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Pattaya is the best place in Thailand!


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52 minutes ago, Leaver said:

A lot of con men here, and guys living off the proceeds of crime from their home country, but the other 80% of guys are all good guys because they are ex SAS and Special Forces.  ????


I'm ex mil, been here for a longtime and never met these wannabes you describe, I have however met a few good guys who are the real thing.


What sort of places do you hang out in to meet these type of people?

Edited by sungod
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8 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It's an accepted fact that the best masseuse in Thailand is Amon of Amon's massage on Soi Chiapoom. No matter how impotent a man may be, she guarantees to give them a happy ending in less than 10 minutes. A living legend. Chiang Mai beat that!

I don't think they could Danny.


Chiang Mai seems to be over-rated. What with the smog and the steep sois. All the best birds are gone. To Pattaya or South Korea (although many have sneaked back).


On a far more serious note; I heard that the covid-19 virus can travel a long way on a particle of smoke. So masks are a must.

Edited by owl sees all
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10 hours ago, yogi100 said:

 'old men' you condemn for wanting a bit of fun in their last few years don't go round stabbing people.




Oh yes we do. ????


If I am allowed to quote the wonderful Macc Lads without censure, there's plenty of use of the 'mutton dagger' by us old boys, and you're right. nobody gets hurt. ????

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14 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

It's an accepted fact that the best masseuse in Thailand is Amon of Amon's massage on Soi Chiapoom. No matter how impotent a man may be, she guarantees to give them a happy ending in less than 10 minutes. A living legend. Chiang Mai beat that!

Where exactly is this? (Asking for a friend)

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5 hours ago, lkn said:

You claimed to come from the knife capital of the world: So in your hometown, have you regularly met hardened criminals that tell you that they go around stabbing people? Because apparently that is the way you measure whether or not a city has criminals.


Where have I said I come from the knife capital of the world?


The perpetrators of these crimes are of a different ethnicity and age group to me so I rarely associate with them.


The same as you wouldn't if you lived there. In fact none of us would if we had enough common sense.

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10 hours ago, sungod said:

I'm ex mil, been here for a longtime and never met these wannabes you describe, I have however met a few good guys who are the real thing.


What sort of places do you hang out in to meet these type of people?

Expats club.

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Just now, BritManToo said:

Expats club.

Yep, you got that right. Pattaya Expats Club. Neils Colov founder member and former Copenhagen gangster who rose to the dizzy heights of newspaper publisher and chief of the Foreign Tourist Police Volunteers.


His sons are now following in his footsteps. Bjorn Colov 24, was arrested with his two brothers, Rolf Kittikhun Colov and Pong Colov in The Street pub in Pattaya’s Third Road.  Bjorn had a load 9mm pistol and his brothers tested positive for drugs.

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11 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Worst thing you can do is to go for a Thai massage for a bad back. They have no skills as chiropractors or any awareness of the human anatomy. much more likely to damage your back than cure it.


Stick to using Thai massage shops for what they are intended for.


I was actually seriously injured by a Thai masseuse in Bangkok. Was lying face down and she was sitting on top of me and pressed the torso down hard, pulled a serratus muscle. Took months to return to normal. 


You really have to be careful with Thai masseuses. In Chiang Mai no such problems though.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

In Chiang Mai no such problems though.

Of course not Malcom. As I've said previously, my then girlfriend and I visited Chiang Mai when I was looking for a permanent residence in Thailand. Had a great time. Actually fell in love with each other when visiting an elephant sanctuary some way outside the city. Very romantic, old city and will visit again some day.


However, my now wife and I both agree that we made the right choice in settling in the Pattaya that we know (and you don't) and love to raise our family. Cleaner air, more cosmopolitan, more activities for kids, better restaurants, better location and much more.


I genuinely admire your persistence in selling Chiang Mai, you're clearly happy there but in reality you're just pushing water up a hill with a fork.

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12 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Worst thing you can do is to go for a Thai massage for a bad back. They have no skills as chiropractors or any awareness of the human anatomy. much more likely to damage your back than cure it.


Stick to using Thai massage shops for what they are intended for.

Chiros are worse. They have killed people.


I know a few that know correct technique. Great for back.


70% are rubbish though. Not dangerous just a waste of time.

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24 minutes ago, Logosone said:


I was actually seriously injured by a Thai masseuse in Bangkok. Was lying face down and she was sitting on top of me and pressed the torso down hard, pulled a serratus muscle. Took months to return to normal. 


You really have to be careful with Thai masseuses. In Chiang Mai no such problems though.

