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Wuhan lab testing bats for coronavirus had sloppy safety precautions

silver sea

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1 hour ago, silver sea said:

This nerd is discussed by Dr Joseph Mercola.

If this is the same Dr Mercola who is a funder of the anti-vaccine movement, and at the same time sells vitamins and minerals as "alternatives to vaccines" for the likes of measles etc, then I wouldn't believe anything that he says. 


Dr. Joseph Mercola has also been ordered to stop illegal claims about some of the products he sells and is generally considered to be a "quack".




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3 hours ago, xylophone said:

If this is the same Dr Mercola who is a funder of the anti-vaccine movement, and at the same time sells vitamins and minerals as "alternatives to vaccines" for the likes of measles etc, then I wouldn't believe anything that he says. 


Dr. Joseph Mercola has also been ordered to stop illegal claims about some of the products he sells and is generally considered to be a "quack".




Hello xylophone. I see that you don’t like the cut of Dr Mercola’s jib; it’s true that he seems to have sailed close to the wind on some occasions e.g. tanning beds.


For myself, I have found his advice on intermittent and ketofasting helpful. I was 120 kgs and was able to lose 40 kgs. I also followed his advice on oil pulling, which is swilling extra virgin coconut oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes each day. This is much more healthy than using alcohol based mouth wash. Also his advice on getting a good night’s sleep (no computers or electronic devices in the bedroom).


It doesn’t mean that I agree with everything that he writes, and I choose not to buy his vitamin pills and tablets. His daily emails are free, so I guess he has to make his income by selling products. It would seem that plenty of people are happy to buy his stuff over many years. Good luck to them.


For those readers who, like xylophone, don’t like Dr Mercola, I have done an internet search and found an article by Steven Mosher. It explains why the Nerd Scientist believes that Dr Shi Zhingli (Bat Woman) cannot be believed or trusted about the virus strain RaTG13.



So thank you xylophone for your post, as it nudged me to find a very good and interesting alternative. 





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11 minutes ago, silver sea said:

i see you do’t like the cut of Dr Mercola’s jib; it’s true he seems to have sailed close to the wind on some occasions e.g. tanning beds.


For myself, I have found his advice on intermittent and ketofasting helpful. I was 120 kgs and was able to lose 40 kgs. I also followed his advice on oil pulling, which is swilling extra virgin coconut oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes each day. This is much more healthy than using alcohol based mouth wash. Also his advice on getting a good night’s sleep (no computers or electronic devices in the bedroom).


For those readers who, like xylophone, don’t like Dr Mercola, I have done an internet search and found an article by Steven Mosher. It explains why the Nerd Scientist believes that Dr Shi Zhingli (Bat Woman) cannot be believed or trusted about the virus strain RaTG13.



So thank you xylophone for your post, as it nudged me to find a very good and interesting alternative. 





I am not a virologist and I do not pretend to understand the technical data. However, that article seems very long allegation and very short on evidence or substance; a lot of jumping to conclusions. When a lot of the allegations come from someone who is not prepared to put his/her name to the allegations there is a huge credibility gap.

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37 minutes ago, CRUNCHER said:

I am not a virologist and I do not pretend to understand the technical data. However, that article seems very long allegation and very short on evidence or substance; a lot of jumping to conclusions. When a lot of the allegations come from someone who is not prepared to put his/her name to the allegations there is a huge credibility gap.



The Nerd Scientist is probably Chinese and is living in China. Whistleblowers are being persecuted and are disappearing. It makes sense to remain anonymous. Here are some examples of what happened to others who dared to tell what they believe is the truth:





By the way, I hope that those who disapprove of Dr Mercola and of the Nerd Scientist found time to read the article by Ian Birrell, which appears at the top of post #122 above. That was the main purpose of that particular post.


My comment about Dr Mercola and The Nerd Scientist at the end of post #122 was offered as a possible explanation for something said by Ian Birrell, when he wrote: “I have even seen one unpublished paper questioning the validity of the Nature paper.”


Here is the link to his article, if you missed it previously when reading post #122. It is worth reading; you won’t need to think about Dr Mercola or the Nerd Scientist while doing so ????:






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Ian Birrell
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Dr Shi Zenghli was born on 26th May 1964 and so is 24 days older than Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson who was born on 19th June 1964.





The video that follows the one above is interesting too. It is about US diplomatic cables, which warned that Wuhan Institute of Virology had sloppy safety precautions.

