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Novel Coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) - What you really need to know.


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Can you show a link confirming that the general view now is that this virus will infect via aerosol disbursement :




Maybe I did not google enough




I also think its important to focus on the death rate .. Getting sick is one thing .. We all do that from time to time... but how many die, is that not the ultimate worry ?


Then, lets look at who dies, who they are, how they live.. and see if we can learn anything from that ...


- Cleaner air (less pollution)

- Old and frail

- Have asthma and other respirator problems

- Obese, diabetic etc ... etc ...

- Genetics


Maybe a wake up call for a life style change to be more resilient for the future ??  How to develop a stronger and more robust immune system .....



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38 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Can you show a link confirming that the general view now is that this virus will infect via aerosol disbursement :




Maybe I did not google enough




I also think its important to focus on the death rate .. Getting sick is one thing .. We all do that from time to time... but how many die, is that not the ultimate worry ?


Then, lets look at who dies, who they are, how they live.. and see if we can learn anything from that ...


- Cleaner air (less pollution)

- Old and frail

- Have asthma and other respirator problems

- Obese, diabetic etc ... etc ...

- Genetics


Maybe a wake up call for a life style change to be more resilient for the future ??  How to develop a stronger and more robust immune system .....



From what I understand, the aerosol disbursement has not yet been proven, but highly suspected from credible scientific sources, and currently being acted upon by the Chinese Government.  If you notice in many video clips coming out of China, they are using those trucks that spray huge plumes of some sort of chemical mist up to 2o feet in the air.  These are normally used in China to control rat, cockroach infestations on a monthly basis but now appear to be in use on a daily basis as a possible preventative measure against the virus...again, not confirmed by Chinese government but I'd say highly likely.


Nobody can really say what the actual Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is right now.  Due to the long incubation lag time, it's impossible to quantify until after the outbreak ends.  That's why I posted "Mortality Growth Rate" 


I think it's pretty accepted that anything that decreases your general immunity response such as age, pre-existing health conditions, etc puts  you a greater risk of getting serious complications from Covid-19, as would be the case of any virus. 


In fact, in regard to immunity response, I read some medical studies the other day how lack of sleep can severely compromise immunity response, and I posted it to another thread.  These studies are very well vetted and frankly, they were a real eye-opener to me!  You should check out my post which includes links to these studies at:




Getting adequate sleep could very well be the single most important preventative measure one could take, not only against serious complications of Covid-19 that could land a person in the hospital, but for avoiding serious complications of any virus including Influenza or even the common cold.

Edited by WaveHunter
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Hi, question to all. How about flying ? I’ve read that the air circulating in an airplane is filtered and cannot spread a virus.

How true is this ? 
i réalise , of course, that your seat neighbors may be infected and you could catch the virus that way. So what do you do when sitting next to someone who is coughing and sneezing and spluttering ? 
I’ve sat next to one poor man who was really ill on a flight and it was not a pleasant experience. Thanks.

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30 minutes ago, geisha said:

Hi, question to all. How about flying ? I’ve read that the air circulating in an airplane is filtered and cannot spread a virus.

How true is this ? 
i réalise , of course, that your seat neighbors may be infected and you could catch the virus that way. So what do you do when sitting next to someone who is coughing and sneezing and spluttering ? 
I’ve sat next to one poor man who was really ill on a flight and it was not a pleasant experience. Thanks.

Air is recirculated and disinfected with HEPA filters in airline aircraft.  While in flight It is completely recirculated and sanitized every 20 minutes or so I believe.  Many credible medical sources say you are in a safer atmosphere in an airliner than on the ground because of this...BUT that doesn't mean much if another passenger has a viral infection that's sitting nearby, ya know?  Given the current awareness, I think the cabin crew would take some sort of action, or at the very least assign you another seat if you requested it.


