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Brexit at last: Britain leaves the EU as champagne corks fly

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22 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

speak of superiority complex - case of hard attack this is


having full control of tvf/non-brits and their comprehension ? full of one self




Rubbish. The reply was certainly tempered better than the false and antagonistic post that prompted it.

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7 hours ago, nauseus said:


Looks like we do a lot better on trade ex EU.



And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?


4 hours ago, Logosone said:


You have failed to grasp the underlying fundamental issue at hand. The UK's economy is 80% services. It produces few goods others want. So you will not do better with the trade deficit outside the EU. You are now a nation of servants, you have nothing to trade with, goodswise. Only services. It will just get harder for the UK to sell its services outside the EU to its main trading partners, as that chart you posted shows that is the EU. <snip>

4 hours ago, sharksy said:

UK is still a major manufacturer, no 6 in the world I believe?

I have no idea why this graph was chosen, as it goes against the case that you are trying to make. We have a current account deficit with ALL the places mentioned. We do more trade with the EU than anywhere else so the deficit is bigger - simples. Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt, but as Logosone has correctly pointed out we are no longer a leading manufacturing nation. Services is most of what we do and what we sell. Since late 1990s when we were 5th in manufacturing, we managed to lose our place. "The country’s relatively strong showing in 2015 follows a long slide down the global manufacturing pecking order as developing nations made inroads" *

 We are now 8th. Our output declined from around 4% of global output to 2.1%


As I said "Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt". however we will still have to buy what we need from SOMEWHERE, the overall debt remains the same.


"And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?" I'm not going to display any graphs, but on debt I would say this:-

Britain has the 2nd largest overall debt in the world, after the US. It is much higher per capita,  and as a % of GDP,  than similarly sized countries in EU, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. 





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23 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:


I have no idea why this graph was chosen, as it goes against the case that you are trying to make. We have a current account deficit with ALL the places mentioned. We do more trade with the EU than anywhere else so the deficit is bigger - simples. Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt, but as Logosone has correctly pointed out we are no longer a leading manufacturing nation. Services is most of what we do and what we sell. Since late 1990s when we were 5th in manufacturing, we managed to lose our place. "The country’s relatively strong showing in 2015 follows a long slide down the global manufacturing pecking order as developing nations made inroads" *

 We are now 8th. Our output declined from around 4% of global output to 2.1%


As I said "Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt". however we will still have to buy what we need from SOMEWHERE, the overall debt remains the same.


"And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?" I'm not going to display any graphs, but on debt I would say this:-

Britain has the 2nd largest overall debt in the world, after the US. It is much higher per capita,  and as a % of GDP,  than similarly sized countries in EU, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. 







looks like the logosone nonsense bug is catching



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On 2/2/2020 at 1:48 AM, crazygreg44 said:

I disagree with you in one point:  Never in anyone's life time we shall be able to fix it - or "redress" it, as you call it

I think and hope you are wrong.  Many many reasons, but the number one reason is that the People are starting to rebell against all the loony left dogma and political correctness and what it is doing to their lives.  Like all forms of socialism in the past, this current form (liberal socialist democracy), will decay and die because their inherent core beliefs are false. I see no reason for this to not occur again - as long as the People continue to see the bad outcomes of their policies - which is being fuelled by the new social media - which will eventually take over from the old corrupted and fake mainstream media. 

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21 hours ago, howbri said:

Amen to that. The tyranny of the left is being demolished by patriotic and nation loving people starting with POTUS Trump and now Johnson. God bless the patriots and down with the communist globalists.

Thanks - and despite all the vocal liberals on TV, you can be assured that most Expats support this opinion - but they have a life and do not have the time/inclination to debate/argue with the vocal liberals on TV.

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Devolution is a great thing but certain populist vote buying options should be excluded



we have in Scotland free university - LAB put this carrot on their election manifesto also, it should not be allowed unless it is nationwide


SNP offer this purely to by votes, when their fund run out for other things they blame the rest of us in the UK for not giving them enough money - oh how easy that is - the rest of the UK can't actually afford the money for free uni fees and quite frankly most of us oppose it anyway - but somehow SNP can afford it...……..who is paying for it - well every tax payer in the UK - WE ARE PAYING FOR THEIR VOTE BUYING POPULIST BULL


Time for Westminster to step in - if they cannot afford a properly run NHS and other Infrastructures and services then SNP are not fit for purpose


At the very least offering free University fees should be struck off the list of things they are allowed to do


we in the rest of the UK are paying for it yet we cannot use it - ? 

