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Trump to announce 'guidelines' on reopening U.S. economy Thursday


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5 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

JTown's statement is reasonable.  There IS enough money it's just that it is not distributed equally to everyone.  Every month there is a ton of money spent on non-essential goods.  If all those funds were converted to spending on essential goods and services there would be plenty for all.  But that would entail everyone caring for ALL their neighbors with no caveats and a temporary substantial reduction in standard of living.


Its completely UN-reasonable unless you want riots and fighting and chaos. 


This do-gooder garbage might sound practical, but in reality any attempted implementation would cause mayhem. 


Would you be willing to live in a hut with a lightbulb and give up everything you worked for? For the greater good? 


I highly doubt it, and I damn sure wouldn't. 

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2 minutes ago, J Town said:

And if wanting to save the human race above saving the stock market is "do-gooder" then color me a do-gooder.




The human race is in no way at risk due to this virus. Just listen to yourself. 


3 minutes ago, J Town said:

That won't put everyone living in a cave etc. Absolute paranoid rubbish.


So youll be the first to give up your wealth then? Approximately how much are you willing to give up to "save the human race"? 



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4 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Debunked nonsense:


"Sen. Bernie Sanders wrongly claimed President Donald Trump said if people have symptoms of the new coronavirus infection, “doesn’t matter, go to work.” That’s not what the president said."



Did I say Bernie? What universe is it you live on?

During a Wednesday night interview with Fox News, President Trump said he believes people infected with the novel coronavirus may get better "by sitting around and even going to work."

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17 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

If you think that LEFTWING politicians in the USA won’t use this pandemic as ammunition and try to further cripple the country and economy to try and make trump look as bad as possible just have a look at Nancy Pelosi and the funding of the Business  Fund. 

And if you honestly believe that her blocking a 2 page no frills funding bill was not a political move meant to cause harm at the expense of the country then it’s clear you don’t care about objectivity. 

BS The bill was Republican only and the Democrats wanted to also include increased funding for medical spending which Mc Connel would not support. Looks like Republicans now will include. We will see.

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1 hour ago, J Town said:

I always hesitate to give Trump supporters facts - they are completely ignored. However, since there are others that may see this, OK:
"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."


Hard to imagine it getting any worse. Trump IS the worst ever, and Biden, while a bumbling fool, at least knows how to listen to his advisors. Again, I know you'll ignore facts but others will see truth.


Source: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/

Thanks for that link. Saved

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22 minutes ago, candide said:

It will be interesting to see whether GOP states trust Trump enough and reopen quickly, or decide to play safe and wait.


22 minutes ago, candide said:

It will be interesting to see whether GOP states trust Trump enough and reopen quickly, or decide to play safe and wait.

I will be watching with keen eyes on Florida‘s Governor De Santis. He was never serious about social distancing and only bowed to pressure from the public recently to issue a stay-at-home order. I remembered he stepped in when his Surgeon General spoke of the need for more social distancing. He vowed to reopen on 1st May. He better be very sure as he won the ‘18 election by a razor thin advantage. 

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24 minutes ago, J Town said:

Let's see if that works out better than South Dakota, currently the fastest growing Covid-19 outbreak site in the world (the Republican governor there is still refusing to issue a stay-at-home order).


You can't order people to stay at home dude. 


And id really like to know what you expect people to do if they can't work. 

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11 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

I would really like USA to reopen so that the rest of the world can learn from it. This would be a brilliant test case.

Sweden, which didn’t lock down has 1,200 deaths, more than all the other Scan countries combined. But it’s only a small country in the overall scheme of things. 


I think the whole world would love to see what would happen in America, if she reopens now so that they could formulate their strategy accordingly. 

So please Trump, do us all a favour and reopen. LIBERATE! LIBERATE! LIBERATE!


All hate with no solution or suggestion. 


What would you do if you were a working person of middle class who lost their job and can't work? Stay home for a year until a vaccine is viable? 

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29 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

None of the people in this thread who criticize trying to open back up the economy has had a single lucid and coherent alternative other than "stay home" while completely ignoring the fact that most people simply can not "stay home" and certainly not "stay home" until there's a vaccine. 

The only alternative is based on extensive testing, and there is yet only limited testing capacity available.

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8 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


All hate with no solution or suggestion. 


What would you do if you were a working person of middle class who lost their job and can't work? Stay home for a year until a vaccine is viable? 

I would have a solution, if I were POTUS. But I’m not lol. 

I did lose my job and was unable to find another for quite a while. But I had savings and I wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck. And I didn’t have to depend on the food bank either. But then again, I’m not an American. 

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1 minute ago, candide said:

The only alternative is based on extensive testing, and there is yet only limited testing capacity available.


So stay home, lose your job, default on your mortgage, default on your car, wreck your credit score and likely go bankrupt until testing is widespread enough to use it as a sort of pass for movement. 


And that's just a younger middle class family situation, never mind people that live hand to mouth/paycheck to paycheck. 


Nobody is going to do that. Do you really think people are going to do that? 

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