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Thailand reports seven new coronavirus cases, bringing total to 82


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14 minutes ago, Mung said:

Funny how almost every other developed nation has taken stricter and more sensible approaches than the UK as of late. Also former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, described the governments previous decision to hold off cancelling large gatherings as "concerning". Dr Campbell has been saying for weeks the UK needs to close schools and stop social gatherings, and we do. The 'timing' approach makes no sense apart from keeping the economy in some sort of function 

All about what governments are seen to be doing, vs life and the economy continuing as normal as possible


Think on this, if one can carry the virus and pass it on before the symptoms manifest, everybody in a crowded office environment is as much at risk as school children in a classroom, probably more at risk, than fans at a football match............


I am of the opinion the virus will 'do the rounds' some will suffer more than others, best to keep your ability to resist as high as possible


I agree with those who speak about the concept of slowing the spread, as stated above appears to be done in such a way as to cancel none essential gatherings, thus the knock on effect to also slow the spread in the work place



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14 minutes ago, Mung said:

Funny how almost every other developed nation has taken stricter and more sensible approaches than the UK as of late. Also former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, described the governments previous decision to hold off cancelling large gatherings as "concerning". Dr Campbell has been saying for weeks the UK needs to close schools and stop social gatherings, and we do. The 'timing' approach makes no sense apart from keeping the economy in some sort of function 

it seems children are very low risk and recover, closing schools means parents or grandparents will have to look after them and be more exposed, plus businesses go down the toilet and job losses which aren't good for peoples health

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8 minutes ago, 473geo said:

All about what governments are seen to be doing, vs life and the economy continuing as normal as possible


Think on this, if one can carry the virus and pass it on before the symptoms manifest, everybody in a crowded office environment is as much at risk as school children in a classroom, probably more at risk, than fans at a football match............


I am of the opinion the virus will 'do the rounds' some will suffer more than others, best to keep your ability to resist as high as possible


I agree with those who speak about the concept of slowing the spread, as stated above appears to be done in such a way as to cancel none essential gatherings, thus the knock on effect to also slow the spread in the work place



The only method that has seen to work thus far has been total lockdown. South Korea and China were both racking up around 1,000 cases per day, China (if you believe their stats) are now reporting around 20 new cases a day, and South Korea at around 110. The West is going to have to do this at some point or another, so why put it off by not acting now, and allowing it to become worse in the coming days and weeks? 
Close schools, social gatherings and limit the work force now, so the spread is not as bad, or close everything in 3-4 weeks after tens of thousands have been infected? I don't see the logic personally 

Edited by Mung
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2 minutes ago, Mung said:

The only method that has seen to work thus far has been total lockdown. South Korea and China were both racking up around 1,000 cases per day, China (if you believe their stats) are now reporting around 20 new cases a day, and South Korea at around 110. The West is going to have to do this at some point or another, so why put it off by not acting now, and allowing it to become worse in the coming days and weeks? 
Close school, social gatherings and limit the work force now, so the spread is not as bad, or close everything in 3-4 weeks after tens of thousands have been infected? I don't see the logic personally 

Total lock down may stall the spread, but for how long must it stay in place? vs a 'let the virus run it's course' approach, but slow it down a little to facilitate treatment of those most adversely affected

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7 minutes ago, Mung said:

The only method that has seen to work thus far has been total lockdown. South Korea and China were both racking up around 1,000 cases per day, China (if you believe their stats) are now reporting around 20 new cases a day, and South Korea at around 110. The West is going to have to do this at some point or another, so why put it off by not acting now, and allowing it to become worse in the coming days and weeks? 
Close schools, social gatherings and limit the work force now, so the spread is not as bad, or close everything in 3-4 weeks after tens of thousands have been infected? I don't see the logic personally 

the flaw in the plan is when the lockdown or quarantine ends it starts spreading again, just needs one person, look what happened to Italy. Wuhan is still in lockdown see what happens when it opens.  That's why experts say hurd immunity is required. Logical to me

Edited by scubascuba3
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14 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

Just passed through customs an hour ago at the Cambodian border. There was a que of Europeans waiting to be tested me included. While I was there about 200 either Thais returning from Cambodia or Cambodians visiting Thailand. Not one was tested at the Thai border. That was in the half hour I was there. There is no checking at the border of Thais. Just Europeans. Madness.

I've been saying it for a few years "Stupid is in Epidemic proportions". Probably global so it's  a Stupid Pandemic!

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1 hour ago, Mung said:

The West is going to have to do this at some point or another, so why put it off by not acting now, and allowing it to become worse in the coming days and weeks? 