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2 hours ago, shy coconut said:

What problems do you envisage the Republic of Ireland having? 

The Potato.

  Dear holy mother,mother of god,God bless the POTATO.

  Saviour of Ireland,by golly(sorry,racist word)    Paddy is getting his back bending exercises in motion, the Teesuck guy  the irish PM guy whoever he is  ,now if he catches you bending expect a sore backside for sure


     God Bless the Queen


4 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:


I have no idea why this graph was chosen, as it goes against the case that you are trying to make. We have a current account deficit with ALL the places mentioned. We do more trade with the EU than anywhere else so the deficit is bigger - simples. Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt, but as Logosone has correctly pointed out we are no longer a leading manufacturing nation. Services is most of what we do and what we sell. Since late 1990s when we were 5th in manufacturing, we managed to lose our place. "The country’s relatively strong showing in 2015 follows a long slide down the global manufacturing pecking order as developing nations made inroads" *

 We are now 8th. Our output declined from around 4% of global output to 2.1%


As I said "Stopping trading with the EU will reduce that debt". however we will still have to buy what we need from SOMEWHERE, the overall debt remains the same.


"And why don't you show the national debt/GDP charts too?" I'm not going to display any graphs, but on debt I would say this:-

Britain has the 2nd largest overall debt in the world, after the US. It is much higher per capita,  and as a % of GDP,  than similarly sized countries in EU, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. 





Graphs graphs graphs,full of graphs

  Now UK has deficit of 93 billion with EU, the 93 billion can be spent elsewhere in the world,bigger bang for the buck as the saying goes,the overpriced and EU French farmer is being de-bagged as I write,here is my graph,well Im making it right now.....

    UKs overall debt mountain reduced to 1/10   no EU influence,yes  no Barnett formula for Scotland,much more money in Johnny England's pockets.....yes good times ahead   Rejoice

1 hour ago, smedly said:

all this is about is a general hate of the English - what they fail to realise is that the UK is more than England 


I personally have had enough of their misguided ancient hatred - the UK is not England - it is all of us, it is called the UK and Scotland gets more than its share of the spoils, if they continue down this road listening to republican short fat big mouth Blackford hatred then let them go - boot them out, see if Brussels will continue the funding they get from all of the UK people - they will not


your shipyards will close - you will not be able to fund your hospitals 


I can see it now - Blackford and Sturgeon marching down the road - freedom at last 


while the hospitals close down because they have no money


Oh maybe little fat Blackford will start a "go fund me" to pay the bills 



meanwhile the rest of the UK will be waiting for the knock at the door 


Did I say stupid people - yes I did but not the general Scottish people who will eventually see through this complete and utter republican nonsense  

Very well informed post.  Witty too.


More people in Scotland voted FOR Brexit than voted FOR SNP in the 2017 election.


True about the hated of the English.  I have experienced this first hand on a trip to Glasgow.  It did end well though.  The elderly Scott, as he walked away from the bar said to me:  You are the first English person he has met who was alright.  LOL.

12 hours ago, 7by7 said:


The facts in my post, to which the above is your response, are irrefutable.


As for the opinions I expressed, maybe one day you will produce a proper counter argument to opinions with which you disagree. But as your response is typical of you, I have yet to see any evidence that you are capable of so doing.


Still, you doubtless find it very pleasing that your method does get you plenty of likes from cronies who appear as incapable of putting together a cogent argument as yourself.



You're back on form....Sadly..????

2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

When we are bombarded with abuse on a daily basis from certain non-Brits angry about Brexit, calling us racist and xenophobic, it gets a bit annoying. And it does show a lack of intelligence and understanding on their part. 


