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No reason to panic, PM Prayut says, as people stock up on supplies


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1 hour ago, Chazar said:

if  they told the general  public to stop wearing them it  would  help way  more, they are not necessary except under a  few  circumstances


Lets see , the masks protect the health care workers who are in close proximity to known virus carriers from infection but some how they won't protect us? Supposedly because we aren't smart enough to know how to properly wear/put them on. Either Google or look on YouTube for vids on how to wear a mask.  One reason I wear one is it keeps me from touching my face, I also wear sunglasses so if I am in an area where infected person might sneeze  ( and they are not wearing a mask) the drops don't get in my eyes. Before you say that's stupid the virus is not a gas it doesn't seep around the mask you are infected by droplets landing on your face--the mask will prevent that. Look at the photo of  medical face shield below . It's not a sealed device not goggles it is open at the sides/bottom. It is simply made to stop dropplets from landing on your face/eyes/mouth. 


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The government also was considering closing entertainment venues and sport stadiums.


He added that the government was not slow in dealing with the situation but the ministers had to think about the consequences before taking action

Large entertainment venues & sports stadiums I thought would be closed already, given that infected numbers are starting to rise, and Thais habits of mingling in large numbers seem to be falling on deaf ears !

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3 hours ago, Tayaout said:

Last time they said there was plenty of masks it was a lie. Ok guys it's officially time to panic buying! 

My gf makes masks.   3 layer.  50 baht each.   It sure looks like panic buying to me.   

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Here are some scientific fact, which will prove the the ministry of health is wrong. I did some reading on homepage who post real scientific research results. So, that means these unprofessional talking here for some ministry is proven nonsens. The term should not be "dirty Farang", it should me ignorant .........


1. It is very important to know that a respirator can never offer 100% protection. Commercial mouthguards in particular are hardly or not at all suitable.

2. Mouth and nose protective masks (MNS surgical masks which mostly used by Thais!!!!!)
... do not protect against infection with the corona virus. They are not respiratory protection. MNS surgical masks are worn to protect other people from droplets of saliva or mucus that you, as the wearer, deliver yourself.

If you really want to wear a mask, then need these one;

Particle-filtering half mask (FFP)
... filter small particles (particles or aerosols). Therefore, they are an effective protection against an airborne infection such as the corona virus. Depending on the tightness, there are three different device classes for FFP masks (FFP1, FFP2, FFP3). An FFP2 mask already provides sufficient protection against infection with the corona virus.

Make sure that you put on and remove the mask correctly. Remember: FFP masks are single-use items. For hygienic reasons, you must dispose of them correctly after use. The period of use is designed for about eight hours. We therefore recommend that you only wear them when there is direct contact with patients or in suspected cases.


I hope people read and understand this clarificationabout the mask hipe.

Best is, keep people on distance, and desinfect your hands frequently.

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53 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Ah, but the French have the bidet (which they invented) which is just as good. You can also wash your hands and feet in them.


I honestly cannot figure out what all the panic is regarding toilet paper.

When someone sneezes near them, they S--T themselves ha ha

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26 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Lets see , the masks protect the health care workers who are in close proximity to known virus carriers from infection but some how they won't protect us? 


It's not that simple as far as I understand. The masks does not protect the Healthcare workers. It's a barrier that helps them a little bit when it come to droplets, but more importantly they are wearing them to prevent they infect the hospitalized, since the personel can be infected without knowing it and then spread it to the other patients, that is not in for Corona. 


I work in the medical industry producing insulin and it's full suit and protection gear, mask, goggles etc, and that's to protect the product from the humans not the other way around.


Maybe that can be compared a little bit? 



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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

it doesn't seep around the mask you are infected by droplets landing on your face

Actually it does I'm not trying to be a smartass but it hangs in the air.


Imagine when you see the sunlight shining through a window and you notice dust particles in the air tiny droplets hang in the air like that.


The masks didn't save this guy below but that doesn't mean I won't be wearing one.