And lockdown will do what? The moment you remove it and allow movement again, the virus will start again. Much like the flu and the common cold, this virus is going to be around for a long time - you have to face it, all of us will get it at some point but for most, the symptoms are generally mild.  What the UK is doing, and which I for one, fully support, is accepting that the virus will spread but doing what we can to slow it down.  That way we do not overload the hospitals and have enough capacity to deal with the relatively few serious cases. Unless a vaccine is found - Covid 19 will be as common as all other flu's etc in a couple of years.


Boris Johnson has stated that they will continue to monitor the situation and if what they are doing now doesn't have the desired effect, they will introduce further measures.  I hate to agree with Johnson but I think he's got is right.  Our death ratio at the moment is very good compared to other countries (that report accurately!) - 600 cases with just 11 deaths in around a month.


If the world continues to panic and over react to this virus, the economic problems that will result will be far worse than the physical symptoms - Thailand is already experiencing that.

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2 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

That's herd immunity. Based on this idea, at the moment the govt wants people to get infected, up until hospitals begin to reach capacity. At that they want to reduce, but not stop infection rate. Ideally they balance it so the numbers entering hospital = the number leaving.

How about the risk that a sizable percentage of the people who "recover" come out with lung damage? This is a crazy idea. https://nypost.com/2020/03/13/coronavirus-survivors-may-suffer-from-reduced-lung-function/

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58 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

Just passed through customs an hour ago at the Cambodian border. There was a que of Europeans waiting to be tested me included. While I was there about 200 either Thais returning from Cambodia or Cambodians visiting Thailand. Not one was tested at the Thai border. That was in the half hour I was there. There is no checking at the border of Thais. Just Europeans. Madness.

You are being marked as the scapegoats for the coming cataclysm when the elites try to direct the anger from themselves. 

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7 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

And lockdown will do what? The moment you remove it and allow movement again, the virus will start again. Much like the flu and the common cold, this virus is going to be around for a long time - you have to face it, all of us will get it at some point but for most, the symptoms are generally mild.  What the UK is doing, and which I for one, fully support, is accepting that the virus will spread but doing what we can to slow it down.  That way we do not overload the hospitals and have enough capacity to deal with the relatively few serious cases. Unless a vaccine is found - Covid 19 will be as common as all other flu's etc in a couple of years.


Boris Johnson has stated that they will continue to monitor the situation and if what they are doing now doesn't have the desired effect, they will introduce further measures.  I hate to agree with Johnson but I think he's got is right.  Our death ratio at the moment is very good compared to other countries (that report accurately!) - 600 cases with just 11 deaths in around a month.


If the world continues to panic and over react to this virus, the economic problems that will result will be far worse than the physical symptoms - Thailand is already experiencing that.

Let it rip and that's the farang 'problem' pretty much solved in Thailand then. We are already from the Uk having to deal with the economic fallout for some family members and it's pretty brutal and will last for months. 

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10 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

And lockdown will do what? The moment you remove it and allow movement again, the virus will start again. Much like the flu and the common cold, this virus is going to be around for a long time - you have to face it, all of us will get it at some point but for most, the symptoms are generally mild.  What the UK is doing, and which I for one, fully support, is accepting that the virus will spread but doing what we can to slow it down.  That way we do not overload the hospitals and have enough capacity to deal with the relatively few serious cases. Unless a vaccine is found - Covid 19 will be as common as all other flu's etc in a couple of years.


Boris Johnson has stated that they will continue to monitor the situation and if what they are doing now doesn't have the desired effect, they will introduce further measures.  I hate to agree with Johnson but I think he's got is right.  Our death ratio at the moment is very good compared to other countries (that report accurately!) - 600 cases with just 11 deaths in around a month.


If the world continues to panic and over react to this virus, the economic problems that will result will be far worse than the physical symptoms - Thailand is already experiencing that.

Sadly for Johnson and any other leader in power that the moment is they will get the blame when the dust finally clears and the backlash will no doubt be blind fury when it comes. 

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3 hours ago, Parsve said:

My I remind you that the average body temperature is 37 degrees C. You are living in a dream.


You may learn something from the video below...


On the overall heat sensitivity issue, it remains to be proven but there does appear to be a pattern developing indicating support for this theory.


What is already well known is that colder weather weakens the human respiratory system natural defenses, increasing the chances of flu, colds and COVID-19.

Ever noticed how flu is primarily a winter disease in Europe...








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3 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

Vietnam has closed borders for all visitor from EUROPE from tommorow   , Thai doctors medical associations is saying that the virus is being under reported in Thailand and that the government is incompetent and head in the sand .


But truth is that all governments are struggling with this Virus  and the economic and public order issues its not just Thailand .

Yea thats the association of chest physicians slamming the response from the government and calling for COVID-19 to be declared a Stage 3 epidemic.


Although the Disease Control Dept indeed has its head buried in the sand suggesting that Thailand remains unlikely to enter that stage, while also contradicting itself and saying that if no pro active measures are put in place then the numbers of positive cases could reach 2,250 by May (a gross underestimate in my opinion but at least an admission that things need to be dealt with)

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3 hours ago, Number 6 said:

Completely different kettle of fish. No virus is going to live two hours on a stainless steel railing baking in the Thai sun in April.

