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Thai attacked over coronavirus ‘Asian prejudice’ in London


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The normal among us are very sad for this guy. We hope he recovers fully and does not hold every Brit as a racist like the person who attacked him.


Thailand should take note that no UK Government minister took part in this unsolicited racist attack.

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4 minutes ago, aussienam said:

Yes there is xenophobia and racism here in Thailand.  So as there is anywhere.  But that is human nature.  A racist incident you may have experienced does not mean labeling a whole country's population as racist. 


Sorry friend, but this is apologist claptrap.


And it is very far from being true.



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16 hours ago, ParkerN said:

Indeed. As much as I personally have little time for racism, I have to suppress a slight frissant when a Thai finds himself (or herself) on the receiving end. The words poetic and justice spring to mind, though there is no excuse for common assault. The reality is that whatever land you hail from, the probability is that they have little time for Thais, who generally behave badly, perhaps on the assumption that they are better than all other nationalities a feature of the cradle-to-the-grave indoctrination that glorifies the Thai cukture ans belittle all else. That belief ought not to survive the incoming passport checks. I've seen how Thais are treated in USA (for example). I don't think I would like it if it were me.


Still, racism based on the Covid-19 virus seems a little extreme...



I do agree that most Thais seem to be very conscious of race. And I do get a real sense of racist hatred from the government and immigration here. But, not from most Thai people. Most seem to be neutral at worst, and warm and kind at best. So, I do not see it translating into real life situations, for me at least. I think what you get back from the average Thai, is a real reflection of what you put out there. 


I deplore racism of any kind. If indeed this incident is true, it is a shame. But, racism can be found anywhere these days. The world seems to be more polarized by the day, and haters like Trump make it worse. 


I do completely agree with you about the "special treatment" that Thai men receive from the parents. It is beyond inane, totally without merit, and often creates a monster, who has a sense of entitlement beyond belief. I am sure the real world (outside of planet Thailandia) is a rude awakening for alot of Thai men. 

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Extremely sorry to hear the plight of this man,however he will be taken to hospital and treated free of charge for his injuries.Its about time the Thai government reciprocated for long term residents here.

Hope the gentleman makes a speedy recovery,and the racists found,arrested and feel the full force of the law.

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16 hours ago, ChipButty said:

At least he wont have to pay the police 20,000 Baht to do something about it

At least the UK Police will not demand the possession of his Thai passport while they investigate the incident and if he wants it back to fly home before the case is closed then have to part with 20,000 baht which seems to be the norm in certain Thai Police districts.


All this fuss for a punch on the nose......deary me.

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23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I do agree that most Thais seem to be very conscious of race. And I do get a real sense of racist hatred from the government and immigration here. But, not from most Thai people. Most seem to be neutral at worst, and warm and kind at best. So, I do not see it translating into real life situations, for me at least. I think what you get back from the average Thai, is a real reflection of what you put out there. 


I deplore racism of any kind. If indeed this incident is true, it is a shame. But, racism can be found anywhere these days. The world seems to be more polarized by the day, and haters like Trump make it worse. 


I do completely agree with you about the "special treatment" that Thai men receive from the parents. It is beyond inane, totally without merit, and often creates a monster, who has a sense of entitlement beyond belief. I am sure the real world (outside of planet Thailandia) is a rude awakening for alot of Thai men. 


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15 hours ago, talahtnut said:

London is known as the capital of crime and 

has been for centuries.

I was attacked in 2014 so I don't go there now.

Its dangerous whatever colour you are, and

knife crime is rampant, luckily the Thai chap

was spared that problem.

London capitol of crime? what a load of <deleted>, like wise  been there , lived there, never had a problem

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12 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Street crime is nasty but this was hardly the crime of the century.

In all honesty if the situation was reversed would it make the news in Bangkok and would the British embassy get involved.....no !

Yes indeed. I recall the TV images of a Thai youth kicking a british pensioner woman in the head. Perhaps he was just excitable.


Five minutes in a locked room with me, a couple of friends, a stun gun and a few carefully chosen behaviour-modifying words in his shell-like would very quickly diminish his appetite for violence against harmless OAP's.


Odd how they seem to always hunt in packs though... like dogs.


