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Stay home or face lockdown – supreme commander


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On 3/26/2020 at 5:56 PM, cooked said:

I'm 72. During my 6 K run this morning at 5 am I met, maskless, another group of five runners, not socially distancing, three farmers with cows, and a guy on a motorbike (same guy twice). This routine won't be changing soon.

whats  the  curfew  times  currently?

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57 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Seems to me that the army chief is very powerful and even prayut would be very wary of sidelining or sanctioning him.  Further Aprxxx is the leader of a very old very famous very powerful army gang. His gang don't like prayut's gang and there is tension.

He was also pipped for the top job by Big Pom not so long ago. 

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10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Regular versus Supreme, well if we were talking tacos regular would just be meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato in a shell, but a Supreme....well that would be the same ingredients but a bit more, plus sour cream, and salsa.....So he must be the big cheese

He's the crunchwrap supreme

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13 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Regular versus Supreme, well if we were talking tacos regular would just be meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato in a shell, but a Supreme....well that would be the same ingredients but a bit more, plus sour cream, and salsa.....So he must be the big cheese

Yea, that is what I thought but the last time I was home and went to Taco Bell, I ordered the Supreme when I unwrapped it I said to myself " what the <deleted>>, where is the beef "  it was just a shell!

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3 hours ago, Chazar said:

whats  the  curfew  times  currently?

I think it depends on the province.  But this thread indicates that there is no national decree yet and will only happen if the COVID gets out of hand.  There isn't a curfew in Chiang Mai yet, for example.  But people are discouraged from going outdoors except for essential reasons. 

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19 hours ago, Tongjaw said:

What do they have to justify? Don’t you read what’s happening around the world? Other countries in the world are in lockdown also. 

Exactly. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back.

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19 hours ago, Crossy said:


Well, took a ride up the Don Mueang tollway. 


The inbound checkpoint is operating, but with almost no traffic the cops were standing around looking for someone to arrest.


Outbound there is no sign of a checkpoint before Future Park (where I left the tollway).


All a bit of a damp squib really.

The same situation under the tollway I can confirm.


Assume that more focus is laid on the inbound side in each province.

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On 3/26/2020 at 5:18 PM, snoop1130 said:

“Thai people can set a good example for the rest of the world by disciplining themselves so that that we won’t need to have a lockdown,” he said.

and that would be a first in history

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The 400,000 people that die each year,including the many children,from complications from the "normal" flu are not considered worthy of similar efforts to reduce this number because covid19 is not the flu!This outbreak may or may not have worse outcomes than the flu but does that make the flu victims any less valuable to us?Is it less distressing for those that die from similar complications as covid19 because it's the flu and not the same?Is it less distressing for parents that watch their children die of flu complication less painful because it wasn't covid19?What sort of people would make such an argument?The similarities of complications are for all intensive purposes the same yet those that die from the flu don't deserve our combined efforts to help them because covid19 is not the flu? 

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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And then they had all unemployed Thais go to GSB's to register and open accounts to get their 5,000 baht handout. All branches packed, with no Social Distancing. Now they ask people to register online. As usual closing the barn door once the horses have bolted.

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On 3/26/2020 at 5:18 PM, snoop1130 said:

Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Gen. Pornpipat Benyasri today issued a stern warning to all Thai people to stay home and to practice strict social distancing

Farangs and foreigners on the other hand should proceed to Immigration and pack together like sardines to obtain their 20 day extension of stay, as well as travelling back and forth between their embassies and Immigration offices.  


*Well, they all are just da*n farangs who wear dirty cloths and don't take showers.  Who cares if they contract Covid and die.  Leave you money and good riddance.




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On 3/26/2020 at 7:59 PM, ripstanley said:

They cannot stop the deaths on the roads, or the smoke haze where I live so how will they stop Coronavirus

This is a country that viruses love, millions, of people, everyday, eating from communal bowls, using their fingers.

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I am sure the "Special One" was asked us to trust him has made a good move delegating this pandemic to the "Supreme One" and if it all goes pear shaped them I wonder who will get the blame? On ethe other hand if things improve I wonder who will take the credit? These and other questions are only a burden to others.

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6 hours ago, Is this real said:

How does he suggest we get 1 year Visa extensions if we don't got to the immigration offices?

Push all expiration dates out 45 days, whatever. This would eliminate the current surge at Immigration, consisting mainly of folks who otherwise wouldn't even be needing a visit to Immigration if it weren't for the covid-19 induced extension requirement. Hopefully, within 45 days, whatever, these folks will happily have found airline seats home, with no need to ever grace immigration's doorway, allowing those of us who have to to meet with much less crowding and more efficiency. Only detriment to immigration would be cash flow, which is probably why we'll never see such action.

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On 3/26/2020 at 10:47 AM, Crossy said:


I thought both ends were in Greater Bangkok, I drive it every morning and evening.


I expect the office to go to "essential staff only" over the weekend but for now it's business as usual (with masks, social distancing and hand sanitiser). Will I need a letter or something as "essential staff"?


Sod it, if I get grief from the authorities I will just return home and "work from home".


Why dont you just work from home anyway??

Save lives and stay home.


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14 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

'Supreme Commander'...but not in charge of 'This Mission' !   They do make you laugh; i wouldn't put either of these Drongo's in charge of fighting their way out of a paper bag !

Not even a wet paper bag?

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