Ok, perhaps I should have put the word 'some' in front of non-Brits. I'll give you that. 


many ways of addressing such abuse, or interpreting rather


could consider it as signalling that UK has some strength to offer


if there was no more than fog on the foggy island - no "reason" for abuse


the abuse level can probably be considered as commensurate with UK's intrinsic value


1 hour ago, Logosone said:

No, the UK is not the no.6 largest manufacturer in the world, it keeps sliding and is now just about in 8th place, but the key thing is that you are falling. You were higher up, but you are on the decline,

If this is correct, it is indeed woeful as colinneil commented.

11 hours ago, nauseus said:

You have only just brought up this underlying fundamental issue. One of the reasons for this imbalance and bias into services is that the EU has assisted and facilitated the shrinkage of British industry over the last 45 years. The EU is the main contributor to the UK's overall trade deficit but the balance with the rest of the world is far better.  


I see that you have no comment on the debt issue, at least as important, probably moreso.


Oh come on, the decline of British industry has nothing to do with the EU. It long pre-dated EU membership. British industry was in decline by the 70s already, in fact that was part of the reason why you were so desperate to join the Common Market at the time. By facilitating free circulation of goods the EU actually helped you, but the decline of British Industry was unstoppable.


In the past 30 years, the UK's manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds, the greatest de-industrialisation of any major nation.




The reason this happened is that the days of heavy industry are gone, it is not enough to build with your hands anymore. You now have to build with your brains. And the British aren't good at that. It is no longer enough to just make a knife, with the advent of quality German industrial output that knife has to be of top quality. Britain produced mass, it does not produce top quality, bar some few exceptions. Just like in penalties, you can't take on the competition and win. You think you can. But you can't.


The loss of manufacturing means Britain no longer pays its way in the world. In 2011 the British bought £97bn more in goods from other countries than they sold to them – the biggest shortfall since 1980. You live on credit basically. Why do you think Britain is selling its valuable assets to foreigners like there is no tomorrow? Because you have no other choice. Have you been to Harlow? I had the misfortune to see what is perhaps the most dystopian, run down place in the EU. I was horrified.


I have no comment on debt? Actually I do. I agree it is important. Especially for Britain, because you are, like Greece, relying on foreigners to fund your deficit.  For now Britain still has assets it can flog to foreigners, which it is doing. You may recall even the London Stock Exchange was going to be taken over by Deutsche Boerse AG, the only thing that stopped that was EU competition law. The irony. The EU has been protecting you. Now without the EU the gloves are off, and frankly nobody is betting on the UK. If anything we feel sorry for you. The big creditors will be less inclined to throw money at the UK, now that the link with the EU is gone. Big money will be less likely to move to the UK to live, with the anti-foreigner hysteria, crack down on home-owners from outside the UK has already happened.


But the thing is this, with debt you have no way out. Your reduction in your manufacturing base has put millions of people out of work. So you have a huge percentage of the population claiming benefits. You have a huge contingent of older people, despite your ailing and terrible NHS, that will need to be funded. Not just with NHS payments, but also the UK has to go to the capital markets to fund the payouts it gives its huge older population. The younger taxpayers are syphoned as hard as possible, but their tax is not enough to fund the handouts to old age pensioners. So your debt will grow. You will keep having to go to the capital markets to get the money you pay the older population. And guess what? Moody's has already downgraded the UK.






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1 hour ago, transam said:

You're back on form....Sadly..????

...an' straight in with a 'right said fred' lol.

(I keep hearing 'Sonny and Cher'! ????)

  • Haha 1
7 minutes ago, Logosone said:


Oh come on, the decline of British industry has nothing to do with the EU. It long pre-dated EU membership. British industry was in decline by the 70s already, in fact that was part of the reason why you were so desperate to join the Common Market at the time. By facilitating free circulation of goods the EU actually helped you, but the decline of British Industry was unstoppable.


In the past 30 years, the UK's manufacturing sector has shrunk by two-thirds, the greatest de-industrialisation of any major nation.




