind these curtains, but the ordinary folks has to suffer. Please end this, please.


i love my family and I can't see them suffering anymore. On the other hand am I not rich enough to give them what they need. 


And there's an unhappy man who shouldn't be where he is. 

He should be in bed 24/7 and stop talking about things he doesn't understand.


   It's time to give Thailand back to Thai people, they really deserve it. 








Edited by Isaanbiker
Take your time for your friends before time's taking them away from you.
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