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Covid-19 and underlying heart disease


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Underlying heart disease is listed as a danger for those infected with Covid-19, and that includes "congenital heart disease," which is often not a disease at all. I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) and infrequent PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) but have been asymptomatic all my life and these were only discovered on a stress ECG done when I started lifting weights in my 40s. 


So, would these seemingly benign conditions pose additional dangers to me if I became infected?


I have also had rare episodes of near-syncope in the past few years, which seems a bit more serious. I don't want my heart stopping while fighting a viral infection!

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I too have concerns as I had a stent put in back in 2008 due to a blood clot.


Am approaching 60 weigh 80kg, height 183cm, exercise daily cardio and light weight training, although consider myself to be fairly fit and recover ok from bouts of bronchitis, colds, etc, etc, although I wouldn't want to be tested with this as I am not sure how I would go.


Funny thing is we have a guy who just tested positive in the village returning from that boxing match in BKK, so everyone in our family knows, no one is to go anywhere, only mum and dad and as for the Mrs and her family, well she tells me they are in lock down as well, although one sister who lives around the corner was at the temple with this infected guy just the other day........eeeeewwww, stay away girl, solly ????


Edited by 4MyEgo
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While getting a flu jab at Mahidol Hospital yesterday I did get to talk to a doctor about all this in depth. Her opinion was that Covid 19 damages the lungs, and that makes the heart pump much harder, so any existing conditions may well be exacerbated. In my case I know that my heart was fine when it reached 100% on the stress test, but that may not be the case when fighting an aggressive new virus.


I think the best thing us wrinklies can do is avoid getting the virua until there is an effective drug or vaccine. But even a good drug could be a year away unless it is an existing one that is re-purposed.


Be safe, everyone.

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9 hours ago, orientalist said:

While getting a flu jab at Mahidol Hospital yesterday I did get to talk to a doctor about all this in depth. Her opinion was that Covid 19 damages the lungs, and that makes the heart pump much harder, so any existing conditions may well be exacerbated. In my case I know that my heart was fine when it reached 100% on the stress test, but that may not be the case when fighting an aggressive new virus.


I think the best thing us wrinklies can do is avoid getting the virua until there is an effective drug or vaccine. But even a good drug could be a year away unless it is an existing one that is re-purposed.


Be safe, everyone.

Avigan, japanese anti-flu drug



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