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Maid And More

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Yohan- totally agree with Boo/Dave- think I stated as much. I think you are genuinely asking for trouble with the scenario our dear writer is proposing. Course if he genuinely stuck to maid/gf so be it, but I don't think he wants the obligations necessarily that come with it.  :o

I do not know, if you read, what I told this poster with the nickname uncle_tom about his crazy opinion on women:

I told him, he has to pay for such services, this is possible in Thailand, but it is a question of money.

And if he does not have money, he should convert to Islam - however it is not only pleasure, but also some hardship included....


What I do not like, if such strange postings are coming up with absurd imaginations about women, then quickly some female posters are loudly commenting about it.

There is another long thread running now, about if beautiful Thai girls are really not honest.....

If you ask me, this is all nonsense.....

However I miss any comment from female posters, when we are talking about much more serious matters.

May I ask you something?

What do you think, is a man, who is coming into Thailand with honest intention, to look for a wife, thinking about family with children....

I think, he is something like a big idiot, who puts all his savings of his life and all his property on high-risk.

He might lose everything, and he did nothing wrong....

May I ask you something more?

What do you think, is a man, who is treating a wife like a maid, ready to kick her out anytime....or a man, who accepts only beautiful women, 30 years younger than himself, with some hysterical background for suicide?

Reading all postings (especially such about divorce) I am starting to consider such people like uncle_tom or TL1 as clever - financially they are for sure better off than that poor guy, who was cheated by his wife, lost 80 percent of his property and even his children.

What I am missing here, are some comments by these loudly and angry female posters.....Why they are raising their voice, when reading such stupid (are they really stupid?) postings like from uncle_tom and thailover1.

But why are they so silent, when good men are terribly cheated by bad women?

Do they find it the normal way of life for a man? Or is it funny to them?

For sure, a man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Or do you want me now to explain, that you ever heard about a woman, who was helpful in any way against a man, who was badly cheated because he was honest looking for a long-term relationship with a girl?


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Yohan- you have valid points and you are totally correct about the absurdity of some of these pointless threads. I think lads have to be honest with themselves and open their eyes a bit. There always is a price and i'm not referring to dosh either.

Finding a good man/woman is a tough proposition for genuine people since there is so much bs to wade through, but once you do find the individual the payoff is priceless. A faire few on here like myself have found great ladies in Thailand- just pisses me off that all thai ladies are slagged off and thrown into same typical stereotypes.

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I see why you find Muslim culture so attractive, Yohan, not my cup of tea, to be frank.

To save Uncle Tom from making a faut-pas in the etiquette of your value system, could you clarify who he should feed first, the dog or the woman?

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For sure, a man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Yohan, are you sure about this comment?

I agree about security but are you saying thai girls should be treated like 2nd class citizens?

You critised me before because you thought i was attacking thai girls.

I'm married to a thai girl, and i have no doubts about her whatsoever.

We do everything together, i do not expect her to run around after me, i clean, she cleans, i over step the mark and she tells me where to go and i respect her for that.

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If you're serious Tom your best bet is to dupe some girl - tell her you're gonna marry her (she'll fall for it) and do whatever is necessary for little more than you'd pay a maid anyway. Then, when you're done with your writing or whatever you're gonna do eff off and dump her!

The interviewing process should be fun! :o

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pnustedt Posted on Thu 2004-06-10, 20:49:57

If you're serious Tom your best bet is to dupe some girl - tell her you're gonna marry her (she'll fall for it) and do whatever is necessary for little more than you'd pay a maid anyway. Then, when you're done with your writing or whatever you're gonna do eff off and dump her!
I second that!

davethailand Posted on Thu 2004-06-10, 20:50:17

I'll drink to thay Brit, cheers

CHEERS!!! :o

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I see why you find Muslim culture so attractive, Yohan, not my cup of tea, to be frank.

To save Uncle Tom from making a faut-pas in the etiquette of your value system, could you clarify who he should feed first, the dog or the woman?

Hi, Stroll,

Muslim culture does not accept pigs - dogs are allowed, but not recommended to be kept in the house.

Thai Muslim are afraid of 'anjing gila' (mad dog) due to rabies.

It is better to have 2 wives instead....they might split the housekeeping duties, depending of the days of the week. This is permitted.

Cats are also permitted, if you like a pet.

I told you, Islam is a difficult to understand culture, but a lot of people enjoy it.

Yes, it is a very different way of life and values.

