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Unusuall paragraph in contract

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Hey guys!

First post ????


I am in the process of joining Thai company. All legal, they will get me a visa and work permit.

They sent me my future contract so I can have a look and there is this really weird paragraph.

It says that in case of my death(?!) they will pay for remains transport to my country of origin or nearest embassy if impossible.


Is this something required by Thai law? I have never heard or seen such thing in Europe.

I mean it's great, but it's creepy.


Thanks in advance

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Why wouldn't you just clarify this with your HR department? If you have multiple country branches you surely have a quality HR department. It actually makes me wonder if you are qualified to take an international post if you don't know basic protocol.



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On 2/1/2020 at 9:39 AM, asiaexpat said:

I have worked under contract in many countries including Thailand and a standard part of the contract provides for repatriation of my remains should I die while in country. Relax and accept that your company understands international business and employment contracts.

But to his nearest embassy?


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On 2/1/2020 at 2:38 AM, Kalorymetr said:

I have asked them but it is weekend already and I wanted to have second opinion, because you know, maybe it is something normal. Yeah they are multinational, but only in SE Asia.

"in case of my death(?!) they will pay for remains transport to my country of origin or nearest embassy if impossible."

I want to see the people working at the embassy and the look on their faces when they deliver your remains. ????

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a clause in a teaching contract that stated (paraphrasing) "In the event of serious illness or death I must contact them within 7 days or I will forfeit wages and could be liable for a penalty for early termination of contract...". I just smiled and signed the contract. ???? 

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