An interesting bit of trivia for those who care; the air breathed by flight crew on the flight deck is not the same air passengers breathe.  There are two AC Air packs that internal breathing air comes from, one from the left engine bleed and the other from the right engine bleed.  Breathing air supplied to the flight deck come from the Left bleed and air to the passenger zones come from the right bleed.  They also can be switched around through the air distribution manifold.  I'm not sure if this is to protect flight crew's ability to perform (from smoke in the event of a fire, perhaps?) or for some non-safety related reason.  Just thought it was interesting when I read about it.

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การทำลายเชื้อโรค โควิด-19
โคโรน่าไวรัสสายพันธุ์ใหม่ เป็นไวรัสที่มีเปลือกหุ้ม
ไวรัสที่ทำลายยากกว่าจะไม่มีเปลือกหุ้มเช่น ไวรัสตับอักเสบ เอ ไวรัสมือเท้าปาก
การที่มีเปลือกหุ้ม เปลือกของไวรัสจะเป็นไขมัน
ไขมันจะสามารถทำลายได้ด้วยผงซักฟอก detergent แอลกอฮอล์ และสารฆ่าเชื้ออย่างอื่นอีกจำนวนมาก เช่นสารประกอบคลอรีน สารประกอบที่มีส่วนผสมของฟอร์มาลีน หรือฟอร์มาลดีไฮด์ กลูตารัลดีไฮด์
การล้างจานด้วยสบู่ หรือน้ำยาล้างจาน แล้วทิ้งไว้ให้แห้ง ก็สามารถทำลายเชื้อได้
การล้างมือด้วยสบู่ ก็ทำลายเชื้อได้ และปริมาณน้ำที่มากพอ จะชะล้างไวรัสออกไป
การปฏิบัติตน ทางด้านสุขอนามัย เรื่องความสะอาด การดูแลความสะอาดในของใช้ของกิน
รวมทั้งสิ่งของต่างๆที่จะต้องมีผู้คน จับต้องบ่อยๆเช่นในลิฟท์ กดปุ่มต่างๆ ราวบันได ลูกบิด
ถ้าได้ทำความสะอาดบ่อยๆ จะช่วยลดการแพร่กระจายของโรคได้เป็นอย่างมาก
ในโรงเรียนจะต้องเน้นเรื่องความสะอาด ข้าวของเครื่องใช้ ที่จะใช้ร่วมกัน
นักเรียนทุกคนจะต้องฝึกให้ล้างมือ เมื่อไปถึงโรงเรียน และก่อนรับประทานอาหาร หรือคิดว่าเมื่อมือสกปรก


Destruction of Covid-19 Pathogens
New strain of Corona virus Is a virus with a shell
The destruction is much easier than other types of viruses.
Viruses that are more difficult to destroy will not have envelopes, such as Hepatitis A virus, hand, foot, and mouth virus
Covering The virus's shell is fat.
Fat can be destroyed with detergent, alcohol and many other disinfectants. Such as chlorine compounds Compounds containing formalin Or formaldehyde Glutathione formaldehyde
Washing dishes with soap Or dishwashing liquid Then leave to dry Can destroy the infection
Washing hands with soap Can destroy the infection And sufficient amount of water Will wash away the virus
Sanitation practices Cleanliness Care for cleanliness in food items
Including things that must have people Frequently handle, such as in elevators, pressing buttons, railings, knobs
If you clean it often Will greatly reduce the spread of the disease
The school must focus on cleanliness. Appliances To use together
All students must practice to wash their hands. When arriving at school And before eating Or think that when hands are dirty
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4 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

This is a new report, not yet peer-reviewed

This is just a calculation based on data which may or may not be correct/full. Also you have to take temperature and humidity into consideration - from studies we know that similar viruses remain airborne up to 24 hours in cold and dry weather, and can live on surfaces for up to 28 days(!) at 4 degrees celsius and low humidity. In high temperature (20+ celsius) and high humidity tests done on guinea pigs had ZERO airborne infections, while in cold (5 celsius) and dry there were 100% infections. In cold and humid conditions there were less infections, but still high. The virus remained active on surfaces only 1-2 hours at 40 degrees celsius and high humidity.