Islam is not my value system by the way, I am not a Moslem, but I have some knowledge about Muslim live in Asia.

I think however, for uncle_tom it would be interesting to study it.

And if he does not like to convert, he might apply as a male slave (eunuch).

Male slaves, whose sexual desires are extinguished, might be accepted, even if they are pagans.

You see, Islam offers a solution for everybody.


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For sure, a man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Yohan, are you sure about this comment?

Davethailand, this is a bit out of the content,

Let me explain you as following: (and please tell me, if you think, I am writing here something which is not correct)

1- If you are a man in Europe and you are looking for a female partner for marriage as your wife, then you put your property and your savings on high-risk.

It might work or it might not work, divorce rate is 50 percent. And it might NOT work, even if you have the best intentions. You cannot explain me, that it is ALWAYS the man, who is responsible, if it is not working out. The result is based on nothing else but PURE LUCK. 50:50 is too high, to make a risk calculable.

2- If it is not working out, regardless even if the court is ruling your case as a fault=zero for the man, nevertheless due to European laws, up to 80 percent of all, what you are owning, might be gone to the wife....this might include your house or condominium, it might cause you to pay off obligations for DECADES....

Conclusion: To be a honest man and trying to do the best for your wife and children, might end for the man as a disaster. You might read some comments about here on the Thaivisa-Forum by some posters telling you their stories.

3- This situation is partial responsible, that some men are looking for foreign wives outside of Western Europe, it might fail, too - but I think, the financial risk is much lower than if you try it out with an European woman. For sure however, the risk is not higher.....

4- The risk is still existing and there is very little, what the husband can do against it - even if you are trusting a Thai woman or other Asian women.

It is you, the man, who pays, and there are divorced women, who made a good profit out of their broken marriage without never working anything in their lives.

I do not know about a single case however, where the cheating woman was subject to pay compensation in any form to the man.

Another poster (not I) made a comment, if it makes really sense for a man to have family and children.....

5- I am not surprised, that some men have fancy or strange ideas, how they can reduce considerable this risk....

One poster has the idea, to look for Asian women, who must look extremely beautiful, at least 30 years younger than himself, and should have a tendency to hystery and suicide.

Another poster is questioning the rentability of a maid, who made be used also for sex.

For me these are extreme cases, somewhat crazy and absurd....

But, are these people really crazy or absurd? Or is their way of thinking understandable?

You cannot deny that these men, who are treating the women like *a maid with sex* or *a beauty ready for suicide* are financially for sure much better off than a simple man, who had serious intentions and finally found himself alone with most of his property gone.

If a man really wants to secure his property, and if he wants to avoid the risk to lose everything, then he cannot think about a family life and he cannot think about to treat a woman as a lover. He must mistrust any woman and never develope any relationship to a woman. This is the only possible protection.

Or do you think, this conclusion is wrong? Then let me know, what else should a man could do to avoid cheating through marriage and divorce.

I also strongly speak out against women, who complain about all and everything, which might cause them inconvenience, but remain totally silent about the situation of cheated men by bad women.

Do women consider cheating of men as a normal part of life?


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Jesus Yohann, grow up, what do you do, keep a little hit list & then pick up on anything you can to try to force your views & ideas yet again.

Yes I get it, you don't like farang women, they are nasty & mean & pick on all the poor innocent guys in the world, steal your money, take your houses & cars, have opinions, breath!

For the record, I post when I feel like it & unlike you, I don't feel I have an opinion on the subject of thai women taking children away from farang men, cause no1 I'm not thai, no2 I have no children & no3 I'm not married to a farang man. If you can't see the humour in this particular post then you need to take a break.

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Jesus Yohann, grow up, what do you do, keep a little hit list & then pick up on anything you can to try to force your views & ideas yet again.

Yes I get it, you don't like farang women, they are nasty & mean & pick on all the poor innocent guys in the world, steal your money, take your houses & cars, have opinions, breath!

For the record, I post when I feel like it & unlike you, I don't feel I have an opinion on the subject of thai women taking children away from farang men, cause no1 I'm not thai, no2 I have no children & no3 I'm not married to a farang man. If you can't see the humour in this particular post then you need to take a break.

Yes I get it, you don't like farang women, they are nasty & mean & pick on all the poor innocent guys in the world, steal your money, take your houses & cars, have opinions, breath
I also got it, it never never happened....and it will never happen....

It is just a product of my phantasy, far away from any reality.....

You are absolutely right, all women are good and poor, and all men are criminals or idiots, let them pay - they deserve it.

