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Don't make that classic mistake.


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11 hours ago, kilslug said:

My girlfriend (a word I use loosely at this point) was a prostitute. I knew she was serving everyone for cash. That's not a shock. That wouldn't have been a problem had it just been in the massage parlor and with protection. My issue was she told me they were clients and I was the boyfriend which means nothing at this point. Maybe she's faking feelings for certain men and taking them home and bare-backing them to make them feel special and play the long game to get more money. Maybe others are just straight up paying her more money for barebacking. Who knows. Who cares. The point is the fact she was a wh*re wasn't the issue. It's the fact she was a liar who put my health at risk by pretending this relationship was something it wasn't. 


And how many guys do you think have told her they loved her and then split back to their home countries and blocked her on FB or ghosted her?  Or how many guys have promised to be her boyfriend and have filled her head with ideas of gold and riches back in their country and then go back home, keep in contact, wank it thinking about her, but realize that she's a prostitute and just string her along making excuses for why they can't come back and visit her? 


Their customers lie to them.  They lie to their customers.  It's an endless cycle.  Lying is just part of the game. 


I think a lot of the flack you're getting is because you expected her to be honest in the first place. 


The first rule of thumb when dealing with girls that work the game, if you don't want to be lied to, don't ask them any questions.  Even then, they'll still probably find a way to lie to you. 


I don't say that because I want to talk bad about working girls.  I say it because few people want to hear their honesty. 


Do you really want to hear how many guys she wanked off at work today?  Do you really want to hear about how many sponsors are sending her money and expect to get their pipes cleaned on their next visit?  Do you really want to hear how she's getting a kickback from the nightclub she's taking guys to, and how it finances her children's education? 


Being a prostitute is an ugly game and they don't want to talk about what they have to do to survive and most guys don't want to hear about it either. 


You already mentioned that you got into an argument with her over paying a fee to take her out on nights she had to work.  That's normal in bars (the bar fine).  I don't know how it works in massage parlors but the house gets part of whatever she gets so so maybe they get the 200 baht for the "massage" and she gets to keep what the guy gives her (and she probably has to kick some of that back under the table).  The massage parlor is missing out on income if you take her out of there and less "massages" are sold (especially if she's the stunner in the group that's luring in a lot of business). 


So, you obviously were not interested in hearing how her life works and were suspicious of her to begin with.  For sure she's going to lie to you if she thinks you don't want to hear about the ugly aspects of her life like the fact that she has to compensate the massage parlor when she isn't working.  If you can't handle that, how are you going to handle the reality that she needs 5 or 6 sponsors sending her money to feed her family and pay for her dad's gambling habits?  How are you going to handle the fact that last week her brother crashed his motorbike and ran up 5,000 baht in medical bills and she had to bang a few guys to get the money? 

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22 hours ago, Liverpudlian said:

Back in the day it raised hell and banned, but for me it was willy tossing off fodder if you get my drift .

Unfortunately I got your drift.  ????


My point was how do you classify a novel published in 1928 as clickbait?

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11 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Look at the CDC statistic. They said 4 out of 10,000 exposures in the link you provided me. That's 0.04%. Statistically you're more likely to die crossing the street even by their numbers which are probably based on self reports by bisexual men anyway. 

Initially, you said it didn't happen. Now you're accepting it's 0.04%. I suppose it depends on what kinds of records you are trying to set, with how many different partners. SFB.

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1 hour ago, BobbyL said:

Another Reddit - esque OP from a brand new poster ????.


Do forums actually pay these people to post on them? 


Here's how they all go:


OP:  I met this girl in Thailand and . . .


TV:  She's a prostitute, what did you expect? 


OP:  I know she's a prostitute, but . . .


TV:  That's what prostitutes do, she's probably done it to 3 or 4 guys since you left. 


OP:  I wasn't hurt by it, but . . .


TV:  Then why did you post a three page chronicle of every moment you spent together, sounding like a teenage girl after her first breakup?  


OP:  But she was different (because she didn't immediately ask for money, because she claimed she liked me, because she said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, because I met her on Tinder, because she told me she had an office job, because she said she was only doing it because she hates Thai men and she wanted to meet a farang, because she has to feed her children, etc)


TV:  That's not different!!  That's what they do!  That's their job. 


OP:  You people don't understand. 






OP:  Only idiots fall in love with bar girls. 


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1 minute ago, digibum said:


Here's how they all go:


OP:  I met this girl in Thailand and . . .


TV:  She's a prostitute, what did you expect? 


OP:  I know she's a prostitute, but . . .


