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When this is all over whats the first thing you will do?


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Weekdays for me & wife in the center of Bangkok has been much the same. Waking up at 6am and drive to office at 0730 with lunch prepared by the maid and packed in a hot casserole. Home by about 7pm. Son is at home studying online. Miss our weekend lunches at favourite restaurants. Maybe our first few outings when things get normal would be to have lunch at our personal favourite places : Pepper Lunch (son), BBQ Plaza (wife), Banana Leaf (myself) and Yayoi (maid).

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1st thing will be to take a run in Lumpini Park, and get off this damn treadmill, feel like I am in the gym instead of out in the world.  Of course then fly back to the US for a short visit, hit "IN N Out" Burger and get a double double.  Check in on my folks, yes they are OAF but still healthy.....Father still drives a logging truck at 82, but now he is stuck at home because of this thing....

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2 hours ago, ChipButty said:

She's been around the block

On Sukhumvit couple of nights ago there was an obvious hooker with a shirt that said in big block letters ANYTHING. And I'm sure there will be a lot of anything when this calms down, but it would be wrong to take advantage of another's distress... but I tip well...

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2 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Full service this time ???????? i think go to an ago-go and get drunk and barfine 1 or 2 for half price i think their in need af cash around the time this is all over 

They will have gone online, they’re not stupid. Problem is then they won’t be coming back to the bars when they realise online is a much much better lifestyle! 

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Retired now so no review meetings with the Chairman, presentations with prospective customers etc., hair way down (pun) on my list of priorities. So time to upgrade the Porsche and renew my pilot licence. Chill out and keep those cancer cells at bay

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14 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Anyone else wasted money on a 2020 diary?

Men have journals - women keep a diary =


usually something like -


dear diary today me/myself/and I blah blah blah blah.....



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I already sit in the house, in a small northern rice town, and write on the laptop from 9 am to 4 pm.   

I did that before the Virus. Will do it after.

No change. Never bored.

My son will be born Mid May.

Hoping I have no Visa problems.

Never had a problem 4 years so far.


We'll see.


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Most 0f the replies are from people "IN" Los, for me - being in OZ, as soon as it will be safe..... I want to find a reasonable ONE WAY flight to BKK, get to my Condo, and have a 2 hour Massage everyday!!! A Haircut for less than $ 20.00 - a trip over to Koh Larn to my Favorite Beach for a swim and share some time again with my favorite Ladies!! ????

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11 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Maybe there will be a vaccine out before the next one comes, until then the Chinese should be kept in China. But, unfortunately, due to Thailand chasing away a lot of tourists and expats, they are going to need their business.

Erm. Can't make a vaccine for a disease that hasn't happened yet.

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8 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Full service this time ???????? i think go to an ago-go and get drunk and barfine 1 or 2 for half price i think their in need af cash around the time this is all over 

Price more likely to go up, to make up for what they didn't get now.

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10 hours ago, Sheryl said:


The situation there is unspeakably awful. I am in constant touch with my family there. Most of my friends are too exhausted, working in hospitals, to talk much.  They say it is pure chaos (in the hospitals).


I think the mass transit was key to the exponential rise in cases and ti is hard to see how they will be able to reopen things. The city is so completely reliant on mass transit  that there is no way it can get back to even 1/4 normal without it, but  even 1 infected person getting on the subway in rush hour would re-ignite things in a major way.


So even once new cases taper off, it likely will be a long haul for NYC.

Would that be for the hospitals that cater to normal people or all, even the ones for rich people?

For years they've been telling us that American health care is the best in the world..............................


What I don't understand about this situation in any western country, is why they didn't get the military to open their field hospitals to keep Corona cases out of public hospitals- normal medical problems won't stop just because of this situation. They don't have to rely entirely on military medics- can use civilian nurses as well.

PS, I am an ex medic.

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