I don't feel I have an opinion on the subject of thai women taking children away from farang men, cause no1 I'm not thai, no2 I have no children & no3 I'm not married to a farang man

You are right, why should you care about children? You have no children.

Sorry, my mistake.....

If you can't see the humour in this particular post then you need to take a break.

You are right, it is very funny, when such a poor man was trying his best, trusting a woman and finally is sitting in the street, divorced, with his house and savings and children gone....

I did not know, that it is so funny, I will try my best to smile.


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For God's sake Yohan, look at your attitude. You dont like women who speak strongly here. Well that is stiff. You feel it is your right to speak strongly about women! If you give it out, then you are setting yourself up for getting it back. I am sure there are bad women in the world. But, by christ, there are a lot more bad men in the world than women. Do women rape their children?Do women torture men for sexual gratification? I know this is a small minority, but so are the women you talk of and if you want to become a muslim because there is no personality involved in your relationship, just a hole or two, then I think that is the place for you. There are good people and bad people in the world, but every argument has two sides. Why should the mother of the marriage that is breaking up in England surrender her children? You cannot cut them in half and she carried tem in her body, fed them from her body. You will never know the depth of love a mother has for her children. You cannot. It is not the way of nature. Look at the animal kingdom, we are not much different.

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For sure, a man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Yohan, are you sure about this comment?

Davethailand, this is a bit out of the content,

Let me explain you as following: (and please tell me, if you think, I am writing here something which is not correct)

1- If you are a man in Europe and you are looking for a female partner for marriage as your wife, then you put your property and your savings on high-risk.

It might work or it might not work, divorce rate is 50 percent. And it might NOT work, even if you have the best intentions. You cannot explain me, that it is ALWAYS the man, who is responsible, if it is not working out. The result is based on nothing else but PURE LUCK. 50:50 is too high, to make a risk calculable.

2- If it is not working out, regardless even if the court is ruling your case as a fault=zero for the man, nevertheless due to European laws, up to 80 percent of all, what you are owning, might be gone to the wife....this might include your house or condominium, it might cause you to pay off obligations for DECADES....

Conclusion: To be a honest man and trying to do the best for your wife and children, might end for the man as a disaster. You might read some comments about here on the Thaivisa-Forum by some posters telling you their stories.

3- This situation is partial responsible, that some men are looking for foreign wives outside of Western Europe, it might fail, too - but I think, the financial risk is much lower than if you try it out with an European woman. For sure however, the risk is not higher.....

4- The risk is still existing and there is very little, what the husband can do against it - even if you are trusting a Thai woman or other Asian women.

It is you, the man, who pays, and there are divorced women, who made a good profit out of their broken marriage without never working anything in their lives.

I do not know about a single case however, where the cheating woman was subject to pay compensation in any form to the man.

Another poster (not I) made a comment, if it makes really sense for a man to have family and children.....

5- I am not surprised, that some men have fancy or strange ideas, how they can reduce considerable this risk....

One poster has the idea, to look for Asian women, who must look extremely beautiful, at least 30 years younger than himself, and should have a tendency to hystery and suicide.

Another poster is questioning the rentability of a maid, who made be used also for sex.

For me these are extreme cases, somewhat crazy and absurd....

But, are these people really crazy or absurd? Or is their way of thinking understandable?

You cannot deny that these men, who are treating the women like *a maid with sex* or *a beauty ready for suicide* are financially for sure much better off than a simple man, who had serious intentions and finally found himself alone with most of his property gone.

If a man really wants to secure his property, and if he wants to avoid the risk to lose everything, then he cannot think about a family life and he cannot think about to treat a woman as a lover. He must mistrust any woman and never develope any relationship to a woman. This is the only possible protection.

Or do you think, this conclusion is wrong? Then let me know, what else should a man could do to avoid cheating through marriage and divorce.

I also strongly speak out against women, who complain about all and everything, which might cause them inconvenience, but remain totally silent about the situation of cheated men by bad women.

Do women consider cheating of men as a normal part of life?



i'm not going to go into details about this subject but i agree totally with farangs coming to thailand and protecting their assets etc. BUT where does it say that, although assets etc are protected you still have to treat your partner like a 2nd class idiot.

If people are coming here with money, good for them, protect it and any business interests, but then to get a girl and treat them like an untrustworthy maid. <deleted> them, these people do not deserve happiness, All they have to do is use their brains and not get duped.