Now let's consider Wuhan/Hubei weather in January - it is usually humid year-round, but January is the dryest month of the year, and some days in January were significantly colder and dryer than others. This explains the shift in R0 between different periods you look at. In all likelihood infections will slow down as temperatures and humidity rise in China, but that of course may take months.


Thailand on the other hand is hot and humid year-round, including right now, so the virus is a lot less likely to spread by air or on surfaces. You'd need to be in close contact with someone sick to get infected. If there was a massive rise in cases here we would've already known about it as it's been weeks since Chinese new year. Unless government and hospitals are withholding data, of course, but I doubt they could do that at scale.

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34 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

This is just a calculation based on data which may or may not be correct/full. Also you have to take temperature and humidity into consideration - from studies we know that similar viruses remain airborne up to 24 hours in cold and dry weather, and can live on surfaces for up to 28 days(!) at 4 degrees celsius and low humidity. In high temperature (20+ celsius) and high humidity tests done on guinea pigs had ZERO airborne infections, while in cold (5 celsius) and dry there were 100% infections. In cold and humid conditions there were less infections, but still high. The virus remained active on surfaces only 1-2 hours at 40 degrees celsius and high humidity.


Now let's consider Wuhan/Hubei weather in January - it is usually humid year-round, but January is the dryest month of the year, and some days in January were significantly colder and dryer than others. This explains the shift in R0 between different periods you look at. In all likelihood infections will slow down as temperatures and humidity rise in China, but that of course may take months.


Thailand on the other hand is hot and humid year-round, including right now, so the virus is a lot less likely to spread by air or on surfaces. You'd need to be in close contact with someone sick to get infected. If there was a massive rise in cases here we would've already known about it as it's been weeks since Chinese new year. Unless government and hospitals are withholding data, of course, but I doubt they could do that at scale.

All very clearly argued and logical... except if you look in the Supplementary Materials, Table S1, you will find this calculation was based of off 140 individual case studies ranging from Beijing to Macau, South Korea and Japan, Mexico, Thailand, and Taiwan...


This is Los Alamos National Laboratory we are talking about after all, so I wouldn't discount the new estimate offhand. As you stated however, nice hot and humid Thailand would likely have slower spread, meaning hopefully medical facilities would never be overwhelmed. Let's hope.

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

R0 is not a fixed characteristic. It can and does vary with the environment and according to what sort of preventive measures are taken. It will always be much higher in crowded conditions (like a cruise ship, or a Chinese market area) than it will be elsewhere.


That said, no credible source I have seen puts the R0 of this virus -- in the absence of effective control measues - in any area as above 3 let alone near 6.


Most estimates are around 1.5 - 2.5


And this will of course drop with effective measures.



I agree with you it is not a fixed number.  This report implies that the initial R0 assigned to the virus along with its' doubling time was incorrect, and in their estimation the virus was actually doubling every 2.4 days, with an R0 of between between 4.7 and 6.6.  


There is strong evidence for this if you look at what's happening on the cruise ship when unconfirmed or healthy individuals are mixed in with confirmed cases...which is what is starting to happen in Wuhan's "forced" containment centers right now.  That is not going to make things better; it's going to make the situation far worse.


This report comes from the Los Alamos Labs so it is highly credible.  While it has not yet been peer-reviewed, it is very compelling and credible...if you take the time to read it.


In the Abstract of the report, they assert that both the R0 and the epidemic doubling time of the early stages of the epidemic were actually incorrect.  Formerly the R0 was assumed to be around 2.2-2.7, and the doubling time was assumed to be 6.4 days.  In other words, BEFORE the draconian containment efforts were fully implemented (my fault for not making that more clear, but the report makes this very clear)


In their words:

"...Based on their "extensive individual case reports and estimated key epidemiology parameters, including the incubation period. Integrating these estimates and high-resolution real-time human travel and infection data with mathematical models, we estimated that the number of infected individuals during early epidemic double every 2.4 days, and the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6"


The main reason I posted this was because of their conclusion statement.  It is VERY troubling IMO.  Although it is sort of buried in a lot of words at the end of the report, it is essentially this: 


Even though they see evidence of strong measures now being taken in Wuhan, and they are having a measurable effect on the rate of spread, the growth rate is only decreasing from 0.29 to 0.14 per day.