TV:  That's what prostitutes do, she's probably done it to 3 or 4 guys since you left. 


OP:  I wasn't hurt by it, but . . .


TV:  Then why did you post a three page chronicle of every moment you spent together, sounding like a teenage girl after her first breakup?  


OP:  But she was different (because she didn't immediately ask for money, because she claimed she liked me, because she said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, because I met her on Tinder, because she told me she had an office job, because she said she was only doing it because she hates Thai men and she wanted to meet a farang, because she has to feed her children, etc)


TV:  That's not different!!  That's what they do!  That's their job. 


OP:  You people don't understand. 






OP:  Only idiots fall in love with bar girls

‘But Shes Different’


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2 hours ago, KC 71 said:
2 hours ago, digibum said:


Here's how they all go:


OP:  I met this girl in Thailand and . . .


TV:  She's a prostitute, what did you expect? 


OP:  I know she's a prostitute, but . . .


TV:  That's what prostitutes do, she's probably done it to 3 or 4 guys since you left. 


OP:  I wasn't hurt by it, but . . .


TV:  Then why did you post a three page chronicle of every moment you spent together, sounding like a teenage girl after her first breakup?  


OP:  But she was different (because she didn't immediately ask for money, because she claimed she liked me, because she said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, because I met her on Tinder, because she told me she had an office job, because she said she was only doing it because she hates Thai men and she wanted to meet a farang, because she has to feed her children, etc)


TV:  That's not different!!  That's what they do!  That's their job. 


OP:  You people don't understand. 






OP:  Only idiots fall in love with bar girls

‘But Shes Different’


It was a massage girl not a bar girl. You should read my comments before you get so judgmental. I never said she was different or anything like that. I may have said I had some good first impressions but everyone says that about a girl they meet. I never even said I expected things to go particularly well or I'm planning to continue with her. It was the very first time I dated a sex worker in Thailand and I've made it pretty clear I wouldn't do it again. If I kept doing it and never learned that would be a different situation. My opinion on bargirls and massage girls is exactly the same as yours and everyone commenting on this topic. Bad news. Also stop playing some tough guy like it's abnormal to spend a month dating a loose woman and feel a little but bummed out when things take a turn for the worst. Even if you see a car accident coming you're never particularly thrilled when it happens are you? I've heard there are men have made it work with bar girls in very rare cases though. It's just not a smart decision 90% of the time. I'm not deleting this post anyway. It's funny story. 

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Interesting reading!  There are lots of books about the subject of sex workers in Thailand: Patpong Sisters and many more.  There are many facets to relationships between Western men and women in SEA.  Often the women are the big losers as in Madam Butterfly and Miss Saigon.  The most time-worn story is that of the western man who wants to "rescue" the woman from a life of prostitution.  There are lots of books about this theme too.  Just search on Amazon.  The problem seems to go deeper than the western man's expectations, it also involves feelings that he doesn't anticipate before he becomes emotionally involved.  For the uninitiated, an affair with an SEA sex worker can be a roller-coaster ride.

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6 hours ago, Mansell said:

The moment I got the clap I would have been gone. You knew she was lying all along but you kept going back for more....sad!

I told you my reasons. Didn't want to pay for an early flight home. Nobody actually reads. I haven't been back since and I wont be going back so I have no idea what you're talking about son. 

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8 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

Interesting reading!  There are lots of books about the subject of sex workers in Thailand: Patpong Sisters and many more.  There are many facets to relationships between Western men and women in SEA.  Often the women are the big losers as in Madam Butterfly and Miss Saigon.  The most time-worn story is that of the western man who wants to "rescue" the woman from a life of prostitution.  There are lots of books about this theme too.  Just search on Amazon.  The problem seems to go deeper than the western man's expectations, it also involves feelings that he doesn't anticipate before he becomes emotionally involved.  For the uninitiated, an affair with an SEA sex worker can be a roller-coaster ride.

I think so yes. Many men realize intellectually it's not going to end well for them but they form an emotional dependence which overrides better judgement.

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2 hours ago, digibum said:


Here's how they all go:


OP:  I met this girl in Thailand and . . .


TV:  She's a prostitute, what did you expect? 


OP:  I know she's a prostitute, but . . .


TV:  That's what prostitutes do, she's probably done it to 3 or 4 guys since you left. 


OP:  I wasn't hurt by it, but . . .


TV:  Then why did you post a three page chronicle of every moment you spent together, sounding like a teenage girl after her first breakup?  