I think the phrase is "Give and take" . It works for some, not for others.

There IS good out there.

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i'm not going to go into details about this subject but i agree totally with farangs coming to thailand and protecting their assets etc.  BUT where does it say that, although assets etc are protected you still have to treat your partner like a 2nd class idiot.

If people are coming here with money, good for them, protect it and any business interests, but then to get a girl and treat them like an untrustworthy maid. <deleted> them, these people do not deserve happiness, All they have to do is use their brains and not get duped.

I think the phrase is "Give and take" . It works for some, not for others.

There IS good out there.


It depends on your personal situation,

I feel somehow, you never had real troubles, you never gave all your property to somebody else, you never were cheated or belittled by women.....Good for you, be happy!

Please understand however, that plenty of men are not in your situation and have serious problems either to find a trustful female partner or are dumped by women, whom they had confidence and that often even without any reason at all.

*give and take* sounds nice, but you should add, many women are interpreting this as *to take as much as you can, and to give as little as possible*

I was lucky, that after 6 years looking around with an absolut zero-result and with most of my little savings gone to women in return of promises and even unable to pay the utilities of my room anymore, I found somebody who is with me since 1976.... I was lucky....pure luck, nothing else....

My impression up to today is that there are very few honest women AVAILABLE for a man, who is not a top-earner....

Every woman, who tries to explain me in a rude and vulgar way, that there is no relationship between the man and his wallet towards the acceptance of women is in my eyes nothing else but a liar without arguments.

About the 2nd class idiot (your words, good to remember this term)

I have understandings for badly cheated men, who fail and are deeply disappointed, that they are developing a fence of mistrusting, are promoting unusual security measures for themselves, unusual demands like the idea *maid and sex* like in this thread.

I do not support such ideas, but I have understandings for such cheated men.

A man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Why does it sound so bad for you?

If you want to be secure, you cannot look for family life, as the result is pure luck...

You cannot live with a wife, and you can keep a relationship with a woman only in shorttime-paid services.

You cannot call this an equal partnership.

Yes I am sure about this comment

I wonder, what you think, if I change this comment like:

A woman is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a man NOT as an equal partner

Is this formulation also offensive for you? I think, not really...

Why are these two sentences not equal?

Because the man is the 2nd class idiot and not the woman in this case...

This is acceptable...and who cares about him?

There is another difference between man and woman....

The man always pays for everything, the woman never.

Who cares about that? Is this equal?

Maybe you got an idea now, what I want to say...


Yohan, are you sure about this comment?

I agree about security but are you saying thai girls should be treated like 2nd class citizens? You critised me before because you thought i was attacking thai girls.

This had nothing to do at all with the thread now, this was about how most foreign men are considering the *older* (35-45) Thai women, who are still living alone - working - do not dream of a dowry - have a job and income and have no intention to exploit other people.........

For the Thai men and for most foreign men however, these women are too old, not beautiful enough....not interesting....will not move abroad...

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A woman is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a man NOT as an equal partner

A man is better off to remain on the secure side, and to treat a woman NOT as an equal partner.....

Some might say this describes the relationship between two unsecure persons, because of past experiences or whatever.

It is not offensive, it is very sad.

But it becomes offensive when somebody with these characteristics proudly announces that this is the only way.

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So I take it Johann, you've had your fingers burnt, maybe more than once.

So, you're married at the moment, do you mind if I ask how your relationship is? Do you treat her as an equal or what?

I think you might well have put your finger on the life of Yohann. Can we buy him a family pack of Prozac ?

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So I take it Johann, you've had your fingers burnt, maybe more than once.

So, you're married at the moment, do you mind if I ask how your relationship is? Do you treat her as an equal or what?

Yes, no problem, please ask me everything, you want to know.....

I am legally married to a Japanese woman since 1976 (always the same woman, and never divorced, now since almost 28 years) - our two daughters are already grown up.

My wife is now not in our home, as she is visiting our daughter living in USA/Hawaii for one week. (But she has a confirmed return ticket!)


The Thai company is in our both names (some condominiums for rent, and considered for our vacation and retirement) - again back in Thailand middle of July, our tickets are fixed booked already.

My wife has our family credit card with her.

Our sexual relationship is still the same as 27 years ago.

Financially it is now much easier for us, (despite my wife is jobless at the moment) as our children have their own income.

I am living in the same house of my parents in law, with my father (now 97) and my mother in law since about 15 years...

For housekeeping I give my wife 80 percent of my salary, every month in advance.