Apparently, she wrote on a Chinese messaging app, when the Wuhan Institute of Virology was accused of accidentally leaking the virus:

“The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilised living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory ... I advise those who believe and spread rumours from harmful media sources … to shut their stinking mouths.”


... or as her equally reputable Gemini twin, Boris Johnson, would say, when dismissing media reports about his mistress and her abortion, that all these claims were an “inverted pyramid of piffle.”





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This is an article by Steven Mosher. It is dated February 22nd. A lot has happened since then, but here is an interesting quote from the article:




“And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.


‘You heard me right.


‘Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.“







Does this offer a possible explanation for the current outbreak in Beijing?


Interestingly, over the last few days a rumour was spreading that the latest outbreak in Beijing had been caused by imported salmon. Norway’s imported salmon was cancelled last weekend. The accusation against salmon has now been withdrawn:




But why did imported salmon get accused of causing the outbreak in the first place? Most of the salmon comes from Norway and Norway has been in the news recently, or at least a scientific Norwegian paper was brought to public attention by Sir Richard Dearlove. He used to be the head of MI6, which is the UK’s most famous spying agency.


His comments were originally reported in the Daily Telegraph. I won’t provide a link to that newspaper, because it operates a pay wall, so most of you won’t be able to read the full article.


Instead, I will provide a link to the Daily Mail, which includes an analysis by the freelance investigative journalist John Naish. He explains why the Norwegian scientific paper does not provide conclusive evidence that the virus is man made and so Sir Richard Dearlove made a mistake in promoting it.




Anyway, China is unlikely to have been pleased with Norwegian scientists, and so maybe this explains why imported salmon was blamed for the latest outbreak.

This is only my suggestion, no one else’s. However you may remember several months ago when the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, started to blame Wuhan Institute of Virology, rather than the Wuhan seafood, market. China responded by saying the outbreak was caused by a leak from a US lab. So here we go again, this time with the equally preposterous claim that imported salmon caused the latest outbreak in Beijing. 



Finally, for those who may not be entirely sure, this link explains the difference in meaning between coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19:








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It's pretty obvious the Chinese were to blame in one way or another, but this isn't the issue, no use crying over spilt milk. Will they address the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again? Finger pointing takes us nowhere.

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Yet more scientists who believe that the Sars-COV-2 was engineered in a lab.

It gives a brief history of virus escapes from supposedly secure labs.


It also looks at ‘passaging’ and ‘Gain of Function’ (GOF) In labs. These are scientific techniques, which turn viruses into dangerous pathogens which infect humans.

The aim of such experiments is to try to second guess in a lab how a virus might evolve naturally on its own. Scientists then have a lot more time to develop a vaccine to protect people. Unfortunately, if the artificially created virus leaks from the lab a pandemic disease may occur e.g. COVID-19.

Dr Shi Zenghli (Bat Woman) gets a mention in the article.



“And in February 2020, Scientific American interviewed Zheng-Li Shi. (Bat Woman) Accompanying the interview was a photograph of her releasing a captured bat. In the photo she is wearing a casual pink unzipped top layer, thin gloves, and no face mask or other protection. Yet this is the same researcher whose talks give ‘chilling’ warnings about the dire risks of human contact with bats.


‘All of which tends to confirm the original State Department assessment. As one anonymous “senior administration official”  told Rogin: 

“The idea that it was just a totally natural occurrence is circumstantial. The evidence it leaked from a lab is circumstantial. Right now, the ledger on the side of it leaking from the lab is packed with bullet points and there’s almost nothing on the other side.”






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It is not just the virus leaking from Wuhan labs that is infecting the West. Here is a UK example of what is really going on in the background: high level Chinese corruption among the UK elite.







And a US example relating to a top academic from Harvard.


“What worries Andrew Lelling, U.S. attorney for the Massachusetts district, is that Lieber was allegedly paid to carry out research in China, which, combined with his failure to disclose those relationships, makes him potentially vulnerable to pressure from the Chinese government to do its bidding at some future point. “It was the amount of money involved that drew our attention,” Lelling says, referring to a 2012 contract included in court documents that indicates Lieber received $50,000 a month in salary and millions of dollars in research support. “That is a corrupting level of money.” “







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3 hours ago, silver sea said:

It is not just the virus leaking from Wuhan labs that is infecting the West. Here is a UK example of what is really going on in the background: high level Chinese corruption among the UK elite.