This translates to a 50-59% decrease in R0 to between 2.3 and 3.0.  In other words, this is AFTER all current measures have been taken, and clearly those measure are not enough to contain the virus...it is still spreading as an R0 3 virus would.


What is happening on the cruise ship right now is an example of the higher R0 they are talking about, and it is what it will be if authorities in Wuhan continue putting suspected cases into forced containment (detention is a better word) along with confirmed cases.


Don't shoot the messenger, just read the report:  Los Alamos Labs Report

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17 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

wow, thanks for this topic which has cleared up absolutely nothing.

im particularly admiring your use of exclamation marks why providing un-reviewed data in a non-hysterical way.

I am only providing well vetted, science based information, along with links to the source of the information.  In the case of the Los Alamos Study it is credible and compelling...if you actually take the time to read it.


If you don't have the willingness or intelligence to explore this information objectively and then think for yourself, that's hardly my problem.

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7 hours ago, clarky cat said:

sounds like you're posting this for no other reason than to sound intelligent

With all due respect, if this is all you have to contribute to this thread, "sounding intelligent" is something you know nothing about, and something you'll never be accused of.


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Having followed this link since 31 January there were 9,776 know people infected, as of today it is 64,447 known people infected, that's two weeks, now if we divide 9776 into 64,447, that = 15% or a little over 6x, is my math wrong ?


The above said, I have also noted the lag in updates, in other words, this is all we have to go on and who knows if we are being fed the truth when it comes to the numbers, just saying.....



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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

The science on this is equally confused as the non scientific speculation

...which is why everybody who gives a damn should be exploring all the facts from the most reliable and vetted sources they can find, and then making up their own minds about what is real and what is not.

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13 minutes ago, Why Me said:

I'll give WH credit for seeking attention starting yet another virus thread, not shooting in the air like that guy downtown this morning.

Why is it that so many jokers on ThaiVisa like you take a special delight in cutting someone down who simply wants to explore a serious topic in a serious way?  THAT is why I started a new thread...to get away from people like you.


Is it really that important to you to impress fellow trolls with your clever little one-liners and personally directed barbs?  How impressive you are; I only wish I had half the rapier wit as you.  I think you are a genuine legend (in your own mind).


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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Having followed this link since 31 January there were 9,776 know people infected, as of today it is 64,447 known people infected, that's two weeks, now if we divide 9776 into 64,447, that = 15% or a little over 6x, is my math wrong ?


The above said, I have also noted the lag in updates, in other words, this is all we have to go on and who knows if we are being fed the truth when it comes to the numbers, just saying.....



That is not how you calculate R0.


Date cases are announced is not date they occurred. 


Cases get retroactively included as test results become available or case definitions change. There are time lags in receipt of case reports. Then further time lags in releasing media announcements.


R0 estimation is a complex epidemiological procedure that requires extensive data linking cases to likely exposure etc etc. It can't be done from media reports nor by people without advanced training.


They just upped the count substantially in China by changing case definition.

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5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

That is not how you calculate R0.


Date cases are announced is not date they occurred. 


Cases get retroactively included as test results become available or case defintions change. Thete are time lags in receipt of case reports. Then further time lags in releasing media announcements.


R0 estimation is a complex epidemological procedure that requires extensive data linking cases to likely exposure etc etc. It can't be done from media reports nor by people without advanced training.


They just upped the count substantially in China by changing case definition.

Sheryl, in Thailand, if you have symptoms what are you meant to do? specifically Pattaya? is there a number to call? a specific hospital to go to?

