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Trump negative for coronavirus again, says wearing masks okay

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9 hours ago, Thailand said:

Been a huge rush on designer scarves I guess. What a <deleted>.

In Ivanka has that covered ...


You guys still not realized that Mr. Donald Trump is a child of the highest God, either you like it or not the man is an instrument in the hand of God who made heaven and the death, I mean God of the whole universe. no weapon against Trump shall prosper in the name of Jesus

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2 hours ago, SimpleMan555 said:

For those calling for President Trump to look to the experts for advice...

From NPR:   
Headline: Should We All Be Wearing Masks In Public? Health Experts Revisit The Question 

"We certainly don't have enough masks in health care," says William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University.  

Some research has shown that cotton T-shirt material and tea towels might help block respiratory droplets emitting from sick people, even if the effect is minimal.


"Homemade masks, shawls, scarves and anything that you can conjure up at home might well be a good idea," says Schaffner. "It's not clear that it's going to give a lot of protection, but every little bit of protection would help."




From The New Yorker:
Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles.
But don’t go out and buy N95 or surgical masks. Medical workers in hospitals thick with covid-19 cases need those, and there are not enough even for them. For everyone else, a cloth mask, home-sewn or rigged up, or even a “tucked-in bandanna,” combined with social distancing, would at least be a start. “


IMO: I did not vote for him. but he is the current President of the USA.

Yes he says some really stupid things and has not made the correct decisions 100% of the time, but in the interest of fairness, I believe in giving credit where credit is due. 


His use of the word 'scarves' was suggested by an expert in the context of using an alternative method of protecting others while not depleting already limited resources. 

It would seem some here prefer to just complain, find fault or otherwise provide lazy uninformed comments instead of finding productive ways to support those combating this international crisis.

I fully support a discussion of all matters pertaining to this crisis, though commentary purely based in opinion and in direct contradiction to recognized fact-checking sites or the historical timeline are really not useful.

I would suggest we all look towards ways we can support others both here in Thailand and at home...



Why did you have to mention that you did not vote for him? Would it be embarrassing if people thought you voted for him?


And what's up with this comment?


Yes he says some really stupid things and has not made the correct decisions 100% of the time, but in the interest of fairness, I believe in giving credit where credit is due. 


You say he's wrong 100% of the time, but you give credit? That's very weird logic and what I expect from Trump-haters. He messes up your head and makes it hard to think clearly. What do they call it? "Trump derangement syndrome".


The man has some serious powers, that's for sure. He sends half the population crazy, and the other half adore him. LOL> I'm not even an American, but I like him. Finally, American politics is no longer boring. Most of your recent presidents would send anyone to sleep.


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Just now, bristolboy said:

Maybe Trump belongs in a circus where he could entertain you and spare the nation

Most of the entertainment is from watching the Trump haters squirming.

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11 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Thank the Lord he is okay. At least he gets tested unlike some others.

If there were a lord... I suppose COVID-19 is just as good as a bolt of lightning

4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Actually, When SimpleMan555 said Trump didn't make correct decisions 100% of the time, it's clear he meant Trump wasn't always right. But of whom can't that be said. The question is how often is Trump wrong compared to others. And there he manages to be wrong a lot.

Good try, but I don't think that's it. Anyway, he said what he said, and if he was wrong, let the person who said it explain his error.

5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I agree. Since Trump supporters seem to turn on the same dime that Trump does when it comes to issues, I think what Trump does is toprovide people like you occasions for schadenfreude. Which is about as intellectually and morally as bankrupt an agenda as there can be. For their mascot, the Republicans should drop the elephant and adopt the troll.

LOL. Here you go again. Insult his supporters. (basket of deplorables?) As a non-citizen I cannot be a supporter, but I am a fan, and he's a big improvement on the best the rest of you have to offer. If you want to see real fools, and they are looking more foolish by the day, you don't have to look too far. I thought by now being a supporter of his opposition party would be embarrassing, but no, they keep hoping for miracles.

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21 minutes ago, tropo said:

Most of the entertainment is from watching the Trump haters squirming.

Gotta agree - but the really bad one (those wishing Trump was positive) get #instablocked

  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, Tgcoll said:

You guys still not realized that Mr. Donald Trump is a child of the highest God, either you like it or not the man is an instrument in the hand of God who made heaven and the death, I mean God of the whole universe. no weapon against Trump shall prosper in the name of Jesus

Oh please. 

I don't realize it.

I don't believe it and I wouldn't like it if I did believe it.

Great example of the link between followers of political cults of personality and religious dogma. Scary actually. 