Invisible Embassy...



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17 hours ago, evadgib said:

As soon as I saw that his 'Embassy had taken him to hospital' I knew that the story had been fabricated as that simply doesn't happen in a place like London & would need to be much more serious to happen elsewhere.


The story as presented has either been embellished or is complete fiction.

Looks like it was the anti British sheet,the Guardian that reported it.

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Things quickly escalated when he gave chase. “After about 50 metres, they ran across the road and I ran after [one of them] shouting: ‘Why are you doing this?’ When I reached the traffic island he turned round and punched me to the ground. There was blood everywhere.”

Personally ha to say hate racism I have experienced both with my Thai wife in the UK and personally here in Thailand.

Hopefully as he was able to take their photo they will be arrested soon.
One thing I do not understand from the whole story is WHY he chased after them?

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2 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

Thai people crying "racism"? That's hilarious!!! Every government should single out Thai people and treat them equally to the way the Thai government treats foreigners. Every government should impose equal tariffs on products made in Thailand. Dual pricing for Thais and Thailand world wide!!!

You mean charge Thai nationals 3-4 times at national parks, zoo's, water parks and museums worldwide? 

Rip them off at public and private hospitals. 

Refuse them to buy land and house if they not marry an English citizen. 

The list just goes on and on.

Can't imagine what kind of headlines this treatment against Thais would make in newspapers around the world.

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4 minutes ago, monkfish said:

Personally ha to say hate racism I have experienced both with my Thai wife in the UK and personally here in Thailand.

Hopefully as he was able to take their photo they will be arrested soon.
One thing I do not understand from the whole story is WHY he chased after them?

Read the link I sent, they took his headphone.

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18 hours ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

Absolute chav scumbags did this. I feel for the guy, hopefully they will get caught and no 500 baht fines please. 


I also feel for foreigners here who get beat down 7 on 1, even if it was for being an annoying drunk. We all make mistakes. 

No one gets beaten in Thailand for merely being an annoying drunk - he has to provoke someone and start a fight first. And most sensible people don't get themselves into such situations in the first place, hence they don't get beat down.

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8 minutes ago, bander said:

You mean charge Thai nationals 3-4 times at national parks, zoo's, water parks and museums worldwide? 

Rip them off at public and private hospitals. 

Refuse them to buy land and house if they not marry an English citizen. 

The list just goes on and on.

Can't imagine what kind of headlines this treatment against Thais would make in newspapers around the world.

It would make headlines only because our western societies have become so politically correct that even the slightest actions would cause outrage. It's all a distraction from real world issues. As for the overpricing in Thailand, they can get away with it because Thailand isn't PC. One day things may change, but that day is some years away yet.

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3 hours ago, rwill said:

You would think if they were worried about him being sick they would have ran away.  Not have gotten closer and exposed themselves to more of his body fluids.

They stole his headphones to be infected by the Corona virus who already was on the phones?

This was a pure and simple mugging and nothing else.

Forget about thai haters or racism, it happens in London every day as we speak. 

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55 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Street crime is nasty but this was hardly the crime of the century.

In all honesty if the situation was reversed would it make the news in Bangkok and would the British embassy get involved.....no !

I hope the poor chap recovers quickly but feel he was way over the top in issuing a warning for travelling Thais.

I would have thought it logical that the yobs had no idea of his nationality , otherwise why the Chinese centric outburst.

Yes it would make the news, certainly here on TV and all the English and Thai language dailies. Would the British embassy get involved? No idea. But British people don't normally go crying to their embassies for every little grievance the way Thais living abroad are trained to. That being said - I absolutely condemn what happened to this man but not sure the Thai embassy can do much more than warn it's citizens to be careful. Air China published an article a few years ago in it's inflight magazine warning it's citizens and other visitors to take care in predominantly immigrant black and Muslim neighborhoods of the UK. The backlash it received was huge.

Edited by drbeach
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2 minutes ago, AJBangkok said:

What is this world coming to when people are more concerned about criminals making a racist remark than them beating and robbing a person in broad daylight in the street. 

I agree. The fact he was beaten and bruised concerns me the most. I also believe this wouldn't have made the news (or would have been a much smaller story) had he only received verbal abuse.

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