OP:  But she was different (because she didn't immediately ask for money, because she claimed she liked me, because she said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, because I met her on Tinder, because she told me she had an office job, because she said she was only doing it because she hates Thai men and she wanted to meet a farang, because she has to feed her children, etc)


TV:  That's not different!!  That's what they do!  That's their job. 


OP:  You people don't understand. 






OP:  Only idiots fall in love with bar girls. 




Truer words never posted. 



You should post this as new Topic every month just for the new guys..........

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6 hours ago, digibum said:


And how many guys do you think have told her they loved her and then split back to their home countries and blocked her on FB or ghosted her?  Or how many guys have promised to be her boyfriend and have filled her head with ideas of gold and riches back in their country and then go back home, keep in contact, wank it thinking about her, but realize that she's a prostitute and just string her along making excuses for why they can't come back and visit her? 


Their customers lie to them.  They lie to their customers.  It's an endless cycle.  Lying is just part of the game. 


I think a lot of the flack you're getting is because you expected her to be honest in the first place. 


The first rule of thumb when dealing with girls that work the game, if you don't want to be lied to, don't ask them any questions.  Even then, they'll still probably find a way to lie to you. 


I don't say that because I want to talk bad about working girls.  I say it because few people want to hear their honesty. 


Do you really want to hear how many guys she wanked off at work today?  Do you really want to hear about how many sponsors are sending her money and expect to get their pipes cleaned on their next visit?  Do you really want to hear how she's getting a kickback from the nightclub she's taking guys to, and how it finances her children's education? 


Being a prostitute is an ugly game and they don't want to talk about what they have to do to survive and most guys don't want to hear about it either. 


You already mentioned that you got into an argument with her over paying a fee to take her out on nights she had to work.  That's normal in bars (the bar fine).  I don't know how it works in massage parlors but the house gets part of whatever she gets so so maybe they get the 200 baht for the "massage" and she gets to keep what the guy gives her (and she probably has to kick some of that back under the table).  The massage parlor is missing out on income if you take her out of there and less "massages" are sold (especially if she's the stunner in the group that's luring in a lot of business). 


So, you obviously were not interested in hearing how her life works and were suspicious of her to begin with.  For sure she's going to lie to you if she thinks you don't want to hear about the ugly aspects of her life like the fact that she has to compensate the massage parlor when she isn't working.  If you can't handle that, how are you going to handle the reality that she needs 5 or 6 sponsors sending her money to feed her family and pay for her dad's gambling habits?  How are you going to handle the fact that last week her brother crashed his motorbike and ran up 5,000 baht in medical bills and she had to bang a few guys to get the money? 

Yeah that's fair enough. I didn't continue to argue about paying the shop and I did afterwards. I was on the lookout for suspicious things and that was just one thing that caught my attention. You could look at it as being insensitive and arrogant but I was just being cautious at the time. I wasn't really bothered about talking about the things she did at work. If she wanted to I would have been ok with it but she didn't want to talk about it much obviously. Of course I understand that their families come first and that's fine. I'm kind of getting tired of people always saying that if these girls don't do prostitution they're going to starve to death and die though like it's a 3rd world country. It's a 2nd world country. They do it because it provides a standard of living higher than other jobs. They don't live paycheck to paycheck. This girl was not the least bit frugal with money. She owned a bike, she owned a car, she owned a scooter. Her family owned a big farm with a fairly nice house. She was saving up for things like breasts implants and stem cell face lifts. She wasn't rich but she was comfortable and most Thai's look pretty comfortable even working in lesser paying jobs like the service industry and hospitality to me. It's a simple life for many but I would have no problem living it. Anyway given her lifestyle and job I wasn't surprised when it happened. She never admitted to it and she never apologized. At least not properly. A lot of that comes down to saving face but obviously If I just accept it and decide to keep seeing her I'm the butt end of a joke which nobody wants to be. I did tell her that if she apologized we could just be friends and that would be that. She seemed set on a relationship because she wants the finical commitment I suppose. Everyone has sob stories and unfair sh** happening to them in their life. You do, I do, she does. It doesn't make anyone special or give them excuses. You know you really can't win when you talk about these experiences though. If you tell people you sent your LDR large amounts of money they will call you a sucker. If you tell them you were very frugal and guarded your money carefully they will tell you're selfish and these girls need your money to survive ... I don't know. 

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1 hour ago, 86Tiger said:



Truer words never posted. 



You should post this as new Topic every month just for the new guys..........

Seriously are you guys that p*ssed off at me? I'll delete it if nobody wants to see it. I just thought it would be a good laugh and relateable story to some. 

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1 hour ago, kilslug said:

I told you my reasons. Didn't want to pay for an early flight home. Nobody actually reads. I haven't been back since and I wont be going back so I have no idea what you're talking about son. 