Just be as careful as you can and self isolate as much as possible.



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4 minutes ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

One of China's foremost institutes of Virology is located in Wuhan. The Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

400 cities in china

1 + 1 

The Chinese have infiltrated biolabs all over the world and have been trying to send pathogens back to China for many years I don't want to go down this rabbit hole (I'm not a conspiracy theorist) but here are some links of interest from legit things that have actually occurred in the last 10 years that are known.






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1 minute ago, thequietman said:

For a brief moment after a cough or a sneeze. After that it is on surfaces, hence the advice to wash your hands frequently. ????

Again not trying to be a smartass but it can these droplets are so small that merely breathing is enough for them to be in the air around you.


I'm just trying to do what I can to inform as best I can be safe all.


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22 minutes ago, misterjames said:

The masks didn't save this guy below but that doesn't mean I won't be wearing one.


Or the 3,300 other health care workers in China who were infected.


If you want to wear a mask, wear one. If not, don't.



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1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:

If you want to wear a mask, wear one. If not, don't.



I will be doing whatever I can do avoid it which means wearing a mask I urge you all to do the same not just for yourselves but for others also make sure it's n95.

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They are either short of masks, and I mean like none left, or they don’t care.. Seeing the picture of those clowns I wonder which one it is. 

What is stage 3 for Thailand ? If they have to enforce a total curfew, they’ll have to do what they’re the best at: roll out the tanks to clear the streets. 

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1 hour ago, sangtip2 said:

Pattaya Mail reports that the 240 Thai workers brought back from S. Korea  and were quarantined for 14 days in Sattahip  --  have been sent home after  5 days of quarantine .    

14 days.....only 5 days quarantined......I guess they want to spread the wealth when this thing kicks in at day 14 and take out all the families as well....guess that's how this government treats its own people who became illegal foreign workers, that will teach them.....

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17 minutes ago, misterjames said:

Again not trying to be a smartass but it can these droplets are so small that merely breathing is enough for them to be in the air around you.


I'm just trying to do what I can to inform as best I can be safe all.


This virus is really transmissible and can spread easily from person to person even before a person develops symptoms. It’s carried on respiratory droplets when we talk, sneeze, and cough and these can land on surfaces or in someone’s mouth or nose.  When it comes to respiratory droplets, 6 feet is the magic distance. That’s how far these tiny, infected droplets can travel.  Being within 6 feet of someone who is sick can get you or your personal space contaminated with COVID-19.  


source https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/prevention-and-screening-articles/wuhan-coronavirus

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4 minutes ago, thequietman said:

This virus is really transmissible and can spread easily from person to person even before a person develops symptoms. It’s carried on respiratory droplets when we talk, sneeze, and cough and these can land on surfaces or in someone’s mouth or nose.  When it comes to respiratory droplets, 6 feet is the magic distance. That’s how far these tiny, infected droplets can travel.  Being within 6 feet of someone who is sick can get you or your personal space contaminated with COVID-19.  


source https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/prevention-and-screening-articles/wuhan-coronavirus

As I say it is known to be transmitted by breathing. 

I wouldn't make this stuff up for fun.

If you don't want to take my word for it take the word of Michael Osterholm the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP)

Video attached

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20 minutes ago, Elzear said:

They are either short of masks, and I mean like none left, or they don’t care.. Seeing the picture of those clowns I wonder which one it is. 

What is stage 3 for Thailand ? If they have to enforce a total curfew, they’ll have to do what they’re the best at: roll out the tanks to clear the streets. 

Stage 3 is the Thai government getting on a plane and doing a runner

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5 hours ago, englishoak said:

114 cases my ass..... Thailand are labelling it is "viral pneumonia" they have just changed the name of Covid19 for the WHO.. 




The address was set up before it was named COVID.


Before it had been isolated as a "Novel Corona Virus"


It was named for what it is/does........a virus that gives you pneumonia.


It was accurate then, it is now.





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