The reason this happened is that the days of heavy industry are gone, it is not enough to build with your hands anymore. You now have to build with your brains. And the British aren't good at that. It is no longer enough to just make a knife, with the advent of quality German industrial output that knife has to be of top quality. Britain produced mass, it does not produce top quality, bar some few exceptions. Just like in penalties, you can't take on the competition and win. You think you can. But you can't.


The loss of manufacturing means Britain no longer pays its way in the world. In 2011 the British bought £97bn more in goods from other countries than they sold to them – the biggest shortfall since 1980. You live on credit basically. Why do you think Britain is selling its valuable assets to foreigners like there is no tomorrow? Because you have no other choice. Have you been to Harlow? I had the misfortune to see what is perhaps the most dystopian, run down place in the EU. I was horrified.


I have no comment on debt? Actually I do. I agree it is important. Especially for Britain, because you are, like Greece, relying on foreigners to fund your deficit.  For now Britain still has assets it can flog to foreigners, which it is doing. You may recall even the London Stock Exchange was going to be taken over by Deutsche Boerse AG, the only thing that stopped that was EU competition law. The irony. The EU has been protecting you. Now without the EU the gloves are off, and frankly nobody is betting on the UK. If anything we feel sorry for you. The big creditors will be less inclined to throw money at the UK, now that the link with the EU is gone. Big money will be less likely to move to the UK to live, with the anti-foreigner hysteria, crack down on home-owners from outside the UK has already happened.


But the thing is this, with debt you have no way out. Your reduction in your manufacturing base has put millions of people out of work. So you have a huge percentage of the population claiming benefits. You have a huge contingent of older people, despite your ailing and terrible NHS, that will need to be funded. Not just with NHS payments, but also the UK has to go to the capital markets to fund the payouts it gives its huge older population. The younger taxpayers are syphoned as hard as possible, but their tax is not enough to fund the handouts to old age pensioners. So your debt will grow. You will keep having to go to the capital markets to get the money you pay the older population. And guess what? Moody's has already downgraded the UK.






Never mind sunshine,never mind,those knickers of yours truly are in twist.


  today is the third day of freedom,and already companies the world over are queuing at the trade depts door wanting a foothold in the UK  (don't believe me?) web cam  trade dept,The UK is in a glorious mood  really is.....uk.gov  letters being dispatched to all and sundry,well sundry is the operative word   three and a half million of them  kicked out 

    "  Land of hope and glory"

       Land of the Free"

   Sing it lad sing it as you have never done before


    ...Land of Hope and Glory.....

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4 minutes ago, izod10 said:

Never mind sunshine,never mind,those knickers of yours truly are in twist.


  today is the third day of freedom,and already companies the world over are queuing at the trade depts door wanting a foothold in the UK  (don't believe me?) web cam  trade dept,The UK is in a glorious mood  really is.....uk.gov  letters being dispatched to all and sundry,well sundry is the operative word   three and a half million of them  kicked out 

    "  Land of hope and glory"

       Land of the Free"

   Sing it lad sing it as you have never done before


    ...Land of Hope and Glory.....


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1 hour ago, xtrnuno41 said:

A fact is , the EU just failed, it's a piece of <deleted> and only for multinationals, capital offices working.

Not for any of the common people living in the counties.

A drama. I hope the UK will do well now they left. Show them !!


It would be nice if the UK could prosper outside the EU. Unfortunately the UK has been a failure for much longer, and to a much deeper extent than the EU.  The failure of its industry is staggering, the biggest de-industrialisation of any country in the world, a reduction of two thirds in manufacturing output over a few decades. It has become the most indebted nation in the world, per capita GDP of any of the developed, and some developing countries.


Whole swathes of the UK are a dystopian, run down, ugly and crime infested vision of hell, I mention Harlow as an example.


The EU of course was helping the UK, protecting it, like when it stopped Deutsche Boerse AG from taking over the LSE, it provided free access to those services and goods the British could still sell. 


The EU too, admittedly, has seen some failure, particularly since it allowed little toy countries like Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, and such to join. The EU was a success story when it had real countries, strong countries, powerful nations as members. By including quasi-criminal states like Greece, Cyprus and such the EU bought into nothing but problems, and the constant voting caprices of these toy countries has caused grid-lock in the EU. What the EU needs is a strong leadership. It has a lot going for it, a strong currency, free access to markets, free travel, sensible consumer protection, what's not to like?