You don't have to leave the country.  You can just leave her. 


Just like you can return to Thailand, and just do something different. 

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2 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Seriously are you guys that p*ssed off at me? I'll delete it if nobody wants to see it. I just thought it would be a good laugh and relateable story to some. 

But you seem to be missing the part where it's the millionth time the story has been told and it's always the same story. 

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5 minutes ago, digibum said:

But you seem to be missing the part where it's the millionth time the story has been told and it's always the same story. 

I understand but that's a good thing isn't it? It validates the theory and builds on the knowledge. I like reading these kinds of stories. I look for them actually. If you don't care that's understandable though. 

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9 minutes ago, digibum said:

You don't have to leave the country.  You can just leave her. 


Just like you can return to Thailand, and just do something different. 

I have left. Nowhere anywhere here have I claimed I'm trying to get back together with her. 

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27 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Seriously are you guys that p*ssed off at me? I'll delete it if nobody wants to see it. I just thought it would be a good laugh and relateable story to some. 

I dont think anyone is p*ssed off at you personally. Just the recurring plot where only the names change. The story did raise some laughs and that is always welcome. Good that you figured it all out and are wiser for it. Not all relationships are bad though. However, I could relate some real horror stories from the past and some still ongoing. Many men still blissfully unaware that their partner is up to no good as soon as their backs are turned. Good luck anyway.

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38 minutes ago, kilslug said:

Yeah that's fair enough. I didn't continue to argue about paying the shop and I did afterwards. I was on the lookout for suspicious things and that was just one thing that caught my attention. You could look at it as being insensitive and arrogant but I was just being cautious at the time. I wasn't really bothered about talking about the things she did at work. If she wanted to I would have been ok with it but she didn't want to talk about it much obviously. Of course I understand that their families come first and that's fine. I'm kind of getting tired of people always saying that if these girls don't do prostitution they're going to starve to death and die though like it's a 3rd world country. It's a 2nd world country. They do it because it provides a standard of living higher than other jobs. They don't live paycheck to paycheck. This girl was not the least bit frugal with money. She owned a bike, she owned a car, she owned a scooter. Her family owned a big farm with a fairly nice house. She was saving up for things like breasts implants and stem cell face lifts. She wasn't rich but she was comfortable and most Thai's look pretty comfortable even working in lesser paying jobs like the service industry and hospitality to me. It's a simple life for many but I would have no problem living it. Anyway given her lifestyle and job I wasn't surprised when it happened. She never admitted to it and she never apologized. At least not properly. A lot of that comes down to saving face but obviously If I just accept it and decide to keep seeing her I'm the butt end of a joke which nobody wants to be. I did tell her that if she apologized we could just be friends and that would be that. She seemed set on a relationship because she wants the finical commitment I suppose. Everyone has sob stories and unfair sh** happening to them in their life. You do, I do, she does. It doesn't make anyone special or give them excuses. You know you really can't win when you talk about these experiences though. If you tell people you sent your LDR large amounts of money they will call you a sucker. If you tell them you were very frugal and guarded your money carefully they will tell you're selfish and these girls need your money to survive ... I don't know. 


Not trying to be a jerk but you really have a comprehension issue.  Elsewhere you took someone saying they would have been "out of there" when they found out they got the clap to leaving Thailand.  Slow down and try to take in what people are telling you before you assume the meaning behind something. 


In another response you try to make a distinction between a bar girl and a massage girl at a rub and tug, they're both prostitutes, they both go into the business for the same reasons, and they both tend to do the same kinds of things.  That's why I, and others, have said the story never changes.  Within the first paragraph of someone telling these stories, you can almost guess how it ends, because, so often, it ends the same way. 


Here's an example of you reading the words but not getting the meaning.



I was on the lookout for suspicious things and that was just one thing that caught my attention. You could look at it as being insensitive and arrogant but I was just being cautious at the time.


If you read what I wrote, I wasn't passing judgement on you.  I was saying that you signaled to her that you were not ready for what she does by getting into an argument with her about it.  Why would she be honest about anything else with you about her business after that? 


Essentially, I'm saying, there was an action (you getting into an argument with her about it) and a very predictable reaction (her not being honest with you about her business). 



I'm kind of getting tired of people always saying that if these girls don't do prostitution they're going to starve to death and die though like it's a 3rd world country. It's a 2nd world country.


Again, I think you read the words but missed the point.  They're always going to tell you that they did it because of the kids or to take care of the family or whatever.  Most of the time, it's total BS. 


