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Two THAI flights from London found to be Covid-19 hotspots


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18 minutes ago, smedly said:

and they are testing very few people - I believe 20,000 in 3 months - with that level of testing how could they possibly know how many infected there really are and how many have died from CV-19 - impossible

It was only 7000 odd tested by the 17th March.



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4 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

Why do they only list the 1 seat with the infected person?  They don't know the other seats the infected people were in?

People asking about cleaning and turn-around time.  These long haul flights have at least a 24 hr turn around time thus easily cleaned.

Whatever makes you think that except for major servicing no aircraft is on the ground more than a couple of hours, cleaned, refueled, restocked galleys,crew change and passengers boarded then up up and away. 

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44 minutes ago, Gilltom said:

Was the plane Thougherly cleaned and disinfected each way??????,

It was a TG flight?? does that answer the question


Edited by RJRS1301
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7 hours ago, Metropolitian said:

No mentioning that the three are foreigners from UK.

So they were Thai who brought the virus with them?


         When asked by thai people, what county  you from .

        Answers please .  

       I always reply Isle of Man ..

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

Is important if thai or foreigner? 


the reason the public health office show this information because to warn other people who on the planes to test covid.

To stop spread.

Because their job.

they show seat number, flight number etc. 


sorry hurt your feeling, but is more important to do good job right?

i happy they show it. Why not?

You are very selective about what you respond to on TVF, I asked you a direct question yesterday and you didn't answer, probably because you didn't like the answer you would have to give 


You are going on about facemasks and have made it your mission now while ignoring the really important issues about your government data 


so here it is again 


- what is the single most important thing your governemnt should be doing and is not doing 


- why have Thailand only tested about 20,000 people in the last 3 months, how can they accurately report CV-19 confirmed cases of infected and dead if they are not testing ??????????


I don't expect an answer - because you can't answer without admitting a gross failure 

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2 hours ago, jesimps said:

It doesn't matter what the nationality of the passengers were, the whole world caught it eventually from that "wet" market in Wuhan China, where they were selling bats, dogs and other exotic creatures for eating. Goodness knows why they should want to eat bats, probably something to do with sexual virility. The Thais should've banned all arrivals from China as soon as the virus was made public in my opinion.

Yes, and the wet markets are already back up and running per news reports.

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41 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

Getting very boring all this British bashing.......   Very childish, but what do you expect ?  Do you notice there's no Chinese bashing going on ?  Mmmmm, wonder why ? 

It's always been very boring, all this British bashing of everyone else in the world.......   Very childish, but what do you expect ? Shouldn't they be bashed in turn whenever possible? Do you notice there's constant Chinese bashing going on ?  Mmmmm, wonder why ? 

Edited by BigStar
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6 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I have been that annoying passenger for many years. On boarding any aircraft, before seating I wipe down the headrest, arm rests, tray table and back of seat infront of me if in economy.

Holds others up, momentarily, but my safety has always been paramount. Always concerned about nits from headrests, and once found a really dirty wet tray table.(on TG)

Good thinking, batman. Wonder how the ban on drinking straws is helping spread the virus worldwide?

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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Surely immigration knows where these passengers went to from their arivals cards,. Why do they not contact trace them and test them, with repeat testing done to confirm any negative results, along with self quarantine.

Yes, you’d expect a level of common sense. Assume they landed and stayed in Thailand, should be straightforward.

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1 minute ago, Lancashireman said:

Yes, you’d expect a level of common sense. Assume they landed and stayed in Thailand, should be straightforward.

From our posters, yes. If they were Thais--as we've all convinced ourselves they were--then they filled out no arrival cards. This was a point made earlier.

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8 hours ago, Metropolitian said:

No mentioning that the three are foreigners from UK.

So they were Thai who brought the virus with them?


Given the  flight date that is most likley. Only foreigners with work permits/diplomatic status able to enter then


Also I think they would have specified if it had been foreigners

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2 hours ago, RubbaJohnny said:

May I add as a former frequent flyer and employee of an airline.


Passengers often swop places , with or without consent of crew.


On full planes to be closer to friends etc or avoid undesireable flyers due to many innocent factors e.g. baby, sleepers, attire etc.I recall a guy whose 4ft dreadlocks covered teh tray of a client behind in cattle class.


On unfilled or almost empty flights folks often like to stretch out on an empty row or prefer a window/exit seat etc.


As only foreigners would be invited b PM or dimplomats cannot imagine they were not at the pointy end in business or First class.


If Thai passport holders they will have an ID address linked to the ticket and passport.


IMHo the announcement seems to imply London tainted.

Meanwhile back in the real world Thais are mingling and flights are coming in from many places





In addition to numbers an interesting stat is number of cases and or deaths per million

Using this metric

Top of the league here.




1M popDeaths/
1M pop

top micro state San marino within Italy









Deaths per million in Netherlands =78 , China =2 


Yet a plane is arriving from Amsterdam today.




That plane is most probably empty as basically nobody is allowed to enter, and only picking up return passengers.......... 

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3 hours ago, Dante99 said:

Since when?  Last trip out about 6 months ago wife completed the cards, departure card was taken when we left and arrival card half was collected on arrival.  Been this way for many years.  So when did it change or are you perhaps mis-informed.

No, not misinformed. I don't know the exact date. Last few trips abroad there was no card for my Thai partner.