The UK however, well that's the real pile of steaming dog mess, and anyone who thinks that will be fixed by becoming a 'tax haven' a la Jersey, the truth is that will never happen because the UK is a real country and needs its tax revenues like an addict needs crack.


And for those that think that Trump will save the UK I can only laugh, as Trump would sell his own mother if his interests are served, besides he's over 70 and won't be around for much longer. 


The worst problem the UK has though is the trade deficit, its debt. Those that think 'Oh well, we'll just stop buying from Germany, France and Italy and will just buy from Thailand, Canada and Australia don't understand the issue. You'd have to get them to buy your products as well to reduce the trade deficit. Leaving aside the unlikely scenario of Thais, Canadians and Australians all agreeing unison no to buy Mercedes, Volkswagen, BMW, Zwilling, Renault, Peugot, Alessi or Nutella, but to buy Marmite, Bristols, TVRs and Morgans, do you really think the British will stop buying Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Renault, or Nutella? The problem is that European products are qualitatively superior, even the Chinese, given a chance, will buy European rather than their own stuff.



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5 minutes ago, Logosone said:


It would be nice if the UK could prosper outside the EU. Unfortunately the UK has been a failure for much longer, and to a much deeper extent than the EU.  The failure of its industry is staggering, the biggest de-industrialisation of any country in the world, a reduction of two thirds in manufacturing output over a few decades. It has become the most indebted nation in the world, per capita GDP of any of the developed, and some developing countries.


Whole swathes of the UK are a dystopian, run down, ugly and crime infested vision of hell, I mention Harlow as an example.


The EU of course was helping the UK, protecting it, like when it stopped Deutsche Boerse AG from taking over the LSE, it provided free access to those services and goods the British could still sell. 


The EU too, admittedly, has seen some failure, particularly since it allowed little toy countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, and such to join. The EU was a success story when it had real countries, strong countries, powerful nations as members. By including quasi-criminal states like Greece, Cyprus and such the EU bought into nothing but problems, and the constant voting caprices of these toy countries has caused grid-lock in the EU. What the EU needs is a strong leadership. It has a lot going for it, a strong currency, free access to markets, free travel, sensible consumer protection, what's not to like?


The UK however, well that's the real pile of steaming dog mess, and anyone who thinks that will be fixed by becoming a 'tax haven' a la Jersey, the truth is that will never happen because the UK is a real country and needs its tax revenues like an addict needs crack.


And for those that think that Trump will save the UK I can only laugh, as Trump would sell his own mother if his interests are served, besides he's over 70 and won't be around for much longer. 


The worst problem the UK has though is the trade deficit, its debt. Those that think 'Oh well, we'll just stop buying from Germany, France and Italy and will just buy from Thailand, Canada and Australia don't understand the issue. You'd have to get them to buy your products as well to reduce the trade deficit. Leaving aside the unlikely scenario of Thais, Canadians and Australians all agreeing unison no to buy Mercedes, Volkswagen, BMW, Zwilling, Renault, Peugot, Alessi or Nutella, but to buy Marmite, Bristols, TVRs and Morgans, do you really think the British will stop buying Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Renault, or Nutella? The problem is that European products are qualitatively superior, even the Chinese, given a chance, will buy European rather than their own stuff.



Again,never mind,do not let it bother you,its all coming back sunshine,..The EU is finished in all but name,12 more months and the rot will be truly set in

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2 minutes ago, izod10 said:

Again,never mind,do not let it bother you,its all coming back sunshine,..The EU is finished in all but name,12 more months and the rot will be truly set in

I think only failing countries, like the UK, would exit the EU, where large swathes of unemployed, jealous of their own handouts begrudge the social benefits Poles, Romanians and such are given. They may then blame the EU for their misery, as happened in the UK, out of ignorance.


If that were to happen, if more weak, failing countries leave the EU, that would only make the EU stronger. If it had stuck to the original membership, that would have been best really. Who needs toy countries, criminal countries and failing countries?


Either way the EU wins.

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