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China concealed the early coronavirus outbreak, former MI6 spymaster says


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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'd say boycotts, return of manufacturing to home countries, and expropriation of Chinese assets are all on the table. IMO the CCP has badly miscalculated the depth of anger felt towards China.

Can you wait until I bring my Chinese future bride?

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I would like to know that some brave reporter would ask the question during the daily questions to the UK government on this - Head of Mi6 say they lied, what are we going to do about it. But I fear ALL questions are screened before asking and the feed delayed to prevent knowledge of questions like these being asked


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Yes - if Reuters reports 'former MI6 spymaster says' - it is a fact beyond debate. Wait a minute, what did his spooks say about WMD in Irak.....lol. To be quit honest, I am really surprised they didn't drag out the old and tried boogeyman to blame for this one - Russia. 


Once the West stops blaming something or somebody else for their mistakes, we have reached a point to correct the mistakes, sadly, we are not there yet.

Edited by mistral53
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China will pay one way or another. Globalisation as we've known it for the last 30 years is dead in the water. As soon as possible, every sensible country will either try to bring its manufacturers home from China, as Japan is already doing, or else diversify away from China. It may be that it's rich enough now that it won't really matter, but I doubt it. China is the the 21st century version of Typhoid Mary, and she eventually died after three decades of isolation. Let's hope the same fate awaits the devious and deceitful People's Republic. 

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2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Maybe not so too much larger if they already have the vaccine prior to letting the virus get out. But then probably as a couple of billion people needs to be contained area by area.

I wonder about these 2 strains, mild S and aggressive L. 5 million people left Wuhan just before Chinese New Year and the lock down. They all took mild S with them, L only arose in Wuhan later.


Can you think of a better way to vaccinate an entire population? Expose  the country's central transportation hub to a weakened version right before the Chinese new year.


I don't believe that, but...

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52 minutes ago, rabas said:

I wonder about these 2 strains, mild S and aggressive L. 5 million people left Wuhan just before Chinese New Year and the lock down. They all took mild S with them, L only arose in Wuhan later.


Can you think of a better way to vaccinate an entire population? Expose  the country's central transportation hub to a weakened version right before the Chinese new year.


I don't believe that, but...

There's a deep rabbit hole of conspiracy theories around this subject.



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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

I would like to know that some brave reporter would ask the question during the daily questions to the UK government on this - Head of Mi6 say they lied, what are we going to do about it. But I fear ALL questions are screened before asking and the feed delayed to prevent knowledge of questions like these being asked


I would be surprised if questions are pre-screened. But I do think reporters are chary of asking questions which might get their organisation banned from future press conferences.

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4 hours ago, fishtank said:

Sanctions and boycotts against China.

The only way to go.

Set them adrift from the civilised world.

It won't affect them at all. They have been living like cave dwellers for thousands years, it won't make any dent. Don't blame the Chinese political authority. It is because Chinese population itself is the cause of problem. Lack of civility and corruption is imbedded to them due to traditional feudal society without social upheaval. Communist revolution is the first major event for them during five thousands years. The only way to control the huge uncivil population is to rule them by despotic authority. It just needs gradual evolution process for extended period of time. I won't be around until that time. 

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13 hours ago, Mavideol said:

that's not news, we all know that for a while... good luck trying to get China to admit to any wrong doing

Also saw a tv interview, where someone in the know, alledgedly, told about the US/Chinese trade deal that included some 'get out' clause if their was a global catastrophe, which was signed a few days before they announced their virus!!! Who knows??????????????????????????????????

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7 hours ago, Retarded said:

It won't affect them at all. They have been living like cave dwellers for thousands years, it won't make any dent. Don't blame the Chinese political authority. It is because Chinese population itself is the cause of problem. Lack of civility and corruption is imbedded to them due to traditional feudal society without social upheaval. Communist revolution is the first major event for them during five thousands years. The only way to control the huge uncivil population is to rule them by despotic authority. It just needs gradual evolution process for extended period of time. I won't be around until that time. 

What an appalling distortion of history..


By the way,wasn't it Georges Clemenceau who once remarked that "America is the only country that I know of which went from barbarism to decadence without any intervening stages"?


On topic-I agree with 'ukrules'-this chap is a puppet and has been put up to it-whether he is right or wrong is anyone's guess at this stage

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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

China will be held responsible, they won't recover from this in any of our lifetimes.


The WHO were merely aiding and abetting China in their crimes against humanity.


Tedros should be held accountable for his crimes against humanity.  China we accept deceit from but for WHO to be complicit and an enabler of the Chinese narrative and protecting of Chinese interests during a Pandemic was unprecedented.  I hope Tedros and WHO are held to account.

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52 minutes ago, Jimbo2014 said:

Tedros should be held accountable for his crimes against humanity.  China we accept deceit from but for WHO to be complicit and an enabler of the Chinese narrative and protecting of Chinese interests during a Pandemic was unprecedented.  I hope Tedros and WHO are held to account.

A bit of hyperbole there.


Let’s see the evidence first.


And let’s see when MI6 learned of the threat, who they passed that information to and when.

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15 hours ago, NCC1701A said:


about time someone is speaking out. 


Also, I cannot understand why so many countries have demonized Taiwan all this time when most serious intelligence is coming from them.

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11 minutes ago, car720 said:

Also, I cannot understand why so many countries have demonized Taiwan all this time when most serious intelligence is coming from them.

Taiwan also managed to fight the covid better than just about any other country. China is not the only country at fault for the spread of the virus.

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9 hours ago, Retarded said:

It won't affect them at all. They have been living like cave dwellers for thousands years, it won't make any dent. Don't blame the Chinese political authority. It is because Chinese population itself is the cause of problem. Lack of civility and corruption is imbedded to them due to traditional feudal society without social upheaval. Communist revolution is the first major event for them during five thousands years. The only way to control the huge uncivil population is to rule them by despotic authority. It just needs gradual evolution process for extended period of time. I won't be around until that time. 

Not familiar with the Song Dynasty?. Tang? Or the Warring States, which developed the most frighting technologies of the time for weaponry. 

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41 minutes ago, winslowsjardine said:

Taiwan also managed to fight the covid better than just about any other country. China is not the only country at fault for the spread of the virus.

China is absolutely to blame for the spread of the virus.  Have you ever been shopping at a wet market?  Disease abounds.

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10 minutes ago, rabas said:

Not familiar with the Song Dynasty?. Tang? Or the Warring States, which developed the most frighting technologies of the time for weaponry. 

They also invented gunpowder and printing but it doesn't change the fact that China has a drone mentality and I don't mean the latest version.  They are told how to think and that is what they think. e.g. the primary school kids standing up and reciting allegiance to the CCP.  Why not, they watched mum and dad do it and grandparents as well.

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