And a US example relating to a top academic from Harvard.


“What worries Andrew Lelling, U.S. attorney for the Massachusetts district, is that Lieber was allegedly paid to carry out research in China, which, combined with his failure to disclose those relationships, makes him potentially vulnerable to pressure from the Chinese government to do its bidding at some future point. “It was the amount of money involved that drew our attention,” Lelling says, referring to a 2012 contract included in court documents that indicates Lieber received $50,000 a month in salary and millions of dollars in research support. “That is a corrupting level of money.” “







Easy grants so the Chinese can then keep the info to themselves and steal some western intel while at it, combined with Wild East no rules safety standards. Yes, some will take the bait. They should be rewarded with stripping their nationality due to treason. One simply does not deal with commies.

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On 6/14/2020 at 9:43 PM, CRUNCHER said:

I am not a virologist and I do not pretend to understand the technical data. However, that article seems very long allegation and very short on evidence or substance; a lot of jumping to conclusions. When a lot of the allegations come from someone who is not prepared to put his/her name to the allegations there is a huge credibility gap.

But one might also say that of current mainstream arguments- from origin to mask wearing.


Unless and until cast iron proof exists on the origin of the coronavirus- as it has in all other outbreaks- then any plausible explanation must be fairly heard.


Remember, a couple of months ago people reacted incredulously to the suggestion that covid 19 was around before the outbreak in Wuhan, but even the Chinese authorities are now admitting it was not the site of origin, but rather the first super spreading event.


I personally find it very difficult to believe that one solitary animal infected just one human, and there does not seem to have been consistent infection as one might expect if a species were causing the problem.





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On 6/19/2020 at 10:42 AM, silver sea said:

“And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.

If that happened in Wuhan, that gives the lab origin a much bigger plausibility.

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25 minutes ago, Monomial said:

That bastion of unbiased reporting and understatement, the Daily Express, ran a story today on this topic.  The issue isn't so much what they said in the article, which has been tossed around now for a while by various people, but the fact that having reached mainstream news publications now without apology, this idea can no longer be considered just a conspiracy theory.




It appears increasingly likely that this virus may indeed have been the result of GOF (Gain of Function) research by Chinese scientists, and this would definitely explain much of what the world has been seeing in terms of samples in wastewater long before the virus was supposedly found in Wuhan. It would explain why the Chinese were so reticent to admit to the problem, why the world so completely overreacted to it when it did become public, and even why Trump has been convinced since day 1 this was the fault of the Chinese. These all have individual explanations outside the GOF hypothesis, but they are obvious reactions if you assume that people at the very top eschelons of power knew this information from the beginning and just didn't tell us.


Like most people I thought the GOF engineering explanation was simply conspiratorial at first, but the continuing preponderance of data points pushing towards a GOF research experiment gone awry is very hard to discount.

I noticed 'The bastion of unbiased reporting and understatement, the Daily Express' has a horoscope section, too - that is probably the part of this publication with the least bias and most credible facts, everything else.........mehhh!

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6 minutes ago, mistral53 said:

I noticed 'The bastion of unbiased reporting and understatement, the Daily Express' has a horoscope section, too - that is probably the part of this publication with the least bias and most credible facts, everything else.........mehhh!


Obviously that particular definition was intended to be sarcastic. In this case they do basically admit in the article that the information in the article came from the Sunday Times, so one might give it slightly higher credibility.


"shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators in the lab at the time of the experiment is likely to be responsible for the outbreak, the Sunday Times has found."


But again, there is nothing inherently ground breaking in any of this. People of varying credibility have been tossing these ideas around for months. What I find compelling in this case is that this is no longer a fringe movement. It has apparently gone mainstream to the point where nobody feels ashamed to speak about it any longer.

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Well I think countries such as USA, UK, and Australia have already made their mind up.  And i can't say I disagree.  Even if entirely innocent with regard to the initial outbreak, the ultra secretive, and sometimes downright misleading behaviour makes it impossible to engage in any meaningful political/commercial process.

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47 minutes ago, Monomial said:


Obviously that particular definition was intended to be sarcastic. In this case they do basically admit in the article that the information in the article came from the Sunday Times, so one might give it slightly higher credibility.


"shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators in the lab at the time of the experiment is likely to be responsible for the outbreak, the Sunday Times has found."