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4 hours ago, Sujo said:

Why is it that at his briefings he is at the podium with half a dozen others and none wear masks.

More importantly, no social distancing. He thinks he's the leader of the nation. That's not leadership. 

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Every leader in the western world should have reacted far earlier, you have a point there.


Trump reacted earlier than Merkel though, I don't see you taking Angela Merkel to task.


Of course Trump has the excuse that the CDC did not produce working tests for weeks, so the experts caused part of the delay.


I wouldn't compare South Korea, 50 million, with the US 320 million. It's a different league.

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38 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


The U.S. had the choice of using the WHO tests.

They rejected them.

The CDC is an agency that exists under the 45 administration. The buck stops with him even though he irresponsibly refused any personal accountability whatsoever (as he has done all his life).


That wasn't possible, because the CDC insisted that only their approved tests would meet the highest standards in the US. You can read the full shocking story about the CDC incompetence here:




Perhaps in hindsight Trump should have stopped in earlier and insisted that private business develop the tests, like in Germany and South Korea, and later in the US. However, it was not unreasonable for him to trust the CDC, if you can't trust your own agency, who can you trust?


It's normal for the governors to take the actions they're taking, we saw the same in other federal systems like Germany.

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43 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Not sure what you mean by react. Even into March he was minimizing the threat. And, of course, Germany was far better prepared.

And why wouldn't you compare South Korea to the US? Because numbers over 100 million are scary? Over 200 million? 300 million? What rational basis is there for saying that the 2 can't be compared?  The US is a richer country than South Korea but was not prepared as well. 


I meant that as soon as Wuhan unfolded all leaders should have closed their countries immediately. 


Germany was not better prepared, Merkel did not prepare fully despite a 2012 warning from the RKI. It just so happened spending on the German health system had been ramping up for years.


You can't compare much smaller countries with a large country. The swift action that is possible in a place like South Korea is just not possible in a large country like the US. It is much harder to control a country like the US, and to put in place the kinds of steps that South Korea, a much smaller country, put in place.


South Korea was not prepared btw. It just so happened that, like in Germany, small companies straight away started work on test-kits when China published the genome. In the US this most likely happened as well, but the CDC did not allow private companies to help, like they did in Germany and South Korea.

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3 hours ago, tropo said:

Good try, but I don't think that's it. Anyway, he said what he said, and if he was wrong, let the person who said it explain his error.

No error by the poster, the error is of your misinterpretation.


Saying he is not right 100% of the time means he is not always correct. Not that he is always wrong.

8 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

It didn't say Trump was healthy,it said he showed negative to Covid19. Mental illness,drug  addiction and compulsive disorders are a different thing.Positive to all!

He is healthy and without symptoms," Conley said.


Sean Conley is Trump's physician. He should know more about the health of the POTUS than anyone else.

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8 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm getting a bit tired of the Trump admirers who use "Trump Hater" as a label. Fact is, his initial downplaying of coronavirus is going to cost a lot of American lives and American jobs. COVID-19 cases in the USA are double that of any other country. While one can argue China is concealing the real number of infections, it's still a damning statistic.

Harry Truman kept a sign in his office saying the buck stops here. About time Trump was presented with one.


COVID-19 cases in the USA may be double that of any other country but their population is much larger than most other countries as well. More than quadruple that of most other Western nations.

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Please stop posting debunked propaganda. The blather about Trump refusing WHO test kits has been debunked by numerous sources. Pick one or more:



From the first article that comes up with your link. Lol.

What's True

The U.S. did not use COVID-19 diagnostic tests produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in favor of producing its own.

What's False

The U.S. did not turn down an offer to use those tests (as no such offer was extended), nor was it unusual for the United States to design and produce its own diagnostic tests in lieu of those made elsewhere.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Logosone said:

I meant that as soon as Wuhan unfolded all leaders should have closed their countries immediately. 


Germany was not better prepared, Merkel did not prepare fully despite a 2012 warning from the RKI. It just so happened spending on the German health system had been ramping up for years.


You can't compare much smaller countries with a large country. The swift action that is possible in a place like South Korea is just not possible in a large country like the US. It is much harder to control a country like the US, and to put in place the kinds of steps that South Korea, a much smaller country, put in place.


South Korea was not prepared btw. It just so happened that, like in Germany, small companies straight away started work on test-kits when China published the genome. In the US this most likely happened as well, but the CDC did not allow private companies to help, like they did in Germany and South Korea.

It was maybe no perfect in Germany but nothing to compare with the US.

On top of it, the Germans did not have a leader talking whatever B.S. came to his mind during more than one month.

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