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Immigration set to announce automatic visa extensions and suspension of 90 day report


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Yes you need to apply for an extension of stay on or before the expiration date of permitted to stay stamped inside your passport.  There is no current information when or even if there will be any other option but keep watching as it will be headline news here when anything is known.

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20 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It is obvious that the army does not want us here as ex-pats.


Except 3 nationalities, a letter of income is still accepted for an extension based on retirement. I personally have done something like 15 this way;

my last one in January 2020.

Of course it can change tomorrow, everything is subject to change here. 


I suppose if the embassies of the 3 countries would again issue L.o.I.,they will also be accepted by Immigration providing it contain the right sentences. 

In my case, the Austrian consulate write : "We hereby certify..." 

Good enough for every I. officer I dealed with. 


Edited by luckyluke
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12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, they have created new laws. You now have to get a bank history using the income method, and 12 separate statements, including a history of your account, since it was opened. It costs 6,000 baht, to be paid to the bank. Likely a scam that the banking industry established with immigration, to discourage guys from NOT loaning 800,000 to the banks, interest free.


It becomes more inane each year. It is obvious that the army does not want us here as ex-pats. I will outlast them. They will be gone long before I will leave. The youth will eventually OUST them! 


I despise the Thai army with every nanogram of my being. They are vampires, sucking the blood of the nation and it's people.



Are you saying that when I go for my next extension of stay based on retirement the 800k I have in the bank for all the years I have been here will not suffice ?    That I will now have to show a monthly income transfer of 65k for one year ?    I did my last one year last December.

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2 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

Are you saying that when I go for my next extension of stay based on retirement the 800k I have in the bank for all the years I have been here will not suffice ?    That I will now have to show a monthly income transfer of 65k for one year ?    I did my last one year last December.

No, 800k in the bank is still accepted.

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I don't really find this to be "news" myself. A foreigner reporting what the Thai government may do? Nothing could go wrong there.


If this decision is severely impacting your life I would NOT be waiting on pins and needles. Just proceed as usual. 

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1 hour ago, audaciousnomad said:

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 12.41.45 PM.png

Those words are not worth the paper they are written on. Richard seems like a fine old chap, but why not just make this post....... after the PM has signed...

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5 hours ago, jimmjam said:

They dont have a clue about what they are doing. Left it until the last minute so they can drain as much money as possible before the <deleted> hit the fan.

Patronizing comment from someone who is presumably a guest in this country.

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39 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, they have created new laws. You now have to get a bank history using the income method, and 12 separate statements, including a history of your account, since it was opened. It costs 6,000 baht, to be paid to the bank. Likely a scam that the banking industry established with immigration, to discourage guys from NOT loaning 800,000 to the banks, interest free.


It becomes more inane each year. It is obvious that the army does not want us here as ex-pats. I will outlast them. They will be gone long before I will leave. The youth will eventually OUST them! 


I despise the Thai army with every nanogram of my being. They are vampires, sucking the blood of the nation and it's people.



"to discourage guys from NOT loaning 800,000 to the banks, interest free."


Small correction to be correct…. the 800K give you a interest of 0.50% , paid twice a year (each 6 month's ) , even more than we get in Europe (0 or 0.10% ) and the800K is a 5 minutes hassle free handling if documents complete and depending if others before you


So recommended if you have the 800K and can miss it half for a while  (7 months 400K is yours to use if needed..)

Edited by david555
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6 hours ago, kotsak said:

Needless to say that I'll keep doing my 90-days reporting on time (via post) just to be on the safe side ????

I did it ten days ago March 30th,  no news of my return enveloppe till now!  

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I’ll wait for the official announcement before I start cheering. This blogger thinks he knows it all and why the story is being printed is beyond me. It’s just a rumor at this stage. Am I wrong ?