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Unlike people this virus does not discriminate.  What difference does it make if the infected individuals were Thai's; or, from Timbuktu? How about concentrating on how many passengers were on those flights; and, give us some idea what there end destination was in Thailand.  

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

Those in Thailand that point an accusing racist finger at foreigners apart from Chinese need think very hard before opening their stupid mouths.

Any factual mention of foreigners having the virus, or of merely committing crimes (as long as the Red Bull heir is still out there), is inevitably condemned as racist by all our bigots, paranoids, and professional victims on the forum. Note that, in your view, not just a finger but a "racist" finger, as long as it's Chinese, is quite OK. We point racist fingers at them all the time anyway, right? Our racism, heh.


I suspect there's just a lot of disappointment the article didn't say the seats were occupied by Thais, so we could all pile on. Or didn't say, "Brits," in which the screams and soiling of knickers would fill another 30 pages. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Well, we gotta make the best of it, eh. We'll pile on anyway.

2 hours ago, smedly said:

dirty disgusting behaviour 

2 hours ago, smedly said:

We all know where this originated - we are all victims of this serious "KILLER" contagion that started in "CHINA" - it didn't start in Thailand or Italy or the UK or USA  -  IT STARTED IN CHINA and we are all paying the same price for their dirty disgusting behaviour 

Sic 'em, sport!


But alas there's also this:



When the coronavirus began to spread, Mongolia took sensible precautions. It halted border crossings from China, with which it shares a 2,877-mile border. Mongolia also imposed travel bans on people from South Korea and Japan, the other epicenters of the pandemic at the time. Yet the virus nonetheless found its way to Mongolia, where the first infected person — known as the “index case” — was a Frenchman who had come to the country from France via Moscow.


The story is the same for many other countries that became part of the pandemic due to infected people carrying it from Europe.

          --Coronavirus Started in China, but Europe Became the Hub for Its Global Spread


2 hours ago, smedly said:

Thailand authorities need to stop this childish racist rhetoric now - we are all in this together - we are all victims including Thailand and Thai people

The childish racist rhetoric emanates as usual from TVF, not the Nonthaburi Provincial Public Health Office, which made an objective announcement of interest to the public, notably those who took TG917 flights from Heathrow to Suvarnabhumi on March 27 and 28. If I were one of those passengers, I'd be grateful and I'd self-quarantine and watch for symptoms. Might save my life.  

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8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Sorry, but isn't it also just as likely that they were infected by getting into a seat from some flying out of Thailand few hours earlier at Heathrow  ? Are they tracing all the people that flew out on the potentially infected plane ? No, thought not. 

BS. The virus wouldn't survive on the seats. Maybe fractions of RNA which is not living but dead! Not contagious at all. Same with door handles. Contact is only for seconds. So not contagious. Fear sometimes can block your brain.. ????

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1 hour ago, Curt1591 said:

Most cruise ships actually have excellent hygiene standards. On a Princess ship, before this episode, I was surprised by their conscientiousness. Few tourist facilities are as closely monitored. 

Entering the buffet areas, there were double sink washing stations with someone overseeing guests as they entered. The restrooms had signs posted above the toilets, asking people to wash their hands and then use a paper towel to open the doors. There were bins outside in which to toss that towel. 

The rest of the ship simply required the same hygiene one might follow staying at any other hotel.

I supposed it’s a bit like being a fart in a spacesuit

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6 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

People asking about cleaning and turn-around time.  These long haul flights have at least a 24 hr turn around time thus easily cleaned.

Haven't you been in the departure lounge and watched the aircraft arrive, passengers disembark, cleaners on then passengers board in about 2 hours?.

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5 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

The PP holder's address at application may be encoded in the ID page but their intended destination after entry is not declared.

well when we arrived back at swamp ,21st March,  both I and my Thai lady had to fill in the app on arrival, which asked for seat numbers and addresses we will be going to, which included Bangkok and our village address, so would be simple to trace a Thai after arrival  


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4 hours ago, Dante99 said:

Since when?  Last trip out about 6 months ago wife completed the cards, departure card was taken when we left and arrival card half was collected on arrival.  Been this way for many years.  So when did it change or are you perhaps mis-informed.

No arrival or departure card needed for my Thai lady , but needed completed app on phone for arrival in March

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Takes a week for the release of the story “ Thai airways / British airways both suspend flights until further notice... Eva air a airline I’ve always used until now ! Flights Available economy class 22,566 premium economy 32,000 baht ???? have a return flight booked for may ( will stand my ground already paid so rather than get ripped off by these airlines by returning home early,I’ll wait and see if they honour my return as scheduled. Eva air will also operate a flight on Sunday,so anybody looking to return should make there booking if need. Would advise u.k pats to register with the embassy as you’ll receive a daily email for scheduled flights back to the u.k. stay safe 

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6 minutes ago, kidneyw said:

What about the health clearance certificate presented at boarding? Makes a mockery of the Thai government's requirements.

Tell that to the construction engineer at the health ministry.

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51 minutes ago, BigStar said:

From our posters, yes. If they were Thais--as we've all convinced ourselves they were--then they filled out no arrival cards. This was a point made earlier.

Passport numbers would have been recorded and the address on that would be a good place to begin looking, because even if they are no longer in residence, the current occupant may know them .

Perhaps there is no contact tracing going on.


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