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COVID-19: Half a million people visited Thailand from severely affected countries


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36 Italians who fell victim to the Covid 19 virus died overnight. 


Italians are still welcome in Thailand, without quarantine. 

Edited by simtemple
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Here in the UK, panick buying has stripped the shelves in fear of the future. Hand sanitizer, toilet tissue dried , canned foods etc. The projected numbers of people affected , mortality rate would overload the NHS Hospital services. So, what is the future for Thailand ? ? .

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3 hours ago, toper3jr said:

Someone please start a petition or MORE, to hold the thai government responsible for their lies on this matter and to temporarily ban flights n tourists from most affected areas!

Isaan lawyers will get onto it. Worked with TM30 didn't it?

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12 minutes ago, Parsve said:

Agree. Strange that a country like Australia with no land borders with other countries and stopped flights from China and Sth K etc has far more cases that Thailand. One state NSW with a population of under 8mill has 38 cases presently.

Guess Tai figures of confirmed cases proves they are doing an extraordinary job or more likely unbelievable job.

It is all to do with temperature, putting it simply, Thailand is too hot ( over 27 Cel ) for the virus to thrive.


Sorry, but there is no evidence for that viruses not can be spread in high teperatur.


"David Heymann at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, points out that the MERS coronavirus has spread in Saudi Arabia in August, when it is very hot. “These viruses can certainly spread during high temperature seasons,” he says.

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2233249-will-the-covid-19-coronavirus-outbreak-die-out-in-the-summers-heat/#ixzz6G58JLcLN 

Clearly you have never been to Australia in Jan Feb and even March. Oz folk would come to Thailand for cool change.

70+ cases OZ population 25mill. Oz

far less tourists than Thailand. Australia has no land borders.

Thailand ~ 50 cases....Yeah right!

Covid-19 seems comfortable moving about in Italy right now. Hardly summer weather. Perhaps covid-19 is visa exempt.

Edited by DrJack54
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3 hours ago, Proboscis said:

That does not follow. What it could also indicate is that the hot weather is working against the transmission of the corona virus in the same way as it operates against other viruses.


Think about it for a minute - where are the highest levels of infection? In countries where it has been cold for the past couple of months. For instance, China, Washington State, Iran, South Korea etc.


In fact, this is part of the strategy that is being employed in the UK - try to delay the level of infections until high summer.

In Japan also, the absolute worst areas is the far north Island of Hokkaido, where it is sub-zero with snow. 

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4 hours ago, rabas said:

It didn't work though, did it? The entire  world is heading into a great pandemic for the record books. Then the CCP has the gall to ask even it's own citizens not return home for fear of bringing the disease to China.

China has not asked it's citizens not to return home. I came home to China on Friday night along with a planeload of Chinese. There was another China Southern flight into Guangzhou an hour before ours took off.


What happened on landing shows the measures China is taking. I can't think there's an more stringent place to try and enter if you are infected.

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4 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

Not long anymore before China will close their borders for high risk countries. Scared of bringing the virus back into their country. :w00t:

They won't. They'll just 'invite' you to be quarantined. You'll be told that before you board your flight, up to you. There's now plenty of spare room since almost 60,000 have recovered and gone home.

Edited by Traubert
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4 hours ago, Bundooman said:

So what is YOUR point?

That China has all the expertise it gained from it's experience over the last two months dealing with 80,000 cases, 50,000 of them successfully as of today,  and everybody else is talking amateur keyboard rowlocks.

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4 hours ago, Proboscis said:

That does not follow. What it could also indicate is that the hot weather is working against the transmission of the corona virus in the same way as it operates against other viruses.


Think about it for a minute - where are the highest levels of infection? In countries where it has been cold for the past couple of months. For instance, China, Washington State, Iran, South Korea etc.


In fact, this is part of the strategy that is being employed in the UK - try to delay the level of infections until high summer.

UK reaches 28C+ in summer? Rarely.

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23 minutes ago, Traubert said:


You should be aware that you are talking to someone who returned to China Friday night and is now under quarantine for fourteen days. In my city (6.4m people) there is one remaining hospital case and in my province (46.8m people) there are 31 people still in hospital. If you think the Chinese authorities are gullible enough to allow a repeat you seriously both need to think again. This isn't the UK with it's 'if you feel unwell, go home and ring the helpline' this is serious ongoing disease control previously unseen.

We'll see about that in a few months.


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4 hours ago, Bundooman said:

So please tell us; Where exactly did you obtain these figures? If your source is China...….:


Do you believe for one second that China is going to come clean on this, bearing in mind that it has lied and hidden the truth now on two occasions now. Their 'lockdown' of 40-60 million people may or may not have been successful. Do you really think they will tell the world the truth?


The rest of the world is probably unable to do the same, although one country, Italy has now isolated one city. Maybe that might work but western ethical values are different to subservient China. Iran appears unable to cope. India is a disaster possibly waiting to happen and other countries, like this one here now is probably hiding the truth.


And what if this virus should develop and deviate from its expected pattern? What then?

I don't deal with speculation, possibly's, probably's, maybe's and fanciful what if's. I deal with the reality of the day. You don't believe China, up to you, but you've no credible reason for that apart from 'they're commies.'


Subservient Chinese? There's the hole in your theory, laid out for all to see.

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3 hours ago, rabas said:

Do you think when an infected person with 390C fever sneezes a droplet into your 370C nose or eyes the 270C air will kill it?

And of course this happens all the time at close quarters........

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53 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

I've been watching Sky News from the UK and it's scary.  Figures from the government's own experts and the Health Minister;

80% of the population will get it, but most cases will be so mild that they won't even notice, a smaller number will get sick with flu-like symptoms and get better, around 1% will die.


1%, not too scary, right?


UK population is about 70 Million.

80% of that is 56 million.

1% of that is 560,000.


Dead People.


Thailand has a similar population number to the UK but health care is inferior.  Yes, I know that there are many excellent hospitals here, but most Thai's will stay with family, so spreading it wider and faster.


Scared yet?  Me too.

Its SKY News, so my answer is no.. not scared at all.

Edited by fraggleRock
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