How old r u?

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21 hours ago, lkn said:

You are rather uninformed if you are not aware of the stabbings, shottings, and even fist fights, that have ended up with one or more people dead.


Some of it are just drunks getting into fights, other is organised crime, as Pattaya attracts a lot of that.

Yep, been some rough justice administered now and again over the last 30 years or so. Happens, esp to obnoxious drunks at 4 AM. But Pattaya's quite safe, feels safe, and the usual attempt to portray it as some sort of dangerous crime-ridden cesspool is just another silly bash that's not going anywhere. Why not bash traffic? Then you've got something.


Nobody has the slightest idea how many foreign criminals are in Pattaya, speculation is just hot air. "Organized" is a joke. Nothing's organized in Pattaya. But if there are perchance a few, they don't really make problems for people who don't deserve them, which might be by simply being too stupid (could be an issue for some of our posters, true). They stay well below the radar as one would expect. One generally hears of them only after they're caught or sought. Nothing to be in the least concerned about. Leave it to Pattaya's finest to sort them out. ????


And after all, people from all walks of life, except old Chiang Mai ladies and man buns, do appreciate Pattaya's charm, ocean views, and overall desirability as a place to live and visit. Can't be helped.

Edited by BigStar
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16 hours ago, Leaver said:

Yet, if I say that, I am Pattaya bashing. 


So, what's your opinion on the local Pattaya economy?  Do you think it's booming, stable, or contracting?


So would I, as a short seller.   ????

That's cause if you say that you are Pattaya bashing. It would be as part of a straw man argument. It's either comparing apples-and-oranges (Pattaya to real world class resorts) or implying, as part of the bash, that Pattaya should be world class. But then you might contradict yourself and claim Pattaya shouldn't have upgraded anything. ???? It's all just trollin'.


At the moment Pattaya's economy looks to be contracting with the rest of the world, so short selling wouldn't be a bad idea except you're probably too late. Good buying opportunity coming up what with the blood in the streets.


But you're merely a buy-and-hold investor. Whoops! Sorry 'bout that. Our ace TVF financial gurus have been known to bring up the idea of short selling as part of the doom prophecies, then claim they can't do it. Nothing new there. I assume that once the scare's over, Pattaya will resume its expansion.

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2 hours ago, UbonThani said:

70% are rubbish though. Not dangerous just a waste of time.

I have been visiting Chiro's for over 40 years now, your percentage is probably on the low side, 10 to 15% are very good, finding them is the difficult part!

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16 hours ago, Leaver said:

This is what made Pattaya famous, and many Thai's rich. 


Then, they got greedy, and wanted families and package holiday makers, and every other tourist you can think of to come here as well. 


Thai landlords raised rents on commercial premises to a point it out priced Pattaya in the region, despite the readily available sex.  


They should have just stuck with Pattaya's proven formula for success, sustainability, and profitability, which is selling sex to mongers.   ????

Just a little fantasy for the peanut gallery. Fact is, Pattaya had great untapped potential to serve other markets and it was finally recognized by individual Thai investors. Just business as usual, nothing particular greedy about it, and it's hypocritical to pretend otherwise. The CentralFestival project alone cost around 5 billion. What with new developments of course land became more expensive as it always does. Compare Pattaya in 1995, which you think was its economic peak under the great Golden Egg Layers, with Pattaya in 2020. Yeah, that land's worth a LOT more now. Nobody seems to think that land in Waikiki should cost the same now as it did in 1830s. ???? Or, except for a few tree huggers, that it should have remained pristine as it was.


The old monger market was in fact going to shrink anyway, so it was all rather prescient, expanding more into domestic and wider international tourism, and has been great for success, sustainability, and profitability. Hence, continued development, notably that 800-lb gorilla you so desperately try to ignore and discount: T21. Thousands of Thais now have jobs in Pattaya that didn't exist under the Golden Egg Layers regime.


It bears emphasizing that the development was driven by business, not government. Government has has played catch-up with very mixed success, sometimes w/ help of business: CP for example paid for an expensive power station upgrade & line to support CentralFestival. The central gov't is mainly concerned w/ EEC these days. Might be on hold a while . . . .

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20 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

A handful. Nowhere near the numbers that were in Puerto Banus and Marbella in the 80s. At that time extradition from Spain was "difficult". No such problem with Thailand today.

I agree with you about Spain in the 80's, but I would say there is more than a handful of undesirables here. 

