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Radio host Rush Limbaugh announces lung cancer diagnosis on air


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7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

I've never heard of him. 

He made his name in the 1990s by demonizing Bill Clinton, even before Bill was elected, and accumulated a fortune doing so.  He should kiss Bill's feet.

Not as original but even more lucrative was Glen Beck stepping up from used car radio commercials to be Obama's "Rush."

America, land of opportunity!



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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Whose lung cancer had nothing to do with his smoking, according to himself. I wonder how many true believers he led down the garden path to similar deaths or heart attacks.

His audience is that same 35% as you-know-who, the double-digit IQ crowd.  No reason for them to not believe him.


A few years someone went to his home to interview him, and Rush told him all his fame and glamour and meant nothing to him: he said this as the two of them stood in front of a wall with framed pictures of Rush posing with every possible celebrity.


Karma?  No.  If it was karma he'd have been struck down 25 years ago.



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Quite a few karma comments, this nonsense does not exist or do posters really believe kids murdered need to be for karmic reasons, or that everybody blown out of the sky on that Ukrainian jet in Iran the other week all had to go at the same time because of 'karma'?

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11 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Whose lung cancer had nothing to do with his smoking, according to himself. I wonder how many true believers he led down the garden path to similar deaths or heart attacks.

Death by statistics. 


Lung adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small cell lung cancer is more common in never smokers. 


At the current time, roughly 15 percent of people who develop lung cancer are never smokers, and over 60 percent are former smokers. Only around 20 percent (depending on the study and geographic area) are active smokers.



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1 hour ago, rabas said:

Death by statistics. 


Lung adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small cell lung cancer is more common in never smokers. 


At the current time, roughly 15 percent of people who develop lung cancer are never smokers, and over 60 percent are former smokers. Only around 20 percent (depending on the study and geographic area) are active smokers.



But...but....it must all be caused by  "second hand"  tobacco smoke then?

Not the enveloping clouds of industrial waste, years of asbestos dust eminating from vehicle brake pads and leaking from insulation products domestic and commercial, fuel additives, aromatic solvents in domestic products, cosmetics, etc etc etc....?

The  20% active smokers who for various other good health reasons should not smoke are target  no:1.

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"Rush" was just awarded the presidential medal of freedom at the state of the union address. The man did look very very ill but I don't see how any blowhard talk show host of any persuasion (though almost all of them are right wingers) deserves such a presidential honor.

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1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

The Kind of Conservative Talk Radio.  The Libs tried this and failed miserably. No one tuned in. 

Yeah... I guess they don't feel the need to dwell in the affirmation bias echo chamber of the terminally insecure.


Undeniably if Limbaugh disappears from his chosen media avenue, it will leave a bit of a void and those comforting echo's will maybe take a bit longer to come back... but only momentarily.

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34 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

"Rush" was just awarded the presidential medal of freedom at the state of the union address. The man did look very very ill but I don't see how any blowhard talk show host of any persuasion (though almost all of them are right wingers) deserves such a presidential honor.

Pattern of crony awards to people that kiss up to him. That include pardons. 

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3 hours ago, rabas said:

Death by statistics. 


Lung adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small cell lung cancer is more common in never smokers. 


At the current time, roughly 15 percent of people who develop lung cancer are never smokers, and over 60 percent are former smokers. Only around 20 percent (depending on the study and geographic area) are active smokers.



Well, now you're disagreeing with Limbaugh who asserted that to get lung cancer you'd have to be a smoker for 50 years. He also asserted that passive smoking is not a threat to health at all.

Passive smoking, or the inhalation of tobacco smoke from other smokers sharing living or working quarters, is an established risk factor for the development of lung cancer...

Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and power plants, can raise the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals. It has been estimated that up to 2,000 lung cancer deaths per year may be attributable to breathing polluted air, and many experts believe that prolonged exposure to highly polluted air can carry a risk for the development of lung cancer similar to that of passive smoking.


Wow. Does that mean that when all tha lovely CO2 is created it also creates health risks as well? Who woulda thunk it?


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9 hours ago, rabas said:

Death by statistics. 


Lung adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small cell lung cancer is more common in never smokers. 


At the current time, roughly 15 percent of people who develop lung cancer are never smokers, and over 60 percent are former smokers. Only around 20 percent (depending on the study and geographic area) are active smokers.



15% never smokers, 20% smokers. So 'more common in never smokers' is not correct.


Did you also look at the numbers? What percentage of the population are active smokers?

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21 minutes ago, stevenl said:

15% never smokers, 20% smokers. So 'more common in never smokers' is not correct.


Did you also look at the numbers? What percentage of the population are active smokers?

Not so many, but the percentage of the population over 40 or 50 that used to be smokers is huge. 


If 60% of lung cancer victims used to smoke, and assuming the vast majority of victims are over 50 it might not be that statistically significant. 

To be clear, I’m not advocating smoking nor do I think it is not a health hazard, but I think the lung cancer issue seems to overshadow the emphysema and heart disease issue. Virtually everyone that smokes cigarettes or inhales cigar or pipe smoke develops respiratory problems.

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2 hours ago, RideJocky said:

Not so many, but the percentage of the population over 40 or 50 that used to be smokers is huge. 


If 60% of lung cancer victims used to smoke, and assuming the vast majority of victims are over 50 it might not be that statistically significant. 

To be clear, I’m not advocating smoking nor do I think it is not a health hazard, but I think the lung cancer issue seems to overshadow the emphysema and heart disease issue. Virtually everyone that smokes cigarettes or inhales cigar or pipe smoke develops respiratory problems.

Agree, which means that without more statistical information the mentioned statistics are meaningless. Plus as mentioned the conclusion is incorrect.

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:

trump has just awarded Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom. To an individual who promotes conspiracy theories -  unbelievable!

What conspiracy theories? Almost everything the guy said has come true, including crooked investigations.

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I started listening to him in the 90's. Calling out liberal,progressive's and leftest activist and their intolerance to opposition ! Growing up in Massachusetts ,I didn't think we were that radical,us liberal dems. Boy,listening to him was a wake up call, it was like academia indoctrinating todays kids ! The difference was,as  he would say, he did it with one hand tied behind his back and used talents on loan from god.


A legend, the  drive by's won't miss!

Take care Rush ,you woke up millions to conservative ideas , values and to take responsibility for yourself!

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13 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

Ever heard of Howard Stern?

Howard Stern's show isn't politically-oriented. A more valid comparison would be Air America, which of course was a failure. Still, whether political or not, Rush Limbaugh is by far the most successful radio host in history.

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