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Foreign Currency Account

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Can you use a Foreign Currency Account balance equivalent to 800k baht for the purposes of a 12 month extension based on retirement so long as it meets all the other requirements such as seasoning etc?

Any replies appreciated

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You can use it at the majority of immigration offices. Some might not accept it. Best to check with you local office.

The bank will need to do a letter verifying your account and the balance in baht based upon the exchange rate for the day the letter is written.

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I did my renewal at Jomtien a few months ago with my Bangkok Bank dollar account.  Smooth as silk.  Didn't even have to show them the baht account book.  You just need updated bankbook and a letter from the bank (100 baht).

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33 minutes ago, LALes said:

I did my renewal at Jomtien a few months ago with my Bangkok Bank dollar account.  Smooth as silk.  Didn't even have to show them the baht account book.  You just need updated bankbook and a letter from the bank (100 baht).

Wow, things have changed.

Only 5 or so years ago jomtien wouldn't except my USD account or fixed interest account. 

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Daystick, I have asked this question a few times in the past and the general consensus is that most offices will accept a FCD Savings Account which has a bank book, so best just to ask your Immigration Office. However, my situation is a little unique in that I have a USD FCD Fixed Deposit Savings Account and there is no bank book for this type. A certificate is issued, so there is no bank book to be updated on the day that the Extension of Stay is requested. I can get a bank letter which shows the money seasoned for the required time and the balance on the date of issue and the balance equivalent in Thai Baht. The money in the account can be withdrawn upon demand without delay just like a regular FCD Savings Account. Having said that I have never heard anyone on this forum say that they have attempted to get an Extension of Stay with this type of account. Since there is no bank book to present to Immigration, I'm afraid that they will be so confused by this that they will just automatically reject it. Again, I would like to ask the forum members if anyone out there has experience with using this type of account for the Extension of Stay? 

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15 minutes ago, fittobethaied said:

Having said that I have never heard anyone on this forum say that they have attempted to get an Extension of Stay with this type of account.

You have now. lol.

You should get monthly statements and those along with the standard letter are all that's required.

If your the first at your IO using that type of account, just ask them to call your bank, who can explain.

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2 hours ago, Neilly said:

Samui IO accept it (Bangkok Bank USD FCA) and have done for at least the last five years

Foreign currency accounts can be held in either a Savings account or a Fixed Term account.


With a Foreign currency Savings type account a Passbook is issued.

With a Foreign currency Fixed Term Account certificates and statements are now issued.

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