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This recommendation has been doing the circuits for over a week now, to my recollection.  The longer the delay, the more people who are put at risk not only of getting the virus, but of dying from it, which includes Thai Staff as well as the Foreign Tourists.  This needs to be actioned NOW, not at the discrection of the decision makers.  Thailand needs to be very careful that people now trapped in this situation and are without doubt being "mucked" about by an indecisive Government as it will cause them to reflect that, do they really want to come back and suffer all this adverse, unnecessary and incompetant administration in the future.  I have been here for 15 years and am amazed at how this has been allowed to drag on for so long, with no thought of people's welfare and wellness by those in power.  I think like many it is time to pause for thought and to consider, do I really want to stay here any longer?  Time to review things either after the pandemic has gone, or ...........?

Edited by robertson468
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4 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

That you are not in the online database unless you have actually made an entry into Thailand within the last 7 or so years regardless of all the 90 day reports you have filed - and there is no way to get onto that database without leaving Thailand.

Yea, unless you entered 1 Jan 2013 or after you are not in their online 90 day reporting database which is separate from their master 90 day database.


And if you have entered Thailand after 1 Jan 2013 but renewed your passport without ever exiting/reentering Thailand on that new passport you will not be to report online because of the passport number mismatch now in the online system which does not get updated with your new passport number even though you went to your immigration office to have visa info transfer to the new passport.  A person needs to exit and reenter Thailand to get correctly registered again in their online 90 day database with their new passport.


The online 90 day reporting system simply will not work for some people....not because of using the wrong browser or something like that....simply because of the reasons I mentioned above.   Poor implementation of a reporting tool.


I never could report using the online system because of above reasons (i.e, never left Thailand since 2008 and have renewed my passport)....so I must report in person or via mail.  For the last 3 years or so I have done mail reporting to my immigration office which is CW/Bangkok.  Have no problem getting stamps at my Bangkok post office...sometimes I can get a 10 baht stamp, usually two 5 baht stamps but once I had to get four 3 baht stamps.  And up till about six months ago the 90 day receipt the immigration office mailed back in your self addressed/stamped enveloped included all the attachments I had included with my report....but now only the receipt is enclosed.   I always get the receipt back in about 7 to 10 days....works fine. 



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1 hour ago, Speedo1968 said:

Are you saying that when I go for my next extension of stay based on retirement the 800k I have in the bank for all the years I have been here will not suffice ?    That I will now have to show a monthly income transfer of 65k for one year ?    I did my last one year last December.

no , only for the 65K a month system , for the 800K all stay same , the 65 k give the I.O. more job to control , hence they like the Thai bank take that job done for them ….As so also they an see if not the same 65 K go out account in a out /in again "merry go round" trick ...555555

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

A most welcome news...On behalf of all foreigners in the kingdom, Thank you Immigration department and may the spirit of compassion and understanding will prevail and expand to other departments having to do with your guests in this country...

This was proposed last week and people are still waiting and queuing. Not much compassion as far as I  can see

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, they have created new laws. You now have to get a bank history using the income method, and 12 separate statements, including a history of your account, since it was opened. It costs 6,000 baht, to be paid to the bank. Likely a scam that the banking industry established with immigration, to discourage guys from NOT loaning 800,000 to the banks, interest free.


It becomes more inane each year. It is obvious that the army does not want us here as ex-pats. I will outlast them. They will be gone long before I will leave. The youth will eventually OUST them! 


I despise the Thai army with every nanogram of my being. They are vampires, sucking the blood of the nation and it's people.



I don’t think the Thai boys here want be in their army! They have BO choice!! 

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1 hour ago, sucit said:
2 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 12.41.45 PM.png

Those words are not worth the paper they are written on. Richard seems like a fine old chap, but why not just make this post....... after the PM has signed...


I agree. "Just to clarify , once the PM has signed..."  In plain language, that means the PM has NOT signed yet! As something that has not happened, there's no need for clarification. Such double-speak doesn't "clarify" anything - only adds to the confusion

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