Meanwhile inside air conditioned central mall ....... (insert any air conditioned area from your house, your office, your car, mrt, the list goes on)

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2 hours ago, Mung said:

Children still carry the virus, and so they indeed can catch it, pass it onto their parents and teachers, who then pass it onto others. Children are very safe in this scenario, but they are carriers 

Yes, they unwittingly become vectors and then the elderly in the household are in danger. Nasty stuff, especially if there are teenagers in the household. Try keeping them in quarantine, will need a jail cell.

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8 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

Everything in Thailand is opaque......for a reason

No proper journalists either to question the authorities

Whats the point the "authorities" don't have a clue how to handle this and will deny any wrong doing and blame anyone they can, not to loose face, opaqueness is putting it mildly, pure thick muddiness is more to the point, the camouflage from this Govt is overwhelming nothing is clear at all.  

. Out of spite i'm not going to shower tonight, get y're own back when you can :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

And lockdown will do what? The moment you remove it and allow movement again, the virus will start again. Much like the flu and the common cold, this virus is going to be around for a long time - you have to face it, all of us will get it at some point but for most, the symptoms are generally mild.  What the UK is doing, and which I for one, fully support, is accepting that the virus will spread but doing what we can to slow it down.  That way we do not overload the hospitals and have enough capacity to deal with the relatively few serious cases. Unless a vaccine is found - Covid 19 will be as common as all other flu's etc in a couple of years.


Boris Johnson has stated that they will continue to monitor the situation and if what they are doing now doesn't have the desired effect, they will introduce further measures.  I hate to agree with Johnson but I think he's got is right.  Our death ratio at the moment is very good compared to other countries (that report accurately!) - 600 cases with just 11 deaths in around a month.


If the world continues to panic and over react to this virus, the economic problems that will result will be far worse than the physical symptoms - Thailand is already experiencing that.

I've just seen some data from Dr Campbell. 
If China had not taken any action in the sense of locking down places and social distancing, they would currently have around 67 times more cases. That equates to around 7.7million infections confirmed, from 115,000 they do at the moment. Yes the UK and other places will lockdown soon enough, however if China acted 3 weeks earlier than they did, there would have been around 95% less infections than we have seen. 

If they don't lock things down now in the UK, aren't the hospitals going to get overrun sooner rather than later? 
I've just seen that the UK has had 10 deaths so far today alone, and 342 new cases 

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30 minutes ago, Mung said:

I've just seen some data from Dr Campbell. 
If China had not taken any action in the sense of locking down places and social distancing, they would currently have around 67 times more cases. That equates to around 7.7million infections confirmed, from 115,000 they do at the moment. Yes the UK and other places will lockdown soon enough, however if China acted 3 weeks earlier than they did, there would have been around 95% less infections than we have seen. 

If they don't lock things down now in the UK, aren't the hospitals going to get overrun sooner rather than later? 
I've just seen that the UK has had 10 deaths so far today alone, and 342 new cases 

Kill the economy or kill a certain section of the people -it's that brutal. 

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7 minutes ago, URMySunshine said:

Kill the economy or kill a certain section of the people -it's that brutal. 

the thing is the economy is going to suffer either way, lockdown is inevitable it's just a matter of when 

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1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

Whats the point the "authorities" don't have a clue how to handle this and will deny any wrong doing and blame anyone they can, not to loose face, opaqueness is putting it mildly, pure thick muddiness is more to the point, the camouflage from this Govt is overwhelming nothing is clear at all.  

. Out of spite i'm not going to shower tonight, get y're own back when you can :cheesy:

True, its tough for any authority, transparent press has its ups and downs. you will much more likely get the truth about scale of the issue but they will also add their own artistic license with dramatic headlines to make more money. You just have to apply some basic intelligence and draw your own conclusion. My opinion is that it is very serious but panic buying and not trying to get on with life (taking sensible precautions of course with hygiene) is not helping anyone. Sooner or later this will blow over although I fear worse is to come before that, but whatever the circumstance a government holding back the truth can make things much much worse for everyone in that country.

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5 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

True, its tough for any authority, transparent press has its ups and downs. you will much more likely get the truth about scale of the issue but they will also add their own artistic license with dramatic headlines to make more money. You just have to apply some basic intelligence and draw your own conclusion. My opinion is that it is very serious but panic buying and not trying to get on with life (taking sensible precautions of course with hygiene) is not helping anyone. Sooner or later this will blow over although I fear worse is to come before that, but whatever the circumstance a government holding back the truth can make things much much worse for everyone in that country.

The problem with panic buying is that if enough are and you don't you're left with nothing. 

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