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The world is changing. How will Thailand react?


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19 minutes ago, khunpa said:

Well in time of crises (virus outbreak, crashed economy etc), it is not about normal Thai peoples attitude, but that the government thinks and how they act.


Look at countries in EU now. They are not acting united, but individually. Some closing down their border entirely. Their former close relationships are being tested at this moment in time. 


As the virus spreads more, economies will be hurt badly and hospital systems will break down. It  is very likely this will happen in Thailand too. How will this government react to that? I think they will start by blaming the foreigners in the country. They already started.


Look at countries in EU now. They are not acting united, but individually. Some closing down their border entirely. Their former close relationships are being tested at this moment in time.

In this century, 'close relationships' depends how the benefits accrue to oneself - individually or by country. When the boat rocks, times up for the rats to jump over board.



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Bigger issue will be of all the over 55 year old retirees are here how many have medical insurance - and how many have insurance that may not cover the virus. You may find that the result of that will drive the future of expats here when the virus has gone - or they have, either way. If Thailand start getting mass farang sicknesses with no ability to pay, that could be a driver for them

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30 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I had a Thai tell me the virus is spreading here because of Falang culture.

They like to shake hands when they meet people, thus spreading the infection.

Would not doubt that many Thai people believe it is all Falang fault.


21 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

………...as they are too uneducated and narrow minded to look at where it all originated!

...and 1 mans comment represents 69,131,183 people?

Yes, 'they' are definitely uneducated... Yes, it is very obvious!!!

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44 minutes ago, Shoeless Joe said:

When you say "they", I assume you mean the Thai government, which couldn't be further from the truth. You are basing your ludicrously wild assumptions on a couple of statements made by the Health Minister. The first, we could see was his annoyance at being ignored by a tourist when handing out face masks (and I wonder how that tourist feels now?). This is a n official who is under immense pressure and intense scrutiny AND it seems the alleged second comment originated via a Twitter feed (now taken down) from his office was likely published by staffers.
So you're take that "they" have started blaming foreigners is at the very least spurious. There haven't been any such pronouncements from the Prime Minister's office and experience has shown us that his declarations are what really matters.





Gee..3rd work station on the right...behind the aspidistra but before the broken water cooler-which never had any cups after the first day anyway.


Minitrue is like that.


But on a more serious note if you are able to get masks-even the paper ones-wear them.

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1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

No, most of the people will not blame you as a foreigner. That´s a very bad attitude to think like that. To me, that´s a bigger reason for You to be thrown out of Thailand.

Please wait. Does he belong to the dirty foreigners?


   It's always easier to blame others if YOU can lose face.



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10 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

Please wait. Does he belong to the dirty foreigners?


   It's always easier to blame others if YOU can lose face.



Pure BS, and you know it. As usual you just go with the flow.

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1 hour ago, khunpa said:

Yes, but have you noticed any other officials disputing that or Thai people in general disagreeing publicly? The guy said what many millions of Thai people think. And there is not far from thinking something to acting on it. Especially, in times or crises.

Thank you Mr Khunpa, Now I know that I met another poster scared of his own shadow on this forum. By the way, Khunpa? You must have children, right? I hope they are proud of you.

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19 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

I think, after re-newing my visa for 1-year last Sept... It was best to leave Thailand.  Left last Nov...good decision...!  

Excellent decision!

Life is too short to whing and wimper eternally.

All the best and keep enjoying!  

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