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Curfew Day 2: Three hundred curfew breakers will face the courts


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This is the time guys.

Step 1. Ask a women for a date at say 8 pm. It will be sheap as no restaurants open.

Step 2. 9.30 pm or what time is suitable, tell her that you will escort her to her home so she get there safely.

Step 3. When at her home, say something like, Oh, I forget the curfew. No chance for me to get home in time. I have to stay at your place over night. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Daily News reported that the police will press charges against 308 people who violated curfew conditions between 10 pm on Saturday and 4 am on Sunday.

Some just don't get the message!

But then again time keeping was never a Thais strong point.

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6 hours ago, kevin612 said:

I expect everyone knows the time to stay home. But that 40000 fine is really huge.

Huge indeed, but dead would be much worse, eh?

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6 hours ago, seajae said:

its actually great to see the police doing their jobs for once, the receipt would mean the money didnt go in their pockets as well, just maybe others will now think twice before doing it themselves........nah, not doing as they please does not compute

If only they could put as much effort into cutting the horrendous road carnage....????

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Agreed , that would translate in the uk as probably £8,000 or about $9500 - if based on monthly wages of Thai earning 13,000 baht a month

Try again. If £8000 got you 40000Bt, the rate would be 5 Bt/£

40000 is about £1000 ($1250)

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8 minutes ago, mrfill said:

Try again. If £8000 got you 40000Bt, the rate would be 5 Bt/£

40000 is about £1000 ($1250)

Read again, he compared it to the number of months somebody has to work to pay this fine.

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7 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

They don't watch the news either then.

they don't have to in many rural parts, that's what the tannoys are for. We have two sets, one for messages from / via the Pooyai and a relatively new one from the Tessaban. The latter has been posting daily "Corona" updates for several weeks now. Then there's word of mouth, we may be out in the sticks but news travels amazingly quickly out here.

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Damn, you lot can't help swooping in on every story for your little 'I think Thais are...' circle jerk

Only 2 days of curfew and out the millions who live here only around 300 going to court, not exactly everyone breaking the curfew, is it? 

Yes, they shouldn't be breaking it, but the 'Thais are...' because of the action of some it getting boring

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I just passed a daily market outside of Pattaya city! I think the word "distance" doesn't exist in thai language and behaviour.  Just before a huge group of workers at a construction site in Pattaya gathered together,  probably to wait for their transport. And sure they stay on distance if minimum 1 meter!

So that actions are mostly good for nothing as people are not educared to problems like a virus can be given to others. And i LOVE the faily faced statistics of infections and mortality.

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10 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

Must be a great moneyspinner for the Bib while their brothels and other nefarious business activities are on lockdown. 

There's plenty money to be made for them, just look on lazada how many fake brand name items are sold, loads of it....and all have a vendor who is registered so it's easy to go get him/her....

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10 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Not everyone listened I know a Thai couple who went home to sticky rice land and didn't have a clue they couldn't get back to Phuket, they cant prove they live in Phuket having lived here for years so now they are stuck in sticky rice land with no work and no money he doesn't want to risk driving here and getting turned away obviously his Tabian baan is not here in Phuket

They dont use Facebook or line 

Tuff Titty. They should follow the rules.

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4 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

they don't have to in many rural parts, that's what the tannoys are for. We have two sets, one for messages from / via the Pooyai and a relatively new one from the Tessaban. The latter has been posting daily "Corona" updates for several weeks now. Then there's word of mouth, we may be out in the sticks but news travels amazingly quickly out here.

So why didn't they know?

Sounds a bit like the Cuban news readers in the factories who tell you their truth about what is happening.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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16 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

So why didn't they know?

Sounds a bit like the Cuban news readers in the factories who tell you their truth about what is happening.

I strongly suspect that they did know, I find it very hard to believe that they didn't.

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On 4/6/2020 at 10:02 AM, Thian said:

Our private park in the moobaan has huge warning signs, no walking/playing/fitness and so on....the thai can't be bothered though and do it nonstop. They also don't wear mouthmasks and don't keep distance...

We need exercise to stay healthy, mentally as well as physically. Stay a safe distance from others and in the open air you should be fine. Locking people up indefinitely will do harm than good - and create health problems for the future.



Edited by Krataiboy
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15 hours ago, Morty T said:

19,312 (Thai) - were out legitimately or were warned. 308 (Farang) will get to court. Nothing unusual here. 

And where you come up with the news, that this 308 are Foreigners? I think this are mostly Thais, maybe even all are Thai....

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