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5 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

From what I understand, the aerosol disbursement has not yet been proven, but highly suspected from credible scientific sources, and currently being acted upon by the Chinese Government.  If you notice in many video clips coming out of China, they are using those trucks that spray huge plumes of some sort of chemical mist up to 2o feet in the air.  These are normally used in China to control rat, cockroach infestations on a monthly basis but now appear to be in use on a daily basis as a possible preventative measure against the virus...again, not confirmed by Chinese government but I'd say highly likely.


Nobody can really say what the actual Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is right now.  Due to the long incubation lag time, it's impossible to quantify until after the outbreak ends.  That's why I posted "Mortality Growth Rate" 


I think it's pretty accepted that anything that decreases your general immunity response such as age, pre-existing health conditions, etc puts  you a greater risk of getting serious complications from Covid-19, as would be the case of any virus. 


In fact, in regard to immunity response, I read some medical studies the other day how lack of sleep can severely compromise immunity response, and I posted it to another thread.  These studies are very well vetted and frankly, they were a real eye-opener to me!  You should check out my post which includes links to these studies at:




Getting adequate sleep could very well be the single most important preventative measure one could take, not only against serious complications of Covid-19 that could land a person in the hospital, but for avoiding serious complications of any virus including Influenza or even the common cold.

Yes sleep is probably the best short term activity you can do to keep your immune system as strong as it can be given your physical condition. After all it takes a bit longer to get fit and improve you overall health ???? ...  I am well aware of the issue of reduced immune system under fatigue and stress.  Sitting up to 1 o'clock every morning drinking beer and reading about the Corona virus certainly does little improve it, that is for sure 555.


Regarding the spraying that is going on in Beijing right now (well maybe not today I think as it was snowing earlier today..) it is also done regularly to trap dust particles - They spray with just water.  Yes they may also spray now with disinfectant as its a quick and easy way to cover large surfaces quickly.  In some places they also spray people as they enter housing complexes and open public areas. In addition to taking the temperature.


Interesting times .... ????



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This is where the virus beats us.

In its early incubation stages 3-24 days (maybe more), no symptoms

so the carrier goes around mixing freely.

Even if symptoms are present, it appears to be a common flu.

So more time wasted in diagnosis.

By the time the positive result is confirmed the carrier has been all over the place.

Unless people self quarantine at the slightest symptom...even then they risk passing

it on to family who will carry it outside.

It's too late to put the genie back in the bottle now.

Some reports say 2/3rds of the world can get it.

Probably better to catch it now and get free treatment.


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13 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

A governtment hospital would be best option.


Bear in mind there is regular influenza goig round as well. Plus air pollution causing many people respiratory issues.


Frankly unless your symptoms are severe/suggestive of pneumonia OR you had exposure to kbown case or recent arrival from China,  I personally wouldn't seek medical attention. It is neither necessary nor feasible to test everyone  hete with symptoms of a  respiratory bug.

i haven't got any symptoms but after about a 100 threads I haven't seen what people are meant to do hence why i asked

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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

This is where the virus beats us.

In its early incubation stages 3-24 days (maybe more), no symptoms

so the carrier goes around mixing freely.

Even if symptoms are present, it appears to be a common flu.

So more time wasted in diagnosis.

By the time the positive result is confirmed the carrier has been all over the place.

Unless people self quarantine at the slightest symptom...even then they risk passing

it on to family who will carry it outside.

It's too late to put the genie back in the bottle now.

Some reports say 2/3rds of the world can get it.

Probably better to catch it now and get free treatment.


If it's proper flu vs man flu then generally you'll need to stay in bed

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38 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Why is it that so many jokers on ThaiVisa like you take a special delight in cutting someone down who simply wants to explore a serious topic in a serious way?  THAT is why I started a new thread...to get away from people like you.


Is it really that important to you to impress fellow trolls with your clever little one-liners and personally directed barbs?  How impressive you are; I only wish I had half the rapier wit as you.  I think you are a genuine legend (in your own mind).


1. There are multiple existing Covid threads you could've posted to/revived. Yet you start another one.
2. To post the exact same high sounding stuff about RO in each thread. And scaremongering.

