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The satang rip off.

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14 hours ago, Beggar said:

It is not only here. In the Euro EU they are discussing to remove the Cent. But there is a big problem for the retailers. Prices like 99.99 wouldn't be possible anymore. And I am not kidding now. They block it. 

Yet I can remember in England looking at the price of petrol in the fuel stations. The signs would say something like 74.64 pence per gallon. How do you get change from .64 of a penny........:smile:

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15 hours ago, Liverpudlian said:

Well, i suppose it runs a second best to our long gone penny farthing and as i vaguely remember as far back as the 50s it was adorned with our rarest tiny bird now , the wren . thus ok ! .... pot kettle black ????

I think you'll find a penny farthing was a bicycle and that the wren is the bird with the most breeding pairs of all in the UK, so not rare at all.

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1 minute ago, papa al said:

My house-keeper is thrilled to take quantities of small coins as gratuity.

I did that once in DMK, I had like 43 baht in one bahters so I gve it to the auntie cleaning the toilet.

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13 hours ago, bluesofa said:


The banks here don't seem to have coin weighing scales that will tell you how much value of the same coin is on the scale. They want to sellotape them up in five/ten/whatever Baht amounts.


Have you (or anyone else) ever been go to the Thai Mint ?


I was there a few times for the commorative coins handouts.


What I have seen there was a simple way of counting your coins whic can be exchanged for notes.


Coins you have to place on a wooden board with rows. When finished you were able to count the full boards and on each row it had notations how much value was filled in that row.

Each coin their own board.


Amusing to see people emptying their stacks on the tables.


One time one board fell on the floor, coins everywhere over the paddings.

Everyone moves out of the way politely.

Aided with the knowledge that theres an overload of CCTV cameras there, it is all safe to count your tokens in public.

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12 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

I did that once in DMK, I had like 43 baht in one bahters so I gve it to the auntie cleaning the toilet.

OK, I'll bite. What did you do to accumulate so many, and why did you take them into DMK? Were you trying to fry the metal detectors?

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6 minutes ago, VYCM said:

I reckon they should just remove from circulation.


Australia is now removing all silver coins, no more 5, 10, 20, 50 cent coins, smallest coin is a dollar

Australia is basically a cashless society now. Many businesses are nonplussed when cash is tendered in payment.

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23 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Life can be so easy :biggrin:

I never have a problem to get rid of them.

A shop that does not return 1 Baht change??

Must be in the hiso neighborhoods.


I have also never heard about stores not returning 1 baht coins. I have a ziplock bag just like yours (maybe bigger) with loads of 25 and 50 satang coins. I get a couple of those every week from the 7/11 around the corner. Almost every stores says "mai dai" when you try to pay with them. I don't know if they legally can refuse to accept them as payment. 

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On February 12, 2020 at 8:57 AM, worgeordie said:

I just put them in small bag, say 10 Bhts worth at a time

and hand them over with payment at supermarket,job done,

much more important things to worry about .

regards Worgeordie

Good way to shift the problem from your more important time to that of an overworked and underpaid cashier. 

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2 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Good way to shift the problem from your more important time to that of an overworked and underpaid cashier. 

I know I always worry about those underpaid,overworked people,

like people used to worry about me !, if they give 25-50 satangs out,

they can bloody well take them back.

regards Worgeordie

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On 2/12/2020 at 8:42 AM, Pravda said:

First world problems. 

Yup there too. Euro cents, £ brown coins, just weigh your pocket down. When I get a load I throw them in the automat cashiers in the supermarkets in France. Counted for you! At least back there contactless cards can be used for small purchases. Here still a very cash based economy.

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18 hours ago, Liverpudlian said:

Well, i suppose it runs a second best to our long gone penny farthing and as i vaguely remember as far back as the 50s it was adorned with our rarest tiny bird now , the wren . thus ok ! .... pot kettle black ????

A Penny Farthing was a bicycle. A farthing was a coin, and yes it was not legal tender when I was small lad in the early 60s, but our newsagent would still accept one from me for a four-a-penny fruit salad chew. ????

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

OK, I'll bite. What did you do to accumulate so many, and why did you take them into DMK? Were you trying to fry the metal detectors?

Naw dude I was going somewhere and had a bag of them, so took them with me and gave them to the cleaner. Its all legit, nothing sick, depraved or whatever.....



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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Naw dude I was going somewhere and had a bag of them, so took them with me and gave them to the cleaner. Its all legit, nothing sick, depraved or whatever.....



My apologies, I thought you might have given in to your anarchic instincts.

I never carry coins in my pockets. That way, I can make my trousers last 20 years. They come back into fashion.

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1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

Good way to shift the problem from your more important time to that of an overworked and underpaid cashier. 

If 7/11 uses satang coins as change,how can it be wrong to return them to 7/11? I get a couple of 25 or 50 satang coins every week. 

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