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20 hours ago, sungod said:

I'm ex mil, been here for a longtime and never met these wannabes you describe, I have however met a few good guys who are the real thing.


What sort of places do you hang out in to meet these type of people?

You must have been a seat polisher.  Get into the trenches (bars) and you will meet them here.  ????

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6 hours ago, BigStar said:

That's cause if you say that you are Pattaya bashing. It would be as part of a straw man argument. It's either comparing apples-and-oranges (Pattaya to real world class resorts) or implying, as part of the bash, that Pattaya should be world class. But then you might contradict yourself and claim Pattaya shouldn't have upgraded anything. ???? It's all just trollin'.


At the moment Pattaya's economy looks to be contracting with the rest of the world, so short selling wouldn't be a bad idea except you're probably too late. Good buying opportunity coming up what with the blood in the streets.


But you're merely a buy-and-hold investor. Whoops! Sorry 'bout that. Our ace TVF financial gurus have been known to bring up the idea of short selling as part of the doom prophecies, then claim they can't do it. Nothing new there. I assume that once the scare's over, Pattaya will resume its expansion.

I don't think discussing poor governance, corruption, and out pricing, to be Pattaya bashing.  It's actually Thai's "financially bashing" other Thai's, with some farang business and property owners as collateral damage. 


I don't expect Pattaya to be world class.  It has never been world class, and still became famous, sustainable, and successful, until recent times.


Pattaya's economy was contracting well before corona virus, Brexit, strong baht etc. 


Interesting you say you would also short Pattaya, yet disagree with me on the reasons why.


Once again, it's not about the virus "scare."  Pattaya's economy was contracting, rapidly, prior to any announcement of the virus.  There were articles upon articles, with Thai's even criticizing governance, long before news of the virus. 

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5 hours ago, BigStar said:

Just a little fantasy for the peanut gallery. Fact is, Pattaya had great untapped potential to serve other markets and it was finally recognized by individual Thai investors.

You need to research Pattaya's history more.


That great untapped potential was discovered, and developed, by the Americans, during the Vietnam War.


Those Thai investors you talk about, jumped on the sex trade band wagon, decades ago. 

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40 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

No you don't you meet a few Walter Mittys but not the real deal bad guys. Maybe you've been had over by a few BS artists.

Nah, can spot them a mile away. 


My particular favorite BS artists are the ones like in the heading of the OP. 


They will say, "Pattaya is the best place in Thailand."  I will ask, "Where else have you been in Thailand?"  Answer, "Pattaya, and her village up north."  Credibility zero.  Check bin.  Good bye.  ????


These are the same muppets that criticize other countries in South East Asia, yet have never been to any of them.


My other favorite is the fools that try to be more "Thai" than a Thai National.  They have the Buddha tattoos and amulets and use their money to try to gain the respect of Thai's by being "jai dee."  You have to laugh.  The Thai just think they're stupid. 


Sometimes I have some fun and play the first time tourist and ask, "Do you live here?"  You should hear the BS advice and "No, that never happens.  Don't worry about that." So on and so forth.  Of course, this is while they are trying to take me to "a great place" and hoping I will buy rounds of drinks for them.  Check bin.  Good bye.


I actually met one idiot one night that said to me that because his neighbor was a police officer, the neighbor could arrange that he could own land 100% freehold here in his name, and he was serious.  


You meet these people in regular bars.  There's all sorts here, and socializing is always entertaining.  ????   

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1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

If you're talking about Brits, I wouldn't. There are a bigger number of Israelis an Russians here operating outside the law.

I wasn't singling out Brit's.  I was talking about all nationalities.  No argument from me about the Russians.  Many of them here have a colorful past back in Russia.  


Was in a restaurant a while ago and a drunk Russian reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.  Out came the phone, but a flick knife fell on the floor.


We should never forget we are living in the biggest red light city area in the world, and that attracts criminals, people with psychological issues, people with addiction/s, and all sort of other mental issues and disorders, and that's just the expats here.  Then, you have the Thai's to deal with.  ????


Pattaya is always entertaining.  It's the people, certainly not the beach, architecture, or historic buildings.  ???? 


Edited by Leaver
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22 minutes ago, Leaver said:

They will say, "Pattaya is the best place in Thailand."  I will ask, "Where else have you been in Thailand?"  Answer, "Pattaya, and her village up north."  Credibility zero.  Check bin.  Good bye.  

You do understand 'check bin' isn't Thai language, it's American with the final 'l' mispronounced as a 'n'.

Thais would say 'gep tang'.

Edited by BritManToo
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