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U.S. Senate votes against calling witnesses in Trump impeachment trial, clearing way for acquittal

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9 hours ago, chokrai said:

The Democrats had all their witnesses. They had no case just another hoax. Get used to losing you are going to have another 5 years of it at least.

Hoax?  The evidence presented forced a number of Republican Senators to abandon the "no crime" excuse and go to "not an impeachable offense".  Senator Rubio stated that what Trump did was impeachable, but then weakly excused himself from doing his duty with the excuse that it would be traumatic to the nation.

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4 hours ago, Sujo said:

True. Especially as a repub. Marci rubio takes the cake.


"Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office. ...

"... I will not vote to remove the President because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation."


Real good. Its impeachable but he doesnt want to do it. Does he think that this will unite? What an idiot.


Translation: "he did it, but but but I'm too much of a wimp to stand up for myself."

Rubio proved himself a fool all well and good in his first years in the Senate and during the 2015-16 campaign, and has since been sitting there with his thumb up his bum and kissing the orange backside like a good Republican.  The only thing I ever saw him do that exhibited any sort of spine was that encounter in the Senate hallway when he told Alex Jones (the king with the tinfoil crown) to buzz off, but then again that had all the daring of confronting the guy who cut in front of him at McDonald's.  As genuine as a three-dollar bill, that Marco.


But keep an eye on him for 2024, his fellow Florida US Senator, Rick Scott, also an invertebrate GOP yes-man, has his eye on the White House as well.

Rick Scott runs Biden-attack ad in Iowa, sparking 2024 talk


Let's see if these guys have the guts to go up against Don Jr.



3 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Trump did something stupid. Some may say he does that all the time but I firmly reject that. He has done a lot of good things too.

He tried to play a sort of cat and mouse game with the young Zelenski I guess but it backfired as mostly the dems were preying on him. He should have known better. 

Impeachable? Not to me and I don't know if the US constitution has other means of correcting a president other than plain impeachment. Court?

And what about so many getting away with what they have done or doing: HRC, Bidens, MSM, Big Tech, Obama, Clapper, Brannan, Comey, Strock, the Ohrs, Lynch. Yes, Bolton neocon as well.



So what's behind door number two for you then. Boys will be boys. 

  • Confused 1
10 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Yes and he also stated that it was not enough for putting Trump out of office for.

If you tell something, tell it all and not like the Schiff Club did. 

He did it. Deny, deflect and he did it so what. MO on everything. November House increases Senate goes and Presidency goes. Independent

  • Haha 1

What a sham and a scam. The impeachment process is a failure and needs reworked. The founders made a huge mistake thinking that only honorable and integrity filled people would be elected. Those whom would put Country and Constitution before party and self. 

A sad day for the USA. ☹️

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I think i disagree with everyone.


Both the Clinton and this Trump impeachment are complete and utter piles of nothingness. Farces, fabricated to do what I have no idea. 


Bush Jr was a war criminal as far as the UN stating the Iraq war was illegal. Why wasn't he impeached. To me that is actually impeachable behavior: lying the public into a war and a region where millions have died and only corporation, not people, have profited. Impeach that! Impeach the <deleted> out of that. 


Every president is a criminal it would seem. Who they choose to impeach almost feels like throwing darts at a board with their eyes closed.


I just don't pay any attention because I think they are meant to distract from real issues people care about, like health care. The news is filled with stuff nobody cares about, it is absolutely amazing. 

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23 hours ago, Mavideol said:

always thought that a trial needed to hear witnesses for acquittal or guilty verdicts.... guess in the so called greatest democracy in the word corruption/blackmail/threats are the easy way for acquittal, that's a very sad day for the USA

If it was a regular trial but this is a Senate Trail under the Senate rules. Strictly political.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The GOP will pay a heavy price for the disloyalty and irrational behavior they have shown toward the American people. 75% wanted witnesses and documents. That includes tens of millions of republics, who are decent people, and simply wanted to know the truth. But, instead they went lockstep with the guilty Master. Not a smart strategy. I expect the dems to pick up at least 10 more seats in the house, and there is a possibility of a majority in the Senate. There is a distinct possibility that Trump will be humiliated come November, and kicked out of Washington permanently, to return to a nearly bankrupted empire. His name is so radioactive, that nobody will want to touch his name anymore.


He did this to himself. Hopefully, once he loses the election, the SDNY will pursue him vigorously for bank fraud. He is a career criminal. It is only a matter of time before the law catches up to him.



Keep dreaming!

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The GOP will pay a heavy price for the disloyalty and irrational behavior they have shown toward the American people. 75% wanted witnesses and documents. That includes tens of millions of republics, who are decent people, and simply wanted to know the truth. But, instead they went lockstep with the guilty Master. Not a smart strategy. I expect the dems to pick up at least 10 more seats in the house, and there is a possibility of a majority in the Senate. There is a distinct possibility that Trump will be humiliated come November, and kicked out of Washington permanently, to return to a nearly bankrupted empire. His name is so radioactive, that nobody will want to touch his name anymore.


He did this to himself. Hopefully, once he loses the election, the SDNY will pursue him vigorously for bank fraud. He is a career criminal. It is only a matter of time before the law catches up to him.



Subtract 50% of it for the never Trumpers. What is left is that half of the Trump voters had an interest in the witnesses. Nothing really worrying and not worth your doom scenario or that of other doom prophets. What would be really doom for many dems is that 2020 elections will result in conservative house and senate.

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7 hours ago, candide said:

Oops! My mistake. I read your post too quickly. Right, Trumpers will likely vote again for Trump and the anti-trumpets against him. However,  the 75% of independents is more worrying for Trump.

It's always a good move to bring up independents in politics. That said, how much will independents care about not having had witnesses come election day? I submit to you the same things will matter to them: how is the economy doing? Is America in peace?


Sadly, we still have many in our military at risk overseas. This is one of my disappointments in Trump. We should be out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, with plans to reduce our overseas footprint. Still, we've been in these entanglements for so long, I'm not sure it will work against Trump much if at all.


The pocketbook takes precedence. The incumbent has the advantage. This has to be what terrifies Democrats.

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1 minute ago, chokrai said:

Yup They will go completely ballistic, it's going to be great. With any luck at all it will happen during the election. CNN and MNSBC will be stroking out on air on mass.


Youtube is where the Yuge melt downs are going to be.

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