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Should I tell another Farang man that the Thai girlfriend he loves is cheating on him?


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I met a Thai woman online and we chatted for about four months before meeting in Thailand and having a relationship, we even had a pregnancy scare (yes, I know, stupid)


Without reading further, I wouldn’t say stupid, I would say bloody impossible!

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24 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Another “new member” with an unoriginal and long but well written story trying to elicit responses..... click click

Educational for those with their fresh pink glasses on (not that any inforamation will ever changen their mind about their girl. Mine is different etc), and make the paranoid more paranoid. (Cant help them anyway)


So what is the message and moral in the story? 

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21 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Did you discuss monogamy with her? Did she understand that you wanted and expected it, or did you place expectation on her without her full agreement?

You are not in their relationship, you have no idea how their relationship is structured or modelled.

Not all longterm relationships are based on physical monogamy. 


Having unprotected sex is an unwise thing to do, many unwanted bacterial infections as well as viral ones contractable, pregnancy is a minor risk in comparison.


Keep ypur nose put of others relationships, and stick to your own and stop stalking her taking a moral high ground.


We did discuss monogamy a little, yes. She spoke fairly often about fidelity and kept telling me that she was not talking with any other men, that she hadn't slept with anyone since she got divorced a while back (she said this after she'd asked me when I had last slept with someone). Looking back, I should have taken her frequent efforts to reassure me of her fidelity despite me not questioning it as a warning that something was not quite right. That was the funny thing, it was her who kept bringing it up and she kept talking about the future and how we could be together, she wanted me to invite her to Europe for an extended stay to see how we would get on living in a relationship as cohabitees. When we thought she might be pregnant we even discussed the possibility of marriage because it would be the quickest way to get her and the child over to Europe. She asked me if I had other girlfriends and when I was travelling around Thailand for a while by myself she said she suspected I was meeting a woman in Bangkok, I wasn't. When I left Thailand we were still getting on very well and she told me that while she wants me to be monogamous she knows how the world works and if I do have sex with someone else when we are apart then I should wear a condom.
I do have an idea about her relationship with the other man. When I found out about him I confronted her about it and she asked what I was going to do, saying that if X knows about me he'll split up with her. I told her I didn't know yet what I'd do. Half an hour later she told me by text message that she'd called him and confessed everything, I took this as a fairly obvious lie and a desperate attempt to fool me into thinking he knows everything.
Yep, dumb having unprotected sex, for a multitude of reasons. I knew I was clean before having sex with this woman and immediately when I got home I took a full STI test which told me I was still clean, fortunately.
I did decide to keep my nose out, and I won't check up on her either... well, let's be honest here, maybe in six months if I get drunk I'll do a quick check but it will just be to satisfy my curiosity and I'll leave it at that. I have texted the Thai woman and told her that I don't believe her story that she told X everything about us, but that she shouldn't worry because I will not contact him. After that she called me immediately in tears and we had a cathartic conversation where we both apologised to one another (I had to apologise too, see my previous post, I wasn't honest either but I confessed this to her earlier) and we ended up wishing each other well.
I would not repeat this experience, it has been extremely stressful and ended in a bloody great big mess, as could perhaps have been predicted right from the start.
Edited by CharlesBa
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On 3/27/2020 at 1:46 AM, Tiger1980 said:

If your girlfriend was cheating on you, would you not want to know.

Nah I would. Many other girls worth my time better. I’d be happy to know the truth. 

In my case I found by myself and it sucked during the whole time I was being cheated and could have been a lot easier and saved a lot of time if someone had told me. And we did live together two years

Edited by Drax
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On 3/27/2020 at 2:22 AM, bkk6060 said:

If he is a normal healthy male, he is probably doing the same.

But, lots of hypocrisy in Thailand calling each other out.

Paying them money makes one feel like she is your possession.

Maybe have a group hug with the other 5 guys that are sending her money also.

For your information, I never gave her any money. She started talking around the subject and I flat-out told her it wasn't going to happen

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On 3/27/2020 at 9:10 AM, jastheace said:
On 3/27/2020 at 8:58 AM, Chazar said:

Better  still tell him shes a right  good  catch to  marry asap.........this  way he "may" learn something useful for the future

no. there'll be a post a few months later 'I think my gf cheated on me, what should I do'.

then, and only then with the vast experience of us TVF posters, with our advice,  he 'may' learn something. 

... more so, after he has gone further and accessed the marriage and divorce in thailand Thread... 

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I knew of a girl who had 10+ guys on a leed, she spoke to them over the computer, Facetime. Every conversation was logged so she could carry on the conversation when next they spoke, Most if not all where sending 30,000 plus a month , She called it a Business, 

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