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Is there anywhere in Pattaya with face masks left?


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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not that simple.

Medical staff dealing with suspected on known covid-19 cases should actually be in full hazmat gear. 

They are intentionally getting very close to those risks as part of their job.

Medical staff will be wearing custom fitted respirator masks and they're trained on how to use them.

Medical staff are at risk of much higher volume of virus exposure than the public putting them at unusual risk of serious infections.

Medical staff are needed to treat the public.

If too many of them get infected that's a similarly serious threat to the public health as not enough respirators.

Simple solution ,run  the factories at 100% capacity day and nite to make enough masks so that all healthcare workers get theirs first and anyone else that wants them can then buy.  Also need to ramp up production of alcohol and alcohol gels. Seen them sold at some  Pharmacies in BKK for 375 baht a bottle. Bought same one  a moth ago 89 baht.


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12 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Unbelievable really, just when the virus is picking up in Pattaya no masks are available, so the spread will be even worse, if only they hadn't already been wasted


Gee, if only someone in Thailand had shipping containers containing 3+ million locally produced face masks that weren't sitting on a dock in BKK awaiting export to the U.S., if I recall right... Despite a govt. policy that supposedly restricts any export beyond 500 masks... but here's the key caveat... unless the government here grants permission otherwise.


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9 minutes ago, Iron Tongue said:

Nitrile gloves.  Lazada has loads of them.


Gloves prevent contact with contaminated surfaces.  Better than hand washing or sanitizing after the fact.

But won't prevent you from touching your face with the infected gloves. We touch our faces about 23 times an hour minimum unconciously. Had a CDC Doctor on tv saying how to prevent infection and when she stated don't touch your face she touched hers.  A female congresswoman was doing the same and touched her hair eyebrows and nose like 6 times in 2 min.

A mask will prevent you from inadvertantly touching your face.

Edited by Tony125
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1 hour ago, Iron Tongue said:

Nitrile gloves.  Lazada has loads of them.


Gloves prevent contact with contaminated surfaces.  Better than hand washing or sanitizing after the fact.

Not according to below article


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3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

But won't prevent you from touching your face with the infected gloves. We touch our faces about 23 times an hour minimum unconciously. Had a CDC Doctor on tv saying how to prevent infection and when she stated don't touch your face she touched hers.  A female congresswoman was doing the same and touched her hair eyebrows and nose like 6 times in 2 min.

A mask will prevent you from inadvertantly touching your face.

you'll still touch your eyes and forehead. Gloves will stop people biting nails etc

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7 hours ago, Tony125 said:

But won't prevent you from touching your face with the infected gloves. We touch our faces about 23 times an hour minimum unconciously. Had a CDC Doctor on tv saying how to prevent infection and when she stated don't touch your face she touched hers.  A female congresswoman was doing the same and touched her hair eyebrows and nose like 6 times in 2 min.

A mask will prevent you from inadvertantly touching your face.

Gloves are a constant reminder to not touch your face.  They are a constant reminder that you have something on your hands and have to be careful with surfaces.  They also protect you from contamination.


Why do health care professionals and first responders wear gloves?


Anyone who thinks gloves aren't as good for preventing infections, well, I'll leave you to your beliefs.

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5 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Are you serious?  Really.  You believe what you read in a STYLE section?


One does not wear the same pair and reuse.  You wear them outside, perform your functions and then toss them for a new pair.  

This is why you should buy a box of 100.  Take a couple pairs with you everywhere.  Use and replace, use and replace.

Yes, you will still need to wash your hands, but now have a impermable layer between your clean hands and potential cotamination.


I didn't realize that I had to explain every step of wearing gloves to some people!  How old are you?

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some of these masks are illegally recycled hospital waste - no way would I be buying from a market 


The question about face masks is actually quite an issue and not for any of the reasons on this topic


Phuket Immigration will not let anyone enter without a face mask, so if you cannot get one the only option would possibly be to make something lol

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17 hours ago, manhood said:

As i know masks don't protect if catching the virus i just wear them in shops to make the thais confident that western people are more clean after their stupid health minister is informing them!

nobody will see you wearing a mask in the shower lol

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11 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Nitrile gloves.  Lazada has loads of them.


Gloves prevent contact with contaminated surfaces.  Better than hand washing or sanitizing after the fact.

not sure I get your point, wearing gloves offers no protection at all unless you avoid doing what you normally do with your bare hands - i.e touch your face without washing the gloves lol

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4 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Are you serious?  Really.  You believe what you read in a STYLE section?


One does not wear the same pair and reuse.  You wear them outside, perform your functions and then toss them for a new pair.  

This is why you should buy a box of 100.  Take a couple pairs with you everywhere.  Use and replace, use and replace.

Yes, you will still need to wash your hands, but now have a impermable layer between your clean hands and potential cotamination.


I didn't realize that I had to explain every step of wearing gloves to some people!  How old are you?

so you can catch this virus by absorbing through the skin on your hands ?



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4 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Why do health care professionals and first responders wear gloves?

please do share ....................why


I'll bet it's not for the reasons you think, and same goes for surgeons performing operations 

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I tried Baan and Beyond this morning - sold out krup.

Big C on Sukhumvit - mai mee krup.

Two pharamacies in the Big C mall - mai mee and sold out.


Really, the bobbleheads in government are telling people to wear these things, and actually slandering them when they don't, but they can't be bothered to ensure adequate stocks in the shops. We've all known for a long time that this government isn't fit to run the country, but it's clearly not even capable of running a mom & pop store.

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A bit more success this morning. I popped into the local pharmacy and noticed that he had a very limited number of cloth face masks for sale, it looks like some enterprising Thai lady has been busy with her sewing machine, lol. They won't keep many viruses out, I know, or much of anything else, but that's not what I want them for, I just don't want to risk upsetting the staff in SCB and Immigration by breathing over them.



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A friend just told me a local bra factory has switched production and starts making face masks instead, using same old reliable stock of materials. One of the benefits is that the new masks will be odor-repellant. He's got a small supply and will bring me a few shortly. On the US front, it appears nurses in NYC have begun on self-reliance as well...

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What kinda starts to bother me - someone that has looked and asked around for masks in weeks - is that all Thais have them. Not the majority, but all. It's hard to understand the criticism from the absolute highest level of government that western people don't use mask - if we can't buy em anywhere. 

I was about to order a big pack from Lazada last week but forget about it. Now all key words with face mask/s return 0 results (blocked out). 


Now, lets move the criticism from the Asians/Thais to us Western people: The only societies that have a reflex of saying "masks doesn't work" are the ones that can't stop the pandemic at the moment. South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan praise the mask as one of the key elements of containing the spread in a pandemic. 



"yeah, yeah but it doesn't stop 100% only the M3 N100 stops 100% so I will never use a regular surgical mask". This <deleted> need to stop immediately. In a pandemic - of course a population that blocks their mouth and noise will have a better outcome than a population that doesn't. 

"yeah, yeah but it doesn't stop me from getting it, just stop it from spreading if I have it". All new research suggest that COVID-19 is highly contagious without symptoms and before symptoms. Also, the often so mentioned reasoning is actually not true. Of all research I've read a regular surgical mask on your face indeed is more protective than nothing (against air transmission via mouse and nose, and your hands). 


I'm sorry for the rant but this is one thing we westerns are completely backwards on. Shame on us. 

Yours truly, 


The Mask 






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The Thais can be very industrious when called for, I sure there are many Thais making these masks at the moment. My wife has been asked by the local Tessabaan to make as many masks as she can. They provide all the material and elastic for securing it on the head, she has made some for her friend who sells them on.



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