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Palestinians cut ties with Israel, U.S. after rejecting peace plan


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3 hours ago, ehs818 said:

Seems to me that each successive Middle East Peace Plan since the 70's that has been presented over the years is less acceptable to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. But let's be clear on one thing. The plan offered by Clinton that was rejected by Arafat was the best one and it offered 98% of the land that Palestinians wanted. That proved but one thing to me. The Palestinians don't want peace. And Arafat was not a peace maker, he was a terrorist or freedom fighter, depending on your point of view. They want to be viewed as victims and martyrs, prey on the sympathy of the world. After such a long time I've come to believe that peace will simply never be achieved there. That said, I'd cut off all aid to the Palestinians from the US and from all others. YES, the settlements that the Israelis keep expanding are seriously wrong!! But I've no sympathy any longer for the Palestinians. The Arab Muslims don't give a hoot about them, so why should the West? Let them use the next 70 years trying to pull themselves out of the hole that they have put themselves in. I'm done!

It was not a all 98% of the land. Check the information.

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3 hours ago, ehs818 said:

Seems to me that each successive Middle East Peace Plan since the 70's that has been presented over the years is less acceptable to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. But let's be clear on one thing. The plan offered by Clinton that was rejected by Arafat was the best one and it offered 98% of the land that Palestinians wanted. That proved but one thing to me. The Palestinians don't want peace. And Arafat was not a peace maker, he was a terrorist or freedom fighter, depending on your point of view. They want to be viewed as victims and martyrs, prey on the sympathy of the world. After such a long time I've come to believe that peace will simply never be achieved there. That said, I'd cut off all aid to the Palestinians from the US and from all others. YES, the settlements that the Israelis keep expanding are seriously wrong!! But I've no sympathy any longer for the Palestinians. The Arab Muslims don't give a hoot about them, so why should the West? Let them use the next 70 years trying to pull themselves out of the hole that they have put themselves in. I'm done!

At the end of the Clinton negotiations the problem was that there were too many settlements and roads that would have turned a Palestinian state into a gruyere, much too close to the Bantustan model of South Africa. Regrettably at the end of negotiations Clinton promised not to blame the result on Arafat, then in public reversed this thus creating the narrative that has lasted to this day.

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9 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The plan offered by Clinton that was rejected by Arafat was the best one and it offered 98% of the land that Palestinians wanted. That proved but one thing to me. The Palestinians don't want peace. And Arafat was not a peace maker, he was a terrorist or freedom fighter, depending on your point of view. They want to be viewed as victims and martyrs, prey on the sympathy of the world. After such a long time I've come to believe that peace will simply never be achieved there. That said, I'd cut off all aid to the Palestinians from the US and from all others. YES, the settlements that the Israelis keep expanding are seriously wrong!! But I've no sympathy any longer for the Palestinians. The Arab Muslims don't give a hoot about them, so why should the West? Let them use the next 70 years trying to pull themselves out of the hole that they have put themselves in. I'm done!

You appear to be basing your views on the idea that in rejecting 98% of the lands wanted, Palestinians (and Arafat) demonstrated that they would accept nothing (reasonable) to ensure peace.... that they did not want peace


But... if Arafat did not reject 98% of lands returned, will you alter your opinion, which ultimately condemns Palestinians to spending “the next 70 years trying to pull themselves out of the hole... “... or, if this 98% number is proven to be incorrect, will you skew sideways and find justification elsewhere?

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6 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Palestinians cut ties with Israel, U.S. after rejecting peace plan


I presume that means they'll be refusing any aid from the US, yes?

Thats up to the US, yes? 

In the meantime palestinians have cut off ties meaning no shared intelligence. Which israel and the US needed.

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8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Thats up to the US, yes? 

In the meantime palestinians have cut off ties meaning no shared intelligence. Which israel and the US needed.

So Palestinians can't refuse to accept our evil dollars? I say they can- and if they want to cut ties, that would included financial assistance, would it not?

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14 hours ago, ehs818 said:

Seems to me that each successive Middle East Peace Plan since the 70's that has been presented over the years is less acceptable to both the Israelis and the Palestinians. But let's be clear on one thing. The plan offered by Clinton that was rejected by Arafat was the best one and it offered 98% of the land that Palestinians wanted. That proved but one thing to me. The Palestinians don't want peace. And Arafat was not a peace maker, he was a terrorist or freedom fighter, depending on your point of view. They want to be viewed as victims and martyrs, prey on the sympathy of the world. After such a long time I've come to believe that peace will simply never be achieved there. That said, I'd cut off all aid to the Palestinians from the US and from all others. YES, the settlements that the Israelis keep expanding are seriously wrong!! But I've no sympathy any longer for the Palestinians. The Arab Muslims don't give a hoot about them, so why should the West? Let them use the next 70 years trying to pull themselves out of the hole that they have put themselves in. I'm done!

If you don’t want peace then a price must be paid.  The settlements are not wrong, per se.  They are the price to be paid.  

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On 2/3/2020 at 8:27 AM, stevenl said:

Give us one reason why the settlements are not wrong. They're expanding illegally occupied land.

If you make war and lose(and you don’t want peace, and you chant from the valley to the sea, and you don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist.....)

you pay the price.  

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2 minutes ago, Harveyg said:

If you make war and lose(and you don’t want peace, and you chant from the valley to the sea, and you don’t recognize Israel’s right to exist.....)

you pay the price.  

The illegal price.

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Just now, Sujo said:

Trump supporters dont accept facts.

Not true. I just Googled the issue and found that the aid was in fact stopped February last year.




Why would I not want to accept such wonderful news as fact?

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7 hours ago, Harveyg said:

Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Get past that one.  

This claim is cntentious at best.


But most importantly, the occupation is illegal, making the expansion of the settlements even more so.

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  On 2/4/2020 at 10:56 PM, Harveyg said:

Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Get past that one.  

This claim is contentious at best.



The claim is contentious??  At best? 



“Over is the time Hamas spent discussing recognizing Israel. Now Hamas will discuss when we will wipe out Israel,” Sinwar said, according to the Hamas-linked news agency Shehab.



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