Telling their customers that they sell they want nice things doesn't generate a lot of sympathy and sympathy is the thing that makes some poor sucker keep sending her money long after their vacation is over. 


Yet again, the story is always the same.  I've never heard a girl say, "Oh, I do it because I'm lazy and want to make lots of money." 



She never admitted to it and she never apologized. At least not properly. A lot of that comes down to saving face but obviously If I just accept it and decide to keep seeing her I'm the butt end of a joke which nobody wants to be. I did tell her that if she apologized we could just be friends and that would be that. She seemed set on a relationship because she wants the finical commitment I suppose.


it also comes down to the fact that prostitutes lie.  It's a skill more important than the sex.  Sex is relatively cheap.  Making a guy think he's something special is worth a lot of money. 


And I don't see the point of remaining friends.  What purpose does that serve either of you?  Girls like her are a dime a dozen in Thailand so why make friends when the next one you meet will have the same background (from Issan, has X children at living with her parents from a Thai boyfriends that knocked her up when she was 16, blah, blah, blah), and probably the same BS lines she feeds you. 


Based on how your original post and how you've reacted to others, it seems like you had real feelings for her and you feel jilted finding out that you were just another sucker. 


Again, every guy thinks his prostitute is different but 99% of the time, it all ends the same way. 


That's the point people are trying to get across.  There was never a real relationship there.  You were a source of income.  That's it.  The sooner you come to accept that fact, the easier things will be on you. 


She didn't lie to you to hurt you.  She lied to you because that's her job.  Do you get angry when you go to Disneyland and find out Mickey Mouse is really just a guy with a costume on?  Of course not.  So why are you so upset to find out that a prostitute created the illusion of a relationship in the hopes of making money off of the fantasy she created?  It's what she does. 



You know you really can't win when you talk about these experiences though. If you tell people you sent your LDR large amounts of money they will call you a sucker. If you tell them you were very frugal and guarded your money carefully they will tell you're selfish and these girls need your money to survive ... I don't know.


You're sort of trying to throw yourself another pity party here.  You didn't have a LDR.  You banged a prostitute in Thailand and I don't think anybody would fault you for not giving her money once you go home.  Next time you come to Thailand, fine, pay her for the girl friend experience she's providing.  But realize that she'll probably be tugging on another guy's willy before the tires of your plane have even left the runway.   


If you can be a big boy and realize that prostitutes do this for a living, and that part of the job is making you think that you're the special one, you can have a lot of fun.  If you're going to demand apologies and get upset because she lies to you about all of the other guys she's banging, Thailand is not for you. 


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36 minutes ago, kilslug said:

I have left. Nowhere anywhere here have I claimed I'm trying to get back together with her. 

Dude, you're obviously still very emotional and can't even think straight.  Someone told you that they would have been "out of there" when they found out about the clap. 


You responded that you couldn't get a flight back.  I said, you didn't need to leave Thailand to "get out of there."  You could have gotten a van back to Bangkok, you could have jumped on a bus to Samui, you had a ton of options to "get out of there" that didn't involve leaving the country. 


Then, for emphasis, and to help make it clearer to you, I said that getting "out of there" just meant leaving her, not Thailand. 


Nobody suggested you're trying to get back with her.  You keep reading stuff that isn't there. 

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17 minutes ago, digibum said:

Dude, you're obviously still very emotional and can't even think straight.  Someone told you that they would have been "out of there" when they found out about the clap. 


You responded that you couldn't get a flight back.  I said, you didn't need to leave Thailand to "get out of there."  You could have gotten a van back to Bangkok, you could have jumped on a bus to Samui, you had a ton of options to "get out of there" that didn't involve leaving the country. 


Then, for emphasis, and to help make it clearer to you, I said that getting "out of there" just meant leaving her, not Thailand. 


Nobody suggested you're trying to get back with her.  You keep reading stuff that isn't there. 

Depends how you interpret the story. Some men would have lost their minds at the woman and left her apartment immediately without hesitation yeah. I don't know how you can claim that isn't a strong emotional response. As far as I was concerned I was going to have more fun with her than without her. I don't hold grudges for long and I didn't really want a spend a week in Thailand on my own because it would have been boring. Also why would I want to pay for hotel? incomprehsible to you apparently. Am I emotional about it? Sure somewhat. I'm only human. If you make a friend and have a good time with them or spend a few weeks cuddling up to a woman in her apartment and then have a big falling out I would imagine you would feel a bit sad If you're not a complete sociopath. I played it cool and didn't want to pi** her off. Maybe you would have stormed out and flipped her the middle finger. That's your choice. I don't do that. 

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