But again, there is nothing inherently ground breaking in any of this. People of varying credibility have been tossing these ideas around for months. What I find compelling in this case is that this is no longer a fringe movement. It has apparently gone mainstream to the point where nobody feels ashamed to speak about it any longer.

There are so many fringe nuts on TV, it's difficult to discern what's sarcasm around here and what is believed as fact - but happy to hear you intended it as sarcasm.


That said - wildly speculating about possible scenarios is not productive or credible, to wit 'is likely to be responsible' is phraseology for 'we are clueless, but we like to slander the Chinese anyway......'

Same goes for 'the Sunday Times has found." - the Sunday Times now has a bunch of scientists that are investigating and are experts on lab technician qualifications and lab security? If the 'the Sunday Times has found." tomorrow the earth is flat is just as credible.........still does not make the earth flat!

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1 hour ago, mistral53 said:

There are so many fringe nuts on TV, it's difficult to discern what's sarcasm around here and what is believed as fact - but happy to hear you intended it as sarcasm.


That said - wildly speculating about possible scenarios is not productive or credible, to wit 'is likely to be responsible' is phraseology for 'we are clueless, but we like to slander the Chinese anyway......'

Same goes for 'the Sunday Times has found." - the Sunday Times now has a bunch of scientists that are investigating and are experts on lab technician qualifications and lab security? If the 'the Sunday Times has found." tomorrow the earth is flat is just as credible.........still does not make the earth flat!

We're hardly in flat earth territory though!!!

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Here is another brave Chinese lady. Born in China she is a well known Chinese-American investigative reporter. She has produced a 1 hour documentary summarizing all her research on the SARS2 outbreak. It has over a million views so far.


She works with the Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television both under a broad based Western Chinese News media conglomerate. 



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It would seem that several scientists from the Wuhan lab have defected and they are being interviewed by American, British and European agencies, so we may not have to wait too long for conclusive evidence that it was leakage from the lab that caused the pandemic. However, it seems that Steve Bannon is involved in the investigation 555 so any conclusions in the report will have his fingerprints all over them.




Steve Bannon Quotes from article:

“It’s not that hard for these viruses to get out. That is why these labs are so dangerous.”


“‘You essentially had a biological Chernobyl in Wuhan, but the centre of gravity, the Ground Zero, was round the Wuhan lab, in terms of the casualty rates. And like Chernobyl, you also had the cover-up – the state apparatus reports to itself and just protects itself.’“





But you may remember from post #28 on page 2 of this thread that I posted an article which had photos of the lax hygiene standards of the Wuhan lab: “I have seen better seals on my fridge.”


One of the photos from that article is below.


I am reposting the link to the article here so you don’t need to track back to page 2 to read it:








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Not sure if a leaking seal on a fridge is important. The virus would still have been frozen and immobilized. Electric bill was probably higher.


More likely some contact occurred while doing tests and/or the test animals were not disposed of correctly. In other words, sloppy techs, human error or corruption.

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  • 1 month later...

Chinese scientist seeks refuge in US because of her postings about the origin of coronavirus in Wuhan.



‘I could not stay silent. I could see China was covering up the truth and I had to do something since I was a professional who could explain it.’



Chinese public health officials who pointed the finger at the market on January 1 eventually admitted four months later that the virus did not erupt on the site after a series of studies challenged their claims.

Dr Yan says she could see there was a cover-up with ‘terrible things’ happening. ‘The market was a smokescreen. I knew I had to somehow deliver a message to the world but I didn’t want to be disappeared before I could deliver my warning.’


Dr Yan remains defiant. ‘My parents have told me not to harm my country. But I had to do this as a doctor and as a scientist. I have to tell the world about the cover-up. If I did nothing, how would I live with myself?’











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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

“China continues to lie; people continue to die.“


The article below is by Steven Mosher about a new book by Giuseppe Tritto, who is “an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology. He is also the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies (WABT), an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997.”

Professor Tritto, in his book, argues that COVID-19 “... definitely wasn’t a freak of nature that happened to cross the species barrier from bat to man.  It was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 (high-containment) lab in a program supervised by the Chinese military.“


As you might expect, Shi Zenghli, aka Batwoman, gets plenty of attention. In the early years, she received financial and scientific help from French and American virus experts.


“Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result—a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic—their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the “chimera” must have come from nature.  The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it.”







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