(about USD 3500,- this should be OK for Tokyo, as we do not have to pay any rent, and as we do not have anymore any other obligations - like our 2 daughters/university education)

My wife takes care about that all and is saving the leftover in her own name in a bank account.

It is up to you to judge, if you call this *treating her as an equal or what*

It is up to you to judge, if you call this *married at the moment*


Yes, my father had his fingers totally burnt, (after WWII not so funny) and most of my friends from Europe too. Almost everybody tried marriage - almost everybody divorced, lost everything, and some of them even several times divorced, with huge obligations.

I myself lost all my small savings up to a level, where I was not able to pay for the utility charges of my apartment.

And this solely out of that stupid idea to look for a wife for marriage....

I consider myself as very lucky now.

I was growing up in poverty and as a child I have seen a lot of violence, alcoholism, fraud and so on, these includes cheat, divorce and exploitation triggered by women as well.

I received ALL of my lessons BEFORE my marriage....I think, this makes a certain difference between me and some other men.....

Any more questions?


May I ask you in return to tell me about your relationship?

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So I take it Johann, you've had your fingers burnt, maybe more than once.

So, you're married at the moment, do you mind if I ask how your relationship is? Do you treat her as an equal or what?

I think you might well have put your finger on the life of Yohann. Can we buy him a family pack of Prozac ?

Thank you for this offer Dr. Patpong....

However my family does not need it....

There is somebody on this forum asking about how to find a maid for cleaning and sex....

And a troll follows me sometimes here on this forum with his one-liners, and a female poster was complaining that her postings were deleted by the administrator, because she is a woman......

Serve your drugs to persons in need! :o:D

Thank you for your kind offer to help.


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ok people, i think the thread has been hijacked somewhat by yohann & others, all this talk (again!) about how bad men & women are has been done to death (on many occassions now). Back to the topic hand, uncle tom wanted to know if it is possible to find someone to do cleaning/ sexual services for him when he comes to hua hin, well, this being thailand, anythings possible, there maybe someone who fits the criteria although it maybe hard to find someone who can understand the situation & not get emotionally involved, that I think, was the point of the first postings. Involving sex in your domestic arrangement COULD turn very nasty should the lady in question get a bit too involved & as has been discussed in other threads, thai ladies have interesting ways of reacting when scorned by a lover (employer?) remeber the ducks? :o . uncletom, i would imagine your best bet would be to come over & check out the situationn for yourself & hope for the best but as I said before pay twice & get the services as are understood by the people doing them & you can't go wrong.

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Mrs. Boo,

This thread has not been *hijacked somewhat by yohann & others*, but there are yohann & others, who have one opinion, and there are Boo & others, who have another opinion.

And both groups are posting here their arguments.....

*On many occassions now* - Are you serious?

There are 1000s of threads on Thaivisa-Forum, and I am posting now in about 2 or 3 threads....but it seems the threads, where I am posting are very popular ones....

And if you read all my postings, you will find many others, which are not related to women-stuff at all.

You do not like the contents of my postings for what reasons ever, but this is another matter.

Seems to me, you like to hear only one-way-opinions, confirming that your opinion is the only right one.....

The funniest point out of this thread is however, that I replied to that strange question about *maid with sex* in a quite similar form some days ago as you replied today.....

You made almost a copy-paste.....I wonder, why you still do not like my postings....

Dr. Patpong offered me even medical support.....

and another poster some time ago compared my postings like to make an elephant how to fly.....

I take it easy, I can live with it.

Thank you for your attention,


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There are 1000s of threads on Thaivisa-Forum, and I am posting now in about 2 or 3 threads....but it seems the threads, where I am posting are very popular ones....

Whatever people think about you, Yohan, you're sure not a one liner.

Does it make you popular? I do not know.

But one thing for sure, you write a lot of things for the people to answer.

And it is not a critic.

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Yohan you have an awful problem. Why are you so bitter toward women, when you have been happily married for 27 years? Doesn't that tell you all women in the world are not bad? Did your father poison your mind so much towared women that you can't get over it?

There are bad people in the world. Some are men and some are women. There are men who have lost financially when the marriage breaks up, but if two people have lived and worked together for years, why does the man still think he owns it all? Doesnt it belong to both, to be shared in a breakup? If there are young children in the marriage, don't they deserve a home?

I think your father was married before he had you and he has whinged forever about having to support his other child and you have been affected by it. Why would a man (you) denigrate his sister, otherwise?

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