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Thailand reports 28 new coronavirus cases, one more death


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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Good points, Japan did a tremendous job in containing the first wave but are now learning hard lessons about the reasons for the second wave taking over. 


After the Daegu outbreak, the South Korean government began a massive testing program to try and track the epidemic. Japan has done the opposite.


"We are in the middle of an explosive phase of the outbreak," 

"The major lesson to take from Hokkaido is that even if you are successful in the containment the first time around, it's difficult to isolate and maintain the containment for a long period. Unless you expand the testing capacity, it's difficult to identify community transmission and hospital transmission."


This is the statement that worries me most from Japan: Initially, the government said it was because large-scale testing was a "waste of resources" It's now had to change its tune a bit and says it will ramp up testing


Exactly the same rhetoric coming from Taweesin Visanuyothin and parroted by a couple of posters on TVF that its not economically viable to mass test.



Japan were also slower to put in restrictions on crowds too I believe, there was a big kickboxing event in Tokyo on 22nd of March, with 6500 attendance, that's well over double the crowd that was at the show at Lumpini on 6th that caused the problem here.

Edited by Tingnongnoi
added crowd numbers
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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:



Province level, at least something.


You'll notice the hotspots are BKK and surroundings, Chonburi (Pattaya), Chiang Mai and Phuket. No big surprise. A bit surprised about the provinces bordering Malaysia. That bad down there?


I must be missing something. I'd have thought the provinces coloured in Red would represent the hot spots.

All I can get from that map is that the province of Chon Buri has had 81 cumulative infections since the beginning. 

Trying to zoom in or move that map is next to useless as well. I end up having to refresh the whole page, zoom a little, zoom a little more, can't move/recenter the map, no information shown, give up, refresh again. And when you click on a province it tells you nothing (or you get a box saying something like Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri Province, 2004).



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32 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

I must be missing something. I'd have thought the provinces coloured in Red would represent the hot spots.

Maybe some sort of relative coloring according to province total population? Not sure. The darker ones have more cases. I looked at the table in the right.


Raw data is from here: https://data.go.th/en/dataset/covid-19-daily and it only has province level resolution in most cases (Some have amphoe). MoPH would obviously have more refined data - not public.

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I think Thailand is doing far more greater job than many other countries in the world.
I own a condo in Pattaya and i received email from condo managment that all residents can have a free covid-19 test, paid by thai goverment.
This was some sort of contact tracing i quess, since there was confirmed case living in the building earlier which was informed also earlier by email..

Did not take test because not in the country at the moment,,

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2 minutes ago, thaitero said:

I own a condo in Pattaya and i received email from condo managment that all residents can have a free covid-19 test, paid by thai goverment.

Sure, if you got symptoms and there was somebody who is confirmed positive in the condo building, which I suppose there then has been (which condo building?):



Otherwise, no dice.

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8 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Sure, if you got symptoms and there was somebody who is confirmed positive in the condo building, which I suppose there then has been (which condo building?):



Otherwise, no dice.

It was Unixx

Annoucments did not say one should have symptoms


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1 hour ago, J Town said:

Because they don't care what the human cost is. Dr. Oz was on that horrible state propaganda tv station saying "Schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3%, in terms of total mortality."


How in ANY normal universe is it acceptable to lose 2-3% of a country's children for the sake of money? Are we really turning into a "Hunger Game" world?

There has been a significant reduction in road deaths involving children and young healthy people during this lock down proving that law enforcement can be used to save many lives yet little priority has been put on this.We have lived with the Hunger Road Games for far to long we've come to accept it as a way of death.Even the flu here in Thailand is 50 times more deadly than Covid19 yet again nothing is done that compares to the effort of the Sars Cov 2 outbreak in Thailand.Hunger Games?Yes indeed.Do you or have you care/d about the flu fatalities here in Thailand for the past 10 years?If not you are as bad as those at whom your finger points. 

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All the specialists on here again, including Khun Thailand.

The authorities are well into looking at being able to start opening up the country slowly but

carefully & looking at many models to try & avoid a relapse, reinfection, call it what you like as in Japan.

This is proving to be  very detrimental to peoples mental wellbeing which is under enormous strain already.

I am sure that is understood by most sensible people & I am one who would benefit greatly by being able to open tomorrow but when open do not want to have to close for maybe 6 months again after 6 weeks down the track if they get it wrong

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:


Number of people turned away from hospitals because they are full?


Yeah, didn't think so.

Where are the full hospitals? 

Where are the refer trucks full of dead bodies?... 


Yeah, I didn't think so...

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31 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

There has been a significant reduction in road deaths involving children and young healthy people during this lock down proving that law enforcement can be used to save many lives yet little priority has been put on this.We have lived with the Hunger Road Games for far to long we've come to accept it as a way of death.Even the flu here in Thailand is 50 times more deadly than Covid19 yet again nothing is done that compares to the effort of the Sars Cov 2 outbreak in Thailand.Hunger Games?Yes indeed.Do you or have you care/d about the flu fatalities here in Thailand for the past 10 years?If not you are as bad as those at whom your finger points. 

The death toll in the US has just passed the 2018-2019 deaths due to flu. That was a WHOLE YEAR of deaths compared to several months and the number continues to rise. The swift rate of transmission is the truly frightening aspect of Covid-19, and I don't believe ANY statistics EVER used from Thai sources.

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10 minutes ago, Hockeybik said:

Where are the full hospitals? 

Where are the refer trucks full of dead bodies?... 


Yeah, I didn't think so...

I just had a relative admitted to a hospital in San Jose, California, and though it's only a sample of one hospital, she reported it was not heavy traffic at all. Now, California acted swiftly in checking the spread. There ARE "refer" trucks in some places hit harder by the virus.

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4 minutes ago, J Town said:

Live feed interview with Dr. Tanarak Plipat who just reported over half of Thailand, 38 provinces, have not performed any testing over the last 14 days. Money plays into it, 2000 baht per test.

The one from Foreign Correspondent's Club? I'm looking at a recording in twitter. I hope they do a transcript.

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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

The one from Foreign Correspondent's Club? I'm looking at a recording in twitter. I hope they do a transcript.

Yeah, that's the one. Still on. This guy appears to be the Thai Dr. Fauci. Very reasonable, very logical. And his voice doesn't sound like he's gargling rocks.

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4 minutes ago, J Town said:

Yeah, that's the one. Still on. This guy appears to be the Thai Dr. Fauci. Very reasonable, very logical. And his voice doesn't sound like he's gargling rocks.

Let's hope he doesn't suddenly disappear CCP - style.


 A lot of it seems to be about lack of money for the testing.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

The FCCT interview is quite interesting. Dr. Plipat is on the ball, but had to navigate a minefield when questioned about testing. No real new details into the state of the invisible background data.

He did state that they are or will test every case of pneumonia but I didn't get the impression they test the father in law who died from a lung infection which was posted in another thread yesterday unless a lung infection isn't considered pneumonia.I guess a few pinches of salt should be taken with what he said though he did qualify that the individual doctors would be using their own discretion.  

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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