3. When I started a civil discussion with you in a prior thread and quoted a NY Times article, you ranted along the lines "Media like NYT are criminal ..." without objective argument which makes me doubt your rationality.

4. You are not a med person as admitted in the earlier thread so I respectfully suggest leave posting about the scientific aspects of Covid to qualified persons like Sheryl.

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10 minutes ago, Why Me said:

1. There are multiple existing Covid threads you could've posted to/revived. Yet you start another one.
2. To post the exact same high sounding stuff about RO in each thread. And scaremongering.

3. When I started a civil discussion with you in a prior thread and quoted a NY Times article, you ranted along the lines "Media like NYT are criminal ..." without objective argument which makes me doubt your rationality.

4. You are not a med person as admitted in the earlier thread so I respectfully suggest leave posting about the scientific aspects of Covid to qualified persons like Sheryl.

1) I started a new thread to discuss the science behind this with other like minded people.  Perhaps I should have given it a more appropriate title using the phrase "science based" ti dissuade less interested people.

2) There is nothing "high sounding" about discussing legitimate terms such as R0 unless the reader is simply ignorant.  Furthermore, it is not scaremongering to discuss facts and legitimate concerns rather than to just bury your head in the sand and pretend all is under control (which it clearly is not)

3) When you brought up the NYT article, I was very objective, providing examples of why I felt the way I did about mass media coverage of this outbreak. 

4) You are correct; I am not a medical professional, but I can read objectively, and have the judgement to pick well vetted sources, and most importantly, I can form my own assessment of the truth instead of just relying on others to spoon-feed me fake news and propaganda


And finally, I have every right to voice my views and share what I believe are relevant facts.  If you disagree with them, that's entirely your right to do and I welcome an intelligent and objective debate if that's the case.  I don;t welcome stupid and highly personal attacks simply because you dislike what I say.  hose kind of attacks are what ignorant people resort to when they can't or won't debate a point in a clear and concise way.

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

Sheryl, in Thailand, if you have symptoms what are you meant to do? specifically Pattaya? is there a number to call? a specific hospital to go to?

I know you addressed this to Sheryl but I can make a suggestion if one were really concerned about serious symptoms. 


In Chiang Mai (where I live), the best hospital to deal with a serious viral infection would probably be Nakornping Hospital because it is a ‘designated receiving area’ for people with infectious diseases.


So, my advice would be to google that term for such a hospital in Pattaya, though I'm guessing you would probably have to travel to Bangkok to find such a hospital.   


If less serious symptoms, my bet in Pattaya would be the Bangkok Hospital which is first rate, and if warranted, they would transfer the patient to an appropriate facility.


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1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

Yes sleep is probably the best short term activity you can do to keep your immune system as strong as it can be given your physical condition. After all it takes a bit longer to get fit and improve you overall health ???? ...  I am well aware of the issue of reduced immune system under fatigue and stress.  Sitting up to 1 o'clock every morning drinking beer and reading about the Corona virus certainly does little improve it, that is for sure 555.


Regarding the spraying that is going on in Beijing right now (well maybe not today I think as it was snowing earlier today..) it is also done regularly to trap dust particles - They spray with just water.  Yes they may also spray now with disinfectant as its a quick and easy way to cover large surfaces quickly.  In some places they also spray people as they enter housing complexes and open public areas. In addition to taking the temperature.


Interesting times .... ????



I have friends living in Shenzhen and they told me when those sprayer trucks normally go by their apartment building (i.e.: before the outbreak started) it was for rodent control.  What's more, they told me that afterwards, they would see cockroaches coming out of the sewers, and sometimes even out in their kitchens, all in the process of dying so I strongly suspect it was some form of insecticide.


What they are spraying right now, nobody seems to really know for sure but it would only make sense it is some kind of disinfectant because they seem to be spraying directly at buildings, shrubbery,railings, not only "up in the air" to control dust, though it makes sense that airborne dust would be a target too.

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